They're getting ready to oust him. More clips are emerging.
Bribing and bullying workers. Not very presidential and I'm pretty sure EXTREMELY illegal.
Is Hillary getting ready to take the Whitehouse?
They're getting ready to oust him. More clips are emerging.
Bribing and bullying workers. Not very presidential and I'm pretty sure EXTREMELY illegal.
Is Hillary getting ready to take the Whitehouse?
I'm pretty sure you can pay people to move
OH SHIT The polls will tank now. It's over.
Even after the election is over, the media still can't let it go.
>If we find another old video of him saying the f-word, h-he's stumped for sure, r-right?
>Video: "Hey, put some shit between the course and the houses so everyone can have some privacy"
I see nothing wrong with his actions in these clips. The man is running a business and knows how to get shit done. Regardless he knew he was being filmed and might have hammed it up for the camera a bit, or not. He's a fucking god among mortals
>Trump bribing golf course worker
holy shit. he PAID MONEY to his employees?! what the fuck. how is he not in jail?!?!?
what? That's barely bullying, being bossy or pushy sure, but seriously who's so fucking sensitive that this offends them..
oh wait that's right.
He did all that while looking right at the camera and a full sound crew around him. Don't think anyone gives a shit
Showing videos of him building shit is a positive for him, what is wrong with hillary's judgement wtf
We're does he offer to bribe anyone
Libs should get back on earth before trying to throw trump under the bus. If the guy ever does do anything wrong it will be crying wolf at that point and you won't be listened to.
You're embarrassing yourselves
It doesn't he gave an employee a promotion and tells another guy off for doing a bad job.
Means the final chapter will kick off faster.
Oh boo hoo Trump used the word Fuck a few times.
>Trump is REAL
Haha, who the fuck gets angry over someone giving money to their worke- oh shit wait thats right
Wow, trump definitely won't win the election now. not going to get any votes.
>Drumpf is surely stumped now
As if footage of him giving a worker a bonus and saying the f word is going to change anybody's mind.
Lol doesn't matter. He beat a bunch of crooks, commies, and child molesters.
>footage is Trump being fucking alpha yet again
>gg libtards
When are we going to finally adopt the Official National Liberal Flag as a giant diaper?
Giving someone money isn't illegal retard, a golf course worker isn't a government official. It's called a tip.
holy. he's done with these here vids. impeachment incoming!
No matter what we're going to make Trump's life hell every day of his presidency. If he's not impeached he'll resign from the stress. There has NEVER been a more hated President.
JIDF please go
>literally aired on Golf TV
That said, I actually respect Trump more.
O I'm laffing
"come on use your fucking brain" goddamn Trump is truly the most badass human I've set my eyes on
>stressing out over non-sensical bullshit he knows hes in the right about but will push it aside and say he's a changed man.
Literally every GOP and Democrat was ready for him to drop out over Pussygate. It only made him stronger.
ok kid
Trump didn't even think he was going to win. Talking shit during a joke campaign is not the same as handling the full responsibilities of being President. What the Republicans did to Obama we will do 1000 times over to Trump.
Dude, Trump was being interviewed and followed by a fucking camera crew.
Repeat after me Sup Forums: Madam President.
Their stupidity does nothing but benefit the Right but it's nearly unbearable watching this many people be this stupid.
>Trump giving extra money to a worker on his property
>Trump is BRIBING people!!!
Is this real life?
Drumpfkins on suicide watch!
It's all over!
How will right wingers ever recover?
Say it with me : Madame President
he'll never be more hated than Nixon was, CTR-chan
That's it, I'm fucking done with Drumpf. This asshole has gone too far. I'm joining the #NotMyPresident rioters.
Gordan Ramsay sounds more rude than Donald Trump. This video is tame in comparison.
Why We Shouldn't Tip Anymore
by Shloma Zionberg
Haha, I wonder if that guy spread the money around or really did keep it all for himself.
He sounds so encouraging at the end of the second video. Didn't bother with the first one.
He's like a tough but invested boss, what's the issue?
Literally what did he say or do that was incriminating besides some bad words? Holy fuck, who cares.
>"bribing" his own employees
hmm it really makes you think
>You gotta leave them alone
wow what a fascist!
guys we've lost. White people are dead they won. Those of us who remain will be nuked.
>before he is elected
I should add that Donald is defending other workers from the superintendent's micromanaging.
Master Bait you got there kid
OP clinically retarded.
really gets the noodle boiling
>Trump gives a couple bucks to some nobody
>Clinton accepts millions from bankers, Saudi royalty and corporate elites
Man this really makes my brain do things inside my cranium.
So what?
>getting rid of nearby houses
Wow, he's talking about blocking them from view not "getting rid" of them. Dishonest media strikes again.
