Virgincucks, how does it feel not only being left out of the rest of the Based South, but that the land of Gettysburg itself is less cucked than you?
Virgincucks, how does it feel not only being left out of the rest of the Based South...
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fuck those swamp niggers
I blame illegals in NOVA.
West Virginia is best Virginia.
The other one is the shame of the south, just as Minnesota is to the midwest.
P-please include Missouri as part of the south, too.
honestly shocked Trump didn't win Virginia.
They feel good about it, they wouldn't have voted Clinton if they weren't cucks, remember.
Blame the poo in loos and illegal spics in NOVA.
What can you say? Too many D.C. parasites in the northern part of the state fucking it up for everyone else.
If Trump or anyone actually "drained the swamp," maybe these scalawags would go back to from wherever they came.
Florida the strongest.
He was winning it at the start and it ironically was giving us hope. Then the felon vote came in.
A break in the confederacy is a sad state of affairs. Though when I lived in Virginia I did notice a sudden influx of spics and of course niggers always seem to vote Democrat which makes little sense to me.
Blame McAuliffe, illegals, and nigs from Portsmouth/Norfolk who bought into the "Trump wants to deport blacks" meme, which is about every single one I know.
This is what happens when your governor (whose best friends with the clintons) lets 60,000 felons vote and one of your senators was hillary's running mate. Also fuck Nova, may they rot in hell. Look at a county breakdown of Virginia and you'll see a majority of the commonwealth is blood red except for the DC area, these are the assholes that turn us blue every election
T. Virginiafag
Please kill us
Please kill us
Virginia has simply become corrupt Washington DC's extension
Confirmed FMR
All other states hopelessly weak
NoVA is to blame.
Nobody voted for Hillary because of Tim Kaine.
McAuliffe is a faggot too.
Eventually, Virginia is going to split again due to differences.
I feel genuinely bad for V, fucked over by NOVA everytime. You cucks need to get off your ass and fix that.
Felons voted
Felons can't vote user.
They can in Virginia.
Loudounfag here, i knew Virginia was lost because illegals and the felon vote, however i had a great time watching my spic friends get super depressed and sad as Trump murdered killary. I even got a couple of my spic friends to vote Trump, was pretty funny.
Somebody hang McAuliffe btw.
The governor specifically restored voting rights for 60,000 felons to make sure the state didn't have a chance to swing red
Reminder that their governor pardoned 60,000 convicted felons using an autopen after judges told him he couldn't issue a blanket pardon and had to review each case individually. He's also a close friend of the Clintons.
Really perturbs the noosphere.
Eastern Virginia is a bunch of niggers, and Northern Virginia is a bunch of liberal cuck-a-ducks. That's why he lost.
t. virginian.
Thats no shit.... Northern Va is full of them. the rest of the state went red... except for the cities near DC.
Don't hate all of us!
This was Kaines state and the rigged it..
They called it when Hillary got down to a lead of 5,000...
Then its jumped to 20,000 in 5 minutes.. go watch it...
Kaine rigged Virginia
NoVA here. Loudoun County to be exact. The wealthest county in America. I'm right on the border of Fairfax County. The second wealthiest county in America. This is our really old flag. Let me tell you about who lives here. My neighbors.
They are the most powerful men and women in the country. Senators, Congressmen, defense contractors, CIA, FBI, generals, think tank directors, pundits, federal judges, lobbyists, foreign diplomats, and just about every alphabet agency you can think of. They all own oversized mansions sprawled out along places like Georgetown Pike and McLean. They literally run the world. And this is where they lay their heads at night. Did I mention we have the best public education system in America?
But what do these people need more than anything? Cheap labor and personal service. So in came their Indian data processors, their Korean salon artists, and their Mexican and Salvadoran maids. Did I mention they all golf at Trump International over in Cascades? Or did, until he stepped up against them.
The sad truth is this area of Virginia, one of the oldest areas of Anglo settlement on this continent, is not merely infested with some outside element. It's literally their hive. This is their home base. This is their walled fortress. You're never getting it back from them. Until you do.
Odd. Honestly, not letting felons vote is pretty fucked up.
Came here to post this.
Same with my state, it's only the foreigners close to D.C. who went to Hillary. The rest of the state voted for DJT.
I hope your writing style is just an affectation for Sup Forums and not a permanent state.
>Did I mention we have the best public education system in America?
Then why do Henricofags get dell laptops and ibooks so their kids get a 21st century education and you cucks don't?
Feels good not being a poor toothless hicks (like most of Virginia )
The Old Dominion is gone just like Maryland. It hurts me deeply. There's still some Virginians left but at this point they're only about a third of the population at best.
