This is an RP thread. As per usual. For entertainment and all the rest.
Does anyone want me to dump my recent batch of findings on contraception and population control? It's all the rave right now. This was a spin-out from a Truth Bomb post.
This is an RP thread. As per usual. For entertainment and all the rest.
Does anyone want me to dump my recent batch of findings on contraception and population control? It's all the rave right now. This was a spin-out from a Truth Bomb post.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. Dump away user.
Ok. In my last two threads I first established a link between possible male contraceptives in pharmaceuticals (like Adderall), cosmetics, foods (containing phenylalanine for example).
Thereafter I investigated (as sourced from Anon5) the connection between frontal lobe damage in women and usage of the pill (contraceptive) and anti-depressants.
I will dump information now...
I now believe that Truth Bomb user 5 was correct, birth control (synthetic progestin) taking during formative years, does induce frontal lobe brain damage.
Specificially, what I have found is that prolonged use of birth control like produces a more adolescent/child like mind in females entering adulthood.
TBA5 said this was for population control. I have been investigating further. The user is almost certainly correct.
Should I proceed?
Yes. Please dump it all. It'll be saved and archived and referenced in the future.
Can you somehow boost quality of this image? It's too blurry. This information is important. Thank you for the work you've done.
yes, will take much longer.
its not enough. we need to pull a bayer and put aids in medicine but birth control this time
then we need kill bots but they look like sex bots any one seen westworld gets the idea but her holes all lead to a garbage disposal
then we unleash hell and after 5 or so years of mad max times (unwanted buttsecs and cannibalism) we get a utopia
So these two basically show that abortions went way down, basically because use of contraceptives went way up. They're also being taken by much younger women. Originally it was for married couples. Then they started giving it to teenagers 15 and younger. Now 16 million women, are taking druggable versions of contraception.
This graph shows how brains develop over time between genders.
TBA5 said that the pill was destroying frontal lobe tissue.
Birth control affects the pituitary gland. It's the master regulator for development and it controls regulation in all the other glands. Glands are what orchestrate your development and functionality.
I have gathered LOTS of data. I scoured information. I have stuff that will blow people away. For example, birth control is rampant in water supplies. Aquifers, municipal water, you name it.
This link it a titan. Take some time with it. Chew it over. It’s eye opening.
This one covers artificial fluoridation,
So, do you have any actual background in this stuff or are you one of those "self taught" types?
I have to admit, I created giant infographics for this, but they're too large or too illegible it appears. Very disappointing. There is too much here to dump in raw form.
These posts were intended to spark questions and further investigation. I will keep dumping but I need to fix the delivery for another time.
The pill is synthetic, and because of that, there is room for lots of modifications, both in vitro and ex vivo.
>I have to admit, I created giant infographics for this, but they're too large or too illegible it appears.
It seems like Sup Forums might be downgrading quality. Could you upload to something like imgur and link here?
Oh I have an awesome background. I am an expert. I'm not getting into it here, for obvious reasons, but I can tell you I own my laboratory and it is very well funded.
Oh yeah..
From the introduction,
“In the nearly forty years since adoption of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments in 1972 n1 and Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974, n2 the United States has seen dramatic improvement in the quality of both surface and drinking water. Despite these improvements, serious problems and questions remain.”
>>serious problems and questions remain
>>serious problems remain
Also, “2. Cumulative or Synergistic Effects
Human and environmental exposures to PPCPs are never isolated to one specific PPCP. Such exposures are always to combinations of PPCPs, the impacts of which are relatively unknown. n49 Combinations of PPCPs may have cumulative or synergistic effects that go beyond the effects of any single PPCP. n50 This led Kolpin et al., to conclude:
Additional research on the toxicity of the target compounds should include not only the individual [organic wastewater contaminants] but also mixtures of these compounds. The prevalence of multiple compounds in water resources has been previously documented for other contaminants. In addition, research has shown that select chemical combinations can exhibit additive or synergistic toxic effects, with even compounds of different modes of action having interactive toxicological effects. n51”
Specifically, on this topic, as I have said, it has been corroborated here
“One of the most significant problems facing environmental law is the dearth of scientific information available to assess the impact of industrial activities on public health and the environment.”
Ok. For some reason there aren't a lot of anons in this thread. This information is very important. In the future maybe have a more provocative thread title/image? In any case, this stuff is very important. I had a look at the report in the pastebin. There's literally grounds for a class action lawsuit against the pharmaceutical companies peddling oral contraceptives. We need to meme this into reality.
I'll get the links in a sec, here is some more info I had pre-canned.
Sewage going into Canadian water supplies,
“Canada is in the midst of an "escalating water crisis," according to the Gordon Water Group, an organization of environmentalists, scientists, policy experts and former federal policy advisors. In a recent report, Changing the Flow, the group points to more water worries.
For example, some Canadians, mostly in native reserves and rural and remote communities, don't have access to clean drinking water. Across Canada in December 1,174 boil-water advisories were in effect, Health Canada says.
Raw sewage is still dumped into lakes and rivers by towns and cities. Twenty Canadian and U.S. cities flush about 90 billion litres of untreated sewage into the Great Lakes each year, according to Ecojustice, a Canadian environmental law organization.
Fish populations are being decimated by contaminated water, excessive water withdrawals, and dams and diversions that also disrupt communities and affect recreational water use. “
So basically, we’re awash in chemicals here in the US. This is just what is happening to our drinking water. Forget about what is being put into processed foods, or agribusiness farming practices, the crap in pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. I’m literally pointing out that this stuff is dispersing into our environment.
That means, even if you avoid it directly; you’re still getting dosed indirectly.
