These are the election results if every single country voted. Notice anything?
These are the election results if every single country voted. Notice anything?
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I notice that we need to build a wall on our southern border.
Israel voting Trump is what I'm guessing you are getting at.
Looks like you're gonna need two walls.
Golly Fellas,
I know how much we all want to help Ms. Jill Stein in her recount efforts.
She's asking everyone in Pennsylvania to help her. Basically you need to file an affidavit at your local courthouse and then pay a $100 fee. Jill will reimburse you for any money you spend.
So please make sure to send pics of your affidavits to:
where the Jill recount team will open your email and your attachment.
Yea. WW3 will be over by christmas
No? What am I supposed to be looking at?
fucking leftists reeeeee
You should always infect Madagascar first
>recount happens
>Jeb! surprise winner
Slow and steady lads
Africa is underrepresented as usual.
You should be looking at it and seeing a giant rake slowly coming your way
Yeah, since when did Alaska become the fucking size of the entire USA
Since always? Its fucking huge
nig nogs don't vote, not even the homelanders
Who the fuck did Botswana elect?
What the fucking fuck
Yes I noticed something. Why is Rhodesia purple?
>not recognizing the Mercator projection
I bet he thinks Russia is bigger than Africa too! Alaska is big though.
Since we shifted to this timeline. South America is also shifted to the right.
>Brazil is red
Thats Zim-bad-we you poor Australian stray.
>Who the fuck did Botswana elect?
50/50 split between Clinton and Trump.
wasnt France blue ? i remember when the voting closed France was in blue
>where the Jill recount team will open your email and your attachment.
Gee willipers, I hope they're using a good MALWARE scanner for all the EMAIL ATTACHMENTS they are opening up.
They're probably going to receive hundreds, if not thousands of emails. I just hope they have enough time to scan every single EMAIL ATTACHMENT for MALWARE, to make sure no DRUMPFKINS try to install nefarious MALWARE on their system.
Yeah. Mugabe prefers the Green Party.
Red: Allies
Blue: Countries that need nukes
That we're not really your enemy?
> Iraq
> Syria
> Lebanon
> Saudi Arabia
Really makes you think...
>this red
This isn't based on opinion polls, guys.
It's probably some stupid coinflation "what if it was countries instead of states???" thought experiment (with China bein California, India being NY, and Russia being Texas).
No. It was a random online test.
Does it? Qatar is red.
Obviously Rhodesia would have voted for a third party. That's why it's purple.
Holy shit Russia is fucking huge. And they even used to own like Kazakhstan and Ukraine too, Jesus...
Yep. USA is the Israel of the Americas. Surrounded by enemies.
Based Australia.
nuke blue countries.
4 u
Nope. Purple signifies a 50/50 split. Grey indicates that less than 20 votes were calculated.
>a country that elected literal commies 4 times in a row
I like Japan too much for that to happen.
user, I have some bad news for you......
I notice this is bullshit.
They voted Mugabe from force of habit/man with gun telling them to.
Peru should have been red, fucking rats that wanna jump ship
Even worse.
>I don't know what literal means
I've seen at least as much criticism of Dilma from the left as from the right
>TMW we need a southern border wall too
That blacks don't vote
Looks like Trump still loses popular vote but wins bc he got all the non fag places.
It's a shitty Mercator projection
US is red, guess shillary winning the popular vote was a meme after all
Sup Forums rigged the vote?
Too much butthurt? No one like communists anymore. They ruined our country
Based Mongorians.
Wtf Lithuania
Wery unacurate,trust me there is no way Baltics would,of gone red,also iraq and sqria ,Germany,yes i undersnand Russia and mexico but everything else s yust wrong.Saudis Blue yes becose of Moneys paid to Hilary also Algeria paid a lot of money to Clinton,s foundation so it would be blue.
Whats wrong with Iran?
Lol fuck off.
Something about that nuclear deal made them feel threatened
Nordic Communists in blue?
No surprise there.
>Romania blue
>Moldova red
fugg DD:
Pa ziņām nodirsa Trumpu tikai, lai nebūtu skandāls starp jēlo eiropas savienību. Tici man, kad saku, ka tikai visstulbākās no bābiešiem balsotu par klintoni. Ja kaut kas liekas neprecīzi, tad tas, ka leiši, nevis igauņi uz zilajiem izietu.
I call bullshit Japan
All Yugoslavia red
Scandinavians are all cucks.
Yes, we're whiter than sweden.
this is a good timeline
Nigga i just watched that episode!
>These are the election results if every single country voted.
[citation needed]
>9 african nations voting for trump
I guess they value strong leaders in Africa.
dude, this looks disturbingly like a bizarro slavic language. i don't know why you deny that there is a common root there.
All of my Syrian and Iraqi friends are Trump supporters. They know what it's like to be in war. Don't believe what media tells you.
Please, don't trigger the slavs in denial
and it's only going to get better under Trump, friend
< We use Latin alphabet,STILL there are people that call us slavic.We are Balts not slavs BALTS GODDMNIT!
New thread lads.
>Japan is blue
Could you fuck off with that shitey thread already?
>Victor Charlie is blue
Who the fuck voted in my place? Internet Bots? I don't even know they have this shit.
Trump wants to take troops put of Japan and they want protection from North Korea.
bull fucking shit that the UK would have gone with Trump. He's treated like Satan incarnate here
the hell is north korea going to do? be poor at them?
And he also wants a stronger Japan to be able to defend itself. Hell, he even doesn't discard an idea of Japan acquiring nukes.
Fire nukes??
Yeah, but under the current way, the US HAS to pay for them.
>Japan blue
Could it be that the media and the vocal minority make it appear as if all of the UK hates Trump's guts? That'd be similar to how Brexit was seemingly a sure win for the remoaners before the referendum.
it's like they are begging to get annexed
I apologize.