Is the modern normalization of transexuals conducive to the elevation of a civilization?
Is the modern normalization of transexuals conducive to the elevation of a civilization?
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Transgenderism is a descent into forcibly imposed madness.
Male and female are the most basic facts about human beings there are.
What the fuck does it mean to be a human if the words man and woman are just feelings?
We're sleep walking into a totalitarian thought police state that makes anything that came before look mild.
Good shit.
Why is the trannie an Asian girl?
because the author is an asian tranny
woke af
I agree with all of your post. That being said, the last sentence is a non sequitur.
Anyway no OP, it is terrible. Without female sexual repression we will continue the slow motion suicide of the west.
Geez. No wonder Asian women are running to Jewish and white men
I can't stand this. The idea some day in the future I could be arrested for saying
> woman is a biological fact
brings me out in a cold sweat.
You look at all the shit Prof Jordan Peterson is going through and project forward a decade or two and what have you got?
I know. I honestly have zero animosity towards """trans""" people and couldnt give a fuck how they live their life. It's the assault on reality that drives me crazy.
Still will make her my bitch and cum in her sexy ass.
Why not
Dysphoria is literally classified as a mental illness. Schizophrenics might like smearing their shit over walls, but does that mean we have to enable their compulsions? No. So why should doctors enable another form of deluded compulsion?
Also digits
All of these web comics never portray the trannies accurately. They're all super feminine, whereas these monsters have the face of an ogre in real life (ie. sophie).
We're hitting levels of delusion that shouldn't even be possible
>tfw no tgf
Funny thing is I can tell when Asians are trannies, and I'm white. 90% of them have that Thai hooker look.
she's the middle one
I was trying to figure out how you untuck a vagina for about half a minute.
He just looks like a regular asian man, but with long hair.
Yeah cheekbones give it away
Both of those gooks are trannies.
looks better than the one on the left at least
Fuck off m8
"She" actually looks better than most real Asian women
Exactly. It's crazy-making that it's already becoming a social taboo to say the most basic fucking biological fact there is.
Kids are our future. Watch this video and tell me this isn't a terrifying glimpse into what that future holds.
Peterson's warnings about creeping totalitarianism, being drowned out by meaningless buzzwords from these Red Guards.
They're so utterly convinced they are right, and they don't have a trace of compassion for anyone who doesn't agree in lock step. Disagreement, even just recognizing reality, means you're evil and must be destroyed. And they'll never change their minds.
They are already writing our legislation. If it were possible to put their enemies in gulags, they'd do it.
Why even not kill yourself?
But I like that look
The Greek Historian Herodotus spoke of how the Scythians were afflicted with the "female disease" (feminine men, even hermaphrodites) for generations after destroying a sacred Temple
I sometimes wonder whether the feminisation of our society has something to do with some sort of sacrilege
Enjoy your aids.
I bet you also like skanky Mexican women that say "Hey papi" you sick fuck.
Thats fucking disguting
I really need to make a doomsday device , this wold needs to end so badly.
Did you happen to get that fact from "The Transsexual Empire"? Because I was just reading that book.
It's really good, BTW
Thing is, many cultures had some role for effeminate men, like a third gender. What they didn't do was let these people start legislating men and women out of existence.
Transgender operations will be seen like lobotomies in the future I reckon.
No, I read "Histories" earlier in the year. I've been binging on the classics for a few months, it's great.
Even considering going back to uni part time to study it
Anything in Spanish just yell it out during, it's hot user... I also like it when black women call me white boy
Why tho
Is it possible to build a nuke powerful enough to blow up the planet?
honestly do not care what they do with themselves
i just dont care for when they expect everyone else to go out of their way to accommodate their delusions
Do you mean EVERYTHING gave it away you dense nigger?!
Who cares, more faggots for me to drain my nuts into
It is a sign of decline in civilization
t. All of human history
Bin that privilege cislords, this is a female stuck in a male body
Nah. It's just a virtue signaling fad. Shitton of people use them as a topic of scoring social brownie points. There was studies where 70-80% of "transgender" children completely lost any desire to be a different gender after some time. And there's shitton of suicide statistics, which proves that chopping away at your genitals is not a treatment to mental disorder.
Nobody talks about this, because nobody really cares about them.
>wanting to sleep with a negress
Again, enjoy your aids.
What if "misgendering" becomes a crime in the future?
oh my god all the sun damage on those legs
>There was studies where 70-80% of "transgender" children completely lost any desire to be a different gender after some time.
But what's happening NOW is they get put on puberty blockers.
No puberty - they don't get out of it.
Doctors can lock these kids in to being trannies.
It is so fucking disturbing. The activists are using these kids as cover for legislating their delusions into reality.
Yea it's all harmless on its own, but trying to normalize it/bend concepts like sex is pretty fucked.
I have already 3 times with black women, twice with white women and one Hispanic chick... no Asian yet
FPBP, every time.
I will user, I will
post more
Good god man! Giving aids to those poor unsuspecting white women. Kindly neck yourself and save us the trouble.
you fall for him?
jesus christ
post moar
Does this tranny hack draw anything other than quarter view?
his profile picture on twitter is so obviously male it isn't funny
He draws a full face when he self-hates his Asian heritage
It's a social construct you prick
>Jackie Chan as Chun-Li
>Anything in Spanish just yell it out during, it's hot user...
Nerdy, white Texan spotted.
depends on your interpretation of "elevation"
Watch it manlets, he's 5'10, will you ever learn?
Nerdy, check
White, check
Texan, he'll no PA
Don't worry user, nerdy white Texan here reminding him he is a race mixing degenerate.
But imagine living like that.
Any reminder of the reality of your own body brings you down from your fantasy world.
And this is supposed to be healthy, normal and acceptable? And we teach little kids it's okay?
keep em coming
> what the ...
> the man's shirt 's shoulder seam fits me perfectly
> and the sleeves too
at least the dad has accepted it
does "she" really have a white boyfriend in real life?
well depending on what asian country the dad is from, it could just be seen as a career choice
work in factory vs fuck white dicks and get gay married for the money
These people need help.
I don't think ridiculing them and calling them mentally ill freaks would help. It's the same as the SJW's calling us racist bigots all the time.
Probably, you guys are cucked beyond belief.
I fear when pedophilia becomes okay
mom still passively aggressively trying to salvage this mess though
No, those are one night stands, all drawn as white males. Even the asian males prefer white dick
the tide is turning, our timeline wont allow this. can we be the first civilisation to overcome suicide by degeneration?
they kill themselves at 30
Looks like he already got the "having an ugly friend to make yourself look prettier" part of being a girl down.
would fug
Thanks for that, I was gonna buy that and you saved me some dosh..
The most important thing is to keep our speech free. They're trying to close it all down. That's how you get totalitarian states. We have to be able to say
> men aren't women
and keep saying it. Jordan Peterson crystallized things for me. I'll go to jail before they put their words into my mouth.
I don't hate all "trans". I draw the line at pushing it onto kids, and trying to legislate my freedom away. I can't accept a society where being a woman has no meaning, it would be intolerable.
dumb bitch use a spoon to pry the lid slightly so it unpops and easy to remove
or she could just use hand strength to open the jar
do mom and dad have other children? I don't know what I would do if I had only one child and he ended up like this
These are the best
Notice the apple logo is replaced with a heart
Doesn't mention siblings in comics, I assume none
just part of her femininity
that's really sad
poor mom and dad
there's another comic, Stephanie. She asks her dad to take down a photo of her as a little boy (Stephen). Dad complies, but looks sadly at the picture of his little son
Is she /ourtranny/?