really stimulated by frontal cortex...
Sup Forums BTFO'd
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the author of that comic did not attend an accredited university for a STEM degree...
What about Africans?
But wait aren't crime rates and economic depression just as high in countries that didn't even enslave them generations ago?
Like the UK? And the entirety of Africa?
T H O R O U G H L Y B T F O 'D
The jews have been oppressed for hundreds of years and they now rule the world.
>We do this. Whites are still proven to be superior
>Leftist can't say anything about muh enslavement for african american because it was proven wrong
Should we do this?
> IQ test made by black people
>IQ is not genetically inherent.
>but oppression is?
there was a great counter image done in the same style, anyone have it?
This. I remember seeing this, it was about the jews and how far they've come along despite being kicked out of every country. Anyone have it?
Why isnt the science faggot wearing a shirt under the lab coat?
So you're talking about Finland?
>muh oppression!
"Privileged black man"
That's where he's wrong. They undeservingly implement a racial bias in the teacher and the test where there are none. If the test was on biology I would expect the white person to do just as well as the black guy.
"Privilegied black man" is unnecessary. Point is still valid but it's cucked. Teacher is probably unable to feed his family on his salary neither.
Aren't American blacks test much higher on iq scores than most African blacks?
And Sweden. And literally every other country on earth.
In Sweden they have been treated with top privilege for almost a century with no enslavement and discrimination at all.
Answer that liberals
Yes, by 10 points
fug im thiginn :DD
We had it worse and still score more on average, fuck off.
wouldn't that completely BTFO this idiot op?
It's clear that noticeable difference in things like IQ tests between races are about culture/education and not genetics.
African Americans generally have lower IQ tests because they generally have less education, and more poverty. There are other factors, and you can argue they have lower levels of education and more poverty because of slavery.
All those things happened to American niggers and they still score higher on IQ tests than African niggers.
>give IQ test designed by privileged black men
And white men will score higher. Japaneses score higher than white men. It's already confirmed that genetics matters and that IQ tests don't necessarily favors those who create them. I can't believe something this basic is still controversial today.
>remove top
>throw the rest of them in
>African families
The concept of family or father was imported to Africa by Christian missionaries. Before only the, other was recognized, the father just gave the seed, not too far from how they are now
These studies aren't just testing descendants of slaves or even American blacks, kek
>Privileged black Africans
if you could point me to some of these that would be much appreciated. Also, literally the entirety of sub-saharan Africa has sub 70 IQ levels, no? Even countries that escaped colonialism?
Thank you
thank you, I was waiting for this
This is (((Gold)))
How come in other countries where they weren't slaves they score just as low?
Shit tier argument.
It's like saying that the currently relativly low jew population is only due to the holocaust.
And while that's true.... well, that's it. That's the current situation.
Just because the liberalfags don't like how history played out doesn't mean it didn't happen and that the results of it is not true.
ehhh, the jew argument works better.
Because every nigger on the planet comes from slave lineage in america. Mmmkay
If African Americans were "spoiled" by the slavery of the evil white people then the Africans who remained on the African continent should be "unspoiled". They should prove to be significantly smarter than African Americans. They should score significantly higher on IQ scores. In fact the Africans in the middle of the continent who barely came in contact with any white people should show the absolute highest degree of advanced civilization that their kind can offer, which should make African American pale in comparison due to their setback caused by slavery. Ask yourself honestly: is this the case?
I was looking for this
>based on statistics
I don't think that poorly drawn guy is a scientist, he doesn't even know what theory means
It's not like those Russian plebs are a special case. There were serfs in ancient France, they were treated like shit and nobles could kill them at will. There were serfs in ancient Japan, they were treated like shit and nobles could kill them at will. The vast majority of the world's population has ancestors that were treated like shit. They most likely suffered worse fates than being forced to work in a sugar farm in America.
>And that effects the DNA