What if we're wrong and the leftists are right?
What if we're wrong and the leftists are right?
You are wrong.
Your ideas will not stand the test of time. The river of time always bends towards justice.
They've never been right
>The river of time always bends towards justice.
Exactly, Why else do you think the leftists got absolutely BTFO when they had everything going for them
The left is built on a stack of lies. They can only build their empire so high before it all comes crashing down.
Left modus operandi relies on being insincere. Don't believe (((they're))) lies
Both are kinda right though.
Socialized Healthcare is comfy as fuck. We need to transition off of fossil fuels ASAP. Let gay people marry eachother.
But also don't leave your borders completely fucking open. Don't encourage transexualism. People should be allowed to own and carry firearms of all types.
>The river of time always bends towards justice.
Which is why you'll lose. People who have no understanding of Liberty demand blood for Justice.
Neither are right. Some policys are better left wing, some are better right wing.
Both phalanx' are filled with unproductive NEETs and older outright retards.
>Let gay people marry eachother.
You lost me there
Our healthcare system is collapsing. Faggots belong in prison.
There is no wrong or right, just what you prefer.
>left is right
But that's wrong
Only right is right.
>Socialized Healthcare is comfy as fuck
Huh, that's why millions of Canadians travel to the US for private healthcare when they need urgent surgery. That's why millions of Britons go private to avoid waiting (literally) years on the NHS waiting list.
>transition off of fossil fuels
>buying into the climate meme
>Let gay people marry eachother
How about, the state has nothing to do with marriage? How about, we don't force religious institutions to defy their own teachings?
to think that would mean becoming a leftist
thinly veiled conversion thread, do not allow yourselves to be deceived.
All I care about is immigration and taxes. How can they be right if theyre policies suck?
that's the kind of thinking that leads to idiocy like we're seeing today
reality is not relative
there's nothing anti right wing about finding alternative fuel sources. Just that they shouldn't be subsidized to prop up failed or inefficient ones.
also, right wing ideology followed through wouldn't havethe gov't controlling who gets married at all. If you join a gay church and want a gay wedding, it would be your prerogative.
socialized health care is a solution to the wrong problem. If health insurance is affordable and competitive with real free martkets, socialized medicine wouldn't be such a disaster being that it wouldn't cost so damn much to pay for it comparatively. However, if insurance is cheap, you wouldn't really need to socialize it because everyone would just fucking buy it privately for cheap like they do with car/house/life insurance. socializing the cost of something that is broken and inflated to nonsense levels is just a spending disaster.
however, the nature of politics is predicting human behavior to some extent. One group will want to do something, expecting a certain result, and another will want to do the same thing expecting an entirely different result. In some cases both do happen but in different magnitudes.
What is the most effective action to get the desired result is an issue parties everywhere struggle with.
Leftist here. I can tell you that leftists tend to be wrong about "human nature" sorts of things (everything is socially constructed, utopia is possible) and they were wrong about a lot more in the past (e.g. the 70s).
Conservatives are wrong about economics and science. They have some good points about public employee unions and the need for law and order, but beyond that it's all free-market fairy tales, where tax cuts reduce deficits and so on.
So when it comes to actually governing, conservatives do worse because the stuff they're wrong about is the stuff that's more important for governing.
About what; kiddie fiddling?
What are you gonna do, stop them from reproducing? Lmao
Also pic related, Canadian police
The belief that all humans are the same leads to shit like pic related.
I'd say leftists are more dangerous.
isn't the free market sort of the right's answer to the left being wrong about human nature? A way to harness the natural greed and self serving nature of humanity to make it more beneficial to everyone involved? Not trying to start an argument on the merits of free markets exactly, just an observation
Nope, most politics is just opinions.
You can still support burning coal even if you think it'll lead to global warming.
You can still cuck your life right up because you're white but still know it will bite you in the ass later.
Different views are neither right or wrong they'll just lead to different outcomes. Right would be better for the country, left less for the country more for the rest of the world.
If Leftists are right, then reality is a logical contradiction.
without the left you would never be right
If leftists were right they wouldn't be left, dummy.
no one is right or wrong. stop being stupid
This is Toronto, isn't it?...
>Socialized Healthcare is comfy as fuck
What is wait time for specialists in BC?
Fuck leftist
The river of time only bends towards entropy.
>The river of time always bends towards justice.
Hate to break it to you.
This is the kind of happy horseshit that the left tends to be wrong about.
>linearly extrapolating a 25 year trend in HDI (of all things) based on 10 years of data
Don't use what I said as cover for your racist crap.
They may see it that way, but in reality there a lots of instances where a free market doesn't exist or doesn't work well, and the laissez-faire approach is just a disaster, e.g. the US healthcare system.
Not knowing your propaganda is bullshit isn't an excuse.
that would be evidence that we are living in a matrix
also, why doesn't anyone debate the merits of crony interventionalist gov't? would be a lot more useful considering almost every gov't in the world practices it.
