Do you feel sorry for liberals yet? Every single day of their lives they have to face the reality that they lost and their ideology is dying. Everywhere they go now the silent majority triggers them and Obama won't be there to give them a voice in a few weeks. Press F to pay respects.
Do you feel sorry for liberals yet...
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Which one of you did this?
You may have won this round hicks, but in 4 years Democrats will sweep after the disaster of Trump's presidency. Love WILL Trump hate and a true progressive will be in the White House to clean up the mess.
We know we can win if we exert ourselves. We'll win again. 4 years is a long time.
doesn't he mean his wife's son
>Every single day of their lives they have to face the reality that they lost and their ideology (that was killing the West) is (hopefully) dying.
>Do you feel sorry for liberals yet?
No I do not.
>Do you feel sorry for liberals yet?
Absolutely not.
Look what they're doing with the election recount scam.
This is just what everyone wanted right before Christmas. Another two weeks of ugly, divisive election drama. Just when you thought it was over.
They are truly evil people.
I do not feel sorry for them. Too many other things to feel genuinely sorry about.
>after the disaster of Trump's presidency
he isn't going to do anything. a couple billion for a wall is chump change. we spent more on the DARE program. its a pet project.
everything else is going to be boring tax code changes and tweaks to trade deals. obama care is going to get changed a bit, but not repealed.
he's going to be boring af. he will mostly be known for shitposting on twitter.
I live in a city, earn more than you working for a fortune 100 company, and haven't had a red neck since I was 16 and stopped playing competitive soccer. I ride public transport daily to my job downtown, and am generally unremarkable in every way physically speaking. You'd never guess I'm a trump supporter.
I'm about as far from a hick as you can get, including voting record, and I voted trump because I like his stance on the economy and immigration. The silent majority is more diverse than you've been led to believe.
>Im sorry billy but your dad is a faggot.
mein sides.
only a faggot would cry about being called a faggot
>a true progressive will be in the White House
I'll take it.
Next time you try to depict an imaginary life, it's Fortune 500, not 100.
4 LONG years cuck
at least. just think of it, 4 years of a Trump presidency with Republican House and Senate to cater to his every whim.
>do you feel sorry yet?
No sir, I do not
You realize that quite a few of us aren't "hicks" right, not to mention, I know quite a few "hicks" who earn far more than you probably do.
Not everyone who lives in countryland is poor.
Your so poorly educated you can't tell which number is bigger then the other. Hillary won the popular vote
>muh 3 gorrillion illegal votes
Please provide a PRIMARY source for that assertion
You realize that quite a few of us aren't "hicks" right, not to mention, I know quite a few "hicks" who earn far more than you probably do.
Not everyone who lives in countryland is poor, damn it.
> Fortune 500, not 100.
Frenchy Frenchy Frenchy - you're out of your depth. Fortune 100 are the top 100 companies of the Fortune 500. I think you can use any number, including Fortune 1000 although people care less the bigger the number of course.
There are F100 companies. You're an idiot.
I work for one as hell, btw. All it means is that it is considered among the top 100 wealthiest or the top 500 wealthiest companies. Its just a listing that Fortune magazine puts out - most banks, etc, consistently make the top 100 rankings.
Now I realize you're truly an idiot. Please come back when you've actually accomplished something with your life.
>the silent majority
Daily reminder that electoral colleges =/= the majority
>crying over being called a word
Wow he really is a faggot
Kek. You're embarrassing yourself, user
They have been in power and around the major players since the end of WW2 pushing the left curse on us all! They have totally ruined western civilisation and mite have us in a civil war for our own western world ! Fuck them! And we all know if civil war comes they will join the winning side
If you liberal leftist fucks never won another victory until your collective genocide via childless old age I would only find peace in that fact.
Fuck yourself faggot
Talk to me once every state has counted absentee ballots.
I'm a liberal, and Obama was never my voice. He's a globalist neo-con like most establishment Dems. Watching Trump come back and win my home state of PA was euphoric, and I'm glad we lost. I lost good friends because I switched from Bernie to Trump, and I'm now realizing it's the liberals who are full of hate and projecting themselves onto others.
It sucks having liberal political views with no one GOOD to represent them, but I'm used to it.
is that faggot crying?
Sweet, no one calls it the fortune 100. Shouldn't you be bangin mad bitches in a bed of money right now?
Love is trumping hate though. You hate for all things western
>It sucks having liberal political views with no one GOOD to represent them
That's because your views suck along with the people who represent them.
I'll never understand this. Trump is essentially the opposite of Sanders. Sounds like you need to get your ideology straight.
Its was in front of his wifes son so its ok
I don't agree with Trump on much, but he has good intentions and genuinely loves the country and its people. He's not a globalist puppet, either. Hillary was only interested in the furtherance of her own power (not to mention she's pure fucking evil).
>true progressive will be in the White House
you ideology is dying, it's not cool to be a liberal anymore
>Every single day of their lives they have to face the reality that they lost and their ideology is dying
Every day we have to face the fact that our race, culture and civilisations are dying, and they are the ones actively and geleefully trying to destroy it all. Fuck them.
