Lets get an Australian thread going mates
/AUS/ pol - New Flag Edition
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Kangaroo at the disco?
>new flag
yea nah fuck off cunt
considering packing up and doing backpacker work when I get my forklift licence desu lads farmers need forklift drivers yeah?
>New Flag
Numale flag more like.
It's shit. Fuck it off.
LOL that flag is sht-tier
You should totes have this faggots
>green and yellow
You know which other countries have green and yellow flags? African countries.
Stick with the Blue, red, and white, lads. The colours of the Union Flag is a part of you heritage.
Yeah Nah bro its all goods
A bunch of fucking boongas jumping towards the fire light.
>farmer: "do you have a visa"
>(You): no I am australian
>farmer: "the position has been filled"
>time passes
>farmer to his wife: "Why are australians so lazy and don't want to work?"
>wife to farmer: "I have no idea just keep using those tanned eurobois hnng"
>farmer to wife: "Do you still love me?"
>wife to farmer: "Oh look! dinner is ready! it's food that anyone on centrelink could never afford"
>farmer to wife: "hahahaha! I'm so glad we live in a world of kings and servants lets never pay overtime to our workers ever"
>he forgets his wife's infidelity, if just for a moment. if she's happy with the eurocock, then he is too.
something like that
All we really have to do is make australia white again.
And I thought australians were manly
You needs more guns.
How about this? it's sort of like somalia's, so people will know our island is a brown person free-for-all. and a big edgy star because you'd hurl yourself into one if you ever had to grow up here.
This idea that the British are somehow our mortal enemy is utterly ridiculous, if you are a white Australian that's where you came from
>White for the people
>Blue for the sea that surrounds us
>Red for the blood of abos and foreigners
>Good old jack for our roots.
Australians are basically gingas and albino africans.
A little known fact about Australia is that due to the chronic alcoholism of all the males, they need fresh breeding stock to fuck their women and breed them up. Occasionally the common Australian male will rebel against this normal behaviour and show a mock defence tactic by posting a "Fuck Off, We're Full" thread on various social media forums, but its all a show. In fact Australian Men are the least deadly wildlife in the whole country.
Feel free to emigrate there
>and now a note from our sponsor, the world's largest shakiest travel lounge.
Got any abo bedtime stories for an insomniatic yank? I spent about 6 months in the country and every interaction I had with them was fucking bizarre
Off topic question
Can you australiens laugh about this or are you still butthurt?
Better than any YLYL threads I have seen on the chan, cunt -D
consider necking it instead mate
shut the fuck up you butthurt niggerfag.
Before I met you cheeky always-complaining rapebabies I was pro-life.
>ps luv u aussie cunts :3
Get that piece of shit flag outta here. Here is a real aussie flag
>Can you australiens laugh about this
The answer is always yes.
desu idk. I like pissing people off
>No Union Jack
Tfw no qanda tonight
Dont change your flag. I get said every time I look at my mine and realize theres no union jack. I look at it and realize its just a fucking leaf.
Kangaroo niggers.
Im range banned from posting threads. This is bull.
Doing a poo right now lads
>This idea that the British are somehow our mortal enemy is utterly ridiculous
who the fuck thinks that?
I'll tell you abo stories if you first share your abo encounters. I'm interested to hear a non-Australian experience/thoughts on actually interacting with them
B-but I like Germany. Your woman have awesome tits, and I can imagine a tongue that has learned that barbaric language you speak will do amazing things with my dick.
Mondays are now depressing. Can we bingo another show?
Bingoanon needs to make a bingo sheet for it
I had a month to travel before I started classes, and I did all of the usual tourist shit. I'll go chronological order
>Start in Alice Springs
>See aborigines begging and loitering and such, don't think much of it
>Can't really tell if they're speaking English or not
>Do an outback tour with a company, it rams anti-colonial and pro-abo stuff down your throat, talk about how great The World's Oldest Culture (tm) is
>Sounds like fuckin barbarians, climb Ayer's Rock even though they beg you not to
>Visit Melbourne, Sydney, see all the usual shit
>Notice over time that I never see abos actually working
>They're always just hanging out wherever and they don't seem to move very much
It's at this point that I start to wonder how different they are from American black people.
