
>opposes abortion
>opposes gay civil unions
>opposes gay adoptions
>supports Putin and Assad
>wants crackdown on salafism and islamism
>opposes Israel

Le Pen
>pro gays, pro abortion
>is a feminist
>accepts money and bribes from Russia and Arab states
>supports Israel
>is a woman

Le Pen is not worthy of her father's heritage and surname.

Fake, controlled opposition.

Le Pen will crash the EU.

WTF I love Fillion now

We need to meme him into office

those are all wedge issues. the only real issue is kicking out all niggers and muds. no one gives a fuck about the rest.

what the fuck is wrong with his eyebrows

Fillon is a globalist and a EUwhore.

The real deal is Nicolas Dupond Aignant. He is what fillon pretends to be.

You forgot the most important thing for Fillon :

>Has eyebrows that could make him a character of a Yakuza game

Actually, curbing and opposing Jews in France, followed by dismantling their grip on France is the key issue.

Dude, Fillon is a people pleaser. He will say whatever to get elected.

He was a PM under Sarkozy for 5 years and didn't do jack shit against immigration.

Only now is he against it because it's a hot topic.

That kind of people is the worst.

Shut the fuck up aussie, you know nothing about french politicians

>the only real issue is kicking out all niggers and muds

That's not going to happen without a wider geopolitical change. As long as Israel+Gulf countries are calling the shots, Europe will continue to Islamise. Someone needs to stand up to the source of Islamisation otherwise it will keep flowing and nothing will change. You can't just press a magic button and reverse everything, you need to change the global situation and weaken or change the stance of those countries promoting Islamisation.

Someone post that pic of (((French))) journalists and hosts.

Reminds me of our equialent party "moderates".
They were in office for 8 years and INCREASED immigration.
Despite that they say they oppose uncontrolled third world immigration now a days.
Whatever you do Frenchbro don't vote for that snake, Vote for Le pen.

>>accepts money and bribes from Russia and Arab states
>supports Israel

HMMM no wonder (((Sup Forums))) shilled for Le Pen so quickly after Trump won...

Thanks OP, this really made me think.

>Want to bring up the age of retirement from 62 to 65 years old
>35h of weekly work to 39h
>Suppress the wealth taxes and limit the healthcare insurance only to rare diseases
>Want to suppress 500 000 public workers ( public administrations and so on )
>Wanna raise the TVA ( Tax on on the products ) from 20% to 22% .

You folks would really vote for him ?


Fillon is an establishment drone. I seriously wonder how gullible people must be to fall for the "I was part of the government for several years and didn't do anything but if you vote for me again I will change everything!" meme. Hell I have co workers that come to me and say shit like
>Man Merkel really wants to get rid of all the immigrants now, maybe she's the best choice afterall.
Makes my blood boil.

>>Want to bring up the age of retirement from 62 to 65 years old
h of weekly work to 39h
you fucking commies.

This, Marine is a disgrace
But Fillon is shit too.

h of weekly work to 39h

Paid like 35 of course

Le pen is pro abortion?
What the fuck? I'm not memeing that bitch into office anymore

I fucked up by not betting on brexit. I fucked up by not betting on Trump.

What do French bros think, can Le pen do it, realistically?

Kebab removal is the only important issue. French say le pen is a kebab remover.

We are talking about Marine "l'Islam est compatible avec la République" Lepen here.

>m-m-muh gays
Fuck off, non-issue.

>Pro EU
>former prime minister and longtime faithfull cuckservative
>doesn't seriously enact all the thing you say he opposes
>supported by a good part of the french corrupted power (media, politics)
It's all just a play lads, don't fall for it

Israel is still the best way to deal with Islam, actually it's almost the only one bombing them.
The most important thing is to close borders as soon as possible, abortion or Christianity are only a side, irrelevant question right now.

By the way, who the hell would like to oppose to abortion?

We work 40 hours a week. Lazy fucks.

where can i buy myself a German slave? I have some asbestos to remove, they seem worthy

That's a great program.
Communist France needs to end.

>>>Want to bring up the age of retirement from 62 to 65 years old
>h of weekly work to 39h
>you fucking commies.

Man, those 39 h would be paid like 35h . At the moment we are free to do overtime and to discuss about it with our boss . If we work 39h we are being paid 39h

>pro gays, pro abortion
>is a woman

There is nothing wrong with these.

Can we meme this result into office?
>Le pen for president 2017
>SD for government+Åkesson primeminister 2018

>pro abortion
Excellent. Any other stance is retarded.
>is a feminist
Depends what that means?
Do you want to subjugate women like Muslims?
I don't, it's anti-European.
It would be good if it were true. She's actually Catholic.
Pedo Church is a blemish upon this civilization.
>accepts money and bribes from Russia and Arab states
She has to get money from Russia because nobody else will fund her campaign. She can't get a loan in a bank.
>supports Israel
OK, this is bad.
>is a woman
So is your mom.


