Anyone else /GorillaMindset/ here? I started listening to based Cernovich's podcasts and read his book, and it's like my state of mind has changed drastically. I'm more confident, and speak with authority now. I'd recommend him to everyone who feels like they lack confidence or decisiveness.
Anyone else /GorillaMindset/ here? I started listening to based Cernovich's podcasts and read his book...
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okay (((Cernovich))). that's enough shilling for today
Yeah, he's pretty based. The way he BTFO (((Spencer))) made me like him.
cant stand th-th-th-this guy
You should buy all his books goy
You goys don't like Mike? Why not? He's one of the main reasons trump and the alt right got big.
Mark Cernobich is more based. Baboon Mind Frame > gorilla cuckset.
Its stylistic thing with me. Also he says a lot with saying a lot if you understand my drift.
Not a fan, but wont judge anyone who is.
Mike cernovich posts here. He says this openly. It's difficult for me to not think all of these cernovich threads are shameless self promotion
I've started walking on all fours. I am growing my knuckle hair out and practicing my 'hooting'.
Gorillas can't speak.
No he's not. He's a joke that is ironically loved by the left.
Shouldn't it be "Guerilla Mindset"....or does he literally means the mindset of a great ape?
Chemical cock taster
who else /proboscismonkeymindset/ here?
You all are severely lacking simian synapses
mike ith bathed as fuck guyth
he liveth off of money he got from hith ex-wife and jointh everything to get publithity to sell hith e-bookth
Cernovich is based af. Idk why people are in the mindset of choosing sides. If the left like him then good he can red pill them. The best way to destroy your enemy is by becoming their friend lol I like Cernovich so if he can red pill the shills I'm all for it
He's trying to be clever so both.
Neither can the bonbon brainwave man.
Lol, are you going to vote for him when he runs for councilman in o.c.?
Just ask yourself what a gorilla would do and you'll have your answer
Cernovich, like Sup Forums, is only popular because of Trump, not the other way around.
He's riding the wave, not causing it. He gets no credit, but as long as he is useful I'll click the Twitter buttons of his
I like the guy for his free speech activism...what are his books about?Give me an example OP.
the filthy American government is the only reason I would lack "confidence" or "decisiveness"
Pick up aluminum cans and virulently defend himself against rape charges?
obvious 0/10
Well I know what happened to Harambe, will Mike have the same fate? Does he still think the clintons are going to murder him? Always lol at his periscopes.
Almost, you forgot to have an obnoxious speech impediment while doing so.
Macaque Mindset
Varg called them out in his new video
These 4 are pretty how much how far right you can go mainstream pal.
Or you believe your Sup Forums natsoc circlejerk has a place in modern society?
When I first heard him talk in his interview with Sam Hyde I thought he was messing around
This must be bait...
muh 6 gorrillion mindset
>Opposing the Nu-Right and it's fresh ideas of free markets and open borders.
shaking my head
tranny mindset kill yourself
You forgot him
>it's fresh ideas of free markets and open borders
laughed audibly
holy shit
they're all gay degenerates
"Gorilla mindset" Dear god, how low can you go?He sure looks like an ape.
He looks like Ron Perlman
> ((((((Cernovich)))))))
into the trash it goes
>He sure looks like an ape
you just woke up my wife with my laughter, now I look like an autistic weirdo chuckling in the glow of my mobile device in bed
She's probably not attracted to me anymore now
and it's your fault
I hate how the youtube alt-right personalities believe they were personally responsible for electing Trump
you're a bunch of losers who have cultivated a cult of personality by impressing a bunch of impressionable 19 year old edgy racist kids
kill yourselves, especially you, you lisping, roiding, faggy-voiced manlet queer.
He has that hideous rat face, he looks so much like Jeffrey Epstein it's scary.
Self help books are for people who need help. We don't need help.
Yeth, I am also /BaboonMindthet/ here.
I am currently an umemployed NEET with a law degree that took me 10 years to get and that I never uthed and I'm dating an athian med thudent and i plan to divorth her after thee thartth making thix figureth and thue her for alimony so I can continue to buy theroidth and be a NEET who thpendth all day on twitter tweeting falth newth and taking credit for Trump'th electhion. I altho buy click farmth so i get hundredths of retweetth (but no replieth) laugh at lotherth who don't have the thucceth on twitter that I do.
P.S. buy my book on Amathon. It will teach you to have the /BaboonMindthet/ like me.
P.P.S I'm am theriouthly not gay guyth tho thop thaying that I am you cuckth.
>they're all gay degenerates
Didn't you make a thread calling for other anons to help you defend (((Richard Spencer)))
bunch of tit suckling pseudo nazis lol
Nu-Rightist detected
t. nu-rite
>t. TRShills
Its true. A lot of ancient greeks and romans were bisexuals (lesbian/lesbism came from a greek island called lesbo). Homosexuality-shame came with christian religion.
To add a note even before the cuckmonotheism the concept of family (wife, husband, sons) existed, only people had also sex for fun (orgies ecc) big deal.
That was my favorite terrible meme from the great meme war. Glad to see you're back and reappropriating that meme!
Wrong, jewboy. Sup Forums was breaking into the mainstream consciousness way before Trump announced his candidacy.
Mike Cernovich on the other hand has literally only gotten popular in the last 12 months or so, and he did so by latching onto the combined buzz of Sup Forums and....reddit...
Same thing with Milo. These (((people))) attach their trailers to an energetic movement and they exploit and redirect the energy for their own gain.
Molyneux is fine because he never counter signals anyone as far as I remember.
He is a big guy
Milo popularity start with GamerGate. He has redpilled a lot of people into a "mainstream" far right.
After Trump's victory the fracturing of his supporters was to be expected. The bickering between the "nu-right" and alt-right is akin to bickering between social democrats and communists.
Cernovich, Watson, and Milo all rode the GamerGate train until that died off and then they went for the raw Sup Forums demographic.
They don't redpill shit. They're just looking for audiences to sell shit to, and when the going gets rough they fuck off.
Stop using anti-perspirant
Milo campus tours are useful as fuck imho. Cernovich and Watson didnt sell me shit, if they are payed because I look their videos its quite fair.
I've been on this GamerGate ride (That turned into Trump ride btw) since the beginning and due to how social networks work I've connected with a lot of normies. Redpills were distributed 24/h per day without stop.
Actually the Milo/Watson "new right" is the far right you can get in the mainstream politic.
Cernovich sounded like a kook who swallowed a gallon of Redbull when he attacked Spencer on Bigo.
"spencer a govt agent--you guys will all be arrested ... ra-ra-ra"
Spencer's mistake was having the fake news media inside and infiltrators as well.
Cernovich? I'm unimpressed. Divide and conquer is how the international Jew operates, and this is what I saw.
>GamerGate milofag
delete your life buddy
Actually i was on Sup Forums even before Sup Forums existed but happened to follow the whole GamerGate thing.
varg is actually quite stupid
lol he got spooked when the media called the alt right nazis, he's no fashy goy, he's a pussy
It won't work. She may be screwed for making more money than you, but her being female means that you'll never get what she would if the roles were reversed. Family court practices mad misandry.
Rare flag boi
fuck off /lefty/pol
Exactly, monkeys and phoenix on his book cover are satanic symbols.
what did he mean by this?
>Growing my knuckle hair out
>Knuckle hair
You mean finger hair r-right? Also why'd you shave that in the first place?
I laughed so hard I nearly had a heart attack. You got an archive link for this?