I'm not from Virginia I'm from Georgia but I have roots in Virginia. My family settled Virginia around 1640 so I have an attachment to the state and its importance historically to Dixie.
A Trump Victory was stolen from us.
Should we ask Stein to do a recount here?
look up short pump ya dingas
Just a bunch of spics and Yankees live there. No wonder it's blue
What website is this? I tried searching some of the sentences on the pic but got African diaspora shit.
You can argue about the finer points of letting felons vote or not, but the governor is a complete slimy cunt that's best friends with bill and Hillary which is the problem. Why did he not restore their gun rights as well? Does he have a problem with these people having access to all their rights? Fuck that guy
Before I moved to bongistan I thought I convinced a few of my colored friends to vote trump, but after I left they all turned to Hillary and got salty when she lost. I loved every second of their tears lmao we lost the battle but won the war at least. I mailed my ballot in so I did my part, but I still hate the governor and senator kaine with a passion
Never been to the states, is key lime pie good?
Also is Florida a good place to visit?
I wanna wrangle me a croc mate
Down here we got gators honourary floridian
The power of VP candidate Tim Kaine.
>Including the Ferguson niggers
>a poor toothless hicks
>what are plurals and singulars
Holy shit the north must be fucking dumb
Clinton picked the former governor and current senator from Virginia as her running mate to lock up the Virginia vote.
Thank you very much.
>Including the Ferguson niggers.
Yes, Fritz, including the Ferguson niggers. Unlike what you see in the media, the south is full of niggers. Why the fuck do you think we are so repulsed by them?
>calling someone a cuck because they don't wanna be part of some piss poor working class Christ Fucker gang states
Virginians go away! Go away! You don't belong in Dixie!
To be fair, a lot of red states would have went blue if they had to be a suburban outpost of DC.
C-Can Arizona take its place?
Yes. Welcome, friend.
Based on your shit opinion, you are either a previously incarcerated nigger, or a 14 year old kid who doesn't know what a "felon" is. Your opinion is awful user.
Tim Kaine is from Minnesota and grew up in Kansas, he doesn't mean shit to anyone in VA except the NOVA's and nogs that vote D no matter what
Terry McAullife, who owes his entire political career to the Clinton's and if a former head of the totally corrupt DNC, swung the state by pardoning more than 50k felons so they could vote D
Trump's accusation that VA was lost thanks to voter fraud has a lot more merit than the media wants anyone to believe
I think they should have voting rights restored based on the felony. Someone can get convicted of a felony for having a single pill on their possession such as xanax or adderal. It's stupid to take someone's god given right away for a simple mistake.
Leftists have this really wrapped logic that voting is such a vital, important right that everyone should be allowed to vote. They fail to realize they cheapen that right by attaching zero responsiblity with that right. Of course the only reason they do this is because if any merit whatsoever was attached to voting, the Democrat Party would be immediately out of business.
You really dont know what a felony is. You did make me look up if adderall possession is a felony charge though just to make sure.
WTF happened? The Republican won Virginia every election from 1968 to 2004? Even in 2004 Loundon and Prince WIilliam counties were red, and Fairfax only barly went blue. Bush won Virginia by 6 points in 2004. What happened? Do you thini if Clinton was the nominee in 2008 Virginia would have stayed red?
>is key lime pie good?
>Also is Florida a good place to visit?
Stay in the tourist areas. The everglades, disneyworld, etc. North Florida is a meth-infested shithole wasteland and South Florida is Lesser Cuba.
Is there any pro-Confederate feelings in Arizona, especially the southern half (Con. territory)?
Well that's a different argument. Getting a felony for a single Xanax shouldnt be a felony(unless you have like 37 prior intent to distribute convictions or something). Felons without exception should not be allowed to vote. It part of the whole point of having crimes separated into misdemeanors/felonies.
Misdemeanor-you dun goofed dummy
Felony-youre just a piece of shit so since you act like an animal you will be treated like one
I watched the progress of Virginia on election night. I saw some odd things. Even Trump has stated there was massive voter fraud there.
>95 Counties total
>Most counties had reported in except for NOVA (6 counties)
>Trump up 5%
>All the sudden NOVA reports in
>The rest of VA is pretty much done reporting, Trump still up 5-6%
>Clinton jumps from -5% to +5% as NOVA finishes up
Call me crazy, but Im pretty sure most of the population is concentrated on the coast of VA, so how did 6 counties flip the entire state?
Fairfax does have a large libtard population, and is the largest county in VA, but still a 10% jump from a small portion of the state, seems odd.
lulz the south lost a war to a bunch of niggers and immigrants.
I have never liked Virginia
Add Missouri back right fucking now.
