This is it Sup Forums. In order to save the west we must get Le Pen elected next year. What the french are lacking are memes. The french appear to some hard motherfuckers to make memes for. So, it is up to us to start churning out some Le Pen memes to spread to the great french people. Vive la France!
i got u senpai
vive la France!
Never elect women to positions of power. They Will ruin your country. All women are the same.
Reuse CTR Pepe
Been voting FN for my whole life, but this time I am considering voting for Fillon instead. He is the closest thing to the true right France ever had, while Marine turned the FN into some socialist circle-jerk.Marxine Le Pen has become some ugly mix between the Mouth of Sauron, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.
Fuck the leftards and their social justice bullshit, their healthcare and 35 hours a week. It's time to do real right wing politics. Besides, we can't let a woman have the nuclear codes!
Truly Kek works in myusterious ways.
Redpill me on Fillon?
im gay now
There's no way that a frog could be used in French presidential memes, there's no connection at all.
How much are you paid for this?
France already experienced a huge rightward shift. I don't think LePen is needed, France is already saved.
Might want to edit it some though.
Not so sure about that...
I'd like to know this as well. From the few things I've read about him he seems pretty great. At least his thoughts on Islam are anyways.
Just keep these things in mind:
>Fillon was Sarkozy's PM
>the 2011 intervention in Libya was at Fillon initiative
>Fillon's fight on islamism is a posture to drag the FN votes
>Fillon is totally fine with EU domination
>Fillon already favored Social Justice bullshit, for example he voted to recognize abortion as an inalienable human right
>he pretends to be catholic but when he had the opportunity to write in the constitution that France had Christian roots, he voted against
>he inaugurated Argenteuil mosquee with a veiled 8-10 years old girl next to him
He's basically a pro-Russian Mitt Romney. Realize that the Clintons and Obama would be right-wing candidates in Frogland, hence you got Fillon compared to Thatcher.
Ça te fait vraiment réfléchir.
Yes, he's been shilling for "the peaceful Islam" meme for 5 years under Sarkozy.
Pic related, him inaugurating one of France's biggest mosque with his friends from the muslim brotherhood.
o she fired her own father, the founder of the party, and choose a gay socialiste(phillipot) as a chairman, now the "patriotic"party takes its money from russia and arabs, is for more statism to reach neets... The FN is cucked beyond redemption : pro abortion, secular, pro lgbt, socialiste, and prone to foreign influence... Only lesquen or cuck Fillon can win
> cela porte à réflexion
> cela donne à réfléchir
>Been voting FN for my whole life
>I'm totally not a shill, guise!
So he's just another two-faced politician then? That sucks.
HE IS NOT /ourguy/
Yeah, so call out the shills when you see them.
He's heavily involved in the destruction of Libya and another Qatar-Saoudi man.
>now the "patriotic"party takes its money from russia
Great! they had a loan from a russian bank because no french rotschild wanted to give them one after her father's 2007 electoral failure that led to the FN bankruptcy...
>and arabs
Bullshit. On the other hand, Fillon has been in business with those goatfuckers for (at least) a decade now.
>Only lesquen
Enough with that meme. Last time i listen to Radio Courtoisie, he was telling people that he will vote for her eventually.
we don't care about that, it's ok to steal petrol to save French economy but we need to stop immigration first, i don't want to die rich and muslim.
Except Gaddafi prevented the mass invasion of Europe that we see now for decades. He warned us enough about that.
Fillon as PM = 1 million africans with french papers
Fillon as president = Millions more africans with french papers
Fillon was involved in Libyas collapse and Libyas collapse is the main faction in the rapefugee crisis
These rapists are here because of fillon, make no mistake
plus he has always followed the islam is the most peaceful religion" line until recently when he realised he could break FNs legs by stealing votes
this is bullshit. it is very easy to stop boat near the costs.
you don't need to control all the area just protect your border.
Tu est sûrement un putain d'assisté pour voter pour elle et son programme, être de droite c'est être pour moins d'impôts, moins d'assistanat, pour des valeurs conservatrices moralement (pas comme les tafioles du FN), pour une diplomatie patriotique (pas vendue aux bougnes). Le FN de jean marie c'était ça avant la dédiabolisation et la purge organisée par marine et phillipot! Depuis c'est un UMP bis...
This. Merkel, de Kirshner, Rousseff. They all run it into the ground sooner or later. On the other hand, I don't see anyone else worth it for France except for de Lesquen, and he'll never be elected.
What about Thatcher?
This made my day. I told you the kids were alright. There's even a redpilled girl posting in this board:
[eight ch].net/1825/res/8892.html#q8906
Sending best wishes, Francebros. Thanks for helping us kick some redcoat ass. I know we make fun of you guys for being pussies but we wouldn't have liberated you if we didn't love you all.
The United States stands with the French people and against the hordes of Muslims that (((they))) are trying to import into your country. Vive la France!
Been voting FN for my whole life, but this time I am considering voting for Fillon instead. He is the closest thing to the true right France ever had, while Marine turned the FN into some socialist circle-jerk.Marxine Le Pen has become some ugly mix between the Mouth of Sauron, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.
