Maybe, you know, stop watching them now?!

Maybe, you know, stop watching them now?!

Other urls found in this thread:

The ones who mentioned pizzagate are definitely not shills.

this is what OP looks like

Persian women are hot though.

Sure thing Al-Mahmudi

Ok this one isn't.

Who is watching them? I'm certainly not. I doubt most of Sup Forums doesn't have better things to do.

This. They are also not Arabs.

t. Bal-Mahir-Al-Ahmedistani

There are no persians anymore. They were raped and mixed to oblivion

Mike is so fucking beady

Why are his eyes so close?!

>anglo mindset

just don't give them money, watching someone doesn't mean they brain rape you. if anything you should watch suspected controlled opposition to keep an eye on them!

t. Kike Cernobitch - Baboon Mindframe

I read MAGA Mindset and it was shit. Absolutely shit. 80 pages of poorly written recap of Sup Forums the past year. One of the worst books I ever read.

Old milo looks a lot like me.

t. Whiny Stormtard

You do sound cucked.

i believe this is fucking bullshit CTR strategy, i like em all except vagin

however, i may be wrong

thus i ask kek to bless this post if they're fucking shills, i just can't decide on my own

be it as you will, my lord and saviour

Yeah whatever. Kek would bless you if they weren't shills. Fuck off, Kike Cernobitch.

Because he's focused.



Don't punch right

Yes none of them our /ourguy/ and the end result should be to convince people to become ethno-nationalists but Milo and McInnes provide a more palatable entry point. They're shifting the realm appropriate discourse further right, and ultimately that's a good thing.

Don't be a cuck, don't punch right

This is all a divide and conquer tactic by the left. They've realised why they've been continually trounced these past two years - it's because they're divided, they continue to eat eachother. Don't make the same mistake.

Yes, listen to that goy, ehr, guy. You need jewish leaders in the alt-right! Israel is our greatest ally!

>Hey guys these comedians aren't actually politicians!

Oh really?
Are people on Sup Forums so retarded they don't see the difference between comedians and politicians?

>paul goyim watson

>kike cernobitch

Where did I say leaders?

We are anti-Semitic yes, but Stormfags are low IQ sperglords who don't know when to shut the fuck up. We are waging a war of deception and then literal faggots like Richard Spencer go out in public (in front of his Jewish, brown, and other non-white supporters) and yell "Hail Victory!" like a fucking autist.

Fuck off, Muhammed.

all 4 of those dudes protect and defend this nonsense against whites...

mentally challenged?


Stop using shampoo

Germans are perhaps not the best people to give advice about leader ship

to better see his (((nose)))


Have a (you)

Gavin is not that bad, when asked about Spencer Roman saluting he said that if a niggesr would do a black nationalism rally the academia would applaud and suck their dicks, but when whites show open strong pro white sentiments they are ebill rayysists.
Cernovich is just a kike shilling his shitty books.
But that fucking POOL JOOSEF WOOTSON really rustles my jimmies. Fucking faggot is now the alt right and Spencer according to him is fake alt right. Fucking cocksocking cuck is against natsees. I just want to kick him in his weird looking faggot lips.

Actually Richard Spencer is controlled opposition. He opened up his little venue with the NPI, gave a speech which could, and would, easily make them, and the entire alt right, out to by nazis. He made the alt right undesirable to the American public, therefore killing it. People like Mike Cernovich, Paul Watson, Gavin, and Milo are who got Trump elected, not you white nationalist fucks. (That being said it is likely that you are not a white nationalist, but instead a leftist shill with the goal of dividing the alt right)

Yes, goyim, keep apologizing for being white. Keep apologizing to the MSM. Hehe, the plan works. That's how Trump got into the white house! Apologizing!

don't forget (((stefan molyneux)))




But he is kinda pro-Nazi at the moment. Doesn't shit on white nationalists.

Not apologizing to the MSM. Mike, Paul, and others are the main individuals "within" the alt right who fought, and are fighting, the mainstream media.
Also, the Jew meme makes you look as if you are a nigger, complaining about people who are superior to you.
>inb4 i wonder who's behind this post
Not an argument.

Yes, keep choosing jews as your leaders of the movement. It's the only right way, goyim, ehhh guy ehm, hehe.

If you live in the US asians and natives are fine by me, that country is all ready a bastardized non white melting pot anyway.

the alt-right isn't desirable to the American public, people have to be eased into it

Spencer said nothing wrong. The end result is ethnonationalism, this swing back to traditional conservatism is just a stepping stone.

Leftist shills infiltrate movements, attack key members of the movements who have helped the movement grow in popularity by not being overly fringe, and these shills ultimately destroy the movement by dividing it.

Totally makes sense, goy. The guy advocating for a white ethnostate is a jew himself! it is true! It makes sense if you abandon all logic.

Logic is racist!

I didn't say that what he said was wrong, but wording your speech to sound very close to that of Nazis will turn people away.
>Hail Trump
>Hail our people
>Hail victory
Of course the average American wont want anything to do with the entire alt right, even if this is just part of it.
Because of this incident, it is likely that the Alt-Right will spawn a movement called the New Right, which are less into the racial nationalism side of the former Alt-Right. It saddens me that this will occur, but given that the Alt-Right was so large in terms of its range of beliefs, and vast number of infiltrators, it was inevitable that it would split.

