Has anyone else on Sup Forums seen this yet?

Has anyone else on Sup Forums seen this yet?
I just got back from watching it with my girlfriend and Jesus Christ. I couldn't enjoy the film, I wasn't able to suspend my disbelief.
"Madame President" of the United States branch of wizards was a black female. Like holy shit. How the hell would a black female lead anything in 1920's Amercia. And then on top of ignoring the racial and gender tones of that era, they show all the other countries wizard branches getting along all dandy. How in God's name would African wizards be remotely okay talking to any European or American wizard with the whole colonization and imperialism thing going on?
I felt like the movie was pandering to SJW libshits. Making the Wizarding world a perfect social equality world.

>branch of wizards
There is your answer. Wizards Wuz Progressive 'N Shit.

Where the value of your worth was your magic ability and not your skin color, it is not far fetch to believe that such a people would move beyond racial prejudice.

Now Mudbloods on the otherhand... And don't get me started on Muggles.

Voldemort Did Nothing Wrong

What was the other poor and mistreated woman's name again? Goldstein?

Oh but of course none of voldemorts death eaters are coloured and the one black slytherin is probably the most decent.

Rowling was a single mom on welfare when she created the series, she may as well have been an honourary black.

learn to pirate movies noob

>american wizards are "backwards" and evil

The Wizard community has nothing to do with the muggle world, except when they get persecuted which is why the American wizards hate muggles so much, and the Europeans just don't understand.

>Has anyone else on Sup Forums seen this yet?
Stop watching manchildren's entertainment and go see a real movie like Hacksaw Ridge.

Are yoy going to be able to handle it when they make Grindlewald out to be Hitler and give him lines from Trump speeches?

>fantasitc adventure of an autist, two jews, and a fatty

>Brits, and Magic, AND early 20th century London
They're going all out

So I assume wizards can feel each others magical energy and this feeling they get overrides what color skin they see on a person.

So judgement is based more on magic power than it is on skin color

>muh make believe war anime

>Hacksaw Ridge
>real movie

Confirmed for knowing nothing about Kino.

Go watch Tarkovsky and learn something, pleb.

But it is set in New York.

I thought the skyline was pretty cool without any of the depression era buildings

>muh make believe war anime
I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.
If you don't jump at the chance to a) see a movie that's not an adaptation or remake of some franchise and b) support Mel Gibson, you are worse than a kike. You..you DOUBLE KIKE!

Well, J.K. Rowling is a libshit after all.

Movie sucked dick the main actor has the most punchable face and spends the entire movie with his head on a 80 degree angle.

cringed when they were comparing wizzard cultures treatment of muggles/ no mage and the main dude said he was disgusted with the way wizzards in america looked down on non pure blood wizzards. some ESS JAY DOUBLE shit.

Seriously getting tired of this shit. Just make entertainment without the subtle BS lefty messages. Big reason why, when I do watch movies, they are mostly old or based.

I really enjoyed it. The white American goes over to Europe to bust his ass liberating them from Germany. He gets back to America, wants to do something other than work in a shitty factory 14 hours a day. Applies for a loan, the jew banker denies him. Gets used by the (((wizards))) then they completely fuck him over and send him back to the factory. They do throw him a few shekels for being a good goy in the end, but guess what! He's just cattle to them.

Pretty realistic, to be quite honest, my kinsman.

And also, New York bans everything.

Movie had two many useless subplots

But as far as Sup Forums is concerned
>president is a black woman
>bad guy is a white guy disguised as another white guy

JK Rowling has been full sjw ivory tower delusional liberal for years

yeah anything with that actor in it is guaranteed to be shit


I was more surprised that they actually made the black woman president out to be somewhat of a bitch rather than Hollywood forcing diversity in.

I took more issue with the ending anyway. The wizards just decided to take away the memories of the muggles with no thought, but if one does not rightfully own his own memories then what does he own? The wizards forcibly deprived all the muggles of their memories of wizards and the movie only presented it as a tragedy insofar as the wizards lost a personal friend. Such an act was deeply immoral and tantamount to thought crime, yet it wasn't even addressed as a moral issue by the film.


Cant have it both ways. Ether we were racist knuckle draggers or we were progressive faggots who let a voodoo Negress run shit.

cant have both.

>tfw my gf made me sign up on pottermore to take their sorting hat test to see which house i would be in
>Keen on Slythern only decent house
>give honest answers to 20 odd questions
>sorted into Hufflepuff

i failed you /pol

Jews run most film companies. Jewish executive greenlight the films and most of the films they greenlight are written by jews and directed by jews.