>All Sup Forums shitposting aside, I've seen black people in the states with jobs who can have conversations
>Aborigines seem like a different species whenever I'm around them
>So fucking different from me that I can barely relate to them on any level
>Finally get to Brisbane, start class
>Not a single full-blooded aboriginal around
>A lot of international students, a few token half-aboriginal (God only knows how that happened)
>The local abos just sort of hang out and drink and will accost you asking for cigarettes
>They seem mostly harmless but they're like very aggressive homeless people
>Always hanging out in the same places in the city, wonder what the fuck they even do
I'm starting to ramble and it's not that interesting, but basically I learned to just not pay any attention to them and they were mostly harmless. It's not like my interactions with them were bad, per se, it just felt like I was observing an alien species
I would bingo your missus m8.
>forklift licence
How do you find them compared to african americans? I can't decide if I'd rather have dindus or digeridinus
I have more stories if requested
>on school trip to the city that lasts for a week, we go of in groups and do school stuff in groups
>my group makes friends with homeless aboriginal guy
>we hangout with him, actually pretty based
>next day my group is held back from starting for being cheeky cuntz
>cuck socialist teacher is yelling at us
>aboriginal friend sees us getting yelled at by teacher
>homeless aboriginal friend starts yelling out and calling our teacher a cunt
>he comes up to teacher and says 'let them go you white dog'
>can see teacher freaking out because 'muh white guilt' so doesn't want to say anything back
>teacher doesn't know what to do and just stands there without saying anything
>we walk away with our new aboriginal friend all while he is yelling that our teacher is a 'white dog' and a 'racist cunt'
>teacher got culturally enriched
that's what they look like when the mother hen lays them
give em time cuz they'll grow wings yet
>Finally get to Brisbane, start class
>Not a single full-blooded aboriginal around
Aye, no place better.
you're Tasmanian ay?
love it, seen the one in ballarat last year, my old man's got a piece of it when you used to be able to cut a bit off
its a good idea but cfmeu and the unions have tarnished its meaning
Lol keep em coming
And it's tough to say whether I'd prefer African Americans or aborigines. There's a lot more variance in black people here from what I saw, there are some who are actually intelligent and contribute to society, but the Sup Forums archetype of unhinged dindu is probably more common. With aborigines it seems like all of them are just part of this strange tumor on Australian society that interacts with you partly because you took their land but mostly because you make bleach, which smells good
>working at a pub in Kunnunrra
>Thursday morning start at 8am
>abo pay day
>shire turns sprinklers on nature strip on at 730am, soaked coons shambling around everywhere
>so lunch service,only half day
>finish work and walk past coles down toward the Tav to get on the piss
>young gins literally lying in the middle pissed af at 2pm, partly cos they cant walk, partly to freak outthe grey nomads
>get closer to the Tav, outthe front of the opal shop
>pissed old gin literally lying passed out in the middle of the road
>big black cunt stubles acros the road and only just notices her after tripping over her - pissed also
>picks her up by the hair and the hem of her tattered and shit stained skirt
hlaf carries, half drags her the rest of the way across the road and throws her in the gutter
>keeps stumbling on
Made me laugh.
fuck m8
As much as that show makes me want to commit an Elliot Rodger and do an hero
I feel lost without you guys.
Literally every single lefty and anti-Australian flag cunt
> but mostly because you make petrol, which smells good.
I guess the benefit of aboriginals is that even though 95% of them don't contribute to society, they aren't committing huge amounts of crime like african americans in the US (at least not crime that affects white people).
>driving around uluru at 80km/h
>mostly desert but at one point in road there are lots of bends and trees (can't see around bend)
>go around corner and there are a bunch of aboriginals just sitting in the middle of the road
>Slam breaks, get whiplash, very close to hitting them
>They just look unphased and wave at me
>Even their dingo/dog hybrids don't seem to care
>Ask if I have food/money/cigarettes
>Drive around them
>heart rate doesn't go back to normal for hours realizing how close I was to hitting them
What's the point?
Look, I'm in no way a Nazi, but that's the most attractive Australian flag I've ever seen. The composition is gorgeous.
That's about all it boils down to. Aborigines are just sort of there, and I imagine they drain a lot of tax dollars, but at the end of the day they seem mostly harmless. That's not the case in the US
I think that story might be the most Australian one I've ever heard. Driving around Uluru, nearly running over a pack of abos and dingos, and of course they ask for cigarettes/beer/food (in that order, I have to assume). It would be like me speeding around the Grand Canyon and nearly running over a Mexican who just begged me for a drivers license
kinda looks like somebody spilled white paint on a plain blue flag though
Shit flag you atheist communist cunt
Gday cunts.
How long till QandA?
