What the fuck do we do about the balding epidemic plaguing young white males?
What the fuck do we do about the balding epidemic plaguing young white males?
laugh at their inferior genes
Make them Traps
Stop having such shit genetics. Pretty simple
Make more skinheads of course
Have at least some self respect and shave your head
There's no balding epidemic so much as a superficial culture epidemic.
Plenty of people were going bald in their twenties in the past as well, but the difference was they had a job and a family by then.
it is simple. boost progesterone levels.
Take finasteride, you stupid fucks.
Bald spot shit tier here
Please help us
ANYTHING we can do?
>I'm a good looking guy too.
>this kills me.
Have you heard of "a hat"?
fuck off merck shill faggot
buzz your hair and lift hard
Obvious answer
Learn to get a haircut that suits your shitty genetics. Faggot.
just shave your head and stop being a pussy about it
lol feel bad for you low test cucks, every male on my mom and dad's side has had a full head of hair even in their 80's
Going bald is a choice, just like being gay. Ask your vice president to electrocute you until you chose to stop being bald
I identify as folliclly-challenged
just own it
this shit works guys, it wont regrow hair but i will prevent it from falling
Get over it and shave your head.
lifting increases your test and hence accelerates MPB
Buy a comfy beanie for the winter and enjoy baldness in the summer. Shave your head all year round if you only think it's an aesthetic issue. Never cared too deeply for hair myself, I'd rather wake up tomorrow with it gone forever.
What about bald/shaved headed women, how do you feel towards them?
go for the skullet
I just shaved my whole head when I started to get bald.
Now that I think of it, the longest hair on my body are on my ass.
you're a fucking pussy if you care that much about your hair anyway
if you have a shit hairline man up and buzz it
Personally I think the real reason we go bald is it's our bodie's own way of weeding us out of the breeding pool because we don't get laid a lot. And by we I mean me.
>What the fuck do we do about the balding epidemic plaguing young white males?
Nothing because it's a natural phenomenon and hardly an epidemic.
Stop using shampoo
>white males
Is it really though? I've only heard that 80% of ALL men suffer from some sort of hair loss. If you live in an a country with a high majority of white people then obviously you are going to notice more balding white people. Here in Sixtypercentistan it's common for me to see balding young guys of every race.
DON'T DO THIS. It's 6 years later and my dick still only half works.
Why are his eyes so small and also close together?
don't be a pussy, just shave it bald
i'm tempted to shave my full head of hair just so i can be a bald autist walking around in a headband. sounds like the lavish life
Continue not caring.
Gas the baldies
who cares? narcissism is worse than consumerism.
Actually men whom go balding have superior genetics/they're more evolved. Body hair lost their primary function.What does someone with a lot of hair and dark looks like? A monkey.
Just shave your head
Noticed myself going bald at the edges, and now I just get a buzzcut with a #2 razor
your welcome
The only possible answer is to shave it, grow a beard if possible. I've noticed my hair thinned out a big and it sucks thinking that it's probably going to get worse but like death there's nothing you can do but accept it with open arms.
>only solution to balding is to lift or get erectile disfunction
It's starting to creep up. I'm nearly 30 now and afraid it's going to be like the guy in the OP by the time I'm 32.
Best way to kms?
Why contain it? It's cool.
Many hairy men go bald
>body hair, full thick beard
Balding from 16. Now im 19 and im just shaved and fine.
Dont try to stop it, dont waste your money on this, nothing will help.
The final form for white men is bald and bearded.
No one wants to be that sad, bald cunt
most fappers lose their hair though, stop fapping first if bald sad cunt
Lift weights, eat more protein.
Supposedly low protein and low test can cause premature baldness. Even if lifting and getting muscular doesn't take, guess what? You'll at least not have a shitty body and if you're eating clean enough your face will be more defined and less round.
Yes, this involves work. But if you're going to be the board that won't shut up about your dumb ubermensch shit then you need to prove yourself. There's no pride in being a white sack of flabby limbs.
Brush hair daily
Take showers
Don't wear hats
Keep hair
Not sure if this is bait or what. I wish I had less active libido, but I've been using it for several years and have had no such side effect, or any side effects for that matter.
What have you tried?
But it doesnt suit everyone, for some people hair loss can make them go from a little above average to down right ugly..
Testosterone is the primary culprit for mpb. Lifting can make it worse.
But that doesn't really matter because stronk bald men are more attractive than scrawny pretty haired nu-males.
wow even kek agrees with me and Sup Forums just ignores
fucking faggots i hope you all get cancer
but his hairline is perfect :/
bald people look shit even shaved
i started balding at 28, ive managed to slow it down, im now 33 and still have most of my hair, the trick is to shave it and only let it grow out sometimes when you feel like pulling chicks, the shorter you keep it the less it seems to fall put in my case, i also recommend using "caboki", its hid my balding from my current gf perfectly, I've been with her 3 years and she still hasnt noticed, i tell her im going bald but she doesnt believe me... so yeh.. i dunno how to stop it but i do know how to slow it down/hide it.