Take the wild guess what happens to a civilization when you let white-hating, Neurotic kikes have near 100% monopoly on the broadcasting of your culture through the lenses of Film and Television.

Even watching japanese cartoons is less degenerate because at least your giving your attention and money to greedy japs instead of greedy jews.

Same story here. Hufflepuff4life.

You know the rules
Off to /lgbt/ you disgusting homopuff

i assume because alot of questions were based on comfyness, and people here like to be extra comfy. hufflepuff must be the cozy house

And dude's last name Solomon(der).

Thought it was meh. Rowling was never a writer of immense talent, just got really lucky with her idea and had a successful early run with it. Books 6 and 7 is where she lost all her steam and now we're seeing a hangover of a continuation. There's nothing more to be done with the series or her wizarding world that would live up to anywhere close than the first few. Every leftist thing about this movie was purely a marketing tactic for a lack of ideas (Eddy "Prettytumblrboy" Redmane, black female president, Colin Farrell, Johnny Depp, picking out only the cute creatures from Fantastic Beasts, turning creepy-ass Bowtruckles into Groot, oh yeah we need boyfriends to enjoy it so we'll stick in a Marilyn sister)

why not just get back to reality where the strongest, best suited person gets the job and if that happens to be a white man then so be it.

I can't fucking stand the blind push for progress. I have no problem with a black nigger woman leading the country IF she's the most qualified, most intelligent, best suited person for the job. If she's not then fuck off and get someone better.

Goldstein and her wizard friends literally control the media and magically alter newspapers.

You're just as bad as sjws when you analyze shit to the point that you can't enjoy it.

Biggest bullshit was the ending... KABOOM! MAGIC! EVERYTHING IS COOL AGAIN!
It was No man's sky with Pokemon Go themed Harry Potter Bullshit.

>magic and shit
ok, yeah
>women president

>Go watch Tarkovsky and learn something, pleb.
I fucking LOVE Dexter's laboratory.

Ty for putting my mind at ease. Wanted to see this, if it's PC propaganda, no ty.

I did have to hold back laughter every time they said Madame President in that film. But Jacob was a cool guy. My main gripe was hot out of the cast everyone was so god damn jewish. I know it's realistic for New York, but It's like everytime I have to wonder "Why is the jew on the good side"?

>"Why is the jew on the good side"?
The only person on the good side was the creepy den mother. Everyone else was a (((wizard))) or a good goy. Even the "bad guy" who, frankly, didn't actually want to control our minds, just terrorize us. He's better than the rest of them (but we'll still come for him on the day of the stake).

Yeah they really made the wizard council seem like awful people. Like the only characters I really cared for was Newt, Jacob, and the psychic lady. The rest were fairly antagonistic. Heck, even the council was covered with pentagrams.

Another part of nerdom falls to Cultural Marxism?
Color me surprised.Anything nerdy/geeky has been long infected and dead.

>Rowling was a single mom on welfare when she created the series, she may as well have been an honourary black.

Fuck man

If I lived in the Potter universe I would be a deatheater.

Isn't this the same writer who thought changing Hermione to a black girls was a totally great idea ?

Single mothers are the one of the banes of this world. Talk about failure factories.

What the fuck even is that? Why do you idiots even know these films?
It seems like you're talking about some shitty Harry Potter film, but you're posting a screenshot of some Steampunk shit movie.

Why do you idiots watch movies? What the fuck?
Why do you even know about these movies?
Get your head out of the media/social media ass.
If you even know what movie OP is talking about you should be ashamed of yourself. You have failed as a human.

I liked Les Misérables, but I don't remember any of the shit you're talking about in it...

Nigga it's a fucking movie about wizards and you're concerned with how historically accurate it is?

Is the main character trans? Cause he looks pretty faggy.

Not analyzing anything, it was right up in our faces. I wasn't even looking for it and it was so obvious.

No, that was his other movie.

What's funny is wizards are all about "equality" and shit but live in a totally fucking different world and are "segregated" to an extent from basic society. It's like lol what? And how are they wizards like it's in your blood? Their magic works through wands and muttering spells, couldn't anyone do that? Or use any assortment of their magic beans and foods and potions? Just a retarded concept overall that I never even once found interesting. Everyone's loves magic but that whole world is just so unbelievable.

It's a Harry Potter spin off movie done by the same company and written by jk rowling.
It's been marketed pretty heavily in the first world.

At least greedy japs are cool with nationalism and having a culture and they don't mind Americans too much

Of course. Rowling is a sperge. She can't write plot. She can't handle polyphonia, she can't renew art. In general her mimetics represent an obvious subjective world.

The fact that she forges a world of soccery is not what makes her works most ficitonal, it's the fact that she's completely unable to depitch a reflection of an authentic world. Thus she fails to live up to Tordrovs requirements of "the fantastic".

