Are conservatives the new counter culture? Is it now cool to be conservative?
Are conservatives the new counter culture? Is it now cool to be conservative?
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lol no
it was, but now we've won so prepare for Bush years 2.0 with bands releasing faggy anti-Trump albums and a new Michael Moore documentary every year
am i allowed to be conservative and not dress like a frat boy?
Yes and it will be cool to be alt-right. Alt-right bands like "White Out" and "The Bake was Fake" will be cool. Being "in" on conspiracy theories will be cool and then thats quantum zero. Once the fourth wall gets broken, its only a matter of time before the fall of modern civilization. But yes it will become the next new fad.
lol no
What even is a Conservative? Low taxes aren't going to save the White race lmao.
duh why do you think im here im trying to find out how i should talk and behave you cuck. praise that kek dood
Nothing is "cool". You're a faggot if you follow trends. Be your fucking self.
>anti-pc and somewhat pro natsoc
Punks for trump!
>Are conservatives the new counter culture?
>Is it now cool to be conservative?
The only trend I follow is The style of Kanye but thats it.
No don't dress degenerate
We don't care about being cool
We care about preserving proven traditional values that coincide with our biological behaviour
We aren't counter-culture
We are cultured culture
They will if it means removing your welfare for your umpteen kids, Pablo Hussein Jefferson. Your golden boy Obama fixed the economy like you wanted, now get a fucking job, you lazy sack of communist shit.
These guys are cool because they dont give a fuck
do you actually? come on wtf the yeezys i get but the clothes is just awful
Its racist to be a conservative according to most people.
it's ironic that your image is a bunch of poseurs clinging to a trend with no idea what it means
Alt right are the new hippies. Go from there
Were hippies leftists by and large? No. Most were apolitical, just like most alt-righters are just in it for the memes.
We're the new counter culture.
Go and ask some edgy 13 year olds what they think is cool.
95% of all punks I've ever met were not counterculture at all, they were posers who were trying to get laid. maybe it was different in the 80s.
As for conservatives, yes, to some extent they are the new counterculture, but because Trump won, Brexit won, etc., that might have been a very temporary phase. Hard to be the counterculture when the major parties that lean most towards your politics are in power. That said, modern liberals are so inept at propaganda that they might fuck up and let the right continue to have countercultural glamour. modern libs keep making the mistake that they think they don't have to persuade people, they're just obviously right, so they keep losing to right-wingers who can energize voters
So where do I sign up for the free sex?
isn't that what this thread is essentially doing?
Manspreading is the new counter culture.
I went to a Halloween punk show last October and dressed up as a "trucker" just to use as an excuse to wear my MAGA hat. Had a few people comment on how good it is and how ballsy it was to wear in a room full of lefty faggots.
Kanye's like the one celeb/star I actaully respect. I remember College Droput, grew up on him and hes actually kinda smart. He seems red-pilled lately. But yeah I follow his fashion sense and yeah the sneakers I obsess with. But thats it. Its wierd.
Thats what I'm doing
>Are conservatives the new counter culture?
Not really, there is a bit of a countercultural element in the youth culture but most of it is reactionary.
I predict that there will be a few underground alt-right bands in the next few years, but none of them will go anywhere.
It's not a culture. Conservatives and liberals live in the same culture.
I dont know if conservashits are counter culture, but I find hilarious the fact that my so called "anti-system" friends who voted for the commie left have a very simliar discourse to that of Hillary Clinton.
>Hard to be the counterculture when the major parties that lean most towards your politics are in power
Why then did hippie counterculture flourish under a Dem supermajority congress and Dem president during the mid-late 60s?
The Jews did this.
stfu we're gonna sell the fuck out
good point my man
We're back with a bang!
Underground bands are shit anyway.
God the 2000's were a terrible time. I'm bracing for the endless Fat Wreck Chords "not my president" compilation records and t shirts.
Hot conservative babes love the trump.
I do wonder what Johnny Cash would've thought about this.
Well we're already seeing Green Day in the headlines again for spouting inane anti-fascist slogans so it can't be too long.
there was a great split between establishment Dems and young grassroot Dems, plus the war and the draft made politics extra immediate for young people so pro-war Dems seemed like they might as well be Reps. the Dems didn't run any presidential candidate that the hippies could really align with until McGovern
Not really, no.
