Liberas use this bullshit all the fucking time and it pisses me off
tl;dr: You're oppressed and you don't know it because you're oppressors are tricking you into feeling like you're not oppressed.
Liberas use this bullshit all the fucking time and it pisses me off
tl;dr: You're oppressed and you don't know it because you're oppressors are tricking you into feeling like you're not oppressed.
Liberals are retarded and should just be ignored. Just like any other cult.
first post best post
Can we stop posting this cunt's picture? Shes a 4/10 at best and none of us have actually watched her videos
I'm a white male and everyone tells me I'm not oppressed so am I really the most oppressed person on earth by false consciousness rules?
The liberals may have gotten something right for once.
This bitch is grotesque
Liberals gaslight everyone, even their selves.
This goofy looking fat bitch is going to be that stereotypical woman screaming at a fast food employee about their white privelege and demanding to see a manager because her chicken nuggets took too long to fry.
>Shes a 4/10 at best
And NOW what do you think of her?
They don't use it, they live it, liberalism is one huge gaslighting operation but all the participants are willing.
The crazier they act, the less sense they make, the more they piss normal people off the better
remember that probably like 60% of Sup Forums are former liberals who gradually realized this kind of shit is Not Truth
Do you realize how this applies to whites?
I'm not saying it's true. None of the marxist agitprop bullshit is, strictly speaking, true, but it's what you use in order to make a society disintegrate and we should use it as well.
It sounds like what we call "the blue pill".
Yeah, she, Anna Kasparian, Lauren Southern, etc. aren't even hot yet they're paraded around here for some reason.
without her tits, there is pretty much nothing interesting to look at.
>You're oppressed and you don't know it because you're oppressors are tricking you into feeling like you're not oppressed.
That does have merit. Brainwashing is real.
What the liberals lack, however, is self-awareness, and that their own ideology is itself a form of brain washing. The only way to do this is develop critical thinking, something that saddly most do not try to have
She always makes sure her boobs are in frame doesn't she?
So much better like this. I can actually respect her since there's no sound in jpegs.
i like her tits
pure critical theory nonsence, thry are part of the "system" so they dontconform or acknowledge their "chains of oppression. The reason Marxism in America never worked so far as actual revolution was because the middle class people with good jobs had the most power. Cultural Marxism is just attacking America in a new direction, but they all use the same language
and now?
This is the obvious and inevitable result of sociology programs. X studies majors justify their expensive degrees by believing that they have a cultivated omniscience for injustice even where the victims don't perceive it. Now that's what I call a useful degree.
funny how, despite being a feminist cunt, she chops off the top of her head to squeeze her tits into the frame
Sounds like how conservatives have been pushing the shitty idea for decades that the lagging growth of the middle class is because too many regulations and taxes on corporations and elite bankers.
Also sounds like a term with relevance to mental health, since mental health/illness is culturally defined and basically anyone who cant cope with this shitty capitalist system is told that it is some problem within them that they can fix with pharma, as opposed to perhaps there are some unfair aspects of our society that is leading to their unfulfillment
>all video thumbnails have huge cleavage
>videos themselves have none
She's a sly cunny conjurer
>Sup Forums is a neocon board
first time browsing her newfriend?
>And NOW what do you think of her?
whoa... dizzy... headache coming on.
wh-what happened?
10/10 perfect woman
I can only imagine, judging by her face, that she talks something like pic related.
I'm doing great in this shitty capitalist system.
Sorry you weren't born with enough intelligence to make something of your life.
Ive been here since you were touching johnsons in the 5th grade urinal, fgt
>whoa... dizzy... headache coming on.
>wh-what happened?
You finally saw her face.
Stop posting this fat cow on here
her mouth looks like she could eat a whole hamburger in one bite
Another example of false consciousness: i make money therefore i am doing well; my well being is extricable from the suffering of my fellow country men, humans, and the planet; the damage and unsustainability of my lifestyle doesnt matter as long as i have vidya, anime and can fap
The only real problem with capitalism is inheretance disrupting the "equal opportunity" ideal.
This can be easily fixed by promoting the rich to have more kids and discouraging the poor to have more than 1-2 children per couple. Consolidation of wealth for the poor, division of wealth amongst the rich.
Simply put, if your poor don't have a fuck load of kids.
