To reddit!
Kanye West (with help from DJ Mustard)BROKE OUT of the hospital... he's not too happy
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More like DJ Hot Dog
nice rack
oh wait is that a guy
Don't care
Fuck off nigger
bottom comedian stfu plz
nice tits
Please help Kanye Bump bump bump it all the way ^ up top
todays the day we figure out what they did to this nigger
Why are you doing this? Give an explanation.
Wouldn't you want help if you were being railroaded by the mental health industrial complex?
Kanye called his boi to get him out
they really are just like us :)
I mean if there is someone who can bring mainstream attention it is Kanye. Idk why Sup Forums isnt rallying beind him.
>To reddit!
Have fun and feel free to stay there.
The term "pet ape" really isn't that far off, it seems.
When a zoo animal exhibits dangerous behaviour, its keepers will immediately drag it out of the limelight for examinations.
fuck dj mustard nigga fell off
Metro Booming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.. dj hotdog
Please save Kanye! The same people who killed Breitbart are after our favorite nigger!
Please stop that stupid nigger talk and help look for Kayne
I'm not sure what these faggots are up to, but Kanye was told he was acting schizophrenic right after he paused a concert to let everyone know he endorsed Trump
Everybody go upboat my post about Removing niggers from America
while we wait for kanye to be released, what are your guyses favorite The Strokes songs/albums?
Sup faggots
No, free drugs and hot nurses.
Last night and reptilia
'Sup man
>kanye west
kys newfag cancer
Kanye is mostly on his own.
He's going to have to start recruiting gangstas and hunt the people going after him:
Ain't no going back
im sure kanye will feel a lot better when he is allowed home
This is what happens when we let "Civic Nationalists" become part of the Alt-Right.
Sup Forums is a fucking joke now .Nothing but wiggers larping as fascists.
everyone go to julian casablancas twitter, he knows whats up
you might want to make a post on about that
I expect a divorce announcement press release within 30 days.
acknowledge my trips please
Plz delete this comment
here they are for reference
>Hot nurses
This is good bait.
You're wrong that's dj.hamburger
i got dubdubs/repeating quads here
almost quads
>Don't care
mtv celeb pr stunts
who cares
He's going the way of MJ. All he needs to do now is name the jew and kanye is kill
> You're living in a timeline were Kanye West fights the Illuminati
kanye has got this in the bag hes a fucking G he probably has plenty of other Gs to protect him
Sauce? Nobody says kanye broke out they say he will be released today. Fml i dont know why im participating but i would like to see someone with a large audience expose psychiatric hospitals and fraud. Look up the thud experiment aka (((rosenhol))) experiment. might have misspelled the name but its crazy a bunch of doctors got locked up and couldnt get back out trying to do an experiment to see if sane people got locked up by (((mistake)))
i was fucking with you mate, also shit singles you got there
>Kanye West has been described as 'profoundly depressed and paranoid' as he continues to recover in hospital from a reported breakdown
Bitch nigga cant even swallow the redpill without choking
They also handcuffed him when they took him to the hospital. Someone find the article that exposed it, I think Daily Mail
Well, at least this isn't the billteenth "Drumpf BTFO!" slider...
!!! FAKE NEWS !!!
>real trips, checked
Imagine lol
During his Sacramento and San Jose concerts, Kanye West went on two rants largely about politics and the entertainment industry, where he:
Came out in support of Donald Trump after people close to him said not to do so publicly
Said that he was putting his career, life, and public well-standing at risk by talking to the audience in such a manner
Pleaded with Jay-Z and DJ Khaled to not send "killers" and "hitters" after him but instead to personally speak with him
Came out against Google, Facebook, and the radio as liars
Claimed that people following "old models" would end up like Hillary Clinton and that Obama couldn't make America great
Said that Mark Zuckerberg told him he could help Donda (Kanye's mother)
Mentions a Richard Pryor interview "about people coming into power and not changing everything and just becoming a part of the power. That’s happened with musicians because they’re scared. I’m not scared. I’m here to change things."
The day after his rant, authorities were called on Kanye for reported "erratic behavior" while at the home of his personal trainer. He was involuntarily taken to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and will remain there through at least Thanksgiving.
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center connection to CIA MKULTRA
Who is Louis Jolyon West?
Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West (October 6, 1924, in Brooklyn, New York – January 2, 1999, in Los Angeles, California) was an American psychiatrist whose work focused particularly on cases where subjects were "taken to the limits of human experience". He performed Jack Ruby's psychiatric evaluation, and he was in charge of UCLA's department of psychiatry and the Neuropsychiatric Institute for 20 years.
