Is it weird that I feel patriotic about America even though I've never been there?
This country was built on people who came from another country believing in the American dream so I guess not.
Yes, weird+creepy
That is weird. It sucks
Absolutely nothing wrong with that mate. Their is a lot of fucked up shit in our country, but the way that we show off our autism like its our pride and joy can cause anyone to rally behind it.
When I graduate, I'm getting my green card asap.
Choose the right place. You don't want to end up in Detroit. White people don't go there.
Thanks, how is NYC for a place? I know NY is pretty libcucked but it's got a shit ton 10/10's there plus a lot of opportunities to make money..
I'm also planning on moving there now that Trump is pres, haven't really decided where but obviously midwest, maybe OK.
Have about 220k in savings, should suffice to get me well on track
I'm not sure you would ever meet another conservative there in your life. It is called Jew York for a reason. Pic related is from NY. Cities are very liberal in general.
I read that if you're white, the South is pretty good but if you're a minority, you'll have to go to LA or NYC to get the wite wimminz
Most of the niggers/hispanics are in the south / bible belt aren't they? South is just red, and every county in OK was red this election, though I wouldn't be against Kansas, ND, SD, Wyoming etc etc
I'm not that worried about libtards honestly. Don't wanna jerk myself off or anything but I have a real knack for redpilling people so I should be fine by just building a base social circle and then begin redpilling
don't listen to the other people, it's not weird.
I feel like that for the UK and Germany
Yeah most minorities are in the south but the social scene is different. Interracial dating and marriage is a lot easier in states like LA, even if they have less minorities
NYC is probably the worst place to try to start a life. You're going to be paying out the asshole for property/rent. I'm talking triple the money to live in 1/3 the space you could find in the midwest to live in a dirty-ass depressing city with far less opportunity than perceived. The average rent in NY is something like $3,000 for a 1BR, which undoubtedly is probably about 300 sqft. in some trash building built in the '20's and never updated in the slightest.
Meanwhile I pay $710 a month for 1050 sqft in Kansas City with a nice paying job at Cerner.
Yup. Sup Forums has brought me an appreciation for GB and a bit of pity for Germany which I always hated.
(You) suck.
Things are looking up for Germany and Europe in general though, because of brexit and trump, nationalist parties are surging everywhere
Holy shit you are completely full of shit here
t.paying 1g per month for a 2BR
NYC is a huge area you're forgetting that there are places to live outside of lower Manhattan.
This city is pretty dope ALWAYS something going on and there are so many sub-cultures here it's crazy I recently got into bike messaging it's awesome
Honestly just looking through 2 bedroom rental properties at 1k a month in NYC now and all I can say is stay safe dude. Living in a place like that would terrify me. Do you see any white people where you live?
You should move to Colorado. I've never been there either, but I'm in Florida and I'm considering moving there. I'm not sure why, but it just looks nice. Good opportunities as well, the housing costs are average to the rest of the nation.
>really want to move the states
>career in the marine industry being standardized world wide, it would be easy to move
>to every other country but the US, since they're not apart of international standardization conventions
Same here bro.
Is it really hard for a Canadian to move to US?
Aussies are our brothers, we just have the same faggot daddy.
One of us didnt fall far from the tree commie.
It's completely normal. Our freedom is so great that it is very contagious.
No, I feel the same way.
My blood is red white and blue
It's actually really hard for anyone to become a citizen. It takes a while and now that Trump is president, it's going to take even longer for security reasons.
Of course not, Kiwi. Freedom is a call heard by everyone.
No , murica is the only country that still count that has not been reduced to a welfare shit.
Praise Kek
This is wrong, "American dream" didn't existed when peoples from Europe was in a search for freedom. America was and I hope is the freedom symbol in this fucked up world.
What about just green card, or a working visa? Still difficult? I thought it's rather easy for Canadians, at least compared to other countries.
All you need is a black dick in your ass and you're American
you feel patriotic about the Anglosphere cunt.
If you can afford it, sure.
Nothing wrong with it. We were proud when brexit happened. The west are cousins and we fly our flags together.
Well, it's probably easier for Canadians living on the border, assuming they're single and looking to get married. Just drive over regularly, make some American friends that visit Canada pretty regularly too, and eventually get married to one of them. Then both of you can enjoy your dual-citizenship.
You'd better actually live in the US though, it's a bitch to get taxed when you're not actually in the country or enjoying the benefits.
No New Zealand.
Why on earth would you leave NZ?
You can have guns, hunt and do fun shit there.
I would love to live in nz ;_;
No, that's just how propaganda works. It is really up to individual to realise who benefits from the way of thinking person has been taught.
Come to Texas. I will succ u
>We were proud when brexit happened
>We were proud
Who is this we you speak of? Btw Brexit has NOT happened yet you tard
A weeaboo is a white man who is unhealthily obsessed with Japan.
A wehraboo or a Germanaboo is a white man who is unhealthily obsessed with Germany.
What do you call someone obsessed with America?
I can understand OP, I've thought about moving to USA as well.
NZ seems to be on a neverending train of free market globalism and shows no signs of change.
can i take your place ? it's funny reading posts like these as an american who is doing all he can to get the hell out, our society is trash, and maybe it's because i live in a lefty sanctuary city but i literally hate my life
>Is it weird that I feel patriotic about America
Yes it is weird to feel patriotic to a country that is not your own. It means your a cuck OP. Congrats, you'll fit right into America if you decide to ever move.
Do all canadians have an instinctual nature to make absolutely cancerous posts or something?
America is more of an idea than it is a place. Put the American flag on Mars and call it American and it might as well be Nebraska. So in that sense, your feeling patriotic towards "America" isn't that odd.
>moving from a lefty sanctuary city to a lefty sanctuary country
Basically what you'd be doing.
Not weird at all...a lot of us here in the states feel the same way about Straya and Britain, even the other "white" nations like Ireland / Scotland etc. I myself feel a very strong connection to Scotland because I am Scottish, even tho I've never been...
I need more pics like pic related. Just general anglo sphere friendship pics
Honestly, someone needs to do a study.