This is NOT my America.
This is NOT my America
Oy vey
It is now, get fucked Ahmed.
have fun back in mexico
if you don't like it, you can GET OUT
90% of Hillary supporters believe fake news stories.
Whose more dangerous?
whites arent the superior race thats racist dont look at history or the present.
Then move to South America faggot.
oh, look! people who don't like trump making biased polls? unprecedented!
i want more bait, though
>south carolina
sure makes you think
this is my america, the one i grew up in.
fuck off libfag
mine neither.
should be 100% all around.
good thing you have no power over the whole country to make a decision for the rest of us
>This is NOT my America
>voters in South Carolina
>NOT my "America"
Fuck off idiot
>February 16
Here's your (you)
I see nothing wrong with any of that.
of clinton supporters...
high percentage want open borders
high percentage want sharia law
high percentage want white men killed
high percentage want straight people killed
high percentage want another civil war
high percentage want no white men on us currency
high percentage understand whites are superior and feel cheated
I unironically agree with all of those things.
>GOP voters in South Carolina
>All Trump voters
Pick one
>voters from south carolina
>not a national institute
>and out of how many
Your America is dead. It chokes to death on more genders than Baskin Robbins has flavors.
Cool reference.
My wife's cat groomers sisters cousin told me that Trump was the best thing since sliced bread.
I'm going to have to side with my reference over yours.
I ride and die with Muh cat groomers cousins.
Don't you have an oven to get to?
>this is what 16 people in 1 state think.
Yeah nah fuck that.
I've never been so proud of my homestate!
I'm surprised it isn't 100% acknowledging obvious white superiority
Underated toast.
Have a (You)
Feb 16 not 16 people
February the 16th, not a poll of 16 people, illiterate cunt
Well, I mean, I wouldn't want it in my backyard. Which it is.
Doesn't the government all ready watch everyone?
They're all ready there
Doubt any of them have a strong concept of history past the 1930s and below
It's a cool flag
It's just 16%. Engage them in conversation if you're so worried. Insulting them from afar is just going to make them angrier.
Checked and this
What's your fucking America then?
They polled one state
99.9% of Clinton supporters want Open Borders to Muslims rapefugees entering the U.S.
99.9% of Clinton supporters want made Sharia Law legal in the U.S.
99.9% of Clinton supporters want a censorship on the Internet against "hate speech"
99.9% of Clinton supporters think black are a superior race (another 14% aren't cuckolders)
Clinton supporters are fucking sheep. Blind as fuck. Truck drives through Paris crowd killing people. Hillary supporter "Let's invite'em all over and give them free tickets and shit when they get here cause fuck safety and our national debt." Stupid fucks.
>1 post by this ID
100% want Chains for niggers
You can't always get what you want. Now that your lesson is over you are finally a man.
Idc about gays and lesbians because they occur domestically in all populations and it's not really a choice. Muslims are fucking cancer, they want the whole world brainwashed. The belief in white superiority can be self-fulfilling. Anyway Trump is not my president.
It warms my heart to see that there are still so many liberals completely refusing to learn thus making sure they won't see the inside of the white house ever again.
>38% of people in a Southern state wish the South had won a war
truly shocking
>This is NOT my America.
>my America
How arrogant and delusional do you have that you have ever believed that?!
Didn't funny hurr durr men Lebowitz explain it to you clearly enough?
>Who is
You're free to leave at any time.
Why are u defending Trump and racists? If americans can they would kill you, theyare animals
*whom is
Yes, we would kill you. So stay out of our country.
>Public Policy Polling
>PPP is a Democratic company, no doubt. We do private polling for Democratic candidates and we were rooting hard for Obama.
>Democratically aligned polling firm routinely asks questions that poke fun at Republicans, like whether then-Senator Barack Obama was responsible for Hurricane Katrina.
>PPP doesn’t follow many of the industry’s best practices, like calling voters' cell phones; the firm only calls landlines. It discards hundreds of respondents in an unusual process known as “random deletion.”
>this small sample of republicans from one state is what every trump supporter believes, also (((richard spencer))) is their leader watch this video of him doing 'nazi salute'
Anyway there is nothing wrong with being islamiphobic.
No shit Sherlocks.
The real problem is that *only* 31% of Trump supporters banned from entering the US. Just goes to show that the USA is complete HomoPedo ZOG cabal.
>South Carolina
fucking liberals
Your sad reality is that you are an afterthought to not only americans, but all of the world. Nobody gives a fuck about your rainforest or jesus statue. Everyone thinks immediatly of slums and aids when they think of brazil.
Kys pleb.
How can 88% want to deport and ban all Muslims yet only 44% want their religion gone too?