Fantastic writeup on NEETs by the Washington Toast
How the fuck do we fix this?
Fantastic writeup on NEETs by the Washington Toast
How the fuck do we fix this?
>Just what role, if any, these nonworking men played in Donald Trump’s election is unclear.
And I stopped reading there. What a shit rag.
i dunno.... there were a lot of worthless bernie bros and nig nogs who sure as fuck aren't working. however the difference between them and the trump supporters is that trumpsters actually a good job and the american dream.
>look at all those jobless losers voting for more jobs lol
Trump won in part because MSM journalists are all stuck in the narcissistic twitter recursive mirror. They were exposed to autistic neets online and reported on them, thinking they could use it to harm Trump, but it backfired when they forget literally the rest of America doesn't care aside from 10,000 online autists.
The only story about NEETs and Trump is that America is tired of "free market" exploitation by the financial industry that has led to economic decline and the abandonment of the taxpayer.
>why aren't the goy working? especially the ones on disability?
>t. a Jew who has never worked a hard day in his life
He wants to know why they aren't "breadwinners." Who are they winning bread for? Women work in easier jobs and marriage is a huge liability for men. Funny how the drop out of men in the work force coincides exactly with the women's liberation movement.
our time is up as the big dog, guys. the spotlight is moving to /r9k/ soon
Well if Obummer was creating more job then you know, it may not be the same.
Don't let women conduct job interviews where they only let people "they have a click" with through
((HR)) was a mistake.
Last interview I was on I was asked what kind of animal I would like to be.
It was for an entry level accounting/finance related position.
Needless to say, I did not get that job.
Well HR is pretty much the worst thing in the world for business. HR's main function is to trash any resume that gives even the slightest impression that an applicant isn't completely blue pilled.
>implying Sup Forums is not chock full of NEETs such as myself
I landed a job that's about the same because I filled in a questionaire and the job "fit" with me
no kidding, the questionaire was basically 12 questions with 4 GIFs eachother, expressing a different emotions and the question were stuff like "missing a deadline" or "having to work in team"
That "Liberation" lead to a new set of shackles though. And it is crushing them long before they realize how heavy those shackles really are.
The fact he spun this article into anything having to do with Trump is bullshit. It was apropos to nothing.
>Not Choosing an Owl
>Not Choosing a Wise Observer but also having sharp talons to rip and tear apart prey
Inb4 Minerva pointout
Why the discrimination? Why not include women?
Yeah, now they have to be men and all the bullshit they were fed by romantic comedies and Eat, Pray, Love turned out to be a lifestyle that leaves them barren and miserable.
because there's no cultural tabboo about unemployed women unless they're single mothers
>not choosing a frog
Human resources needs to gtfo
It's pretty much all women making posters and playing queen bee shit.
HR pretty much makes any dispute within the company a huge deal where both parties suffer from HR getting involved.
>"Who will pay for our Retirement Pensions?" the article.
Fuck the Boomers for creating this mess! They aren't concerned about the future, but themselves at this point, if they cared about the country, they would have created a stable system, but oh no, they only cared about their retirement funds instead.
Because they have dropped out at a slightly lower rate and, on the whole, they have only been working for a few decades out of all of human history.
I'd probably be a cat or bear, kek.
Also this could have been a lot more interesting - they didn't even touch on any of the cultural aspects of these decisions, like the obvious feminizing of the workplace, etc. Instead, they choose to mention pill use? Kind of a shit read.
fake news
Why would you have the motivation to work when you're disillusioned with the world?
NEETs are a symptom not a cause.
Good point.
>Interaction Engineer
What the fuck.
And, yeah, HR is fucking terrible. I work for a very large American company and those cunts are always ruining any attempt at fun. Not a single male -- not even a fag -- in the entire department.
You do realize how much the left now sees Frogs as equivalent to Alt-Right because of us and others like us?
Kek has spoken.
Why would you want to work in a toxic environment like that? Definitely stick with frog. You're shopping for the employer who gets it, user.
>hurrr is it declining wages?
>durrrr is it wellfare benefits?
Maybe they were just told they were worthless for 20 years, taught everything bad was their fault, shamed, guilted, taught that caring about anything was futile, that accomplishing anything was vain, that pride was some outdated primitive concept. Maybe a toxic culture betrayed them and broke them.
> You're shopping for the employer
What fantasyland are you living in?
>interaction engineer
> I did not get that job.
Should've said honey badger or narwahl or some other meme animal desu
There are people who insisted Obama already fixed the economy.
t. loser neet who can't be bothered to get a fucking job
If you are not in this position, you just suck. Or your spec sucks. Bad build, no reset.
