DNA Force $135

Does this stuff actually work?

Quoted from Alex's website: "DNA Force is an advanced formula designed to help energize mitochondrial function, and sustain healthy cell cycles. It may also help regenerate the body's natural intracellular antioxidants."

I am looking to increase my health and slower my aging and increase my energy with a healthy mitochondria. I want to know if this stuff works and actually repairs damaged DNA cells for more focused energy and healthy living.

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Fuck no, you retard.

You should buy 10 bottles.

No its literally shill shit

This guy knows. And fucks.

What are the active ingredients?

He convinces idiots to buy his sham products, so he can continue putting out info for the people who don't fall for his bullshit VITAMALE

of course it doesn't you dumbass

it's literally just b12 in a bottle, that's it

no alex jones is a snake oil salesman


m8, this shit is unproducable anymore, buy all the bottles you can, Alex Jones only made a limited supply.

Holy fuck, people actually pay $135 for vitamin b complex, hahahahahaha

No, no one considers Marx any of that. He is legitimately considered to have offered the greatest critique of capitalism and that is very worthy of recognition.

50% off shipping if your a faggot!

It's made of DNA

>with a healthy mitochondria.
>a healthy mitochondria

No, it's bullshit, snake oil.

Except the water filters are probably actually good.

Our water treatment cleans water only up to "acceptable levels", and that's when it exits the water provider facility (the assumption is that the water pipes are clean, and they're not).
So there's a lot of shit (literally and figuratively) in your water that could be cleaned with a water filter.

Filters can't remove pharmaceuticals.

only distillation does that.

>Made of DNA
So it gets broken down by nucleases and doesn't do jack shit?

I only drink pure rainwater, and i gather snow in the winter and melt it down to drink

before this product all my thoughts were chicken and muh dick. now after I can not only read but actually wear a watch to keep track of time can't miss the stock updates!

There's a lot better ways to go about it.
Checkout longecity if you're interested in supplements.

I wouldn't buy pre-packaged stuff like that, it's usually garbage. When I buy supplements I usually buy them by the pound or kilogram and ideally they'll have nothing but the chemical/extract and a excipient like maltodextrin.
As for improving DNA things like biochanin A can reverse UV induced aging for example, it is a phytoestrogen though. I still take it cause I don't give a fuck lol

Globalists are attacking your DNA. Massive quantities of fluoride is being dumped into the water to lower your testosterone production and destroy your pineal gland.

Enjoy your dog piss


Tell me the active ingredients and I'll tell you what affect it will have.

t. Biomedical Major

It works about as well as this stuff.

It's probably just CoQ10 and the supposed "enzymes" probably just get destroyed in the stomach


here's the label

fuk u leaf

You can buy all that stuff like 1/100th the cost if you bought it all separately.

phytotherapy works, but this DNA force shit is useless

t. medical doctor

>Probably not enough resveratrol to do anything
>Digestive enzymes
>Random herbs
Don't know why I bothered to read this in the first place, most supps are trash

i know resvita and biopqq in it are legit

but those 2 alone still still run you about $60 per month but if you're physically active they are worth it but if you're a couch slob watching info wars 24/7 it'll be poitnless desu

or just go with the normal reverterol and pqq which are like $10 each

Supplements are alright if you make them yourself. The ones in stores are usually too low of a dosage to do anything either that or it's a bottle of like 60 and they'll say "take 2 pills a day 5 times per day" lol

Just buy bulk powders from China, or there's usually lots of bulk suppliers right in the US. I buy all my stuff from the US usually and it's a little more pricy than china but it's less sketchy.

i think he used to shill the berkeys, which are better than the propur. lab analysis confirms. berkey with fluoride filters are practically a necessity if your water supply is kiked.

It's not dry pressed though or synthetic.

what a fucking scammer.

I bought two bottles and my dick grew 3 inches

those digits

>Kosher certified
Your good to go goy.

Nice digits. Sieg heil.

What exactly are antioxidants and what are they good for?

>ITT: neets who don't know shit about non synthesized non-dry pressed nutrients.

This is the stupidest image I've ever seen. Like, what the fuck, do you think Marx just wrote down a list of ideas for running a country and that was it? He's the most influential economist of all time.

Nobody is forcing you to buy it. If you want to support the show you can donate directly via Paypal or buy a subscription to Prison Planet or buy a tshirt or belt buckle.

It just annoys me how people criticise him. The fact he sells this is the whole reason he's on air and gets to say whatever he wants. Even Breitbart has sponsors to answer to.

Britbongs have to pay a tv fee that goes to BBC, in the US every % of your cable bill goes to CNN, MSNBC etc whether you watch them or not. NY Times is owned by Carlos Slim Shady, Twitter is owned by Saudi Arabia.

Even if he was selling 100% fake crap it'd still more ethical than all of the above.

nice get, but you're wrong.

Here's the one for Super Male Vitality™


What are your favorite suppliers?


it isn't, that shit is not yet possible

da midiclhlorians

I've been using NutriCargo lately, but I'm still not 100% sure of their quality.
If you're not sure what you're buying email them and they can give you a CoA though. I asked about their Red Reishi extract and it's done with water only, not ethanol or dual extracted so it doesn't have the triterpenes unfortunately. I ended up buying the unextracted powder from them and it does seem to the correct stuff.
I've also bought isoflavones off them and they seem to be the correct stuff as well, has the same smell and colour as other suppliers I've bought off and off ones I got from aliexpress.