The only thing that is good about Fillon is that he's anti-Israel.

Everything else , Le Pen seems better.

>why should I, a fucking leaf, admit that I'm stupid for not standing up to my rights
cognitive dissonance for everyone to see

opposes abortion >false
opposes gay civil unions >false
opposes gay adoptions >false
supports Putin and Assad > true
wants crackdown on salafism and islamism > very false
opposes Israel >false

pro gays, pro abortion > she want to cancel gay marriage (union)
is a feminist > false not a tall
anti-Catholic > false
accepts money and bribes from Russia and Arab states > true from russia, false for the other
supports Israel > jewish hates FN
is a woman >true

It's unlikely, won't bet on that matter since our elections are fucked up and made so the main parties win

It is always the same thing...
It is alway the chocolate-coated poop pill...

Kill yourself my man

Marine is all about making cucks thinking she isn't a kebab remover but everyone in the FN wants to remove the kebab, including her

I know they're French so they're already shit

I work 40-60 hours a week you lazy commies.

> be 1936 France
> pass the law to work only 40h, because fuck work, I'm lazy
> be 1936 nazi Germany
> work your ass off to make Germany great again
> be France 1940: lose the war in 4 weeks, country becomes a declinant power for the rest of the 20th century
> be Germany 1940: conquer Europe

France needs to get back to work. 39h hours a week is nothing.


It's 67 years old here. Start working you lazy pieces of shit cunt frogs.

>slashing taxes on productivity
>slashing expenses
>restoring the state coffers
>wanting good relations with Syria and Russia
Sounds solid as hell to me.

Am I talking to the one country so cucked that there is no far right political party relevant and suck so much the maoris' cock that you are almost ok to switch your national identity from british colonists to maoris ?

All Fillon has to do is say that he has not forgotten the working man and will reduces their taxes too and he's sure to win imho

Shut the fuck up France, you know nothing about politics

Damn I actually like Le Pen now. Bring back beheadings for Catholics, mandatory abortions for muslims.

Everybody want them off. Dediabolisation is a stupid strategy. She uses it only to please the media, and it's don't even work.


He never took any serious attacks during the primaries and during his political career whatsoever.
If he is not tough enough and fuck his campain up, he is going to "jeb!" his way to the presidency

Sorry Amerilard, European nationalist/right wingers are different breed from yours.

We don't believe a Jewish deity created the world in 6 days and we don't believe we'll go to a bad place of hell for killing unconscious foetuses.

Abortion is good.

No, thats Canada. They speak French too. Most cucked nation on earth


Does anyone have Fillon's "globalism quote" from 2002?

he was literally controlled opposition though (created by the left to divide the right) and he didn't really want power. she wants power and thinks that she has to be "modern" and "less scary" to win. this is a deplorable sign of low energy

>> be 1936 France
>> pass the law to work only 40h, because fuck work, I'm lazy
>> be 1936 nazi Germany
>> work your ass off to make Germany great again
>> be France 1940: lose the war in 4 weeks, country becomes a declinant power for the rest of the 20th century
>> be Germany 1940: conquer Europe
>France needs to get back to work. 39h hours a week is nothing.

+1 Godwin .

Are you even realizing the comparison you've made u sick swiss cunt ?

"Make Germany Great Again" was more likely a revenge on France and and ethnical purge.

France wasn't ready for war cause everybody in France was thinking that WW1 was the last World War so please shut the fuck up even more when you come from this pussy neutral country only good to store the Jew's money.

It works, Jean Marie did 17% at the elections, she is at 40%, almost 48% in some areas and more than fifty in others.
Basically if there wasn't a regional reform she would have win almost half of the regions, including mine

> flag : new zealand
> pretend it's the leaf

You can't hide a sheep behind a leaf

no its not. except its done by none-whites of course


Those sound like Hillary numbers.

But you can hide behind a sheep from German bullets.
So there is that

Yes you slacking lazy cunt

> Wenn ich "congés payées" höre...entsichere ich meinen Blitzkrieg!”

dat eyebrows

Dupont Aignan is a little bitch that begged on his knees on TV when they were suspicions on him being anti-semitic

German ?

Did you mean turkish ?

11am ; why ain't you at work then ?

And Marine kicked her father out of the party because she didn't want him to tarnish it with anti-semitic headlines.

I'm a student, what about you?