I'm a 6'2 white CIS male, and have been thinking about completely fucking with large corporations and agencies hiring processes by applying and saying "I gender-identify woman who also racially-identifies as African, a lesbian sexual orientation, and Muslim faith".
Anyone who tried to argue with me or doesn't fire me would obviously be being a bigot and discriminating against me for being different.
It seems worth pointing out how retarded this entire affirmative-action PC bullshit is going, might be worth the lulz
>pride was some outdated primitive concept
This. I distinctly remember this being implied to me.
Then later, I realised that pride is 99% of the reason why anyone does anything. All those fucking career feminists are big bags of pride. And I'd given my pride away out of some cucked desire to be "a good man".
Pride is a sin. If you would like to indulge, you are welcome among Satanists.
>pride is a sin
This bullshit has been perpetuated by (((them))) for centuries to keep down individualism.
Reminder that 70% of all HR workers are female. If you ever experience discrimination based on gender or race, it's probably because of a woman.
would probably work at liberal arts colleges or certain activist companies.
lots of small business owners are just as redpilled as we are.
>lots of small business owners are just as redpilled as we are.
I would only try this at big blue chip/pilled companies / government branches where they force the diversity quotas. I am talking the ones that make +25billion in revnue per year, where hiring a $100k a year "alternative diverse person" would be nothing, and having a litigation by in the papers for discrimination in this PC age would be bad for them too
I'd never try this bullshit insanity on actual real small business just trying to stay open and keep going.
How many of these articles do (((they))) pump out per week? This shit isn't reporting on trends, it's a fucking demoralization campaign. Don't fall for it, lads.
>sorry, we don't hire manlets
>grown men to function as breadwinners
Australian here. To be above middle class husband AND wife need to have career jobs. The GFC gave the employee market massive surplus and business's are mostly only hiring part time staff and can ask for +2 years experience for entry level positions because they know there will be 50 people who can do it.
HR, when it was called "Personnel", served important services for a company - hiring, firing, benefits, and company policy.
Thanks to a flood of C average female college graduates in worthless degrees like "Psychology" or "Liberal Arts", they found jobs for them by inventing things for them to do, and renamed the department "HR".
Now, they serve as behavioral police, dispute arbitration (skewed towards management), and do the dirty work of teh execs, like facilitating layoffs. They also spend most of their time in "training", flying all over the world for conferences on how to make life more inconvenient for employees.
Every HR department I've worked with is utterly useless. They disregarded deadlines, showed up when they felt like it, would change their mind at the last minute, and most of the time couldn't be bothered to remember a dicussion you'd had the week previous. The last one I dealt with, the VP of HR, was in the office on average 3 days a month, she spent the rest of the month traveling from 4 star hotel to 4 star hotel, from Hawaii to Jamaica, getting 'training" in the latest fad in HR bullshittery.
One HR drone, a semi-cute girl who I tried to nail before she got in too deep, admitted to me that taking problems to them was discouraged, and that they would almost always take the side of management - if they got involved, they served as witnesses for any potential lawsuits. The employee is generally considered a troublemaker if they bring grievences, and it's preferred that they employee deal with their superior, even if that person is the problem.
It's filthy, and it's not going away any time soon.
But it's not why NEETs aren't working.
quads of quality
>and do the dirty work of teh execs
HR = the high school guidance counselors of the corporate world
I'm a NEET, I guess. I want a job, though, but it's hard to land one, because I'm older. Nobody will hire older people, because younger people will work harder, for cheaper. I don't want to take on a huge debt from college, and I'm not looking at going back to college when I'm twice as old or older than most of the students. And, after going into debt, facing the same issues I am now - they only hire young kids now.
I honestly don't know what to do. I've lived off a small inheritence, but I need a god damned job. I'm good at what I do, I'm not an aspie, I like to work, but nobody will hire me, even when I interview for jobs that are borderline not enough to survive on.
I don't want to be a NEET, but I've been forced into being one. Nobody asked me what the problem is, either. I'm a white male, I'm the most evil being ever born.
I'm seriously considering crime at this point. At least then, if I get caught, I'll have a roof over my head and meals in prison.
i'm in a similar boat being in my 30s. it fucking sucks. it seems like NEET time is more toxic on a resume than prison time.
i've been a stellar employee everywhere I've worked, moving up rapidly and getting top shelf reviews, but it's all meaningless when you have a few NEET years in your background.