Mexicans started moving to VA, large populations started showing up roughly 10 years ago. Notice how all the blue parts of VA are also sanctuary cities?
>Pic related.
I sincerely hope trump fixes our voting laws, it's entirely too easy to rig elections in favor of the Dems at this point and I find it suspicious that they never want to do anything to fix the mess. I'll be going back to Virginia in September after grad school, but if it's still shit because of the libs ill strongly consider moving to another state at his point. It's a shame because I was born and raised there, but the Virginia I grew up in is not the same Virginia that I left
Charlottesville, Norfolk, and Richmond fucked us.
This. HR+Va Beach is the most populace area...and yet NoVa flipped us by 10%? Possible, but strange.
It's considered a controlled substance and being in possession of a controlled substance without a prescription is a felony.
And yeah dude, if you're gonna include West VA in the south, you have to include Missouri. You either have to include neither or both.
I went to an fcps school and some years i had 5/6 teachers had phds and we were swimming in laptops. Henrico is p wealthy tho.
Under federal law, a first offense of simple possession of amphetamine is generally treated as a misdemeanor and a person convicted of that crime faces a potential sentence of up to one year in prison, a fine of at least $1,000, or both. (21 U.S.C. § 844.) Subsequent convictions for simple possession will subject an individual to greater potential prison time and fines. State amphetamine possession laws vary but most treat a first offense as a misdemeanor with a maximum one-year prison term.
I take serious offence to W.VA being considered the south. Those hicks separated from VA during the Civil War because they didn't want to fight for the south, TRAITORS!
KEK is on my side this morning. Holy fuck.
>I wanna wrangle me a croc mate
Fucking aussies.
Florida does have Crocs
Wrong. NoVa Counties bordering DC went blue as well as richmond and THE MOST SOUTHERN counties in the south virginia that border NC.
its obvious they rigged it with kaine and the current governor who granted 60k voting rights a week before the election.
I really hope trump doesnt forget about Virginia and does something to clean it up, fucking corrupt as shit!
Okay I'll admit I was wrong. I just looked it up for my state and they dropped it from a felony to misdemeanor a year ago.
>The new language in the statute that went into effect on September 1, 2015 reads that any substance “approved by the Federal Drug Administration,” would, instead of being charged with the normal stair-steps of Felony incarceration, would be charged with a misdemeanor. Hence, Possession of Adderall without a prescription became a Misdemeanor – not a Felony, overnight.
Dude would you feel the same way if this felon raped your mother? Please fucking think. You don't want these people voting. Actions have consequences. They all knew what they were doing was wrong when they did it, yet they chose to do it anyway, something that is hihgly illegal and could impact them for the rest of their lives. And you think they should be allowed to make decision on the direction of the country AFTER they did this? You're either bait or woefully innocent.
I understand that. I might be wrong about this but if memory serves me most people living in WVa fought for the Confederacy. It certainly wasn't a popular move with residents to break off. Union troops were placed outside polling booths during the succession vote. It really wasn't the will of the people, just a Union created thing because they wanted a buffer zone.
It's literally CTR headquarters(Fairfax). All of the people working for the DNC literally all live in those counties.
Note- not all NoVa is like this just counties that border D.C.
Yeah, NoVa has some really nice areas esp. away from the cities. I wouldn't mind moving up there if I could get a nice plot of land.
>just as MN is to the midwest
Why do you say that? Somalians? Err...
Voting Dem doesn't mean you're cucked.
It means you're too stupid to be rich, but not stupid enough to vote against your own interests.
Poor people who vote Rep are the ultimate cucks.
Overflowing with DC elitists.
Your panhandle counties saved the world.
I was so stressed out watching you guys stuck at 99% vote estimation, Miami and Orlando gone blue.
And then your state went red. MY GOD that was the biggest adrenaline rush I can remember.
And then the glorious Clinton predicted win percentage plummeting into the depths of Hell where the demonic bitch belongs.
Look at how horrifically sunburnt her thighs are. She'd be nothing more than a dried up piece of leather by now.
Civil servants at Fairfax County
>tfw Loudoun county
This. NoVA is filled with illegals, and it flipped the entire state blue when Manassas got their polls in.
>Blame the poo in loos
fuck you. we voted trump. you gandu madarchod
are there more of these for other states in the US?
Minnesota is the best state in the Midwest though. You just have to get rid of the people.
tfw alexandria ;(
dont be fooled, most of virginia is red
As usual big cities are a threat for democracy
This, I love the land in Loudoun and driving the backroads in my truck, but this election has made me fucking hate the people that live there.
Also hang Barbra Comstock for telling people not to vote.