Browse Sup Forums

>browse Sup Forums
>get bored and go to another board
>absolute drop in quality and underage faggotty is rampent
>go back to Sup Forums

Why is every other board on Sup Forums such a pile of dicks? I feel like I'm talking to 13 year olds on Sup Forums and Sup Forums and /r9k/ is just god awful.

Sup Forums is a huge pile of dicks. Subverted by dity LGBT faggots, Neo-Leftist freaks and NPI Dickie Spencer shills.

Even the shitposters are better on Sup Forums

On other boards it just sounds like I'm talking to a 16 year old

Because all boards outside here are filled with reddit fags, tumblr homos and other faggots. Sup Forums is probably the most normal board on here and that's saying something

Sup Forums is probably one of the oldest board if not the oldest. Most of posters here are refugees from Sup Forums who moved here when Sup Forums got really bad (it was never good tho).

because Sup Forums is concerned with real world events and group survival rather than self pleasuring escapism or materialism

>mfw Sup Forums changed me from Sup Forumsegenerate and now am a productive member of society actively dating white qts to ensure the survival of the glorious Anglo race

>Sup Forums is probably one of the oldest board if not the oldest. Most of posters here are refugees from Sup Forums who moved here when Sup Forums got really bad (it was never good tho).

I feel like this is correct. It's definitely my case, and I doubt I'm special.

>we are the most mature board on Sup Forums

I came here from Sup Forums during gamergate.

Mostly because children do not understand politics and this place is boring to them.

Mention Trump on Sup Forums and watch the shitstorm.

Sup Forums is compromised but we have nowhere else to go.

I used to avoid Sup Forums because I am not a fan of facism and the whole nazi thing. But holy fuck every other board now is so far left that I can't have a normal discussion with those people.

/k/ used to be cool now its full of tripfags and nogun redditfags invading the board acting like they are oldfags.

Also can't post any loli on Sup Forums without the nazi mods throwing a bitch fit.

Sup Forums is just the natural final form of a 4channer

after years of meaningless shitposting you eventually do want to seek meaning and purpose, stop fapping to porn everyday and fulfill your genetic potential while staying informed and up to date

Because Sup Forums has an underlying degree of intellectual stimulation coupled with shit posting.

You go to Sup Forums and it's nothing but degenerate faggotry feel and dick rate threads.

You should try /ck/ - mostly fast food, misinformation, and spiteful cunts because it's where the al/ck/oholic general is and they spread to other threads.

At least they don't have flags :,)

ohh man thankyou, finally someone said it. Been lurking on pol for the past 10 months and its definitely of much higher quality than Sup Forums and ive been comming and going intermitently for the last 12 years. Its impressive the amount of literal shit this millenials conjure in their idiotic minds, its feels just the same as with music where it has deteriorated to a point where you jsut hate todays music and see back at the shithole and say hey Sup Forums was a godawful place but by god it was infinitely better than todays Sup Forums

well said cunt

This place is just old Sup Forums. Not to mention that it changes you. You either get disgusted with the views here and never come back, or you start to wake up.

gee maybe because Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /r9k/ are all garbage. Sup Forums especially.

lurk more fag

i deed it

Go to Sup Forums if you want your brain damaged.

>check Sup Forums once a month or so, purely out of boredom
>without fail, active loli/shota thread, fur porn thread, trap thread, stolen nudes thread, rate cock thread

I honestly don't know why I even bother.

/ck/ is great

Sup Forums has a lot of Sup Forumsacks, but also a fuckton of redditors so it's a mixed bag. don't really care much for other boards other than /gd/

Wheres you're proof poo

Can confirm this is true, Sup Forumstard from ~07-09 here.

same. I used to exclusively browse Sup Forums and /x/ and now it's straight Sup Forums baby.

Because other boards don't engage in lengthy discussion or analysis like Sup Forums does

That's because lolis are forbidden on Sup Forums. Check the Global Rule #3

Sup Forums really is afraid of this board for some reason. The boogyman.

i came to pol out curiosity because some pol user mentioned jews on Sup Forums and they flipped out. Meanwhile Sup Forums shitposts gore porn and bestiality threads but jews is just too much.

Paid shills for Clinton, and Trump. Let alone the fucking abc agencies.