>Is it counter culture
Actually, yeah. It's a bit weird.
Fuck I forgot about that... The radio stations here are shilling so hard for that crap.
no not really but I think I think you can force it to represent a sort of counter-culture if you're a conservative who appears (even just physically) to embody liberal values.
Guys like Milo Yiannopoulos are a good example of what I'm talking about. He's a homosexual, gets ass fucked by niggers, fights for gay rights and all kinds of shit, but is publically very anti-feminist, anti-SJW, anti-PC, and is a Conservative.
So he creates a contrast. Personally I think he might be next-leveling the whole thing and is either a liberal or centrist who is basically exaggerating his conservative views in a subtle attempt at irony and in pushing liberal ideologies, as in "oh hey look this gay nigger lover agrees with all of my other conservative points about feminism and sjws and political correctness, maybe gay nigger lovers have the capacity to be cool people too!"
But who can really say for sure. In any case I think guys like Milo represent the closest thing you'll find to a Conservative representation of "counter culture" but Conservatism in general? absolutely not.
He was a white moderate southern Democrat, I expect he would have pulled a Jim Webb and disowned the party but wouldn't actually explicitly endorse Trump or say anything during the campaign.
Truth. Been that way for awhile now
Joey Ramone was a hero for us all.
This is the new "right." Many of us are political refugees who may have voted Democrat sometime in the past when they were still the "workers party." I am politically a classical liberal, albeit a bit conservative privately. The left's obsession with identity politics drove me far away into the arms of Trump.
Trump is now serving as a banner for the right and all other political refugees in search of a hope, which is why he is working so hard to change the Republicans into something other than a party of neo-con evangelicals.
We don't even need to be afraid of losing the evangelicals either, as they have nowhere else to go. At the end of the day, they know that we will leave them alone in peace to practice their religion however they see fit. The left will NOT allow that.
This new sort of political brotherhood among those on the "right" is actually pretty cool. I like my MAGA hat.
Gotta admit the new screeching weasel shirts are pretty hilarious.
That's Johnny, (((Joey))) was the vocalist and literally wrote "The KKK Took My Baby Away" because of how mad he was about his girlfriend cucking him with Johnny.
No. Christians are the real counterculture.
Great point, I agree. I would have also considered myself a liberal ~20 years ago. Definitely the identity politics that rustled my jimmies the most and pushed me more towards conservative values.
>He's a homosexual, gets ass fucked by niggers, fights for gay rights and all kinds of shit,
You say and then you say he is "PUBLICALLY" anti feminist and so on as if the faggotniggersintheassthing invalidates his Conservatism.
They aren't contradictions and you can still be conservative while doing the faggotshit. If you think not then you are part of the old cuckservatives and you need to get with the times.
Sup Forumsump this thread
neo-crossover Conservatism (nationalism)
I agree that being gay doesn't invalidate ones ability to be Conservative, it's just not traditional.
Personally I consider myself Conservative and while I'm as straight as an arrow, I don't really have a problem with gays or gay marriage as long as it's not the flamboyant in-your-face variety.
So cool bro.
I'm a bisexual conservative and also hate "flamboyant gays." They're the equivalent of blacks that think they have to act a certain way just because they're black.
and stop using these retardet terms like
"counter culture"
even that is an essential part of culture.
now fuck off.
i dont give a fuck what you hate. You can be flamboyantly gay and still have conservative values.
Im not sure what you are but you sound daft so i wont read your thread.
>Sup Forumsump
this isnt Sup Forums newfag.
your a retard
look at
Like the "alt-right", the hippies were a product of CIA psyops. Expect any "alt-right" bands to have ties to military intelligence and MKULTRA, just like major bands of the time like the Grateful Dead and The Doors.
You guys can hate Milo all you want, but he has a HUGE following and shits on libs all day.
Time to grow up kid. We care about the next generation, about leaving something better than what was here in our generation.
This isn't just a "white" thing, you see this in China, Japan, Iran, even India.
According to the definition, yea.