I fucking hate this faggot , he always makes himself look stupid. I also hate that stupid fucking tough-guy insecure MANLY persona he puts on , shut the fuck Gavin you're hardly a man , fucking 5'6 faggot shoving dildos up your ass acting like a catholic. You know how dumb Gavin is ? He managed to look like a retard when talking to Joe Rogan , pretending to be a catholic to be contrarian. Fuck him.
he's an idiot.
Salty as fuck betas detected
Gavin is pretty fucking funny
I like his perspective on things, but he throws unnecessary ad hominems to the point of it being cringey. His humor isn't for me Tbh.
>You know how dumb Gavin is ? He managed to look like a retard when talking to Joe Rogan
This was hard to watch.
Anyone have a good torrent? The old one went down
Leafs hate him.
enjoy being stuck with a proud boys tattoo hahahahahahahahhaahahaha
>having tattoos
You can watch something and laugh without becoming it
Did you dress up as bugs bunny as a kid when you watched looney toons as a kid?
fucking retards I swear
You fellas talking about this?
I want to see what you're talking about.
nice rationalization for being in a gay cult hahahahahahaha fucking loser
>acting like a catholic
This is one of the reasons why I hate Gavin. What is even the point of claiming this title, when he clearly does not give a shit about it at all?
I will say though, despite disliking him, he did manage to make Ant's Mobile, AL short-wave radio format work to his favor.
he claims to be 5'11
yep , it's straight up cringe.It's usually Joe Rogan who sounds stupid but Gavin managed to top Joe Rogan somehow. He takes positions he doesn't even agree with just to be contrarian.
Jack Buckby must be measured.
i don't understand why people hate him
I like him a lot because I think he's a great voice to have on our side
then again I'm not a leaf so I can't tell you anything about how he weight in leaf politics
>watching videos on youtube with your breakfast means youre in a cult
wew lad
He's short. He's already been destroyed by Red Bar, and Gavin is next. Wait and see.
Rewatching this , he already talks about things that he doesn't have much knowledge in. He's just taking the contrarian stance on hating video games because "it doesn't have social aspects" except it does. Every online video games which mostly what people play , there's people always socializing via chat or voice chat.
vidya is just about as social as Sup Forums
eh that's arguable , I definitly made friends through video games because it's easier to add people and you can have a genuine conversation through voice chat unlike Sup Forums where you get a reply from some nobody A FUCKING LEAF.
That meme is literally less than a year old and not every board has flags you STUPID FUCKING LEAF
>shaving your asshole
>BLEACHING your asshole
nu male confirmed
This guy is like a middle aged "le bacon enlightened atheist xD" redditor who hopped on the anti-sjw bandwagon to look edgy and hip and """punk"""" to the kids.
my post was about Gavin
what is Red Bar though?
Anybody that gets Leafs this riled up is OK in my book.
wtf is this?
>Capeshit gif
Images of gavin from various shows Superimposed on his shows set.
what in the fuck?
Daily reminder that Gavin is a phony cuckold who got exposed by a girl
He parades around showing his asshole and erect cock while hosting a talk show? What?
4:53, not sure which videos the buttplug or penis videos are from.
Makes sense when you look at (((WHO))) writes his scripts and checks.
Red Bar Radio is new show on Compound Media, the Network Gavin McInnes is on.
Jack Buckby, basically the leader of the Proud Boys, criticized Mike David on the public Proud Boys Facebook Group. Mike David has a history of destroying people's lives with his army of fans, so naturally, he did not take this criticism lightly, since he was also a member of the Proud Boys group.
Mike David called Jack Buckby "short" and Jack Buckby immediately banned him and started banning all his supporters.
This caused Red Bar Radio to be ruthless in attacking Jack Buckby, trolling him until he was in tears. Because so many of the brain dead autistics "proud boys" sided with Jack Buckby, Mike decided to declare war on the entire group, as the intelligent ones had joined him. He launched a scorched earth-style attack on the Proud Boys and now the entire movement is crumbling before our eyes.
Now Mike David from Redbar Radio has decided to take aim at the kingpin, "Gavin McInnes" for creating the Proud Boys in the first place and allowing it to become a joke.
Once again, which episode are the cocks and asses from?
Buttplug is TGMS EP 130
Is there a way to watch it without giving this cunt cumia money
Only the toughest group of traditionalist alpha males you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting at seedy gay bathhouse.
the fact that you made a thread about this drama is faggotry to the tenth degree. Mike David is cool, but he's wrong in picking this fight.
