>walk out of your house in new york
>see this
Wat do?
>walk out of your house in new york
>see this
Wat do?
Go beg them for any spare change
Do a 360, and walk back inside
Throw coins at them
>be me
>get shut down
Throw coins off the Brooklyn Bridge
>see that
>go back inside
>call dad
>"Dad, the niggers are mutating."
>"I'm on my way."
Well Ol' Ben Garrison once showed me a trick.
See with that many in the one place you simply pull out a dollar note and let it slip from your hand.
The ensuing stampede for that dollar will create a massacre. "People" will be trampled, eyes scratched out, many noses will be broken.
Very very sad stuff. So don't do it kids.
Thank you for waiting for me. Let`s start our annual `Make America Great Again for Us` meeting. Any ideas?
>Do a 360, and walk back inside
Not 180?
Drop a coin from my pocket and watch.
>tuck in my watch, take off my ring and put my wallet in my front pocket
start dancing ! youtube.com
Attempt to red pill. The only thing better than defeating the Jews is getting them to work for us!
Get excited, but...
>tfw i dont have a minigun
Organize this: youtube.com
>yell allahu akbar
>crowd dissipates
do orthodox jews get government funding in US, btw? just curious.
Call in an air strike by every available squadron, napalm loaded if possible.
t. newfag
Lurk moar.
>Jews rule the world
>Trump won
Could someone explain this? Doesn't this suggest that the Jewish conspiracy is bullshit?
Yell "Look! Someone's dropped a dollar!"
Jews realized things were changing and decided to throw us a curveball with trump
gas them
Call the One Man Klan to the rescue.
Hot weather forecast: Cyclone is coming.
this looks expensive
throw a penny
hilarity ensues
Why are the bullets still in the casings?
Anime is gay.
Germany is gay.
Best answer. Montana to New York flight would take awhile.
re-enact the crucifixion
drop a 5$ bill in front of them and watch the shitfest that follows
Why are there full cartridges flying around?
Did someone throw a box of ammo at her?
> next day headlines: 6 Million Jews killed by Capitalism
>it costs 400.000 to fire this weapon for 12 seconds
>my house
>jew york
Good one, Chaim.
If I saw that outside my house in TN I'd assume they're some lost Amish and ask if they have any bacon for sale, because that Amish bacon is something else.
If I knew they were Jews I'd blast Erika and stream it for Sup Forums. Maybe toss pennies at them and giggle.
So it's the jews nightmare in more ways than one.
*roman salute*
I'd wonder how the hell I got in Brooklyn.
>Fun fact: probably about 90% of those in the pic collect welfare in one form or another.
Get access to thousands of National Socialist books that Jews do not want you to read before they (((shut it down))) once again.
Read about National Socialism, history, philosophy, race science, faith, threat of judaism, economy, exercising, as well as art and culture. This is for German-speaking /politicans only though, but feel free to link to related English speaking literature.
See here virtual reconstruction of an art exhibition in the German Reich:
Prep the burners
Then retrieve ma tool of supremacy
tell them i'm not jesus and they can go back to their homes
Holy shit, I own a brownstone i New York? Not bad.
Grab a handful of coins and throw it on their direction.
if you do a 360 degree turn you are facing the xbox again.... not walking away....
Throw a coin
Another newfag.
Throw a coin and watch them trample each other
>There's only one man I know who can handle this many kikes...
Kushner =Trump
Soros = Clinton
Wew, this place sure has gone to shit.
newfags I swar to god. We need someone like Ben to come and clear you lot out. Eh a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.
>Trump loves jews
>Trumps daughter is now jewish
>Trump all kids are all married to jews (tiffany dating one, baron is only 10)
why should jews hate him?
>inb4 literally Hitler
Go home, get the AK and shitloads of clips, and just spray those kikes :D
holocaust joke
fucking newfags
even spongebob writters knows this
pet my rifle lovingly
Oy vey
nerve gas is definitely the way to go, blister agents do cause cancer but some are also easy to neutralize because of experience with them in past wars.
I don't know..go around them and don't try to run in front of the camera ?what else,lol
>House in New York
>Jewish neighborhood
Sell that shit and retire happily elsewhere.
Grab my propane tank and gas them all on the spot.
>throw grenade
>implying the jews aren't the main producers of ammo and weaponry
That's literally what I walk out to see every morning I got to work.
Fire up dem ovens mein nigga.
Throw a penny into the crowd and watch them brawl for it.
kek it is jew york over there.
Being this new
Now we need redpill posts often
Aprove and share my bread with them.
>Anime is gay
this is western fan art of League of Legends.
do a 720 and walk away
wonder if I turned off the oven
lurk moar faggot
Bring a big group of vocal college liberals along. Yell out support for Palestine and the destruction of Israel. Sit back and watch the fireworks.
Prepare ovens, for today is going to be a busy run.
Start putting up barbed wire and guard towers around them.
Arbeit macht frei.
It's Jews all the way down, fampai. Trump is a Jewish puppet.
Not really, no. Orthodox communities tend to be rather well off because the cost of sending a brood of Jews to a private Jew school is expensive as fuck.
Orthodox communities exploit welfare. They also have scams like Kars 4 Kids
How so?
Now I understand suicide bombers. Thanks op