What do liberals mean with being open minded?

What do liberals mean with being open minded?

The liberal motto ought to be : nothing is shameful.

be fucking tolerant you shit heads

It means that if a conservative comes to your university you welcome them and listen to their point of view... oh wait.

What is it with liberals and incessant cursing? They use it outside insult and shock so much it's annoying.

Like seriously? "Be fucking weird"?

Liberals are all kid diddlers.

it pretty much means be open to gay/queer stuff

and anti-white

Let your brain fall out so kikes can fill it.

Only my opinion matters.

open minded enought so your brain has already fell off

Read Ted's manifesto. It mentions how liberals are insecure, feel weak, think anyone else is weak and oppressed, and hate the beautiful and successful people. So, they say this and believe everyone should be a weak, morbid, sloppy failure and flaunt it.

Bet you any money the person who made that image is a fat girl.

They mean you should always take heed of propaganda like a good goy and never question mainstream opinions.

Let your gf cuck you

Incorrect. Sitting between two trans Demi snowflake queers with your legs spread too far apart should make you ashamed.

Or being privileged by virtue of being born a CIS, white, male.

Let universities brainwash you, while putting you in five figure debt.

Think original position according to rawls

this and only this

My language isn't exactly the cleanest, but why do leftists feel the need to shove profanity into every sentence?

>when you use the f-word you know that it's real talk.

Let the most retarded, obnoxious, vulgar, and immoral things enter your mind and accept them. Reject tradition. That's what they mean.

Liberalism = Atheism = Nihilism

Follow everything to its logical end.

They mean "Destroy the civil society."

>Be fucking weird
>Be fucking positive
Is that why you have to use fucking in every sentence?

I wonder who were the 4% of black women who voted for Trump?

I should also add something since brings up a good point.

Liberals, viewing themselves as subconsciously weak, also want others to be brought down to their level. In the sense of "letting yourself go and flaunting it" they want successful people to do the same, thus eventually leading you to be an ugly, fat, sack of failure, you end up being cucked and left to be alone.

Always do the opposite of what women say, and always do the opposite of what Jews say.

Liberals/hippies ruined being open minded for everybody else. Being open minded is just a way to objectively look at everything without putting negative bias into your thinking.
Being open minded turns someone into an above average intelligence individual into a super smart one.

>Is that why you have to use fucking in every sentence?

It's how they show that they're big kids now.

The religion section does not specify race, so I can only assume actual Christians voted for Trump, rather than the "need mo money fo dem programs" niggers.

>be open minded

Except when it comes to contrary political views

They have no problem throwing women, POC, gays, transfolk, under the bus, call them 'traitors' or 'uncle toms' or whatever.

This. Liberals twisted the phrase. It's new meaning is "accept degeneracy and propaganda"

It's funny that liberals keep claiming tolerance when what they really want is complete acceptance. We had tolerance for a long time.

>my religion doesn't accept your homosexuality, but I'll tolerant you.
> OMG you FuKKin HomOPObe!! You FuKKin Nahze!!

Fuck fags.

being open minded= being a heterosexual man but letting men fuck you in the ass

being hateful= having thoughts outside of the core values and ideals of liberals

They want people to open their minds so much that reason and logic fall out and leftist rhetoric can be easily transplanted

Open minds are like open legs, super ready for raping. Wtf is wrong with having a code

Keep an Open Anus, user.

Gaping asshole

Gay lovers.

Be passive and have no morals.

Literally exactly what the statement says - Be more open minded.

>What do liberals mean with being open minded?

Open the gates.

Let the Demons in.

Let all sense fall out.

>'Call me Legion'

but there are no pigs left to cast them into... because Liberal-land is Halal and Shariah complaint so as to not offend their "refugees"


It means embrace sin.

closet homosexuals and trolls will think of things that involve their dick or someone elses dick. Be open minded to other ideas and ways of life. Learn about other religions culture and history.


>2 of these things aren't like the others

Being open minded means believing whatever the media/shit culture tells you to believe

masculinity and foresight are shameful to leftists



>stand for nothing fall for anthing

Freedom and liberty mean strict conformity to whatever the right-wing extremists say is proper and appropriate.

Any liberal types of "freedom" are expressly sneered at and cannot be tolerated.

Dawkins made a great analogy to the stupidity surrounding open mindedness, what open mindedness should be is receptive to all information analysing the information and making the best call as a result. What it's often touted as is the willingness to accept anything.

Take a chef who knows an ingredient is poison and serving it will kill everyone who eats it, the radical left will say go ahead, be open minded.

they mean "stop thinking and accept whatever I tell you as true."

Open-mindedness means "willingness to consider something you don't believe before you accept or reject it" but liberals think that it means "willingness to accept literally anything as true without considering it at all just because I am correct and this is what I believe."

Eating small amounts of poison and increasing the dosage over time is how you create immunity.

>just because I am correct and this is what I believe
Or just because a consensus of paid off scientists/celebrities purport so on controlled media outlets.

>but muh polar bears
>muh climate
>leonardo dicaprio was in that movie with obama! (chill president would totally have a beer with)

They think it makes them sound adult and serious.

It means "the ability to learn", something conservakikes don't have.

When a liberal says 'be fucking open minded', they aren't referring to themselves, they're commanding that everyone else be open to the liberal's points of view and not the other way around.

Why you might ask? Well it's very simple. They believe they are on the right side of history, so their outlook is the only correct one.

There's another simpler and more accurate abel for people like this.


So trump supporters?

well to be fair, now you're getting into some much more difficult territory. If most experts in a field agree that something relevant to their field is true, that's usually a very good indication that it is true. Because the burden of proof is on the party making the positive suggestion of an idea, anthropocentric climate change is a very strong argument. The fact is that if you are a climate denier, YOU now have the burden of proof to demonstrate that the experts are either wrong or lying. They have fulfilled their burden of proof. If you reject the proof, you must have a more intelligent reason than "I reject it because I want to reject it."

Atheism, Nihilism, and Liberalism are correlated, but not the same thing.
Believing in ghosts, or god, or talking teapots is not required to be a moderate or conservative.

What it's really code for is that you must accept the beliefs of those with equal or greater social capital or fear ostracization.

"Open minded" is basically accepting all the weird stuff and new ideas without judging, not flat out denying things that are too different and going against your core ideas.

But without any wisdom or reason to balance this trait out, "open minded" basically means a trashcan without a lid.

Open minded means that nobody should be able to disagree with their views

>open minds

Lol you fags are permanently stuck sucking spains cock and worshipping a statue. Kind hard to open your minds unless its with an ak or chainsaw

Silently accept everything I tell you

Anal sex.

They're talking about anal sex.

One way to open their mind is to suicide with a bullet to the head.