What has this guy said or done against black people? I can understand where Muslims and Mexicans are coming from, but why do black people think that he hates them?
What has this guy said or done against black people? I can understand where Muslims and Mexicans are coming from...
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I think it has to do with most black people being retarded.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
Also, he wants to take away their "gimme dats"
Presumed ties to KKK members.
He's also said shit that plenty of people take out of context, can't remember what it is off the top of my head. Most of it is pretty unsubstantiated, but the media will run with anything.
They think trump is sending blacks to africa.
I forgot which year but he refused to sell homes to a line of black folks, presumably because of some bad payment history. But it's easy for the left to attack.
Because black people aren't self-aware and think he wouldn't sell to blacks purely because they're black.
But I'm pretty self-aware user.
No not Mexicans, illegal immigrants. Legal Mexican (and other Central American immigrants) actually prefer him.
Turn off your proxy. We all know cannucks are only afflicted with commies and not niggers. Nice try.
Well they think he is raising taxes on single mothers. But in reality its lowering benefits cause niggers dont pay taxes. Hes going to subsidize families instead. Dats racis
Saying he'll bring back stop n frisk is the only thing I can think of. That program was shut down because it was predominantly used to target black people
He took literally 2 geological eras to disavow David Duke.
Meanwhile, the Communist Party USA endorsed Hillary Clinton, and *crickets*...
The only thing I can think of was when he tweeted crime stats which I'm sure blacks couldn't even understand and have long since forgotten.
He ra as a republican so that automatically and indepenetn of anything else makes him an enemy in blacks' eyes, because historically repubs have been against drugs, gibmedat and crime, which they commit a disproportinate amout of.
But trump has called out blacks in 2 tweets one showing false statistics on murder commited by blacks compared to other races, and another tweet where he says that blacks and mexicans commit the most crime.
if republicas were enemies to blacks before, trump is two times as bad because he's not afriad to call them out on their bullshit. of course that was before the election and he will probably not say such controversial things after he takes office.
Legals know what's up. They know illegals will take their jobs, and when the illegals become legals, the next wave of illegals will BTFO the ones before them. And the cycle continues until the libshits fuck the country up.
So the legals help prevent the illegals from fucking shit up for them.
And usually, legals have something to bring, unlike illegals who bring almost nothing (other than being vote cattle for libshits). Illegals bringing nothing and getting in easier than legals who actually have something to offer is kind of disrespectful, so it would grind their gears.
But then you got stupid legals, like some Mexicans, who think "I don't care; I just want more burritos here, even if they'll fuck me over later on because they're burritos like me!"
They need to be destroyed.
No More Gibsmedats
He was sued and it was found not to be true.
Nothing. He said he wanted to enforce immigration laws and for some reason that automatically translated to "FUCKING SPICS AND NIGGERS GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE".
Source on that?
This is really it.
His pops was found at a KKK rally back when it really meant something.
How do you get found at a KKK rally?
Black people believe he hates them because they listen to fake news.
Because niggers will do anything to be oppressed
I'm not your errand boy. Go look.
Stop trying to reason with the nigger. It is incapable of rational thought. All they know is 'ooga booga bix nood' and 'gibsmedat.'
It's not just that. The legal immigrants followed the laws, followed the rules even if they seemed difficult or cumbersome. Illegal immigrants, specifically if they are presented amnesty, is a slap in the fact to what they had to do to become citizens.
Not that it's overly difficult, but there are costs involved, and people have been wait listed and such. I can understand the resentment that would be there.
The data in this tweet is presented in a retarded way though. What the fuck do these percentages even mean? It should be given as a raw number of each group getting killed.
Have you even seen 12 years a slave?
he's promising to bring jobs to the "inner city"
so naturally they are terrified that they might have to actually get a job, after decades of complaining they "can't get no job"
>Not that it's overly difficult
Its absurdly time consuming. Anchor babies fucking the system and whatnot.
I agree that it's absurdly time consuming, but time consuming doesn't necessarily equal difficult. Thus why I said cumbersome.
The resentment grows because it's like they waited in line for some kick ass roller coaster for hours, and some ass hats jumped the barriers to cut line and ride without waiting. Then, instead of the workers telling those people to leave and wait in line like everyone else, they just let them ride that bomb ass roller coaster that you waited hours to board.
I'd be pissed too.
His father denied black people housing, and there was this whole lawsuit against him, Trump I believe was also involved in it
Then there was Central park 5, he went out of his way to say the black thugs were guilty, even though they were found not guilty and the case was thrown out. He even went as far as to buy out an ad to in a newspaper to say they were indeed guilty
Nothing. He's actually gotten rewards from Jesse Jackson and al sharpton. Niggers are just fucking retarded
Do it like the Japanese; deport the family, but allow the child to stay if the parents leave willingly.
He outright insulted all blacks when he pitched his candidacy to them as something they should just give a try because "what do you have to lose?"
Most people, whether poor or of moderate gains take pride in what they have even if it's very little. Telling any group of people, "what do you have to lose?" will get you in return a giant "fuck you" leaving only resignation to anything you've left to say.