>shota thread, fur porn thread, trap thread

Too many people broke rule 1&2
>newfags flood in.
>repel newfags with vore, furry, gore, trap etc
>some newfags are so retarded they actually believe Sup Forums likes that shit unironically so they begin to like it unironically to "fit in"
>time passes and Sup Forums gets filled with actual degenerates.


>move to new state
>decide to check out /soc/
seriously, if any of you here ever saw some of the other lesser known boards on this site, you'd vomit. You might think everyone on here generally has the same mindset - NOPE.

This is me. I spent like 5 years mainboarding Sup Forums. But when I found Sup Forums, I knew I was home.

>some pol user mentioned jews on Sup Forums and they flipped out

Holy shit.

I was a Sup Forumstard from 2009, but I remember not giving a shit when people posted Jews or other offensive content there. Of course there were the moralfags and newfags who cried, but they were not the norm.

Sup Forums used to be apolitical. Looks like it's politicised now.

I am new to Sup Forums I have been here less then a year ill tell you one thing that's don't visit other boards other then /tv /int /fit the rest of this sight is absolutely fucked

Sup Forums and /r9k/ are basically Sup Forums light.

/k/'s pretty good, but I can see a leaf being scared of it.

What made you want to start coming here so recently?


Go away chanology

/x is a fucking joke my alien encounter story got deleted I now have a personal vendetta against that board


Go back to Sup Forums, faggot

The /r9k/ mod is a self admitted SJW who actively tries to dox users.

>implying youre not fucking broken if you have gore and trap pics on your hard drive

>I feel like I'm talking to 13 year olds on Sup Forums and Sup Forums and /r9k/ is just god awful.
Chances are your assumption is correct. This is where all the kids go to show they're a hard ass apparently.

>leaving the safe space unironically
Sup Forums is alright though, even after the reddit/tumblr/neogaf influx and cuck moderation there are many Sup Forumsacks and other similar minded anons there. Funnily enough, political threads move the fastest there, a "who did Sup Forums vote for" thread hit 750 replies in under 2 hours the other day.

I envy you America

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums
These boards have been literally tumblr for half a decade.

fuck off leaf everyone has gore on their hd.

I posted a planet X thread there after faggots kept telling me to go to /x/ and it got 0 replies and deleted shortly afterwards.

Never used to be that way though, Sup Forums went to shit even before the /jp/ split.
Never been to Sup Forums so no.

You'll get banned soon enough since this isn't a NSFW board, nigger.

>ranting about /k/
>not mentioning the 500% increase on gay and trap shit

Many times I've wondered what went wrong,
I just hope its actuall gay people that found /k/,
but knowing the tricks of the left and degenerate socialist scum I highly doubt it.


There's rather high quality content delving into mentally mature topics of politics and philosophy, hidden under a thin veneer of shit and unraked leaves.

>Never used to be that way though
As bad as Sup Forums is now, it still isn't that way.

There is probably a loli thread up on Sup Forums right now.


exactly I have found other boards hardly get any traffic . pol is like the flag ship of this site we must have at least 20 times the amount of posters and visitors threads on most other boards stay up for weeks its crazy . but those fuckers on /x must all be 14 years old all they ever talk about is summing a sucubi what ever the fuck that is .

That reminds me when I decided to check out a battle rifle general on /k/ and all they were talking about was trannies.

>this isn't a NSFW board
>isnt blue

user, put the crack pipe down

This place is Sup Forums 3.0. What the fuck are you talking about? Plus this place is full of /r/theDonald retards who came here over the election

Blue for me

auto spell check mom

Putin gave me a link to this place. Is he /ourguy/?

Because it's been infiltrated by the luminarty and alphabet agencies to keep conversation in a loop of nonsense rping.

I only visit this board, /vg/ and Sup Forums. But with the latter two, and especially Sup Forums, I really have to tune myself out of any politically-oriented conversations a lot of the time to avoid getting myself banned. Sup Forums is absolutely one of the, if not the most cucked board on this site. /vg/ on the other hand is more of a mixed bag.



Sup Forums is the facebook of Sup Forums

Why would you go there?

There are many better boards than Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is much better than Sup Forums for instance

You are my proof Dickie shill. Go back to /lgbt/ and die of AIDS for the betterment of surrounding life.

Looks like your right, there is a loli thread on Sup Forums right now.