Dupond Aignant isn't honest, I know personnaly some people that are close to him, they are the shittiest persons I've ever met and they are jews (and also completely corrupted)

>>Want to bring up the age of retirement from 62 to 65 years old
h of weekly work to 39h
>>Suppress the wealth taxes and limit the healthcare insurance only to rare diseases
>>Want to suppress 500 000 public workers ( public administrations and so on )
>>Wanna raise the TVA ( Tax on on the products ) from 20% to 22% .


In that case we were lucky if we had a clump of sand to hide behind, Still came to Europe and killed Germans to rescue you though

>By the way, who the hell would like to oppose to murder?

So am i .

if you look at what she said about Islam other times all and all she's saying "if Islam secularizes and adapts French costumes it's compatible with the French Republic" which is pretty much true, that's what Laïcité is all about

seeing as Islam secularizing is by definition impossible, and Le Pen knows this and has talked about it, it's just baseless words for normies not to think she's gonna gas them all

JM Le Pen had his reputation destroyed so hard by our jew media that his chances of winning anything were 0, especially considering how brainwashed french people are. I have no idea if Marine is really controlled opposition or not, but her chances of winning are way higher than her father. Before anything the FN needs to WIN something. Revealing their power level now would serve absolutely no purpose as the MSM would instantly jump on it.


we wuz ANZAC and sheit

Nobody outside the public sector works 35 hours, it's just the legal duration, when you work more than 35 hours, you get paid more hourly. Most of the people work 40 to 48 hours a week, not counting the people working on their own who just don't count their hours and who easily work more than 40 hours a week.

Fucking leaf.

Hahah fucking cuck, I'm a frontalier, 100% ethnic French.

Now stop believing jewish propaganda. The holocaust is a lie, plain and simple. If you take the holocaust off to the nazis, then you have one of the greatest nation that has ever been in Europe, along with Napoleon's empire and the Roman empire.
Just stfu. French has become this shithole because you are too lazy to work for the sake of this nation and your children.

>argentina elects female president
>she's shit and ruins everything
>germany elects female president
>she's shit and ruins everything for the whole continent
>brazil elects female president
>she's shit and tries to ruin everything
>worst korea elects female president
>she's shit and literally part of some secret cult
really activates my almonds

>is a liar
>is the friend of the media
>is the pet of the bureaucracy

Bien tenté ahmed, mais ça ne prendra pas.

While this is 100% true, MLP is still more masculine than 80% of the french political scene

"The holocaust is a lie"
Man how can you be trustable with that argument; even my grandma told me that her jewish friends just disappeared back in 1942 .Only one of them came back and he was very very skinny .

By the way ; "ethnical" doesn't absolutely refers to jew you sick fuck .

It also refers to slavic ppl and it looks like you ain't knowing shit about history, am i wrong ?

And for sure by working in Swiss you are working for the sake of France .

I have compulsory abroad work to do, now stop complaining.

> muh jewish friend that disapeared
Not a proof of Holocaust. You mean to say during wars people disapear, starve and die? Holy shit Sherlock! Now everybody suffered, and everybody starved. It doesn't mean the Germans conducted a mass gasing of everybody, nor had the plan to exterminate anybody. That's anglo-jewish propaganda to justify the creation of Israel and rip us all off.
For the Slavs, they were doing partisan war, which is totally outlawed by the Geneva convention. So of course there was harsh repression, but when you fight without a uniform, you should expect terrible repression. That's the lowest mean of fighting.

Read Paul Rassinier instead of BHL, maybe we can have a proper conversation afterwards.
FYI, I'm starting a business in France in january. You think I will work 39 hours? Fuck no, that will me be 60-70 hours, if not more.
Now stop complaining and get to work.

Abortion is good, its eugenics in a nice little blue pill for the lefties to swallow.
If you're against abortion you're a cuck

rejoy Fillon is gonna win anyway


Is France still even relevant?

>all these peoples thinking about fillon and le pen
>not thinking about becoming a space empire

bunch of Cucks

nothing it is sign of wiseness

Lol, look at all those fucking cucks

>Why don't you work 80h a week? and you should be thankful for minimum wage, why aren't you happy, slave???
>Health insurance is a meme, it only allows niggers to breed!

Fucking subhuman retards the lot of you

Once french companies which don't pay taxes start paying them, then you'll be allowed to complain about shit-tier workers being lazy


The numbers on jewish survivor arms marked with red iron are also a huge conspiracy .
>Defending Nazis with the Geneva convention
Topkek for sure executions of POW by Germany are totally fitting into Geneva's rules.

Moreover those partizans had more balls than your cuck collaborating ancesters ; your nazi lover grand dad would be proud of you .

Have i ever said that working more than 35hours was bad and forbidden ? Never ; but people should be free to work 35h or more if they desire it.

And starting a business requires to work 60h a week everybody knows that . nothing amazing .