Which are the true good guys Sup Forums? Sith or Jedi?
Sith or Jedi?
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I don't even know anymore.
>good guys
no such thing
Jedi are stuck in the past with their rules and Sith do evil shit because it makes them more powerful
>jew who writes new star wars script says empire are white nationalists
Obviously empire. Obviously sith.
beat me to it.
New Jedi Order, which is pretty much Jedi.
Obviously the planet-destroying tyrants are the good guys, and the guardians of peace in the galaxy for thousands for years are the bad guys.
Both are the same desu
Neither. Both of them are religious cults that control the action from behind the scenes for their own gain. Space Jews if you will.
Nothing after Lucas sold to Disney counts. It still bears the brand name but is a different entity entirely.
both are bad, jedi are egotistical self serving bureaucrats. sith are egotistical self serving and over emotional
Lucas /Old Testament
Mouse /New testament.
An Australian post that isn't shit, impressive.
Neither, good and evil are just labels for forces beyond human comprehension
>do gooder Jedi supports the Republic
>Republic becomes weak and corrupt
>Crime, corruption and instability becomes rampant
>strong willed Sith overthrow a weakened Republic and establishes order
>Order becomes increasingly stifling
>Rebellions begin as a reaction to being subjugated
>Jedi come out of hiding to overthrow the empire and finally reestablishes a Republic
>Return to Step 1
Sith are actually a mix of good and bad.
They tend to range all the way from rogue jedi who go around helping people without the jedi orders permission, all the way to people who just want to slaughter as many innocents as possible to feed the voices in their heads.
Jedi are true neutral, their only objective is to keep the balance between good and evil
I never understood what the rebels were rebelling about.
Blowing up Alderaan was a bit cunty, but that was after the rebellion began.
The rebels are literally just space-ISIS.
there is no good or evil, only balance.
Sup Forums is a mandalorian board
So long as they each keep trying to eradicate each other, they're both the bad guys.
>supports grey fence sitter fags too scared to make a decision on anything
>not a shit post
Jedi offcourse if you dont see that you are a retard and its hell time
>watch the fucking movies
Gray Jedi
order 66. know what side your on darth fatty.
>Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
>Fence sitting
>Grey focus more on actually doing good instead of sitting in towers circle jerking
>Willing to use both ends of the spectrum to better people's lives
You're the shit poster here
>Globalists versus Antifa faggots
Minor outlying galaxy of green space vikings master race.
Jedi=far left SJWs
Sigh=far right nationalists
The only correct path is grey.
they are each others controlled opposition, the force always has to reset to balance
>muh rules
>muh moral code
>muh multiculturalism
Jedi are like libertarians. Incapable of running civilization without turning everything to shit and filling the galaxy with decadency and undesirable races.
The Empire is the white man's choice, bringing peace through strength and wiping out the undesirable scum.
All the same except Light saber color.
Two sides of a greater whole. The force is always in balance because the force is everything.
Jesus fuck you kids and your Grey Jedi. You've really got no fucking clue do you? The only way a Grey Jedi stays a Grey Jedi is by keeping out of the shit of the Sith and Jedi. The second they lean towards one side they are either Sith or Jedi. There is no fucking 10% Jedi/Sith. This isn't Mass Effect or KOTOR.
Not even close. They just have a slight SS aesthetic and nothing more.
Jango lost to Mace Windu, Mace Windu lost to Anakin, Boba fought even ground against Darth Vader.
You can't be a Sith or Jedi if the Sith and Jedi are all dead.
Force looked pretty balanced after that.
Jedi & Republic
>literally 25,000+ year old and stagnant as fuck
>full of corruption, gives no "purpose" to the galaxy
>no will to explore or master the cosmos
>just fucking exists
>the Jedi run the Force as a spooky oligarchic religion
>only they get to decide who gets in, and everyone else must kiss their asses
>completely corrupt, completely in bed with the government
>dominate all politics and war, moralising on which side is "good"
>eternally preserving the stagnant republic (that gives them so many privileges and cushy temples to live in) against reform and revolution
>cause most of the wars too, because every other fucking galactic civil war, with death tolls in the BILLIONS, is started because of internal squabbling between some angsty prettyboy and his master
>every other "jedi civil war" (read: CIVIL FUCKING WAR that ruins half the galaxy) is because the cousin's nephew's daughter's former roommate jedi of the last jedi to cause a civil war sided with the last LAST guy to start a civil war's brother-in-law and started another one
>25,000 years and no scientific study of the Force, sith alchemy banned because someone somewhere once used it to make rape goblins
Sith & Empire
>Hegelian state, still very open to individual concerns
>no more Jedi aristocratic caste: Rule of Two only, restricting power struggles to a meaningless duel at the very peak of society
>polycratic and meritocratic despite slight preference for humans
>allows most systems to maintain republican autonomy
>no more stagnation, all culture, arts, and sciences impelled by introduction of new ideas, new theses and antitheses
>industry explodes with creation of war fleet and new military complex (by the way, TOTALLY necessary because one generation later the yuuzhan vong invade, and they would have massacred the entire republic to a man)
>unexplored regions immediately start to be explored by sith - revan with the rakatan, etc. - neutralising possible threats and expanding knowledge
>within ten minutes of major sith lords taking over (esp. revan + sidious), the Force is studied scientifically and Sith alchemy is rehabilitated as a positive thing
>inside a generation, meritocratic military is already testing scientifically for Force-sensitives, and training them to use their powers - i.e., democratising the Force and making it accessible to more than just a stagnant aristocracy
>expansive plans to explore the rest of the universe
Republic comes back
>Jedi aristocracy reinstated by Luke and co.
>most important people in entire galaxy are.. Luke and co.'s kids (who all intermarry, have kids who intermarry, and remain the most impotant people in all existence while causing endless civil wars over domestic disputes again because JEDI ARISTOCRACY!!! ONLY JEDI MATTER!!!)
>stagnant republic back, including all its corrupt fucking monarchists and gigantic crime syndicates
>but at least we don't have the spooky empire anymore! What's a Yuuzhan Vong???
Boba stood menacingly behind Darth Vader while Vader arrested Luke and Co. Then a few months later he jobbed to a tentacle monster.
EU is all non-canon.
>t. Dinsey
Also you forget that is still canon Boba killed many jedi and high ranking rebels.
The white characters.
Being a sith is about 2 things.
1.Complete rule of the strong philosophy. Morality is meaningless the only thing that matters is what you can take and what can be taken from you.
2. self improvement to the maximum. become stronger, gain more influence by any means necessary
the jedi are also about 2 things.
1.compassion up the ass. help so that everyone can live in a peaceful happy eutopia. Feed the hungry help the needy shoe the children.
2.self improvment in a different sense. Remove bias and attachment. Become able to fight to defend others.
Eternal Empire is the only true answer.
Sith for me
Choosing to not decide is a decision.
Qui Gon was a pretty chill dude