Will they still be shedding salty liberal tears about Trump?
Fuck off
They're full
>When farmers talk about young aussies being 'leaners' but they take billions from us taxpayers because they can't run a business and need to pass the risk off to us despite if they failed someone else could come in and have a crack
who is the real leaner pol?
Retard. Go suck a job our of the Greens' arse, cuntox
Would you ever move to Aus permanently? I imagine it would be a hard decision now given based Trump was elected
>It would be like me speeding around the Grand Canyon and nearly running over a Mexican who just begged me for a drivers license
Kek'd hard
No more qanda until next year :'(
When the WW3 starts, will emus use that opportunity to conquer Australia?
The quality of australian shitpost is something all the way above any leaf shitpost.
Leaf shitpost is like beer: cheap, in large ammounts, for the uncultured.
Australian shitpost is rare, subtle, classy, matured, aged good, it's like wine.
>the blacked thread was deleted before I could post
I'm Tasmanian and have tasmanian aboriginal ancestry. Things I hate:
> the education industry - no university dorms for local students only chinese.
>special aboriginal rights - equality or nothing.
>palawa kani - """tasmanian aboriginals""" inventing a fake language named after a real one that's been 200 years dead without records, and enforcing ""culture"" on the clueless whites. they even renamed the landmarks to what the fake boongs said.
>fake boongs being mainland aboriginals who come here and blab on about muh land muh land. the real tasmanian aboriginals had a rule: cross the water lose your position in the village. You are NOT aboriginal to this island, black cunt.
These aboriginal centre bullshit artists rustle my jimmies something shocking, selling their fake culture, forming an in-group that excludes 3 of the 5 original tribes of tasmania. They used weapons against my tribe and their own people just to increase land holdings, before the whites came and cleared them out too. I hate all self-identifying aboriginals with a passion and only ever call myself Australian.
Tasmanians used to think white people were ghosts, sort of like automatons: you can watch them but you can't change what they do. talking to them is like talking to a wall. they're just a body, a shell. Inside is a script that runs like clockwork. In any case the tassie aboriginals who wanted to work told the welfare people to eat shit, and got decent factory jobs. most of the half-breeds collected benefits and socialised as whites.
We appreciate your post, hue. Why does your country have so many savages? All the bestgore/liveleak videos are Brazilian robberies gone wrong
dont EVER joke about the emoo war cunt
theyre vicious beasts
Probably not going to live there permanently, as much as I enjoyed it. Australia is a lot like America in most regards, and I hope to come back and do a year on a work holiday visa in the next few years, but I have family and friends back here and I can't uproot my entire life to live halfway across the world and live basically the same lifestyle. The fact that I really really like the direction the US's politics are heading makes me even more likely to stick around.
If I meet a nice Australian girl when I come back, that could of course all change.
thanks to the traditional land owners
I gave one of them a bumper last week, he was hanging out in the smoking area near the bottle-o
fucking top cunt letting me live here n shit
>Tasmanian and have tasmanian aboriginal ancestry.
They missed one?
only one
Emus are a fucking joke, just like your military, your history, and your beer.
3/10 shitpost
can do better
>Why does your country have so many savages
Imagine if, instead of hunting abos, the first fleet fucked every hole from Hobart to Broome and then tried to start a society with whatever came out. That's Brazil.
must a done, I don't get his post
fuckin jabbers on like a noonga
blackninni should just get the welfare and settle down
fruity lexia's on sale, comes with a bed n all
get fucked little brother we can't understand your shit
Is this Ballarat?
coopers sparkling and teds are tops faggot
better than you're budwieser or blue lable can shit
>American flag starting an Auspol thread
Yeah nah fuckoff cunt, don't give a shit if you're on holiday or whatever. Nothing wrong with the current Aussie flag either.
ahah the fucken gauss turret
Fair enough mate, best of luck with it all
We do, it hurts a little inside but we do.
That explains a lot lmao
They missed about 150.
Not like I want to get a public DNA test and end up on the news with Truganinni's great-great grandkids throwing rocks at my house. Uppity aboriginals do not like people like me, not one bit. They want their culture and history to be *ahem* whitewashed clean. motherfuckers be acting like they some kind of avatar eywa mass organism. Don't tolerate their shit do your own research, they continue to pull eachother down and hurt their own people, especially anyone who disagrees with the "hippy collective basket weavers" version of events.
Worst flag ever OP. Why not Eureka flag?
I was just taking the piss, m8.