What are some respectable liberal media outlets? I want to challenge my convictions.
What are some respectable liberal media outlets? I want to challenge my convictions
it's all the same garbage owned by different kikes
The Atlantic
The (((BBC)))
If they had any respect for themselves they wouldn't be liberal.
day of the rake soon
No. What you need to do if you want to know the liberal mind is to know classy european lit, read the New Yorker, grow vegetables in your rooftop communal garden, bike to work, shop for hiking and hike, snowboard, spread breast cancer awareness, work in nonforprofits with apps.
And so forth.
Washington Post is the only mainstream American press you need to subject yourself to in order to understand how the mainstream left thinks
It used the be the New York Times but not any more. Worth a glimpse at the headlines, sure, but I don't think it's free to read anymore and also they aren't "The" leftwing rag anymore. Thats WaPo.
Salon and Atlantic are more extremely left wing and good for a laugh (I'm convinced the provocative stuff on Salon is more for getting clicks from angry right wingers than for educating left wingers, but then again maybe I'm naive to the left's naivety and stupidity). The New Yorker has some interesting stuff now and then.
Pic one
NYT because they have good contributors (as long as you stay away from election-related stuff, then its 110% pro-Hillary narrative shilling)/
There is nothing wrong with any of that, though
You want to know what the fuggin NWO reads?
Financial Times.
Ehh, NPR's quality varies MASSIVELY from hour to hour.
Generally the afternoon programming is pretty non-partisan, All Things Considered and so-forth, but the morning shows are fucking rubbish.
yfw wew lad
Really makes you think.
FOX News
>/thread on your own post
lurk more
So how big of a fraud is David Pakman exactly? Ive been watching his stuff on occasion. He tried to get in on the popularity of Sargon and others that were kind of blowing up at the time. He presented himself as the 'rational liberal', but hes just peddling the shill narrative.
Oh and what about H.A. Goodman? I found his videos are mostly what Trump supporters want to hear, but then throws in really odd smear videos here and there.
Some NYT
Even Al Jazeera is better than CNN