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How do we defend ourselves against fake news?
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Ask your parents if they can get back together
>stop buying his pills, use adblock on his videos if you don't like his shit but for some reason still watch it
There are no "muh ebil globalist trying to take over the world" user. It is all just made up shit autist spread over the inter webs.
don't watch CNN.
or any MSM.
Don't consume corporate media and be scrupulous about independent media as in check it against the AP wire
cut the cable.
when I did it, some wigger on the line got angry at me and tried to give me attitude.
fuck cable, fuck att, fuck time warner.
>fake news
pick one. and where the fuck am I suppose to get my news from if dont watch CNN? pretty sure they are legit.
There is but it's not like Alex Jones says
It's essentially like the Cold War except instead of capitalism v communism it's nationalism v globalism and there's many more actors
Institute government controlled news/censors.
But BBC news are the best new source there is
And please no big black cock Sweden yes jokes, no bully.
Kill yourself.
>not aggregating your own news sources
>not reading the MSM simultaneously with "fake news" sources
>not forming your own opinion
trust no one
CNN is the worst fake news. Not only are they Fake news but they are mass media fake news. Thank god Trump is gana fuck them up and i pray to god that those cunts get put out of the propaganda business.
>be CNN
>push le Saddam has le WMDs lie in order to get public support for the Iraq War
>no WMDs there
>lie worked
>thousands of American lives lost
>hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives lost
>put out fake polls and fake interviews saying Trump has no chance in order to demoralize his supporters
>Trump wins
>lies didn't work
>double down on spreading lies and disinfo
>everything from "Brannon is a neo Nazi!" to widely covering the anti minority "hate crimes" despite there being a shocking lack of evidence that any of them occurred and many people who made the claims coming forward and saying they made it all up
If it's not clear to you that CNN is agenda driven news that forms stories to fit their talking points there's no hope for you
If you watch CNN take that shit with a gallon of salt. All they do is tell bullshit news or force propaganda. If you want to avoid being a sheep watch many opposing new channels and try to not have a herd or sheep mentality.
>Why aren't you believing our globbie propaganda anymore??
Your tears are delicious.
Cut cable, use archive.is links for fake news sites, turn on an adblocker and Disconnect.me, and be critical of any outlandish claims.
Or install a Google Chrome extension that blacklists sites and gives you a pop up to do all the thinking for you, goy.
>How do we defend ourselves against fake news?
Turn off CNN.
>Media that spent two years shouting until it was blue in the face that a Trump win was impossible
>Is """Real News"""
Yeah I don't think so.
>push le Saddam has le WMDs lie in order to get public support for the Iraq War
Don't even try to claim that CNN where the only ones to do that
So what am I suppose to do? Watch the Alex Jones? The conspiracy man who thinks that the government is drugging our water and politicians are cultists from hell?
lol no. I'm not saying that CNN or any of the other well known news channels are fake news. I'm asking how do we defend ourselves against "news" sites such as info wars who are plaguing and brainwashing our brothers left and right.
>talk for years and years about aliens
>talk for years and years about fema camps
>talk for years and years about RFID chips, the illuminati and bilderbergers
>a HUGE story comes out about pedophilia with tons of very convincing circumstantial evidence
>WOAH THERE GUYS let's slow down, we don't really know what's going on!
Yeah, I'd say this is fake news.
Stop watching infowars and reading breitbart.
Obviously we discredit them but don't offer any facts to back up the claims.
He didnt claim CNN is the only fake news. ABC NBC and even FOX can and mostly are all fake news
easy, only listen to cnn, msnbc, and huffpo
By never again reading, supporting or trusting a media outlet claiming that there is "fake news"
That shit is straight out of an Orwellian nightmare and I can't believe anyone would fall for it.
>Oy vey goyim, don't read or believe anything unless you hear it from us!
Literally creating the narrative and silencing opposition, goodbye free speech and freedom of the press.
could you suggest a few legit ones?
dont be a fucking sheep? Maybe listen to the nigger instead of having a " I AM SHEEP 55421 AND I NEED IMPUTE TO THINK" if you hear that guy say shit research it and think about it. If your friends are sheep bring up said research
98.7% was the percent the "pollsters" gave Hillary to win as well kek.
He doesn't wanna jump on it and then be ridiculed if it doesn't go anywhere obviously.
>He doesn't think that there are fake news
No you idiot, people thinking that fake news are legit is the Orwellian nightmare
>He doesn't wanna jump on it and then be ridiculed
>he says about alex "fema camps" jones
>he says about alex "y2k will kill us all" jones
>he says about alex "the arabs own the media" jones
>he says about alex "the lizard people control us" jones
>he says about alex "the israelis have nothing to do with this!!" jones
Weather a story "goes anywhere" never stopped water filter man before.
I never did my post was in response to a post specifically about CNN but really all corporate media was pushing these lies but the post wasn't even really about that it was giving examples of the corporate media hypocrisy in claiming that other outlets are the purveyors of fake news when they themselves are the largest purveyors of fake news
I dont know of any good medias or news networks. I would suggest listening to all of them "when convenient" and that you do a little research yourself on anything that matters.
Most important thing is to understand that most mass media has some kind of end game, even if it changes, and they will push anything thing they want on you to make you agree with them and if they can call all other news outlets "fake" and make you watch only them so that they can get more money then by god they will.
Do what we always do
>keep spamming that CNN, NYT, buzzfeed, ect are fake news.
throw their bullshit back in their face
dude look at
Okey dokey if if if if if if you read media be careful. I'm glad you aren't 1 post bs.