I only resubbed to compound media because they picked up Red Bar. But it's not really worth it. You're better off just subbing to Red Bar on Mike David's site.
Red Bar and Common Filth are the two best shows I know of at the moment.
Hold tight, I'll have a link
Mike David is a jewish shill afraid of the alt-right
kek; brain: ALT SHIFT F2
Here you go. Starts around 1:24:00.
much appreciated
It's all I've been listening to for about a week. When I first heard the show it didn't win me over and I found most of his guests pretty annoying. The last couple months of shows feels like he's really getting into the groove of a really good show, though.
wtf. I'm literally an hour into watching that episode right now and I see this post. That is a bizarre coincidence.
Gav shoves buttplugs up his asshole and shows off his gape on his show, serious
but which video is the other ass and dick from?
slut shamer reeeee
literally everyone on this site lies about their height so how can we blame him
It's frustrating.
If you listenin to enough of his interviews, you can't help but come to the conclusion that Gavin is genuinely very intelligent. He's simply a smart guy.
But like Cernovich (who is clearly unintelligent), Gavin affects on the most cringe-worthy, try-hard masculine persona.
I can't stand watching either.
This is the guy who says videogame is childish.
I don't get it, he is a character like Stephen Colbert or he is a actual pretentious Nu male?
T-That's a nice penis.
It's kayfabe, brother. You don't break kayfabe. Read up on some of Gavin's Vice antics.
Gavin is retarded but Mike David is a pussy bitch who's afraid of "Nazis"
Wow, that's weird
The butt stuff was when he got into an argument with Copper Cab. I remember the dick being from when he had cyber sex with a porn star on his green screen.
He actually defended Spencer in one of his videos, I totally respect the guy for that.
No it's real. Go find the video he has where he debates Copper Cab and they both start showing their assholes.
>Gavin is pretty fucking funny
Only if you believe that Trudeau is a great Leader
It is fairly entertaining that Gavin pretends that he is one to criticize others for things like playing video games but he actually throws his dick and asshole around, films it, and publishes it for everyone to see.
>he actually throws his dick and asshole around, films it, and publishes it for everyone to see
Not even Milo does that. Being forced to see Gavin's gaping asshole worse than any description of Milo's faggotry.
Heil red bar fuck proud boys
>Having limits
I'm subscribed to Compoundmedia, at the end of almost every show he talks to a nude porn star.
That fake slag is a cringy slut that injected herself into the alt right movement to make money off idiots
She's a literal who that uses Sup Forums humour unironically. Here's her AMA
McInnes got exposed by Youcis, but (((Mike David))) and his Retard Radio fans are raiding the faggot proud boys because they think that they're Nazis. Haha. Gavin's a fucking cuck but David is vehemently opposed to the alt right so he's a HUGE KEK
You're judging him for literally five minutes of his broadcast career of several hundred hours as if he does it every show. It's entertainment, stop taking it so seriously.
>David is vehemently opposed to the alt right
I've listened to Red Bar for a couple years and am a member of the fb group, I wouldn't call him vehemently anti alt right at all, they're just acting gay because Gavin is praising people that Mike considers fools. Mike's fans are huge faggots.
>daydreaming about being 5'11
>projecting this hard
They're both faggot cucks, David is just the biger douche. At least McInnes defends the alt right. Mike David is an anti-right drama queen
I've seen David go off on white identity and "Nazis" pretty hard. Dudes afraid of white people organizing.
This guy literally spread open his asscheeks and showed his anus.
Why is anyone defending him
Assholes don't look like that unless you are getting fucked by LARGE objects frequently. I mean.. a can of soda.. that thick.
McInnes is a joke. Mike David is a bigger joke. The alt right already went after him and now he's attacking anyone associated with them. At least McInnes knows whats good for him and doesn't punch right like the faggot (((David)))
He used to fuck girls with Shane Smith and one time his cock went into Shane's condom.
he insists he doesnt care about race or jews, hes for "western culture"
>tfw Red Bar is a big deal again
Been watching since the beginning, I love seeing people talk about the show.
The election coverage was great.
I know for a fact that certain factions of the far right have plants in the proud boys leadership. McInnes knows this and he doesn't do anything about it because he knows whats good for him. Mike David wonders why Gavin won't back him up hahaha stupid jew. He doesn't know whats coming
Yes that was perhaps the least entertaining Rogan podcast Ever.
That asshole isn't bleached user...
i want her to be my 14/88 gf