Is this what Sup Forums looks like irl?
Is this what Sup Forums looks like irl?
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You fucking degenerate
I guess I kind of look like the guy on the left but not balding nearly as bad
Nah I basically dress like a white nigger when I'm at home. Suck my dick faggots.
>Estonian flag
With what purpose?
Not really, and I can only speak for myself when I say I look like an average semi-attractive person of middling height and social stature. A crypto-nazi or something maybe, but nothing about my appearance would give away the fact that I spend like 6 hours on here everyday
not really
Same. It really only affects my voting habits and what I donate money to. Too bad there aren't any all-white charities.
WHO OWNS THE Sup Forums?!
ayy lmao
Nah bro I'm way better looking
For their strongly identitarian ethnic politics.
Nah, I'd never let my house's paint get that worn.
more or less
No I live in an urban area town home all of my social group works in some form of finance or engineering.
The left has done a good job making people think you have to be some backwoods hick to be conservative.
You are dumb enough to believe it.
I am dumb enough to take the b8
This is more accurate
>1 post by this ID
I think its safe to say that around ~15℅ of Sup Forums looks like that
Its very diverse here despite what the lugenpresse would have you believe
> Austrian flag
For what reason?
Sounds like you are an effeminate, Jewish-influenced faggot, surrounded by other feminine faggots, and you "identify as" conservative as a way to try and regain a little masculinity in your self-conception. I bet you still vote Democrat secretly, though.
Seriously guise, what's up with the estonian flag on that pic????
stop this stupid meme my son
Goes well with the Estonian flag, of course.
post pink nips
its a documentary, and they basically have flags for all aryan nations. But it's kind of a misnomer because we all know estonia is a mongolian country
>estonia is a mongolian country
give me a break pls with this meme, the pic related is an estonian girl, is that mongoloid to you, sir burger????
You can't just fit us into how you want to see us.
We mow your lawn. We drive your kids school bus. We serve you your food and pick up your garbage.
No my house is much larger and my American flag flys above all others
Basketball shorts are comfy and are great to work out in
>Sup Forums is one guy
Sup Forums is hardly an echo chamber. Pick any thread and you'll find more disagreement than in any of the safe place leftwing reddit subs.
Go away Sup Forumstard
muh heritage
fuck you leafffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff why
its ok eesti bro i think you're country a cute and aryan as fuck :3
I'm sorry friend she's very beautiful I just like to meme
yay thank you desus :3
>14/88 percent austro-bavarian masterrace
>can you speak german?
ahh smoking the carcinogenic jew
i look like this
I look like a nordic twink with a hitler youth haircut, myself. Then again I'm a yankee, not a disgusting southerner. Those non-autistic dixie retards managed to fuck up the absolute finest place in the States with their hordes of nigger slaves. They could have just bought Russians or some shit :(
no, i look like pic related
the most red pilled style of all
>low energy
feel the vibrations, padawan
Kind of like this but with justin bieber's level of masculinity. Facial hair distribution is dead accurate though. At least I'm tallish and have broad shoulders.
so more like this
Not even close. Young exec here who's tired of libtards. Cheers from my suite at The LondonHouse right across from Trump Tower. MAGA!!!
Go to Rebar at Trump Tower, they have good burgers.
closer to this
MAGA! Thought I was the only one who was like that!
Cheers from another exec! Fuck this entire "only uneducated poor people voted for him."
And the uneducated rich**
In the eternal words of a Youngster class trainer, "I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear."
I think if someone from here saw me they would be able to tell I go on Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums hacker meets Rand Paul
pics or gtfo
estonians are nazis
I'll give them a try. Went to Metropolitan Club last week at Willis Tower. Going back to the Mid-America Club at the Aeon Center this week. Not a bad view from 80 stories up.