This doesn't change what I said, leaf. Men in the future will have less and less hair.
like I said, stop being a whiny little BITCH
Untrue, Justin Bieber gets more and better pussy than any of us can dream of.
>1 post by this ID
It's a shill post to slide the Pizzagate stuff. No one can be retarded enough to think genetics are Sup Forums related. Oh wait, it Australia. Never mind.
They already cured balding. Just look at Elon Musk and Lebron.
Been using Rogaine for a few months with good results. Hairline slowly coming back. I've also been using Pura D'or shampoo but I don't know how much of the success I can contribute to it. I started both at the same time.
What a bunch of fucking pussies. Man up instead of being so insecure.
>No one can be retarded enough to think genetics are Sup Forums related.
Then explain the billions of "niggers are dumb because of genetics" threads every hour
>Best way to kms?
Empty a bottle of champagne with some absinth in it and blast your head off with a shotgun
Thats how Hemingway did it
>mfw spent 20k on hair transplant surgery instead of a new car
>mfw best investment I ever made
Feels just like my teenage hair other then (very) small bald spots on the back of my head that no body notices expect me
everything from spray to praying satan. only wasted money and time
Not because of his retarded ever changing haircut- because he's rich
If you're currently balding, rub coconut oil into your trouble areas.
Ease up on shampoo and conditioner.
>Testosterone is the primary culprit for mpb
When will this fucking meme die? All you have to do is read for like 10 minutes to see this is false.
stop spreading your ginger genes
Baldness is a sign of having much testosterone.
So nothing to see here, let superior males that are not faggots live their life.
I did, it's because of Australia.
Because he's rich and famous.
>better pussy
Subjective as fuck. You ever fuck a 10/10? They're only really nice to look at, fucking is an entirely different ballgame.
>spend 20k on hair transplant
>still bald
A fucking leaf.
You overpaid by a lot.
there is medicine for that. I had this bald friend. it stopped the process. Problem is people say it makes you impotent.
How does that shit work, anyways? Does the transplanted hair still grow? Is it just the same length forever till you yank it out? Please tell me.
Your hairline won't stop receding. Eventually your hair is going to be beyond fuck my shit up tier.
Enjoy having to pay another 20k every 5 years.
dude 20k is way too much
Random little contribution:
I quit drinking soda about 2 weeks ago, and now my hairline's coming back.
Didn't give a shit about my hairline in the first place, but hey.
not gonna lie, it was a pretty shitty feel once i noticed my hair was thinning at the crown.
i've changed my shampoo but i'm not gonna fight it further than that.
>Have long flowing Hercules hair.
>Bitches love running hands through it.
20k Canadian though. Anyways the results were absolutely perfect, the results were similar to what Elon musk got
Just starting to thin, how much does it cost
they take the hair follicles from the back of your head, which never die out, and plant them in bald areas. it's your own natural hair and grows like it always did. since these follicles don't die, you won't lose the hair due to male pattern baldness.
the problem is that your hair doesn't stop falling out just because you got some transplants so unless you KEEP getting transplants you will have tufts of hair in front of a bunch of baldness.
>starting to bald
>sasquatch-tier hair on the rest of my body
>only 21
The hair on the sides and back of your head are genetically resistant to balding, so they take a few small spots out and put in the top bald part. It feels and behaves like real hair that never fell out.
Stop fap, wash scalp with strong coffee or black tea and vodka, coconut oil or other oils (there are better alternatives but these are easy easy to get and they work), massage your shit, work out.
do you have pics?
i drink a lot of soda
Its hilarious how all this /fit/fags on Sup Forums Constantly praise lifting, working out and bodybuilding whilst looking down on everyone who doesn't but Justin Bieber could steal all of their gfs just by looking good.
There's not need to be fit unless you're ugly, not being fat is enough if you're average looking.
Only whores go for buff roidheads.
I've never seen a muscular guy with a stunning hot gf in real life.
But who am I giving speaking out against advices from burger virgins.
Embrace it, faggot
Stop masturbating
How come it only happens after puberty you never see balding boys, stop puberty stop balding?
This right here.
I got it when I was 35, hairline stopped reciding about 3 years before
Just man up and don't give a shit.
So they take the healthy follicles, and put them in place of the shit ones. Do the healthy ones absorb the shitty genes and eventually take on MPB as well? Iunno if it seems worth it, friends.