Lets take the worst of capitalism and communism and bake a totalitarian cake which only our friends are allowed to eat :)
not true, the right is obviously right.
they can still be wrong, but they would still be the right
Tax cuts would work out alright for everyone if neocons would stop being such faggots about military spending.
I'm not entirely disagreeing with you, but the US healthcare system isn't laissez-faire whatsoever. It is possibly the most regulated monopolized sector in the country, before and after the ACA.
There is no way right or wrong.
All reality is perception, which in turn depends on your own personal experience.
At the end of the day, we're just monkeys with pants fucking over each other in an infinitely small corner of the universe.
>The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive.
We know they're wrong, user. They prove it.
>concern trolling
You're STILL trying this?
edgy XD
I see now you are a fool. I sure hope you don't get upset at the left for calling everyone they disagree with a racist and shutting down conversation, because you yourself are guilty of it.
wtf i love open borders now
>millions of Canadians
What if you are a cuck? Oh wait maybe you are
Depends. I had cancer and was treated in a reasonable amount of time and everything went well and I didn't pay for any of it.
>right about economics
Leftist "economies" have been the most disastrous part of the left
What if they are? What if they aren't? What if the world were made out of pudding?
Nice meme
Oh yeah because Northern Europe is so poor and underdeveloped compared to a capitalist disaster like Somalia.
Norway is literally only rich because they have a nationalized oil industry. Before the oil was discovered hey were a poor backwater.
>comparing white country with lots of oil and natural resources to nigger country that just discovered the wheel 150 years ago.
At least you (seemingly) admit that tax cuts have to be balanced by spending cuts.
Explain that shit to Governors Jindal and Brownback.
I think it depends what you mean. Regulations on drug, procedure and facility safety, licensing for medical professionals and whatnot are pretty unavoidable. I'm not an expert on all the regulations of insurance plans and whatnot, but it's clear that the industry can't set prices internally, and it's also clear that every other developed country has a more regulate system and pays less for universal coverage of quality comparable if not better than what we get. Every system has its pros and cons, but the US system is just a clear failure, and I haven't heard any plausible "free-market" plans for making it work.
Maybe in the 1920's. Stagflation was more of a technical glitch that got fixed; conservatives just have no idea how economics work. They never took econ 101 but think they did because they read shitty austrian webpages.
And what if the moon is made of fucking cheese?
conservatism has already stood the test of time
traditions exist, as such, because they are continuously selected for, because they work
meanwhile, liberals censor and hide and lie because their bullshit does not hold up under scrutiny
also, degeneracy (modern liberalism) is highly anomalous and attends social destruction
this time is no exception - we're on the eve of ww3
It is extremely complicated and i surely don't have the answer.
You are correct in that there are a lot of regulations that are unavoidable. The one thing I see though is that there aren't many options for heath insurance providers in most places. In my area, there is one major carrier, and a couple smaller ones, and they are all horrendously expensive. I know there are problems with buying insurance across state lines involving state specific regulations, but some of the conflicts involve regulation that should be abolished, like mandating every plan cover specific things. They can offer all those things, but I would like to be free to choose a cheaper option that doesn't cover things I can't use. The rest of the insurance industry has much more competition, and prices aren't exploding; however that's not the only factor in price to be sure.
Also, the rest of the world benefits massively from the billions in research and testing that the US does in pharma and medical techniques, which then get used by everyone else without having to pay for their development, which is one factor why some countries can sustain socialized healthcare at a much lower cost.
Again though, my argument isn't that socialized medicine can't work, just that socializing an insanely expensive system isn't going to make it cheaper. You need to make the system cheaper, then decide the merits of socialization vs privatization, because both are a disaster if it's too expensive.
Explain why the UN has projected Sweden to be a third world country by 2030 then
>socializing an insanely expensive system isn't going to make it cheaper
Except we spend an extra 6-9% of GDP on healthcare relative to every other developed country except possibly Switzerland, so that's empirically false.
their wealth was built on hundreds, thousands, of years of conservative morality and industry
They can't be right, they're left.
You categorically are incorrect on pretty much everything
It is almost like different countries have different levels of productivity vs population size.
We're right.
do you think that socialization actually fixes every problem contributing the cost of insurance?
The problem is getting much worse, much more quickly. Cost wasn't always the huge problem that it is currently, and it wasn't socialized then. You could argue that socialization may reduce costs some, I would somewhat agree, but it's a reasonable debate, but to say that a private system is the sole driver of cost is a bit narrow.
From which Kek hails and to which, by His will, all will return. And very soon.
>do you think that socialization actually fixes every problem contributing the cost of insurance?
I don't know about every problem, but the US system is a fuckton more expensive without covering everyone and without giving better care to those who are covered.
Some countries have a few insurance companies that everyone is automatically enrolled in, some countries are single-payer, the British are obviously full-blown socialist, and they all work much, much better than the US system.
Sorry if I'm not fully engaging your points, I'm pretty tired.
Defending free speech and liberty will never be wrong.
This sounds pretty much all right