I specifically remember seeing Jews did 9/11 memes right beside mudkip and troll memes back when I was on Sup Forums and I thought It was just some edgy meme, haven't been there in years it's all furfag shit and trap porn

I guess it's fitting, though, Sup Forums used to be the pariah for all the goofin' we did back in the day. And when Sup Forums grew up we needed a new place to spam blocktext of the word NIGGER and play goofs, except we goofed a president into office. I think that beats anything we did back then.


Yep, I started with YTMND and found Sup Forums around '05 or '06.
After my Sup Forums newfag phase I mainly browsed Sup Forums, but my interest in vidya has diminished with age, so Sup Forums has been my go to board for a few years now.

Not anymore

what do you mean? Its actually the new facebook.

yeah I agree /x/ is trash. just 'I'm a vampire AMA' threads and failed succubi summoning 24/7. Tried getting them in on the Podesta shit and the thread just got ignored.

Czech mate

figures either way I hate that fucking board

>Sup Forums is much better than Sup Forums
It's filled with phonefags and gaymurs now.

I tried and actually got banned for it. Apparently that whole spirit-cooking thing was off-topic.


Spencer people have been on here for years. And most of us don't love Spencer, we just know that you are fucking retarded for calling him a shill.

They're too busy jacking off to AYY LMAOS

they have this notion that liking girls is for faggots or something, maybe its just satire or newfags thking its funny, and then there's the fucking furries....
And the worst part of it all its the mods that allow this shit but at the same time don't allow any topic related to politics.
/k/ really used to be magical.

install Gentoo

anything legitimate gets ignored it seems I wont be going back even the ufo threads here on /pol when they don't get deleted are ten times better then any discussions ever had on the same subject on /x

this was ment4u

There are also boards that are far better at it

how do I summon a succ ?

>be me
>start going to Sup Forums in the summer of 2015 (inb4 summerfag/newfag)
>already pretty redpilled (due to a friend converting to Islam, redpilled me the hard way)
>come here after the paris attacks
>find out how Sup Forums is shit in fact
>never went back to Sup Forums afterwards

Still the best board if you don't count the leaves and shills

Dont Indians get aids just from breathing in all the fecal and decompositing human tissue?

Sup Forums was my original board, from '07

they are cucked and because it's harder to pirate music the sharethreads have gone to shit

thx for Long Season though, Sup Forumstants!


NBDPD '13 was bretty good

Get a job and have a steady income of resources and the succ comes to you, so long as you're not a troglodyte.

>I am retarded for calling him a shill

You are degenerate for calling him anything BUT a shill

/x/ actually used to have seven discussions regarding multiple paranormal topics.

People used to ask regarding interesting topics such as learning to lucid dream, how to meditate.

There used to be tarot readings, palm reading, people attempting to figure out mysteries or dropping new information.

While threads like this pop up now and then, the overwhelming mass of unintentional shitposting and responses, derails the entire board,

Then it started to slowly slide into the pile of shit it is today. Multiple 2spooky4me stories copy and pasted, ayylmao meme, SCP, slender man etc.

Admittedly, the last time I saw any decent threads that actually had intellectual discussions on going, was a few years ago.

I feel like Sup Forums as a whole is on the decline. Sup Forums is thriving, although who knows how long that will be the case once the election hype wears off. The rest of the boards (or at least the ones I used to browse) are hurting. Sup Forums is outright trash now, it's not even a shell of what it once was back in the late 2000s. The decline of Sup Forums has sapped a lot of the energy from the ancillary boards. Sup Forums was completely ruined by over zealous mods who banned all of the fun (power rankings, haxball, late night music, sports feels.) Sup Forums has always been kind of shit but now it's just absolutely terrible. /k/ is dead due to . /soc/ was kind of ok for a minute but now it's just RATE MUH DICK. /r9k/ was good before it got deleted in 2011. Ever since it got resurrected, it's been nothing but whining and feels. /biz/, Sup Forums, /fit/ and /out/ are actually ok but not really boards you can spend a lot of time on. On those boards I mostly just watch one thread or so. If you really want the /fit/ experience, Misc is a better option anyway.

/biz/ is full of a bunch of NEETs roleplaying as richfags

>Sup Forums is thriving


>they are kids
>pol is adult
Another circlejerk thread?

When will you brainlets learn?