>Hillary was only interested in the furtherance of her own power
Funny, I said the same thing about Trump. In fact, he's a textbook narcissist. You should listen to the audio tapes released by his biographer; it's fucking disturbing how much of a megalomaniac the guy is. He actually had a team of people assigned to keep track of every time his name was mentioned on television and in major publications.
I don't disagree about Clinton tho
This, always this
>more shit that didn't happen
There is absolutely no reason to believe that Trump and his minions would have don't the same thing. In fact, he basically told everyone that he would.
See: double standard
This post reeks with that certain je ne sais quoi that I think might be french idiocy over international business ranking systems
Trump's victory has given the left an excuse to churn out hate hoaxes by the thousands and pretend to be victims, which they love more than anything in the world.
So it's been a win-win for both sides.
Faggots should not be permitted within 1000 yards of any 4 year old boy.
Those Supreme Court nominations.
>Do you feel sorry for liberals yet?
Has hell frozen over yet?
They made all the bullshit social rules to hurt us, it's not my problem they stepped in their own pile.
I am sorry that we haven't turned liberals into glue so then they'd be useful for the first time in their pathetic lives.
>do you feel sorry for liberals
after what we've seen in the past three elections (especially 2016 and since Trump won), not ever
berate these motherfuckers until they suicide
demoralize and destroy them every time you get the chance
they have no sense of sympathy and no sense of self-awareness
they would treat us the same way if they'd won
they don't deserve shit
I will fight them for the rest of my life
>Shit that probably never happened.
And no, I don't feel sorry, especially since Antifa became a thing here.
At first it was just a few underground punk rockers circlejerking in trap houses shooting heroin. Now they're a real issue like in the EU.
Fuck all of you.
Trump won the popular vote contest if you discount California. Any other irrelevant contests you want to bring up?
You could have saved a lot of time by just writing 'Arsonist' on that lighter with a sharpie.
Salty Acceptance -)
as a "moderate", I'm also falling for the propaganda, because I take pleasure in the suffering of both sides, and the idea of the left and right literally going to war with each other and wiping each other out. No one's winning except that people that have always won.
Every side takes pleasure in the idea of memetic and physical death of any sides that aren't their own. I'm sure there's plenty of left and right people thinking the moderates are fence-sitters that permit the evil incarnate of their opponents to happen, and will be up against the wall with the rest of them on the day of the rope. Remember that comic about the leftists living in a desolate wasteland with mud & straw huts, going "we won"? That's also you. Burn it all down to reach ideological purity.
>and their ideology is dying.
This is false and you know it. This wave may back down, but kikes will reinvent the wheel and they will rally under the "new" cause like a bunch of idiots they are.
>check out this hip new 'wocial sustice jarriors' movement, goy. We will defeat the evil system and I...I mean we will all live peacefully
>and for you, fellow nig...respectable black man, we have the 'black life matters' movement
>textbook narcissist
any more buzzwords you'd like to throw in? how about xenophobe? or demagogue? they must make you feel smart.
>boring af
Just because we're in the top 10% doesn't mean that much in terms of actual wealth, to be honest. Not that you'll understand, since you're nowhere close.
For me, it just means a six digit salary, a few houses, and a nice car or two. Escorts are risky beyond that, especially if you have a reputation to maintain.
>that pic
Kek - come to think of it I've never seen Basketball Americans over in Africa helping people.
SCOTUS is the real power.
Tell me, how long are their terms? Which justices are going to die or retire first?
also inb4 shill "I don't know about you, but aren't the critics just as bad as the people they're criticizing?". You're right. It's not equal. but it's not so one-sided either.
Haha no
Yeah, demagogue fits him pretty well.
>Still bragging about imaginary shit on an anonymous imageboard
Leftism is a mental illness. Leftists must see the error of their ways lest they fall victim to their foolish self-destruction
I switched from left to right in my 30s. It happens, and don't worry user you are on the right side of history. All around the world a sea change is happening and the Right wing will destroy liberalism and slaughter them on the beaches. Gods speed user
Daily reminder that the votes of illegal immigrants, voters voting multiple times, and dead people don't count.
>implying words haven't lost all of their meaning
you cucks portrayed mitt romney and grandpa mccain as pretty much Klan leaders, that's why no one believed you or even gave a fuck when you tried to paint trump as a racist.
>still salty about being a loser.
No. I don't feel sorry for them at all. In fact, I genuinely think they should be exterminated. As long as they exist, they will endanger us.
No. They need to suffer much, much more.
I saw one of my great friends during my middle school years slowly turn into a liberal pansy Sjw male feminist. He became the largest beta orbiter I've ever witnessed, following his oneitis into college. Then having to drop out because he didn't have the funds. All he does is post meme opinions of liberals and engage in liberal echochambers on kikebook. He refuses to see the truth in plain site. I've talked with him casually after seeing him around town and he just doesn't realize the own hypocrisy coming out of his mouth. Part of me wants to feel sorry for him, but I don't. I can't feel sorry when it's the path he chose. When he chooses to shove his fingers in his ears and scream then that's his fault. I'll be sad if he ends up murdered by a basketball American or something, but it's his cliff to jump off.