>what is the phrase "Hail to the chief"

Shit, sometimes it seems I'm more american than some americucks.

When will the fags over at TRS forums stop raiding this board, worse than CTR shills imo

Calling someone a Jew is not an argument.
You act quite similar to a leftist, in that you call people names rather than argue.
>You're a racist
>You're a Jew
Both pretty much the same, and you show your unintelligent nature by the fact that you express the same behavior as the far left. Fix this, or you will fail.

He's been speaking like this the entire time, it's just that the media scrutiny has really only started following Trump's victory.

They were looking for anything to smear him and his followers, they would have found something either way.

Fortunately people don't believe the MSM any more, most people won't care and the ones that do would never have joined the movement under any circumstances.

At worst this smear campaign will have had zero effect, at best it has thrown the spot light on the alt-right, showing that such a movement exists... this may possibly result in a greater number of people 'joining'

If he meant to say that, he would have said that. He did not, however, say that, he said 'Hail Trump'.
Not only did he say 'Hail Trump', he included 'Hail Victory', which the German equivalent was a Nazi slogan.
Given that this made it very easy for our adversaries to attack us over this, I speak of the MSM of course, it is plausible to deduce that Richard did this on purpose. He knew that saying this would rouse his audience to the point where they do salutes, yet he allowed people with cameras to film the whole thing.
Overall, I would not care about this at all if he didn't call himself a member, or even the leader, of the Alt-Right, because in that case he wouldn't partially discredit an entire political movement. He did though. He called himself the 'leader' of the Alt-Right, when in fact such a person cannot exist, and made us all look like a bunch of Nazis.

You're fucking boring as fuck. No wonder you weren't even part of this movement.

Not an argument!

Stormcucks thinking the Trump movement was about them lololololololololololololololololololol

i wanna suck black dick


(((New Somalia)))

>54% white

persian chicks can be pretty hot.. im currently dating one

don't forget to add Richard Spencer to that image

I wonder how many times stormfags have gotten BTFO of Sup Forums?

>Turn against anyone who gets popular on the right and brings in new people guys

t. muhammed

You sure are muhammed alright.

>defending cultural marxists

Reminder that stormfags don't know what they're doing and that they are several Ds behind in the chess game.


>literally telling people which media is acceptable and which isn't according to your standards on social engineering

>being a cultural marxist

He has a very Jewish face, almost looks like a rat.

>following people who have spoken out against white nationalism

>declaring a jew as your leader

This is the definition of cuck mindset.

Get a job, faggot.

There are differences between the races.

This goes down to a chaotic understanding of genetics and the blurred lines between species and that evolution is constant but stochastic. If you want a light introduction to all these ideas, read The Lost World, Prey and Next by Michael Crichton. This will give you a broad understanding of the ideas and terms behind this. Afterwards, Richard Dawkins is the most accessible writer in academia about these ideas. The Blind Watchmaker and The Selfish Gene are the must-reads.

As real as it is, bringing the race reality into politics in an overt way is all but guaranteeing failure. The implications of these truths are so far-reaching that the general public IS NOT ready for them. Think back to the state of Western civilization in the 1960s. The youth of the the day were blind idealist neoliberal hippies that gave us a blind, idealistic neoliberal globalist dream of a world. The radicals of the day, the socialists and capitalists alike, knew the world wasn't ready for their ways. But they started their long march through the institutions and here it is.

The good news in this regard is that amongst our generation, whilst there are more of the extreme type of globalist progressives and race deniers than ever before, it is also true that there are more informed opponents of it than ever before.

The George Wallaces of yesterday have the Stefan Molymemes of today. An articulation of observed reality not couched in emotional rhetoric but data and evidence.

Even using the language of the pre-20th century racialists must be abandoned and repudiated wherever we encounter them.

This means using ethnicities as best they are understood by science. It ought to be noted that haplogroups denote only the unbroken chains of parental descent, the mitochondria and the Y-chromosome, and whilst important to geneticists, tell you only the most rudimentary information about an individual.





"Oy vey my liberal friends, isn't the violence coming from the black community just terrible? So sad to see cultural differences lead to such hardship for so many. But we must have law and order and we must be strict."

"Of course we love and need immigrants, but we should give preferential treatment to those who share the cultural values of America and especially who speak our language excellently. You can't have a nation without a culture, and that begins with language."

"No of course we're all one race, the human race, but I believe in the EFFECT that our BELIEF in races has. Even though race isn't real, people behave as if it is, so we have to address that behaviour!"

>Old milo looks a lot like me.

Then you should consider fucking killing yourself.

>another spencer shill thread

digits confirm

>Gavin McInnes


(((OP))) really is a fag

So why don't you found a not controlled opposition you little internet warrior?

What now, faggot?

They do actually help get people on the right track though. Gavin redpilled me about women and gays

If it needed Gavin to redpill you, you are truly a lost cause without any question.

Too stupid for books.