Why would an army still fight when they've lost and their leader surrendered?
Why would an army still fight when they've lost and their leader surrendered?
>posts on Sup Forums
>doesn't remember WW2
There are other shill groups. JIDF for example.
They're still getting paid
Good question. That's really just all the more reason to believe that CTR doesn't and never has existed on Sup Forums and is just a bogeyman. It was just trolls all along.
Um, there are elections every couple years. Propaganda doesn't stop in between.
good goy
A lot of these people are shitposters
that's easy
they really can't leave, this place does things to people who stay to long. it's like they become addicted to this mongolian carpet enthusiast enterprise
remember, you're here forever
I don't know what percentage of "CTR"-tier posts it may be, but trolls are pretty common here.
Most of them got fired, but there's still some paid shills promoting recount threads and derailing and sliding /ewo/. They'll be here until the inauguration.
They are delusional like those Japanese soldiers who were trapped on a island being fed prerecorded lies and propaganda decades after the war ended not knowing they already lost.
Honestly I think it's just a combination of radical lefts and shitposters. The PTSD from the great meme war just has us thinking they're shills.
No, Soros only pays one group to shill, it would take a lot of paperwork to have dozens of shell companies carrying out dark operations exactly as Project Veritas documented.
RogLibs on retainer
Dude, we're paid until the end of the month.
I can't wait to get tout of here, the girls here haven't showered, and literally smell like shit. Especially this fat chick Brenda.
The Clinton campaign paid them in advance until inauguration day.
They're just typical trolls, pre-election shills and people being ironic that you normally see.
Welp it's finally happening
The lefties and the liberal media are turning against Stein / Clinton.
Ultra liberal rag the Boston Herald just ran this piece
Remember that Massachusetts is the bluest of the blue, and Boston is super liberal.
>implying they can leave the room
Virgins for life
soros didn't surrender
We've reached the acceptance stage of grief. Took 3 weeks for those faggots but they finally got there
There will always be a shadowy boogeyman on Sup Forums as long as there are people who disagree with Sup Forums's groupthink. Eventually Sup Forums will latch onto something else to blame when someone disagrees with them, and CTR will end up another useless buzzword like JIDF. Then there are people who are just trolls baiting people, and who can blame them? Sup Forums is probably the easiest board to rile up. Especially the Trumpkins.
CTR has fallen, but JIDF still stands strong.
They aren't still fighting. CTR is meme now for retards.
isn't it some kind of other swedish homos doing this now? They got farted on and started to cry and so on, i zzz here and don't remember or got link. J something? but not JIDF... faggots anyways, just gun be fun
They were part of Hillary's campaign, not Soros. Her campaign is over. They aren't some independent leftwing organization, they were literally campaign workers.
>They were part of Hillary's campaign
CTR was spun of of Media Matters which has been around since 2004.
just look at the podesta emails dude.
he was getting newsletters from CTR years before Hillaaaaaaaary!
Because David Brock founder CTR and also dated James "Jimmy Comet" Alefantis for an extended period.
>The reason CTR is still here is to slide threads about PizzaGate, since their organization is directly involved.