Another good one is bulkactives.com but they're just a small little outfit. But they're really nice people and unlikely to scam you. It's slow shpping though, they only process orders like once a week usually.

There's always amazon if you're not sure, also aliexpress. But of course any time you go through customs there's a chance it gets seized. You're bringing in a kilogram of misc powder and if they don't put the right documentation in then it's a shit show. That's why I like NutriCargo cause they use UPS business shipping which kind of pre-approves things to ship so it will for sure get through customs no matter what. If they ship by USPS you are taking a chance that customs will seize it. I'm not saying they seize cause it's illegal, it's just what they do for bulk supplements, it's annoying.

I really don't understand your logic. If I sell you magic beans and you buy them thinking they will grow into a 500 foot bean plant because I told you they would, am I not in the wrong there? In your other examples there is still a contract, whether physical or social, that one would have to sign in order to be charged for those services, meaning they presumably could understand the risk and where their money is going. In the case of Alex he is either wrong and consciously lying, or just delusional. Either way people are getting a product that doesn't do anything and in many cases are believing it will. I don't see how that doesn't warrant criticism.

Thanks! Appreciate the info. I do recommend looking into superfoods--I've really improved my health and they definitely help.

I take magnesium glycinate, melatonin, and vitamin D.


It's over priced stuff you can get at your local pharmacy without the fancy words and for cheaper
Even if it was SUPER you probably don't need it
Everything else in his store is good though except for the libertarian shit but that's them

Oh and by the way if you do the auto ship option you get the DNA force for $120 but it probably charges your card twice for both shipments.

>"designed to help"

Notice how its claims are ambiguous and not affirmative of what the product is guaranteed to do exactly?

Probably not, because you actually listened to Alex Jones and have the reading comprehension of a cucumber. I'll give you some credit for asking before buying, but seriously, stop rotting your brain with this shit if you want to be healthier.

If you're dumb enough to believe some of the stuff Alex Jones says then you're probably dumb enough to buy an over hyped bottle of cat piss that claims to have miracles in it for $135.

Alex knows a large percentage of his audience are gullible idiots who will believe anything and he's using that to his advantage to suck every last penny out of them.


tl;dr yeah it does a lot of good things but you can get it way cheaper elsewhere

It's fucking nothing.

It's a bunch of trademarked herbal blends and CoQ10. You would get better results drinking some tea.


I already eat pretty healthy. If I don't I find with being at university you pretty much get sick almost instantly. So I have to make sure my vitamin/mineral intake is pretty high as well as my antioxidants. I hardly ever get sick anymore though.
I've been contemplating adding astanxthin algae to my routine though. I still have some old dual extracted red reishi that I eat but I just got my 1kg of red reishi from nutricargo this week so I'll probably eat that in addition. I might ethanol+water extract it myself if I can find a cheap soxhlet extractor.

I don't really trust all these "trademarked" brand extractions. It seems like you pay a huge fee just for a worthless standardization. I'd rather just rely on averages and pay 1/10th the price but consume a bit of harmless plant matter in the process.

Checked you fuckin nazi

Yeah it cures things man.



Lol he was a sociologist. In fact he was the father of sociology, nothing he wrote about was even close to economic theory. The fact you don't even know this proves you've hardly read any of his writing, or if you've read them but did not know this difference, proves you're as retarded as most socialist/communists typically are.

chlorella is better

I can get a gravity water filter somewhere else.

thanks hitler

Influential doesn't mean positive. Stalin and Mao were extremely influential, but that influence wasn't good.

>Buying shit from Alex Jones

Doesn't seem very well proven though.


Shut up, Alex

If you've got money to blow may as well give it a try

If not just eat a healthy diet and quit smoking if you do and keep the drinking to a minimum

His critiques are valid in theory but his ideas of communism and sociology have all failed miserably and are idealism, or a sociological tool of the devil.

It's full of shit. Literally snake oil.

But; the interesting thing to consider is why the people that make that junk... targeted Alex Jones's show to advertise it.

It must really be like we need to target this product to the stupidest most gullible audience we can find...



I think even alex jones realises this, but funding is funding.

That said the guy has been suprisingly right about things in 2016. Just shows how crazy 2016 is I guess.

I got an idea user, you should take a bunch of pills that fuck with your DNA that you bought from the queen of conspiracy theories

>He's the most influential economist of all time

That would be John Keynes

Karl Marx's economic ideas have been shown time and again to end not just in economic collapse but also societal collapse which leads to a strongman coming to power to try to hold things together

Same can be said for race.

That stuff sounds pretty good, where can I buy it?

>people actually fall for this
LMAO don't forget to buy alphabrain

>It's full of shit. Literally snake oil.
What about BioPQQ do you feel is crap? I'm under the impression you don't know what you're talking about.


>not Adam Smith

>infowarriors are stupid easily fooled morons
Who would have thought

just go to CVS you shithead

it is literally made from snakes?

>24 days worth
>not even a whole month

Top rort

ehh no, reverse osmosis does it too

t. guy who has carnivorous plants

>doesn't know that all CVS vitamins are synthetic and not real
Jesus, this thread is like watching a bunch of kindergartners interpreting Mozart.


As a molecular biologist, i can attest to its benefits.

D..does this snake oil work Sup Forums?