>What’s not unclear
why not just say whats clear? what the fuck
Get an A+ certificate and a simple helpdesk job. You'll be able to easily land it, and it'll get you back on your feel.
I did that 6 years ago, now I'm management at a Fortune 100 company.
Fuck this article right in the ass. I love that they recommended making disability even harder to get on. As someone who finally broke down enough to go on it, it's fucking humiliating and makes you feel like shit every day. It took me 2 and a half years to finally get accepted and it took 5 medical experts, 3 of which were state hired to all agree that I was completely fucked.
The problem isn't disability, the problem are the jobs. I don't really know what the answer is. I have a degree in engineering and I'm pretty sharp, but schizophrenia fucks me pretty hard a lot of days. The problem is that no job will hire me if I'm fucking worthless 20% of the time, and I don't honestly blame them. However that means it's impossible to keep steady work, which means disability is the only option.
Why can't men compete with women?
>No diploma
>Tfw fucked up at life
Just end me desu.
That is untrue. You need to say you used that time traveling, learning about different cultures and the food those cultures bring. maybe you took care of an unhealthy family member and did charity work for organizations while helping that family member. There's so many ways to use holes in a resume. Cmon use your head.
diplomas can't even save us user.
move to germany and pretend to be a refugee from africa
Make a job rewarding, make it pay well and easy to get, like it was for baby boomers.
i don't need life advice from a 19 year old. all that has been tried, including things far far far more elaborate. until you have 4+ years of NEET time to account for while applying to professional jobs, you won't understand.
Why did you go NEET user?
Hi, can you tell me what your schizophrenia is like that makes it hard for you to keep a job? I'm diagnosed with it but I guess I'm high functioning, I guess. I'm not saying you should be working, I'm just curious.
Economics 101 for the mentally retarded
>implement tax cuts and deregulations
>takes years to come into effect
>economy grows
>party and president responsible for policies is voted out of office
>other party is in power and now presides over growing economy previous one created
but even that is not entirely accurate because there are other factors in play like the economy changing from new technologies. Bill clinton was a complete retard on economics and was the worst kind of tax and spend liberal. In fact hes the guy who raided Social security and replaced it with IOU's which is why SS is about to go insolvent and causing everyone to shit a brick. The reason why the economy did so well under Clinton was because the soviet Union collapsed and the Internet DOT-COM revoloution was underway.
In fact the growth of the 90's was badly stunted due to Clintons shitty policies.
George bush was a fucktard on economics as well because NeoLiberals Like Obama and Clinton are fundamentally no different than NeoConservativs like Bush and Cheney and when it comes to Foreign policy and domestic policy towards banks and corporations.
Obama's major series of fuckups was first to continue and expand the banker bailouts started under Bush and then he Federalized Student loans which sent Tuition prices skyrocketing and Created a Student Loan debt Bubble thats now even bigger than the 2007 Housing market bubble. He then let Hillary Clinton run his Foreign policy which resulted in Libya collapsing and Syria tearing itself apart from civil war due to foreign sunni jihadist getting money and guns from gulf states and Hillary Clinton.
Basically Obama is a stupid nigger who can barely practice law and only got through Harvard to fill a diversity quota and then got co-opted by the Chicago Mafia when he went into politics. He just did whatever his masters wanted him to do and had no fucking idea what was going on during his presidency much like George W Bush.
>worked at QA manager for tech hardware company
>decided that i'd rather have free time during my 20s than to work until i'm 70, get sick and die (or have other burdensome life obligations that prevents me from enjoying my life).
>quit tech job with proper two week notice, on good terms, etc.
You can't fix this.
They are the beautiful ones.
The rat society is about to devour itself.
I got same thing
firs thought was salt water croc but figured that sounded creepy so I went with eagle for murrica patriotism
I got the job
Then got fucked around with till I quit when the bitch found out I wasnt a faggot like the 3 other guys she hired
Been a NEET since I was 16, the only thing I regret now is that I'll probably end up homeless and can't keep it up.
>Not choosing Bald Eagle.
Assuming you aren't just being sarcastic, I have periods where my brain just completely shits out. I will forget what I'm doing every few minutes and just space out. I get confused so much easier now to the point where I can barely even do basic algebra in my head anymore(considering I was an engineer this makes me want to die).
I also have extreme paranoia problems in public spaces. I don't do strangers well at all unless i have someone I know and trust with me, and even then I struggle really hard. My brain screams at me that people are trying to kill me all around me while I'm in public. It makes being on my own at all fucking impossibly hard.
