So what exactly did Hillary do wrong in Benghazi?

So what exactly did Hillary do wrong in Benghazi?

I'd love to hear arguments for both why she has fault in the attack, and why she doesn't.

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They repeatedly requested additional security from the state department given confidential informants and chatter leading up to September. The diplomat who was assassinated, ambassador Stevens, personally and specifically appealed to SecState (Clinton) when the requests were ignored. She also just put him off and said they would look into getting him more security soon. Its thought that the reasons for this decision were political/optics because there were state security personnel at the ready -- they just didn't want people to report that there was an escalation of force.

Approx 3am EST they tried to contact Clinton for an emergency deployment, but were unable to contact her. this is part of the job. what it really means is Huma chose not to wake her. The next morning, Clinton (et. al) made a characteristic move to mitigate responsibility and change the appearance of the situation. She said this was not an Islamic insurgent strike at the embassy, but an organic riot caused by the one time showing of an anti-Islamic documentary. Later, it was shown she knew this was not the case, even though it's what she told the dead diplomats parents.

Then she went through the usual motions of escaping any direct criticism, played fast and loose with her own recollection of decisions made, and made it seem like it was a witch hunt and how unfair it was to her.

It is her job to see to the safety and operation of our foreign embassies, she failed, mislead the public about the causes and her level of involvement, and painted over the dead bodies of those who depended on her judgement.

Literally who?

Wouldn't have happened if she didn't kill Gaddafi

Interesting read.

Any sources?

She fucked up retrieving MANPADS that the CIA told State not to give to terrorists. In the process of fucking up that mission, an ambassador was killed.

Is there really a direct correlation between his assassination and the Benghazi incident?

>So what exactly did Hillary do wrong in Benghazi?

She (they) has no reason to say it was a video of Americans burning Koran that provoked the attack that led to Benghazi

Being American official, you don't get to blame American for things they didn't do.

House oversight committee hearings. Trey Gowdy is amazing in these hearings, look him up on youtube with hillary clinton or some shit

> She didn't follow up on one request for extra security based on 1 out of a billion vague threats the terrorists put out on any given day.

That's about it. The courts found her innocent of wrong doing so Republicans settled with an email scandal because they cared that much about the dead US reps. There was so credible evidence leading up to the attack other then someone saying they would do it. I know that sounds like all you need to believe someone but if you go outside and look at the sun tomorrow, I'm gonna write your name on it.

>Libya has government
>HRC decides to free, arms tribal islamist militants to oust government and causes bloody civil war. Airstrikes destroy every piece of infrastructure in the country.
>With Gaddafi dead, Islamist militants now need something new to be pissed about
I don't know, you tell me

she took no action
americans died
then tried to sell some hoky video to misdirect
still has not answered where she was what she was doing
lied under oath
anyway thats enuf

>multiple requests over a period of months citing increased civil unrest and the vulnerability of the embassy and support bases positions


she left Libya a volatile mess and did not adequately protect the embassy that was left there in the shit.

she failed and it shows her incompetence in foreign affairs.

pretty much anal raped one of the best social systems in the region

Kek I agree, dustbin of history awaits her.

kill yourself if you think Gaddafi's government was a good one.

You should move to Syria - Assad runs a pretty similar set up

> Lives in Aus yet somehow thinks a ME dictatorship is a decent form of government
Would literally have boat people over cunts like you

I said one of the best social systems in the region you fucking window licker, not a shining beacon of humanitarian effort and egalitarian process

Name a time since Bush invaded the middle east that there wasn't unrest. Fucking terrorist said they would attack the Macy's thanksgiving parade and yet nothing happens

>unironically holds a region of the planet at least 150 years behind the west in terms of cultural/social evolution to the same standard as home nation

not an argument in line with previous statement, calls for increased security by people on the ground who are literally responsible for and trained for the monitoring of the civil/political climate.

>state on numerous occasions levels of unrest are escalating beyond ability to handle and are outside normal spectrum for area

>systematically ignored

100% election year Repuglican smear campaign from the same people who didn't say shit about George W. Bush leading thousands of soldiers to their deaths in Iraq


You can't Rowdy the Gowdy.

Golly Fellas,

I know how much we all want to help Ms. Jill Stein in her recount efforts.

She's asking everyone in Pennsylvania to help her. Basically you need to file an affidavit at your local courthouse and then pay a $100 fee. Jill will reimburse you for any money you spend.

So please make sure to send pics of your affidavits to:

[email protected]

where the Jill recount team will open your email and your attachment.

>Trey Gowdy
Thanks man, seeing hillary getting confronted is quite entertaining.



Poor fucking Gowdy. Hate seeing that man upset

There were plenty of worse totalitarian governments in the world. Why did Hillary want to topple Libya and Syria in particular?


Turns out Gaddafi wanted to create a common currency across Africa so they wouldn't have to keep using French francs. Also they have oil.


Turns out Qatar and Saudi Arabia want to build a pipeline, but Syria was being disagreeable.

So we train rebels, overthrow their governments, and usually end up with even WORSE totalitarian regimes afterwards. Of course, we've been doing this since the 50's so it's not like Hillary Clinton is the one who started this kind of foreign policy.

so what Big C

"She was asleep" may be another lie. They may have chosen not to send anyone for multiple reasons.

They didn't want their gun-running to Al-Qaeda exposed. They were CIA doing a CIA job and it went South, so Washington let them die rather than facing the political consequences, especially so close to the election.

Some have said what they were doing had to do with MANPADS; so any air support sent in would have run the risk of being shot down by the very missiles they were giving to the terrorists.

Another possibility, although unlikely, is that it was a set-up and Stevens was effectively murdered, which might explain the denied requests for more security, and the fact that the contracted so-called security team was actually comprised of local terrorists.