Capitalism works
Why are liberal women filled with so much anger and hate?
We're they all diddled by daddy or Uncle Bob as kids?
You seem angry friend, what's bothering you?
>not much changed
Which one? There are so many.
Without even trying to be insulting I can say 100 percent that Laci Green looks like Miss Piggy. It's undeniable.
>mouthbreather kike face
>bad eyes
>flabby udders to distract you from her toxic verbal diarrhea
I disagree. Her tits are decent, and with that much time spent bitching I bet that mouth is durable as fuck. I would hope at least, cause plugging that cakehole would be priority #1 if she were near me.
Flipside is hearing her talk knocks points off my IQ, spikes my blood pressure, and makes me sterile.
One of my fetish is to hate fuck laci green.
>miss piggy
No way senpai. If you think this is the only problem with capitalism you need to read some marx and work a couple years in social services, education, or community work
This dumb bitch is a really dumb bitch.
They call it "unconscious bias" these days, same concept though.
According to an ex-boyfriend she gave him herpes.
Then again anyone can say anything on the internet.
psychiatry is bs
I can't believe no one has caught on to this yet. I mean if you made laci green into a puppet it would be Miss Piggy.
Stay poor you cuck.
Everyone knows that communists are just those who are so pathetic they can't succeed at life.
capitalism is the best
commies must be booted from usa
Sounds like someone's never heard of "regulatory capture", i.e. why liberals keep getting suckered into propping up the same corporations that they think are (and eventually actually are) oppressing them.
Don't believe me? look into how many telecom companies pushed for net neutrality. Notice, if you will, how the FCC only protects the hegemony of television and radio stations, instead of keeping them in check.
>you need to read some marx
Why the fuck do commies always think that there's something magical about marx that will convert everyone who lays eyes on it? I've read marx, he's just as dumb as everyone who worships him. Nowhere else can you find someone claiming that doctors, lawyers, etc. are "oppressed" for being paid more than everyone else.
marx is laughable shit
everywhere its tried it fucks things
and its fucking things up here
USA was opposite odf communism and became no1
think about it
it will be a good day when she finally dies after a long battle with AIDS
>cults should be ignored
I want to stuff my dick in that mouth.
Not all of us are as alienated from humanity as you are, friendo.
Tax corporations more. Economics and raw capitalism does not account for things which are not easily commodified, such as water, air, labor, craftmanship, humanity, culture, the environment, etc. Regulations must be placed to account for things essential for human survival and equality. That's what I'm sayin.
Marx posited the most comprehensive and poignant critique of capitalism to date, which is why he is still studied and referenced world wide. His analysis is much more than your rudimentary point so I assumed you haven't read him. Capitalism places monetary values on things and turns them into commodities, removing and alienating people from each other, their craft, their humanity, and the planet. This is what enables such selfish greed in our society. Its not merely "muh equality", its a fundamental loss of our humanity that has the potential to destroy our species and planet, after causing catastrophic suffering, unless the proletariat rise up and organize to reclaim what is unfairly apportioned
They're not retarded. They're just caught in the dorm room. They'll leave, get a dose of reality, and leave it all behind. Trust me. I've been there and experienced this change.
She just needs to get fucked hard, so she shuts the fuck up and is happy.
Who is this cum dumpster looking thing?
Your whole premise is based around the idea that the worker being paid less is unfair. That they're being exploited because they don't make as much.
It is ludicrous. Who takes the risk if the company fails? Do the employees put up any capital to start the company? If the company has a loss this year, does the employer get to ask his employees for some of their money back to help cover the costs?
Employees make a decision to accept less risk for less reward. They get paid no matter what, they are not being exploited.
I just want to hate fuck (((Laci Green))).
I dunno, I just think this bimbo needs a good dicking. And to shave her armpits.
What did she mean by this?
Workers are exploited to the extent they are allowed to be, by themselves thru lack of organization/action and the state because corporations maximize profits on spreadsheets where a loving mother of 3 becomes just another number among many to be added, subtracted, and maximized for efficiency in profit making.
Further, the origin of power is often in more brute, less nuanced forms of exploitation and oppression, such as slavery and colonization. It is difficult to argue for "fair" taxation when wealth and opportunities are not. Besides, you can "fairly" tax incomes above x amount for y% of the amount above x accross the board, and still "fairly" tax all those below x a different rate.