Regardless of her obvious marxist agenda, she is hated in comparative literature for bringing so much disgrace to the field.

Hacksaw Ridge was good.

Not a single black person in the whole movie, in the year 2016.

Mel, Gibson, wew lad.

Why the fuck would you watch that shit?

This is like if the Twilight people made a Twilight spin-off and some fag came on Sup Forums to talk about how the vampire nipples are the wrong color.

What's wrong with you people?

JK Rowling.
More lol jk, rowling on the floor laughing.

>I felt like the movie was pandering to SJW libshits.
That's their ore demographic m8, argue with any libshit, if they don't drop a HP reference they will in their tumblr.

>white quirky autistic faggot had to save everyone
>second Salem niggers proven right
>bad guy was a stylin white male
>all those whites
>(((Goldstein))) was just a hindrance for the quirky faggot and his baking pal
DESU senpai could have been a lot worse

Watched it. Got distinct impression "Madame President" was a huge fucking bitch. Anti-authoritarian thread wasn't bad either.

Not redpilled by far, but far from the most cucked film I've ever seen.

If you need a chaser, go watch There Will Be Blood. Truly a masterpiece about a wonderfully devious man who achieves the American dream.


Redmayne is just weird looking. He's like a male Tilda Swinton.

Yes, it's genetic. Why is that complicated? They even have pureblood right wing death squads.

Yeah I liked it. You just need to understand that status in the wizarding community is related to how strong of witch/wizard you are. Plus Hollywood is run by jews dumbass they will always force that shit in film. The trick is to not let it sway you like a dumdum.

Nah the trick is to not give Jews their shekels. Protest Hollywood/Main stream media/music

I've noticed in general the hero is rarely a buff white dude who's good looking and just kicks ass and take names. Well, at least not anymore. Schwarzenegger was the last of this type, he was so good at it. He was a Conservative though, naturally.


JK Rowling read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and said "What if these guys were the heroes and had magical powers?"

>I felt like the movie was pandering to SJW libshits.

The Harry Potter author is a libshit woman. What did you expect?

Daily reminder that Voldemort literally did nothing wrong.

Wizarding world racism is by magical bloodlines, not by ethnicity. With the ability to teleport, wizards have probably been traveling and interacting with other wizards globally long before muggles. And being a smaller community than the muggles and the history of witch trials and persecution, there's probably a magical solidarity that comes before racial solidarity. A black wizard and a white wizard would probably stick together than with a muggle of their own race.

Also there have been black people that have held various public office positions in the USA including the senate back in the 1800s. The wizard president lady probably came from a rather respected wizarding family. She's also half white, or at least the actress is.

>How the hell would a black female lead anything in 1920's Amercia
>How in God's name would African wizards be remotely okay talking to any European or American wizard with the whole colonization and imperialism thing going on?

You reject SJW lies yet embrace them at the same time.

It's really the story of a former solider turned baker achieving his life's dream and finding the perfect white wife in the process.

Lmao that's what that movie was?

This actually makes a lot of sense lore wise,
and in the books even the "good guy" wizards were all pretty racist about muggles.
Rowling is still a full blown SJW leftist cunt though

A real good looking one too.

This post is worthy of one of my (You)s. Well done.

Purebloods and muggle borns is clearly an analogy for racism

Even so, in the books and movies nobody anywhere ever gives a hint that race as we know it factors into their thinking. Voldemort is just as likely to accept a pure blood black wizard (although i can't happen to think of one in his service) as he is to accept a pure blood white wizard

the inheritability of magic is a social construct

I give it a 3/6. The ending was awfull, and as you said the 1920 mindset of the world didn't fit in

in the movie they were

they even said it, having old rules and shit

Wizard from any country likely has more in common with another wizard than any non wizard from their own country.

Also aside from the discussions between high level gvt officials and sports events, it doesn't seem like wizard communities from different countries have very much to do with each other. Like, at all. Redmayne's character only has the most basic, hearsay idea of what American wizards are like (more or less 'don't you all own assault rifles) and a highly educated government official from the US side has never encountered British terms before.

The head wizard is a black lady. First thing my girl said was that was weird.

Well aren't miscegenation and contact laws pretty damn backwards?

i just got back from seeing this too and thought the exact same thing. she was a very light skinned negress but its still bullshit. the fantasy animals i can handle but the leader negress, nope.

That's the part of the storytelling that suspends your disbelief? Really? Not the fact that the entire wizarding world is full of giant sacks of shit for people? Wizards literally have the capability in Harry Potter to cure cancer and end world hunger with absolutely no work required