I wanna send an email to Andywarski

So this Andywarski is one of the few people on youtube who's getting sick of the anti-White stuff and he's growing rapidly. I thought it would be a good idea to send him some Redpills.

He recently made a few video's on the Alt-Right:



I know a lot of you hate Jewtube, but getting a few Youtubers Redpilled is better than having everyone against us imo.

Other urls found in this thread:


His email is [email protected] btw


>I wanna send an email to Andywarski
Protip: don't title your fucking threads like this you faggot

fuck off with this gay shit

"ya man he's totally red pilled"

He's a fag. Compare his reaction to that of Some Black Guy.


The anti-SJW stuff low-hanging-fruit-tier, it serves its purpose as a gateway redpill to the real stuff but they're all fags.

Most people agree with the Alt-Lite Milo version that Western values are important. These people dont get that those all come from Whites.

Reminder to the 60% of Americans that the USA was a WHITE country and was intended by the Founding Fathers to STAY White and European.

Is he /our black guy/?

sick proxy andy xD

I know but he's a bit further into it because he realizes all the anti-White stuff going on. Not just your average anti-sjw youtuber. That's probably why he's growing so fast.

He's a based Black man and can stay part of the 10-12% of Blacks staying in the USA imo. Whites should still be the 85% majority though.


Can we make it habben?

Yes. Post some Redpill images I can send please.

Only got some US stuff





This is what I have so far, cringy or okay?

I consider myself Alt-Right and wanted to respond to one of your videos. The Alt-Right has been around for a few years before Trump, and White Nationalism/Identity/Ethno-Nationalism has always been at the center of it. We believe a homogenous nation is a happy nation.People confuse it with the Alt-Lite, basically what Milo and r/TheDonald Trump supporters believe, which is that it's all about Western culture.

Is it in your opinion 'racist' to want to keep America 85% White? It's now 60% and the numbers of European Americans are dwindling fast. We don't have anything against Blacks or other minorities. In the Alt-Right's opinion, America was founded by Europeans and was intended to be a European White nation. Until 1965 it still was. The same is happening here in Europe. Every nation on earth can stay homogeneous EXCEPT White countries, they apparently all need to accept diversity. It's the same thing the Chinese are doing to Tibet. It is genocide according to the UN definition.

I might send these

Last time I'm gonna bump this shit thread.

Okay thread done.

I've send him this

Dear Andy,
I consider myself Alt-Right and wanted to respond to one of your videos. The Alt-Right has been around for a few years before Trump, and White Nationalism/Identity/Ethno-Nationalism has always been at the center of it. We believe a homogenous nation is a happy nation. People confuse it with the Alt-Lite, basically what Milo and r/TheDonald Trump supporters believe, which is that it's all about Western culture.

Is it in your opinion 'racist' to want to keep America 85% White? It's now 60% and the numbers of European Americans are dwindling fast. We don't have anything against Blacks or other minorities. In the Alt-Right's opinion, America was founded by Europeans and was intended to be a European White nation. Until 1965 it still was. The same is happening here in Europe. Every nation on earth can stay homogeneous EXCEPT White countries, they apparently all need to accept diversity. It's the same thing the Chinese are doing to Tibet. It is genocide according to the UN definition.
Moving on if you're still reading this novel, I wanted to inform you about a few things. Half your video's are about exposing BLM which I enjoy very much. But do you know where they get most of their funding from? George Soros. He's also the guy behind pushing mass non-Western immigration into Europe, even caught handing out information books to 'refugees' on how to enter Europe illegally in the best way. It shouldn't surprise you that he is Jewish.
I don't want to keep talking about Jews and make this into some edgy email. Instead I would prefer you to visit www.Sup Forums.org/catalog/Pol and find out more about this stuff. It's the ONLY place on the Internet where every opinion is allowed and practically nothing will get you banned, unlike Reddit.
I hope you will swallow the Redpill
With kind regards,
David Schlomo Cohen Goldberg

>The Alt-Right has been around for a few years before Trump, and White Nationalism/Identity/Ethno-Nationalism has always been at the center of it.

Lolno. That's the old right. The alt right is something like Milo, MGTOWs etc.

As someone who is 'alt-lite' and not 100% sold on 'white nationalism'.. I'd say your letter is too.. straightforward. I'm only saying this and encouraging you because I like seeing andy get mad. it's hot, and I like manipulation.. fair?

I want him to get mad and email me back. Or better yet create a video about all the response he got.

Nice b8 faggot

Oh. I thought you wanted to 'red pill' him. You just want to prank him.. How lame

Well I would prefer to RedPill him. I wouldn't call this pranking, but if he becomes angry I don't mind.