And lastly, if humanity means nothing to you, the last century has shown repeatedly that reduced taxes and regulations on wall st and corporations hurts the middle class which ultimately shits on the economy and makes america weaker
I was just thinking the same thing too desu
wtf i hate perfect facial symmetry now
Whats her endgame Sup Forums?
PC is anti-intellectual and anti-science.
>You're oppressed and you don't know it because you're oppressors are tricking you into feeling like you're not oppressed.
>You can never understand this because of your privilege.
In science it should be possible for any one to try and prove or disprove, not here. This is made up bullshit with no base
You're right. Too thin in the porno.
Oh dear. I was under influence of tits the whole time. Now I can see her face, and it is real bad.
so if you're tricked into not being oppressed does that mean you aren't oppressed?
there's some mental gymnastics going on that deserve a 0/10
She'd be perfect for one of those violent deepthroat videos.
I only had to expand OP's image and not look at her tits to see the absolute degeneracy that is her face. Women are always like this. You glance at them from a distance or very quickly, and your imagination/libido fills in the holes, making your mental image very pretty. Then, you look closer and realize that they're ugly, whether in appearance, personality, or both.
her titties give me a false consciousness because they cause my lower animalistic sex functions to activate. luckily I'm in my 30s, so that shit isn't powerful enough to enslave me anymore
you've just opened my mind...
I've legit been red-pilled just now...
If a person is "allowing" themselves to be exploited, they're not being exploited. To say otherwise is to claim that the working class/poor/proletariat/what-have-you are too witless to be trusted with managing their own lives, and need the government to do it for them.
Why do you think that "brute" methods will be able to fix the problems caused by those methods having already resulted in unequal opportunity?
Why do you think that "humanity" means less to people who see the failures of socialism for what they are? The arrogance of socialist in assuming that anyone who disagrees with their policies hates the poor is part of why you lost the last election, you know.
>the last century has shown repeatedly that reduced taxes and regulations on wall st and corporations hurts the middle class
[citation needed]
If anything, every major economic downturn of the last century is evidence that government manipulating markets results in unsustainable misallocation of resources.
Imagine her topless. Imagine slapping her on the tits. She giggles. Imagine slapping her on the tits a second time, this time harder. "Ouch!" she says and recoils a little looking at you quizzically. You slap her on tits again. And again. And your face is dead serious as you do it. She backs into a corner. And crouches. You pat her on the head and say, "It's OK", and you unzip and she pleases you, slurping vigorously.
>Sup Forums thinks it understands jewish tricks
>cannot grasp a simple concept like "false consciousness"
fuck you are worse than retarded freshman
anna is a fucking donkey face slag surgery couldnt help
lauren is clever camera person
Allowing themselves AND the state. Capitalism is viewed as part of the evolution to socialism and eventually communism. Until the ideal end state is reached, oppression is in the constant struggle of the proletariat to achieve equality.
If man is witless, it is because the false consciousness of our system
But isn't that exactly what we believe about Jews and blue pilled normies?
Sounds good, and if it fell in my lap I wouldn't turn it down, but going out in the world and seeking it out, plus all the possible energy sucks that it could get me into (feelings of attachment and possessiveness, emotional fights with the other person, etc.) make it not worth it. I'd rather focus on building a better lifestyle for myself, making money, being there for my friends, and so on. It's not sexy and fun, but it builds for the future. Kinky sex with a girl usually doesn't build for the future - you can have a lot of fun for a few weeks or months, but then if it falls apart you're back where you started, with nothing more than a pleasant memory. On the other hand, slow and steady productive effort builds stuff that will still be there for you a few months down the road. Which is pretty fucking cool.
They're angry because they're surrounded by weak betas and cucks. They badly want a strong man to put them in their place and are lashing out because there are no such men around them.
They aren't. Most liberal women, like most women in general, are smiling and laughing all the time. Haven't you noticed? They exist in a near-constant state of obsession with boys, sex, reproduction, etc.
Also, she's right about Trump supporters.
to be fair.
chad does not go for laci green and ana kaspatian.
no thats moral
the person earned it
totally cool for smart parents to give to kids
this is all fantasy