Also my meds and their side effects screw with me really badly. Sometimes I have insomnia for days, and then other times I sleep 18 hours a day. I feel ran down and shitty so often from them, and when I take dosages in the middle of the day I get sleepy and have to take a nap.
>2.41 MB png
>>The growing incapability of grown men to function as breadwinners cannot help but undermine the American family
The undermining of the American family has been happening for like 50 years.
Bar young families from moving outside of developed areas desu.
Either that or lower the age at which welfare considers someone as no longer dependent on their parents income to 18.
Right now if your parents decide to live in the middle of no where, with no job opportunities, but they don't want to support you until you find a job in a developed area, you're basically forced to be a neet.
That sounds pretty bad. I've had hallucinations since I was 4 years old. The first I've experienced was a guy on a poster blinking at me, and the worst was when I was 12 and a glowing white person was right in front of my face and it was well animated. I still have some hallucinations, but they aren't common and don't really inhibit me at all. I didn't get diagnosed until this year, and I'm 20, but only because my dad forced me to since I lost my job and have been basically giving up. I wouldn't have guessed I could be considered schizophrenic, so I guess I have it mildly. I have some negative symptoms, too. I'm a NEET right now but I guess I can handle a job even though I really don't want to, at all. It sounds like you don't have a choice, which really sucks.
>Greater joblessness is linked to “lower overall well-being and happiness, and higher mortality.”
>Greater joblessness is linked to “lower overall well-being and happiness, and higher mortality.”
>Greater joblessness is linked to “lower overall well-being and happiness, and higher mortality.”
>Greater joblessness is linked to “lower overall well-being and happiness, and higher mortality.”
>Greater joblessness is linked to “lower overall well-being and happiness, and higher mortality.”
>Greater joblessness is linked to “lower overall well-being and happiness, and higher mortality.”
Oh that's my problems while medicated yeah. When I'm off, I'm completely fucking insane. I hear shit 24/7 and I refuse to come out of my house. I feel like everyone close to me is somehow omnipotent and plotting in unison to make me look foolish and eventually force me to kill myself.
I know it sounds fucking insane, and it is. It actually feels entirely real and you just KNOW it's real when you aren't medicated. While medicated I only have hallucinations when I'm extremely tired or stressed out, but the paranoia sticks.
The main thing that eats at me is how little I feel anymore. It's like a constant numbness at least half the time. Like when people say they are bored, I don't even feel boredom. It's like if I was stuck in a room I would be ok with just staring at a wall for 8 hours because my mind doesn't even tell me that anything is bad or unpleasant about it. After I was diagnosed and was struggling with it, I hung myself one day simply because it felt ok to do so. I didn't want to be a drain on society and the economy, and because I'm retarded the door handle just kind of came off that I was hanging from after a minute or so. I only go on now because my family and wife was really upset about it. I hate feeling it, but I barely even feel anything for her anymore either, but I know I make her happy somehow, so I stay because it gives me a purpose and I feel comfort somewhat from knowing she feels happy.
Dude. Nice quads.
>not being a wageslave can only result in people being more stressed and living worse lives - signed schlomo bagelgoldstein
Start a bep/cap user, learning a manual skill is redpilled and belive me a lot more fulfilling than working in some office
I'm definitely less emotional than the average person. When my mother died when I was 12, I basically didn't care at all, despite me not having reasons to dislike her. I don't take medication that the doctor prescribed me because I didn't notice a difference and I don't want to fuck my brain. I've been mildly paranoid throughout my life, but never scared for my life. I've been having suicidal thoughts lately and I'm basically thinking that I'm done with life since there's no point and nothing is enjoyable to me anymore and nothing feels worth the effort.
>You are a unique snowflake and destined for special and amazing things.
>15 years later
>Why don't you want to work a shit job/marry some shlub and raise kids.
We were sold a boomer fantasy as children and this is the hangover. A lot of traditional sources of support/meaning have been torn down at the same time. We are alienated, its the same shit people were writing about 100 years ago but worse.
>tfw work by myself 95% of the time.
>tfw go weeks without a real conversation.
>tfw coked up so I cant focus enough to watch a fuckin movie
>tfw on Sup Forums
I don't know about you lads but I have no incentive to work.
I don't want to bring kids into a dying civilisation, I don't want to spend my time catering to the wishes of a woman and I don't want to work hard to make a lot of money to spend on 'fun' because there's nothing really worth doing that isn't affordable with on welfare.
I feel like one of those calm resigned mice, 'the beautiful ones', in that experiment:
Why are jews linked to bagels?
That's some bullshit man bagels are delicious. Fuckin' jews ruin everything.