Between 1974 and 1989, West received at least $5,110,099 in grants from the federal government, channeled through the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a major funding conduit for CIA programs. Many millions more poured into the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute that West headed, including over $14 million in federal funds in one fiscal year before he stepped down.
Information on his role in MKULTRA:
What does this mean?
The Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center was the site of CIA MKULTRA mind control experimentation. Interesting to note - Louis West performed the psychiatric evaluation of Jack Ruby (the man who shot Lee Harvey Oswald) and visited Timothy McVeigh in prison (
A number of celebrities have been committed to the hospital after public outbursts. Some of them, like Michael Jackson, have made numerous references to Illuminati-like conspiracies in the entertainment industry:
Breitbart-UCLA connection
After collapsing during a walk, Andrew Breitbart, founder of Breitbart News, was taken to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center instead of a hospital closer to his apartment in Brentwood. He died at the age of 43 of heart failure, though the toxicology report showed nothing in his system and a BAC of only .04. Breitbart's coroner was found dead from arsenic poisoning the same day his autopsy was released, and the only witness has gone missing. Interestingly, Breitbart's face was bright red according to the witness, unusual for heart attack victims (whose faces usually turn blue). His death came shortly before the "release of video that shows now President Obama [at] a ‘radical’ Harvard rally supposedly demonstrative of racial division tactics he took part in." (
See also:
Former CIA agent claims Obama ordered hits on Breitbart and Tom Clancy:
>dj mustard
Tits look like an old woman's.
Shit music, and Kanye is a stupid nigger.
they did MKULTRA stuff at UCLA med center where Kayne is
You the Illuminati too, white boi? You tha reason Tupac is still ded, bitch boi.
teach me how to use get-scripts you fag
>Real name
>Dijon Isaiah McFarlane
wtf, I love DJ Mustard now?
look it up you lazy nigger
God damn it Sup Forums I will not have us be outdone by Reddit again. We need to make Kanye West the new governor of California, and we can't do that if Obama's goons get him!
>TWITTER FINGERS TURN TO TRIGGER FINGERS(from cia heart attack guns when you start exposing too much)
K nice disinfo liar
all you have to do is believe.
see, you got it
shill pls go
i linked to shit already
This transcends racial tribalism. Kanye has educated himself to the powers that influence us and is being silenced because of it.
can someone please reply
More like DJ Buffet
Yeah male nurses. No female wants to do psych nursing, pal. Trust me.
Have a (you) friend
>see flag
Sup Forums has been in love with Kanye since 2010, if you want to sit and act like anything related to him means you're a newfag then you haven't been on this website for very long.
This isn't Sup Forums and Kanye has been overrated since College Dropout. Way too up his own ass to matter.
It's Christie's time to shine boys
you're an idiot if you fall for """kanye is narcissistic asshole""" media meme , playing right into the jews hands. why are you even here. kanye is woke he defended trump kys
his skinbeard will impress all nations and Atlantis will again rise from the sea
quads confirm
Yeah. Kanye, Trump, MJ, and Dave Chappelle were their victims. Dave escaped to Africa before they did what they're doing to Kanye though. Trump is prevailing too.
Kanye is opportunistic and very much bipolar. He's been subverted by the Jews years ago. What he says now is irrelevant because it will be chalked up to him having a "mental breakdown".
why did Breitbart's vids never come out
Psych is all dudes or fat black women.
Not even gay male nurses do it.
T. Registered nurse
cuz they killed him so obamas chimpout with his idol tribemaster nigger sensei wouldnt come out
Solid research, big pill to swallow for plebs tho
thank you someone gets it
Close but no cigar
yea but his people had to have had the videos. you'd also think he'd have a dead man's switch if he had given an ultimatum for such sensitive material
ok at least we arent the country with a president called barack hussein obama lul
More political abuse of psychiatry?
About time the filthy American government has someone call them on their shit.
MJ Prince and Tupac got got already
All went after the (((1%)))
Biggie was better, nigger
>without choking
If you had enough fame and power to influence millions of people, you would probably feel internal conflict
Youll be lucky if one day you get half a dozen (You)s
Let's see what happens. He probably got locked up to give the jewish lawyers some time to whip up a contract that he has to sign if he wants out. It's a pretty exciting time to be alive, the whole world is watching and has the potential to be red pilled. It doesn't even have to be kanye, the media is disoriented right now.
>hehe Trump is a good guy
>wants to expand the NSA, renew the Patriot Act (Wants to indefinitely detain Americans without trial), won't abokish the Fed, and loves Israel
Stop disinforming you soulless piece of shit.
Oh yes
Kanye is on our side, he was trying to redpill his fans about jews and pizzagate. Now they will try and chappelle or tupac him. KEK PROTECT HIM