>claiming to be redpilled
>works a 9-5, boring, meaningless job
>justifies it by saying that they 'have to', or 'can't get something better' or 'needs the money' like it pays well.
It's always weird to me when people do this.
>claiming to be redpilled
>works a 9-5, boring, meaningless job
>justifies it by saying that they 'have to', or 'can't get something better' or 'needs the money' like it pays well.
It's always weird to me when people do this.
Well how the fuck do I not starve?
A man can't live on memes alone.
We live in a world where people can make money from playing video games all day. I'm sure you could find something you like doing if you put your mind to it. Anyone could start a business, learn a craft, anything.
>Not creating money out of air
>Not day trading
>Not currency trading
>Not Body trading
I work in a field I find intellectually interesting, if not outright inspiring. I make well above the average income for my nation, and I'm able to provide for my white wife and three white children by doing so.
Are you trying to say everyone working in any professional field is a cuck?
Good for you, bro. Breaking the chains.
>I work in a field I find intellectually interesting
No, i'm talking about 9-5 wageslaves doing a job they hate, datamining for Mr. Shekelstein and justifying it by saying they can't find better.
Body trading, what like organs for dough?
How the fuck do I do that with $200 to my name
>not printing money
>not selling organs
>using anything other than barter
>angry wagecuck
Are you shitposting on company time, Jenkins? That's your second verbal warning. Next time it's a written disciplinary!
9-to-5 as an anatomical pathologist is pretty decent famalam
But I agree for most people it's shit
you mean like basically every single person in japan
Work a solid stable job with an excellent benefits package. Younger employees, I mold in my own image. Job stress nonexistent, no feminist bullshit and even the black dudes are old redpilled combat veterans.
Also, if The Final Happening ever comes, we are going to empty out the supply closet and the ammo bunker.
no wasting your life to line the pockets of goldstein is the ultimate bluepill cuckage. don't have a family if you cant provide for them without being goldsteins cuck
ive been doing youtube for money cuz i never wanted to work a "real job" but I'm gonna start working full-time at a bank because it's consistent money. only for a year or so tho, saving up so I can travel.
Sure. Like 90-95% of the population. Did you think i'd get somehow offended if you brought the flag into this?
>saving so I can travel
Make sure you stick to this plan. So many wagecucks get roped into never following those dreams, you know.
what do you do?
no. i love japan they have 24 hr abura soba
Are there really that many people doing as you describe? I mean, it's a trope on Sup Forums, sure. But do you think there's a lot of people out there without families, no children, single and working 9-5 for subpar money doing nothing going nowhere?
Seems like something people wouldn't put up with, if you ask me.
I slave away to pay my keep and do my bit, because I'm not a parasite
I have $17,000 in the bank and don't know what to do with it, bls help me m80s so I don't have to be a wagecuck
>Are there really that many people doing as you describe?
Most people do this, user. They put up with it because they tell themselves there's "nothing out there" or they "don't have time to look for better".
It's a situation that most people end up in, to the extent that they think it's rare to do a job you don't hate.
you sound like a cuck to me.
Not my area, i'm afraid. There's a traderbro floating around here somewhere though
Here's another question wise Japanese man.
I'm at around 650k US in the bank, looking to move somewhere soon. Most of my work is done remotely, consultations and designs.
I've never really travelled, but the wife/kids want to live somewhere foreign; we've considered Japan. Would you suggest it, for a middle/middle-upper "in-demand industry" professional white family/male?
Or would you suggest somewhere else?
Obviously it makes sense to start a side gig for extra income, but you can't just quit your job without already having steady income established.
Being vague on purpose, I work for the Department of Defense. Retired infantry officer turned civilian employee.
Japan is okay, but expensive. If you are getting paid dollarydoos you might want to try China, because in some of the nicer areas you could rent a lovely big apartment and live well.
However, you can't buy property there, so perhaps try thailand. With this kind of money you could buy a house near the beaches in the north, where the tourists don't plague the area, and sit back making fat cash and paying very little in life expenses.
If you need home comforts, though, you're looking at Japan or South Korea, the most expensive options.
>not having a job where you like what you're doing
>not being content having a consistent schedule and good salary
>not enjoying the American dream by owning a nice home on the outskirts of a medium sized city
should have made better life decisions then, zogbot.
Pretty sure you have to be employed by a Japanese company to immigrate.
Also if your kids are school aged the language barrier will be very difficult for them to overcome.
I wish I could work a 9-5. All I have is a 11-6 job.
Most people start out small, you build it up
>yfw when panhandlers make more money than you wagecucks
if you don't want people to recognize you just buy a disguise (beard/hat/glasses) and claim to be a veteran
combine food stamps, panhandling, not paying taxes, doing unethical (but not illegal) things for money, and charities you're making equivalent to 25$/hour
ITT: based jap inspires Sup Forumslacks to be ubermensch
Your doing gods work my friend
I have a friend who spent a summer playing grand strategy games on twitch and talking about history while he did it.
He got enough to put a down-payment on his house.
>body trading
It have nothing else to do in my life, without my job i would die because of boredom.
I pity you that you cannot rise above this. Do you have no skills, no abilities that enable you to work for yourself, as all men should?
Why do you have no honour, Germany? What was it that took your fangs?
>wagecuck detected
Muh murkan dreem