Although I will say this, and I’m sure many on the board will agree with me; if you take lifestyle steps to
limit your direct exposure you will notice benefits. I almost exclusively drink water these days (excluding a libation now and then) and that I drink from a filter to remove fluoride. I try to avoid sugars, eat as my ancestors ate, and avoid anything processed like the plaque. No hot dogs for example or hot pockets.
every time
>Taking large amounts of hormones during puberty to have recreational sex turns out to be bad for development
Well, I am just shocked.
So, what would you recommend for water filtering? I live in a major city, and I'm concerned about the amount of second hand pharmaceuticals I'm drinking on a daily basis.
That would be my hope.
People need to take their daughters off the pill immediately in my opinion.
"I looked around at this room full of my best friends, and one girl says, 'I'm so angry. I feel like I don't have control over my body now,'" James says. "A lot of girls I talked to after the election were kind of scared and genuinely worried about their health and safety."
After researching Trump's stances on the Affordable Care Act, birth control and abortion, James immediately made an appointment with the University of Central Florida's Women's Care clinic on campus. She wants to get an intrauterine device, also known as an IUD, a long-acting reversible birth control method that would outlast a Trump presidency.”
NOTE: The pituitary gland also produces Oxytocin, which is responsible for social behavior in females.
Fucking up the regulation of Oxytocin probably causes women to reject long standing social norms, perhaps even decoupling them from a moral or social stigma against certain types of behaviors.
I drink bottled natural spring/artesian/glacier water (not the same as bottled tap water). It's more expensive but these should not be (as) contaminated.
So, anyone that isn't just "GO TO INFOWARS AND BUY WATER FILTERS"
Were all lurking.
The IUD is copper and has no hormones you fucking retard.
You're all a bunch of fucking losers
Ok, so let's recap.
1. Synthetic hormones working globally on a developing human. --> potato reference??
2. Likely produces more child-like mind in females --> easy to control, MK-Ultra. check out soft kill NASA. They're doping the water supplies, its a multi-pronged chemical attack.
3. Stuff is persisting in the water supplies
4. massive amounts of the female population are taking the drugs. Fertility rates are crashing among certain demographics. Contraceptives has limited impact on certain demographics.
5. I also will link my dumps for the male contraceptives. Those are also in the water and definitely fucking things up.
Patent for Male Contraceptive PEM (sequence)
Patent, Prior Art (notice anything worrisome?)
Patent, WHO reference (CAPCHA "first world")
Patent, Prison Planet, Softkill, this got me thinking, so I started looking for contraceptives that could find their way into food supplies, etc.
Patent, Rockerfeller, Gossypol
Patent, why is PEM linked to fertility and alzheimers, also note, Germans. You'll see lots of Germans with their hands all over fertility research
Enter Gossypol, this is a chemical I worked with many years ago when I was involved in natural product chemistry applications.
Gossypol at first blush appears quite toxic, note, infertility is permenant after ~3 years exposure,
You'll find Gossypol is a rather well characterized chemical, note the journals it is being reported it, this is rather illuminating no?
First, what are the gossypol analogs, this will tell me about gossypol's "cousins", perhaps present in the environment
More info on analogs, (Capcha = Bitter Fruit)
From here I decided, looking at the synthesis precurors (isopropylcatechol) might be interesting eg chemical starting material for the contraceptive
So now for those precursors, are you ready to be utterly disgusted?
First I started with catechols, another area I spent much time researching some years back,
Ok, well, the catechol itself appears fairly inoculous, very well, but.. then I started thinking about bioavailability, absorption, and pharmacokinetics, and asked myself, what exactly are these catechols imitating in the body?
Oh sheeeet (Capcha = Bitter Fruit)
Oh, wait, it's not inoculous at all, its a highly regulated toxin,
It also causes depigmentation??? eeehhh...
Aspartame is nutrasweet, is phenylalanine, is a isopropyl catecholamine, is a fucking metabolite for male sterilization and truncated maternal instincts in females!
These things are neurotransmitters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fucking Aspartame is probably a ortholog, homolog, etc of a neurotransmitter...
It's linked to a stress response.
It also appears to short circut native electrical processes in nerve cells,
Turns out it's also a fucking teratogen. Check the drug Levodopa, wow, look at the synonym, phenylalanine much? Good for the kids. Mothers love it. Fortified for a healthy constitution.
BTW we all know who developed Aspartame right? Our friends at the MIC Monsanto,
And check out all these publications, by subject, dealing with catechols,
duly noted.
Holy shit
There is a lot more to uncover. A lot more. Here is the thing, I have no free time. None. I contributed what I needed too out of a moral obligation to my countrymen. I need a long break from digging though. My last dump was 2 weeks ago. I can't touch this stuff for at least another month.
Thank you based user
Which companies manufactur the bulk of the contraceptives you're concerned about? I'm thinking short sell
Last two, just realized its 2 fucking AM. Ugh. I'm off to bed. I hope this gets spread around. I will come back to answer questions. Questions should be asked. People need to be directed. Etc.
Last note btw, this is definitely the work of a compartmentalized deep deep deep organization. I'm calling these things cults, its easier, there is lots more for me to drop basically.
Here is some more RP for ya'll.
Good finds
>causing massive migraine in some friends
>cause unbearable moods and depression in others
I never trusted the oral jew
Bad news user. Most of those brands are just tap water with a label. Some states require that it includes actual spring water to claim it is a spring, and in those states, they include a very small portion (less than 1%) and just use the local tap water for the rest of the volume.
Investigate your water vendor to make sure it is a natural spring only source, if that is your concerned. Or get yourself something like "Zero Water" brand of high quality water filter and filter you own water.
How can I test my water for these chemicals?
Are the effects reversible?
Who is profiting/who is not being targeted?