>Austrian, barbarian and unknown flag on house
>esti flag on car
>Dixie flag on post
I look like this only uglier by 3 points. My clothes look like shit and I smell but I don't really care when my leaders and politicians are satanic pedophiles. Fuck this "society"
Sup Forums is extremely echo chambery. But disagreement and hate is part of the mix. The people here love just mindlessly hating things and thus we find only people who stoop to that shit here.
Thx autocorrect, I meant bavarian
Top tier bantz
Well done leafbro
It's to much for them to handle. The thought of anyone not agreeing with their world view does not compute in their bliners on safe space world view. My girlfriends family is 90 percent college grads. Just had Thanksgiving in her uncles insane fresh prince of Bel-Air mansion in Dallas. About 25
Italians, and me the one Greek cooking up a storm. Just your typical hard working Imigrants who made their place in the world. Pics or it didn't happen. My world famous spankipoita.
Tfw not considered white by Sup Forums
Portuguese and Spaniards are frequently mistaken for being Arabs or Iranians in my country.
>I don't see any frogs or Australians, doesn't look anything like Sup Forums
I knew a Klan family in Northern California. Everything about the situation was contrary to the way the Klan are portrayed in film and television. The father was a freemason and had a number of videos which he evidently got through mason friends, and their content was quite surprising. The one I remember him watching most often had all this footage showing hundreds and hundreds of enormous burning crosses all along the crest of the Berkeley hills sometime prior to World War Two. Which is weird as hell when you consider that since the end of WWII 'til today, Oakland is largely black. But this video was real, and it was absolutely legitimate. To make it even weirder, I've searched YouTube over the years and never found it. But the footage absolutely exists and I watched it with my own eyes on more than one occasion. So the idea that the Klan is or was limited to the South is completely false. This family lived in the Santa Cruz area, and I overheard talk about Klan activity there (of all places) as well as over the hill in the Cambell area. And these people didn't stand out in any way, they were bland and normal appearing. The standard southern caricature may exist, I have no idea, but I can 100% confirm it's around on the West Coast, albeit in an extremely mellow kind of way. These aren't violent people and they don't burn crosses or any of that kind of shit, but they do talk a lot racist trash when they're with people they trust or just assume are like-minded. And they boast frquently of not allowing blacks to join their lodge.
So I would think that many if not most Sup Forums people are just normal appearing everyday people. I mean the ones I've known are markedly fearful and cowardly, and they would never, NEVER display racist behavior or clothing to random people on the street. It's inherently a secretive kind of thing that most would probably completely deny and disavow and lie about.
Lele /pol is your plumber /pol is your gardener, /pol is your local bakery. We aren't the nazi's leftist media describe us as, you fucking newfag.
"""" alt-right """" is a fucking meme made my populistic news outlets in order to try and push us into a corner.
Keked hard
Ja. Und du Frau geben mich ficki ficki. Sehr gut
Doesnt suprise me.
In that pic I could easily be confused with a Turk.
Most of us have dark hair and beards.
My hair is light brown, just as my beard and eyes, but overall I look like a whiter arab.
>my brother got the good genes and is taller than me, with green eyes and blonde hair
So basically most of Sup Forums and racists in general are cowards
Sup Forums wouldn't recognize me. I'm a ginger with a black gf. So no that is not what Sup Forums looks like.
Teach me to make glorious baclava plox
I had to write the recipe down so many times for friends that I just typed it up. Here you go my friend. Sending in 2 parts.
Page 2
Well, there are different reasons secret societies like masons and the KKK are secretive, but one of them is certainly cowardice and safety. But it's also because it makes them more powerful and effective. Secrecy and anonymity serve more than one purpose.
I love you so much
Your people have a noble history, renowned for their horsemanship and archery, and your mighty Khan is revered the world over. Be proud Estonia bro.
If you do it right it might look something like this.
Whats the difference xDDDD
t. Merkel
these are democrats
welcome to Sup Forums
I look like this
I'm best described as 6'4" Aryan Lanklet.
Other people's words not mine.