Everyone is going to hate the fuck out of President Pussygrabber by his inauguration.
Our aim is nothing less than immediate impeachment.
If we can ruin his first hundred days, the odda of impeachment from his own racist party spike dramatically. And once Dumbfuck is down, it will be easy to replace Pence too.
Fuck you, babydicks. You are going to get three shitty years of President Paul Ryan, and then brown women Democrats occupying the White House for the rest of your natural lives.
This country belongs to us. Not white men.
>paying workers
>building mounds
Fucking muslims I swear...
>Hillary has literally lost the election
>It is 100% finished, over an the Winner is TRUMP
>We still have dumb fucks here saying Hillary is going to win any minute now
Seriously just kill yourselves, its sad.
>tfw when every leaked vid the left releases to blackmail trump makes you like him more
Golly Fellas,
I know how much we all want to help Ms. Jill Stein in her recount efforts.
She's asking everyone in Pennsylvania to help her. Basically you need to file an affidavit at your local courthouse and then pay a $100 fee. Jill will reimburse you for any money you spend.
So please make sure to send pics of your affidavits to:
where the Jill recount team will open your email and your attachment.
Can't wait till he and his supporters flip tje script and your companies lose all their ad revenue
oh your role playing basement dwellers you're embarrassing yourself. let the real men talk sweetie! Mummy will come down and tuck you tonight i promise!
friendly reminder that you lost
>likes to joke around
>knows when to be serious and kick a worker in the ass
How is there anything wrong with this?
>where the Jill recount team will open your email and your attachment.
>Jill uses the xif data to target assblasted liberals in these states for marketing campaigns.
>makes even more money off of her scam
Oh god, why are "progressives" such suckers
its his golf course. he's giving the workers cash under the table. wtf is wrong with that?
hes chewing out management for fucking up. its called being a fucking boss
and he got the golf course finished, too.
i'll see you at the event in the middle of the freeway tomorrow!
Based. Donald doesn't take shit.
salty faggot aren't you, and your dreams of impeachment ant going to happen cuck
wtf im voting hillary now
I litteraly cant stop shaking. I have never been more terrified!
You realize that we are flooding this inbox with porn and exe files right?
Sorry I shouldn't have been so subtle
>Could have retired for the rest of his life with the inheritance and just let the wealth grow on investments and whatnot.
>Decides instead to become a fucking alpha and hatch a 30 years plan to become president. Just to btfo the bush and clinton families.
>high octane constant entertainment for those of us who had lost hope.
>It's actually fucking happening.
You can't do shit senpai.
Republicans control both the senate and the house.
You democucks are finished
literally nothing wrong with anything in OP's image
>oy vey who wants to schlep by the ocean, what a mitzfa
With what Congress?
I know this is bait, but if the media do this I am going straight to the NYT hq and Shooting EVERYONE in there
wtf now I'm a Hilldawg.
Manlet and a Hill supporter, when will they learn?
this will be the end of drumpf i'm with marco now
I hope he hanged from a rope after the election, the fucking angry manlet.
>No matter what we're going to make Trump's life hell every day of his presidency. If he's not impeached he'll resign from the stress. There has NEVER been a more hated President.
The prospect of Pence presidency is electifying.
The Bush and Clinton families were never in the White House 30 years ago.
but 50% of people love him....
I'll wager more are okay with him and it is the extreme minority of naysayers that show such outstanding hatred for him.
Kind of funny really. "Peace and love and cooperation with all people from all walks of life, man!" goes out the window when you mention Trump.
I don't know, it's hard to beat Nixon.
So he told a guy that was overstepping into someone elses job that hes smart and a good guy but he needs to calm the fuck down? Oy vey how horrible
Also that didnt look like a bribe, more like a gift of some sorts.
Come back and shitpost when he is using deathsquads to evict people.
>success is bad
>good, direct business is bad
>you should have voted for us, we have none of those
The Left-Wing in 2016, everyone.
>leftists still thinking there's any chance whatsoever of Hillary becoming president
When will they learn?
By these digits all the manlets will hang.
>"Peace and love and cooperation with all people from all walks of life, man!"
that's literally the kind of thing donald trump says he'll enact, but Sup Forums wants him to be what libtards say he is so bad
After these shocking videos Drumpf is finished
im literally shaking right now. how could he be so cruel to his workers?
I know right, putting money in their pockets. WHAT A FUCKING ASSHOLE
The scale of butthurt and hysteria is quite profound
Its also bizzare how they label him homophobic and racist against blacks, he hasnt said anything against these people
He hasn't persecuted, executed or deported a single person
He literally didnt do nothing
well call me fucked in the head, but to me he sounds fatherly in the second video