Fuck the leftards and their social justice bullshit, their healthcare and 35 hours a week. It's time to do real right wing politics. Besides, we can't let a woman have the nuclear codes!
Nothing to redpill, Fillon is a EU and multiculturalism cuck who suddenly started to talk hard because of Trump's victory after being a pet during his whole life. The only thing he'll do is givin more money to rich people and lick muslim feet. He is the new Sarkozy and an opportunistic traitor.
Been wearing shoes my whole life, but this time I am considering wearing dog turds instead.
What now?
And as far as Fillon is concerned, this is all you really need to know:
Point 11 of his plan
>Réduire l’immigration en créant des quotas et en ne versant des prestations qu’aux étrangers en situation régulière depuis au moins deux ans.
Don't believe medias propaganda. They're trying to present Fillon as a right-wing leader exactly like the traitor Sarkozy in 2007. This is the plan.
It was weird for me when I lived in Paris that people didn't take their shoe off indoors.
It is but it doesn't mean it is bullshit.
The European Court of Human Rights enabled this shit when they sued the Italian government for repelling the migrants to Libya. Ghadafi did a job the EU prevents us to do. So Fillon is responsible for the immigration mess. Do you sincerely believe he is going to fix it ?
Je n'ai jamais touché d'allocs de ma vie. Merci bien.
>Depuis c'est un UMP bis...
C'est donc pourquoi tu fais la promo de l'UMP ici même.
Branleur va!
I agree, that's not a very good habit. I tend to ask my guests to take them off though.
I wasn't Italian government though. It was the people and told by Gaddafi himself.
>Point 11 of his plan
Implying you can trust "his plan".
I agree. It's a good gesture and you should hold to it.
Don't forget to lend some support to Hofer and Geert too.
To save Europe, we need as many of our people in power as possible.
This vid had less than 500 views when i first saw this.
On peut toujours rêver.
We need more #MEGA threads indeed.
BBC is shilling for Fillon hard
Je taire... zis meme, zey give me ze need for a nap
You Americain green frog with zis lips of heavy rouge. How base and depraved zis meme you show.
D'accord, a real French meme has real class. Zey are rich with fragrance and flavour.
You must feel ze texture of le meme. You must appreciate its simple colour.
Of course, he's the most technocratic candidate in France right now... And maybe even in Europe.
He's been PM during five years and a minister for decades. He never did a single thing he said in this whole life. It's just Sarkozy Season 2. STOP taking these cuckservative traitors seriously.
Seize the memes of corruption.
sweeeedeeeeeeen no
Fillon-cucks, give up already. Remember what happened to our "next president according to the press"? You don't stand a chance.
I'm pointing out how soft he is. 2 years to get welfare as a foreigner "en situation régulière". It's disgraceful.
And them pic related.
Damn, it's like a lite version of the US elections. ahah.
My mistake, sorry.
You know that in France, if you stay for 5 years as an illegal, you get a french passeport automatically (even if you're incarcerated and shit). I wonder what Fifi is thinking about this... Oh wait, this is the law since he was PM under sarkojew.
See how important it is to refresh french cucks memories.
Thank for your support ameribro.
Nothing to save in this country...
so it's basically the same if i come to france and loath and if i come to france as an legionnaire
I hope this racist bitch dies.
No, if you come as a legionnaire, you will have to work and pay taxes. And i'll shake your hand too.
I could, but I won't. I've seen France, I've seen Europe, Russia... I'm a soldier, I'll die in my homeland.
Yeah, I unfortunately already knew that. Let's just hope we can meme Marine into office. Personally, I would love de Lesquen. He'd clean up France in a year, but he's too radical for normies.
Fillon or Le Pen? Who's more right-wing?
nigger detected
>I recommend that France* creates structures to host migrants. That's the ONLY reasonnable solution.
* he doesn't actually say the word "France", anti-patriotic people hate to name her so they use a circumlocution instead
Does Le Pen have any chance of winning this? Cause all polls say she doesn't
Oh no, the polls say she won't win. Damn...
Women are scum.
>French polls
>Most rigged polls on earth
Your mother sure was.
If we give up the fight, she probably has no chance. Fortunately we won't. Polls said Juppé was going to win the primary easily.
I don't believe French people want to vote for a guy who's favouring harsh austerity. Some may dream that French people had another mentality but that's not the case.
>opposes abortion
>opposes gay civil unions
>opposes gay adoptions
>supports Putin and Assad
>wants crackdown on salafism and islamism
>opposes Israel
Le Pen
>pro gays, pro abortion
>is a feminist
>accepts money and bribes from Russia and Arab states
>supports Israel
>is a woman
Nice proxy you got there.
I'm still on the fence between fillon and le pen, I'll have to look deeper into their programs
What's the name of that ship girl?
Whore, just like boatsluts.
>polls say she doesn't
That's probably a good thing in current year.
Reminder: Do not trust any career politician who changes their opinions with the times
poor jeb
dude, I'll only vote for le pen because she'll get us off EU. We can't get backstabbed over and over by the right and the left again. So fuck it and vote le pen.
btw i'm arab
I don't know.