Double check everything. If YOU post a source, I'll run the relevant facts through a search, and validate your source.
The rest is up to you. You seem smart enough that you can figure it out.
> to offend, you are fucking stupid to come here and ask advice.
Then the record has been cleared
Drudge Report is a good one because it's a news aggregator so you can be exposed to a wide range of news all in one place rather than having to try to comb through individual sites piece by piece
There is a shadow government and global elite that keep check on big players like the United States. Don't be ignorant.
what do you mean by that?
Everyone already knows they're fake news
Mainstream media is really facing an existential crisis that they brought upon themselves yet they live in bubbles so they think that by creating the fake news boogeyman they'll be able to regain the viewer and readership they once had
I don't know, I keep seeing people saying "Thank you for correcting the record" at random so I thought I could do it as well
Go to InfoWarStore.com and buy your very own Pro Pure News Filter. That's right, for only $29.95 you can filter out all the fake news the globalists are pushing into the zeitgeist
If you guys go to the Ron Gibson channel on YouTube, Alex Jones talks about Pizza Gate extensively. He says he's "ready to buy plane tickets" and go do an investigation. Call him fake news all you want, but he's helping put this in the spotlight now.
*on today's episode
I want to hear what OP thinks after reading this thread. OP would you mind telling your thoughts?
By avoiding Sup Forums
Thanks for reminding me to take my Super Male Vitality
He is fake news though. He never mentions the jewish role in anything.
You truly are fucking retarded.
>How do we defend ourselves against fake news?
Turn off your TV
+1 for Drudge. Always breaking big stories first.
ad hominem
kys cuck
you have to find the truth behind the spliced monkey man thingy they showed off to the world that stood in for trump 1 time
its the key to it all OP. you think im joking and remember what im talking about well google it. its not as easy to find now. they are scrubbing the internet of it. soon all white people in any position of authority will be swapped for the chimps
its why merkel looks so sad. she doesnt give a shit about muslims or little girls. she just doesnt want to be left to die in siberia while some chimp pretends to be her
>not knowing he's acknowledged that it's weird how many jews are in power
>Clearly can't go full "gas the kikes" mode because he's mainstream
It doesn't take much brain power to realize he will lose all funding, credibility, and connections high up if he publicly goes after Jews. Like I said though, he's stated in multiple videos on how it's weird how many jews are in power....he's not anonymous like us retard. We can't openly name them yet, but soon we will
Infowars and breibart are legit. They cover stories msm don't. Here's a list of fake news that were in wiki leaks colluding with politicians ....clintons
This is actually the correct answer. This place drains.
I was born with a weapons grade bullshit detector but for anyone who legit cant figure out who and what is trustworthy here is a fun exercise:
Yank an article into notepad. Find every statement of fact and delete everything else. See how many statements of fact there are in the text only and check them individually. Remove the blatant lies and what's left reveals the truth AND the intent of the author.
The longer the article, the more likely no facts will remain.
>taking information from one medium and believing it
If you see something on the news just use the internet to corroborate and cross reference with other articles. I believe that taking something at face value from one source is what is causing the death of journalism.
Believe it or not, but RT is relatively unbiased.
How do those waterfilters and extreme reaches taste bud?
It fits Sup Forumss type of agenda but if youre looking for lack of bias you're out of your mind.
>RT is relatively unbiased
Why am I not surprised?
Good idea user
RT is a pretty good source. Also a lot of the things Jones gets passionate about is true regardless of how the message is delivered. If he's being bias at least he says so. Many things he's reported on my grandfather talked about before I heard it on there. He was a 28 year veteran and freemason. A lot of it sounds far fetched but is not if you're based and redpill. Since I am that I don't care if Alex pounds the desk or yells bc the delivery doesn't bother me when the message is the same
any proof on that pic?
Don't watch CNN
My grandpa told me about the hormones in the meat making kids developed faster in other countries before it happened in the us. Also that the government was going to try to normalize homosexuals at a time it was unheard of. He also told me by the time my kids were old enough to be in school gay sex ed would be in place and next would be normalizing pedophiles which they are. Don't be a dumb leaf. Take the red pill
Infowars is legit
They literally reference all of their claims
Alex can be a bit nutty when he goes off on tangents about the globalists being Satanists who sacrifice children but when it comes to reporting on news they're pretty good
>oy vey goyim don't use your own judgement, you can trust our centralized, standardized media
>oy gevalt we can't have all these independent voices spreading information so that people can think for themselves
>better get Google to delist news we don't like, this is like anuddah shoah
Alex Jones is a parody
While CNN pretends to be legitimate..
Stop watching CNN
you would think after this election, experts and polls that some people would go "wait a minute wtf just happened" but i guess some are just really that stupid.
By ignoring it unless it makes sense
The real question is how do we stop people from getting so fucking dumb
His stuff on aliens and especially the fish people experiments needs some lube before swallowing or better evidence
He shills some nutty shit sometimes
CNN is okay for earthquakes and major storms. Other than that it is a shill outlet.
I really don't see how we need to explain this
Fuck you!
You have to have conversations growing up. People go around on phones all the time now. I remember the moment I was truly red pilled forever everything changed. I had a nutty woman pull into an alley by our house when u was 3 day after day she'd coax me closer and closer to talk to her then she went for the grab and tried to kidnap me. I realized what a truly evil world we live in after that. Then growing up with my grandpa telling me about what really happened in military was a wealth of knowledge for me.