Fuck antifa
How did you just watch the pendulum swing from identity politics to Trump without understanding that it can also swing from Trump back to redicalism?
Obama was a reaction to Bush.
Trump was a reaction to Obama.
And if Trump doesn't knock it out of the fucking park, we'll have Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren in 2020. So don't be lazy and smug. Be vigilant.
Figure out how to break and divide the left now that they've lost their balance.
Figure out how to consolidate and entrench the advantages that the right has gained.
>babby has learnt a word that is longer than nazi
We started winning when we started fighting Alinsky with worse Alinsky.
lmao look at that face, that's actually the worst thing that's ever happened to him. {{{{ (((((someone didn't like him.)))) }}}}
Learn how to hack. Get into their databases, and keep their systems to constantly have problems. Focus on machine learning, test out to keep triggering them, and try to get it as automated as possible.
Every day they are fighting their computers, or getting so angry that they are thinking of offing themselves, is a day they aren't focusing on fighting us.
This is a fucking holy war and we must win.
>Pocahontas 2020
that would be hilarious
You know that 4 year old boy is going to have his butthole pozzed by the time he's 10.
I called my mom today to check in, and she isn't a fan of Trump due to hard media spin against him (she use to watch The Apprentice each year, so she's just a short memories woman like the rest), and even she was complaining about how they are attacking his 10 year old son, and how she now has actual contempt for the media for being so low, sick, and clearly bias and attacking
The pendulum is swinging back...
>things that didn't happen.
But seriously, if you're going to cry like that because some stranger called you a name, you're not a man. You're a faggot.
My, how peaceful of you. Burning a sign, and all.
wouldn't be the first time :(
>Highlands Ranch
fuck yeah mother fucker 303 HYPE
God I hope you're right.
I gotta know...does the kid have 2 fathers or not? Because if he does - Case closed
Just Another Faggot Who Voted For Hillary
Who said anything about Trump being a racist? I think he's more like a sleazy opportunist who capitalized on people's prejudicial tendencies.
It's not racist to want to do something about illegal immigration, but when you predicate your entire campaign on it -- as if it's the main fucking issue we face -- it's going to appeal to a lot of racist people. And let's not forget the fact that he began his career in politics by trying to convince everyone that our first black president was a Kenyan (despite the fact that he hadid zero evidence). Oh, and then there's the whole banning Muslims thing. Also, he did refuse to rent property to black, was fined for it, and then kept doing the same shit.
Come to think of it, maybe I'm comfortable with calling him a racist kek. Although I'd never use that in a debate, as you're right about liberals tossing around that term way too frivolously.
I think I'm foolish, but I have been using this as an opportunity to reach out to leftists. I ask them to join with me and make America Great again for everyone.
That is 10/10 naiveté.
If you want to redpill a leftist drop them off in Camden NJ at 2am naked with "I HATE NIGGERS' written on their back with a sharpie.
> trying to convince everyone that our first black president was a Kenyan
A rumour started by Hillary Fucking Clinton btw
And he is Kenyan. He's not even African.
As for banning Muslims, lol say good bye to your country you fucking idiot. As soon as critical mass is reached they will behave worse than your blacks.
But I look forward to the day. Will take a few beheadings before you finally all get it.
what's wrong with banning muslims? you like muslims? the fuck is wrong with you?
Maybe, but I want to give them a chance. That way, next year I can smile sadly at them and remind them that I extended the hand of friendship when my guy won, rather than gloating at them.
I've stopped trying to "argue" with leftists. Instead, I agree with them and start subverting and pushing their ideas to the extreme. It's a theory, but instead of Europe dying by a slow progressive "multiculturalism" policy, by flooding that place with millions, it has hyper-accelerated the timeline, and forced the powder-keg to explode. Better to make one big wound than death by a thousand small slow cuts.
eg: "We need to raise the wage to $15/per hour!
>Why not make it $150/per hour
"We need to let illegal become citizens and vote!"
>Why not allow no borders at all?
"We need 50,000 refugees!"
>Why not 500,000? Are you racist?
Push their views to the extreme, that way they become less easy to agree with for others. As well, you plant the seeds of doubt in their minds when you ask these types of questions. Taking their argument, and making it more extreme and leftist undermines anything they can really argue with you about. If you get into a classic argument, the conflict is predictable. With this method, you can easily redirect their minds to topics that "really make you think"/
>implying there will be a vote 2020
>a rumor started by one of Clinton's aides who was then fired
We already have 3 million Muslim citizens, and we know what happens when they think their dumb religion is under attack. Try thinking beyond the tip of your nose, user. Also, you're more likely to be killed by a friend or family member than a fucking Muslim terrorist, so it's not really a big concern of mine,