Should pot be legal?

should pot be legal?

is it degenerate?




Possibly, but not likely in a legal market.

Depends on the user.


Dude weed lmao




i have stock in canadian weed stocks so i hope it goes legal so i can make millions

Describe how, exactly.

first post best post

even if you think it should be legal that doesn't mean you should risk getting jailed / fined over it. you're clearly an idiot and deserve it

> I have stock in an illegal business

Only for medical purposes


The legalization of drugs will lead to a bland world of "DUDE WEED LMAO HUEHUEHUE". Productivity will be low, Poverty will go up etc. it will degrade society as a whole.


t. degenerate


I don't see any reason to ban it except piss off self righteous pot heads

>should pot be legal?
>is it degenerate?

Here is the thing. Social engineering works better than laws in a homogenous nation, which - no matter whether we're ethnonationalists, civic nationalists or monarchists - basically everyone here wants.

Make it legal, then use the education system and media to make it something unappealing and lame.

Rinse and repeat for all other drugs.

Voila, issue solved.

they currently sell medicinal weed to card carrying patients

when it gets legalized they all go up by 10 times what they are worth.

>Smoke grass to feel good.
Yes its dégénère

Already is legal.

>Make it legal, then use the education system and media to make it something unappealing and lame.

hahaha, ya thats worked so well so far

>eddy the grizzly bear says drugs AINT COOL KIDS! NOW LET ME THROW DOWN A BEAT!

absolutely not
It's a plant
We should care about ALL of our rights we have and rights that don't have that we should have

Why is a plant like marijuana illegal? Make excuses for a DEA that fails and a government that perpetuates this stigma against a personal liberty. Dude....... Wood. Lamao

Smoke it regularly but don't smoke it in ludicrous amounts. Let's say, if you need a cigarette and you are an occasional smoker, smoke a mild joint instead.

Meant to post this one
Dispensaries should be everywhere

Do you also think that Opium Poppy should be legal?

Anything used by children is degenerate


If we approached education from a nationalist, right wing perspective - that is teaching kids traditional values and how to restrain from degeneracy, we wouldn't have this problem.

The biggest issue in education at the moment is the fact that schools push this "be yourself" shit, which is disgusting. You can be unique, but not to the point where you're messed up in the head.

Days of excess are alright, as long as it doesn't become a problem. Sometimes doing a bunch of gravity bong hits and having a weed marathon for a day is great.

Absolutely. It should be taxed and regulated, allowing citizens the liberty to choose to use it if they wish.

It's insane how many people associate marijuana use to adolescents smoking marijuana, as if they have never imagined an adult would smoke the stuff. This is how detached these idiots are from a majority of the population. Autism is a scary thing.

This so fucking much.Drugs are a symptom, not a cause.

Give them something to hold onto and strive towards and even legal heroine would mostly just affect dropouts and people that weren't capable to begin with.
Tolerance vs drugs is already going down the shitter hard in Gen Z. This maps to the more casual drug education and seeing drugs more often.

Most Dutch youth look down on those who smoke on the regular.

it can be, but let me tell you that it's degeneracy is far less than that of alcohol or other hard drugs

>What does that even mean

Pot is boring.
Degeneracy = moral bankruptcy, smoking a little weed isn't going to make that happen any more than booze/cigs/coffee will.

If a fucking plant can somehow bring about the destruction of society, than society was weak and pathetic and not worth "protecting" in the first place.