>Calling a schizophrenic person edgy
Eh maybe, maybe not. If he actually is how he says, one of the hallmark symptoms of schizophrenia is anhedonia. Also one of the more common negative symptoms reported is emotional detachment and it usually is noted when a family member or friend dies, the person either feels nothing or experiences the incorrect emotion(uncontrollable laughing).
Sleep snug pige
It's really not just the wages. It's the general disconnectedness from society.
Many NEETS, and not just "NEETS" but men in their 20s-30s I know don't even feel like they can openly voice their opinion about everyday things, much less controversial politics. I seriously think that liberal propaganda and the paranoid narcissism of social media caused mass brain damage and I don't know if it can be undone.
I know guys who will have a cute chick basically offer herself up and they still do nothing. I've seen grown men freeze up and not be able to talk about (fairly benign) social issues because other people had different opinions. There are There are actually scores of employment and political and investment opportunities all around and many young American men just don't want them. It's like whole parts of the Millennial brain have been wiped out.
Maybe videogames? Porno? Drugs? Television childhood? Liberal propaganda? The negative view of the future portrayed in all culture? The estrogens in our diet? The lack of a military draft? Massive institutional misandry? The sum of modernity has been devastating to young men and I'm sure the only thing that can undo it is a massive upheaval, a happening on a scale the World hasn't seen in generations.
I know it cause I more or less fit into this NEET category and I really see no reason to enter this "labor force." I lack motivation to do most things, and I think most social interaction is annoying and meaningless. I know many many others agree, they just don't want to admit it to themselves.
God help us.
>How the fuck do we fix this?
Good question...
I am of the opinion that NEETs are a symptom of a much larger problem - We are teetering on the brink of FUBAR.
I dont have to preach to Sup Forums about the degredation of traditional human life. We all see it, feel it, and to various degrees are emotionally effected by it.
Why are the vast majority of NEETs men? Because men were gifted with this little thing that drives us to fight for justice and defend the lives (both physical and emotional) of our loved ones.
(((They))) have distorted the playing field so far through their bullshit manipulation that men are faced with two options- assimilate (work, pay taxes to those that plot against you, have a bbq on weekends and talk about football) or, withdraw in a Ghandi like protest of this shit-the-bed bullshit. The average "man" chooses the former, NEETs choose the latter and are ostrocised for it.
The only way to change it and "fix this" is to literally burn our world to the ground (along with the vile scum) and start over. The alternative if we dont - become more and more slaves with less and less virtue as each generation passes until the time comes when we are all nothing more than animals in a cage, and that once beautiful gift is lost forever.
> (OP)
Na the article is actually pretty good, he just wantd to get the election shit out of the way so he put in in real quick.
keep reading.
I've gotten certifications. My background is in a field completely unrelated to help desk, and help desk jobs won't pay the rent around here - and I can't afford to move, my savings are gone.
My future is probably a couple of shitty part time jobs, renting a room with a bunch of other people. I've downsized as far as I can go. I've worked my ass off, went to college, worked for 15+ years in my field, spotless recommendations, awards, and I'm damned good at what I do. A help desk job? They won't hire me, they'll look at me and go "You'll quit in 3 weeks when a better job comes along." That's what retail has been telling me, trying to get a job to cover at least rent.
I worked my ass off, and because some fuckwad CEO's piledrove my company into the shitter and I got laid off, I'm fucked. It was all for nothing. NOTHING. No savings, no house, no career prospects, my future is serving millenials on their lunch break.
I might just bite the bullet, go back to school, and get a degree to teach what I do, and then hope they cancel out student debt in the future. At least I'll get 4 more years.
I should be cruising towards retiring. I'm in my most productive years. And it's not my fault. Telling me to start over and compete in a field I have no experience in, against kids and immigrants who can do it cheaper? Thanks, but it's not a realistic option.
>how fix
it's easy, kill all feminists (or at least stop funding and listening anyone who is a feminist)
Fix our retarded welfare handing out libcuck economy and make women less shit so we feel like working to obtain them again.
Advanced civilisation in general seems to lead to sub-replacement fertility across the globe.
I honestly think only artificial reproduction will be able to deal with this.
> Jobless losers with no relevant work skills
> Trump will convince employers to hire them and pay them "high wages" in a competitive market
Just lel. I can't wait to see this pile of shit experience the inevitable failure that comes with the position. I'll come back to this board and laugh my ass off as I watch Trump squeeze out a growth rate that's more or less the same as what we experienced under Obongo. It'll be interesting to see if this board actually drops him or if they continue supporting him simply because of his skin color.