Daily reminder

Daily reminder.

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and i still smoke ciggarets,whats the point?

It's people who have killed the most dumbass. I could equally say physics has killed more people. GTFO you angsty atheist teen.

Blasphemy is a crime

Christians are loopy cultists that are only treated as normal people because they are so many of them. This servile trash has helped turn Whites into a bunch of deluded slaves. All the evils in our society come from the weakness fostered by this evil book.

communism has killed many more people than religion
any questions?

Atheism has killed more people than any other religion. 100+ million

Who is your favorite saint?

Thank god there's still some sane people out there.

Couldn't have said it better

>any other religion

Hows life in the bible belt?

I like how this is bait but it's bait that I agree with.
Religifags need to go back to lleddit or Stormfront

Reminder that Christianity is the real redpill

But only if you're smart enough not to be fooled by the evil forces that have infiltrated the religious institutions and preach falsities like the Catholics.

so when I study a Madonna and Child icon my first thought should be 'and that's why we have the atom bomb?'

KEK is a religion of peace. When everyone praises KEK, there will be peace.

Right, because white Westerners becoming bigger and bigger cucks hasn't coincided perfectly with the decline of Christianity amongst them.

Would you rather your nation, politically, be like atheistic Sweden, or Christian Poland?

>without religion, people would live in harmony, their lives ruled by logic and reason

>man is nothing more thann carnivorous, pack hunting ape and will generally act as such

A backwoods hillbilly fundamentalist who believes in original sin has a better grasp of reality and evolution than an atheist intellectual who believes in Rousseau's vision of the noble savage corrupted by society.

another reason to ban Islam


>much more people

atheists can't into syntax

>Religion killed much more people than cigarettes

Pretty sure secularism has caught up to that killcount, what with abortion.

Christians abort at a higher rate than any other group of people.

Sometimes people need to die.

You mean (((Christians))) abort at a higher rate than any other group of people


Niggers are vague parodies of Christians.

Please read the sticky. You just used the "No True Scottsman" fallacy

>make same picture with quran
>peaceful beheading of infidels all over the world the next day
Although I'm agnostic I never understood how one is smart for critisizing christianity but a raysic for doing it with every other religion.

If you abort baby and think God doesn't mind then you're probably gonna go to hell.
Lots of Christians are being misguided by leaders in the church, what they preach contradicts the bible directly.

Religion never goes away, goy.
Look around you. If you don't have an actual religion, you get a substitute, like communism or weed culture or whatever

Ok now put it on a Quarn

Religion also made civilization possible.
Really makes one's neurons jiggle.

Better than yours

>Serbian smokes
water is wet.

I finally see now! Subscribing to a religion makes you lose 100% of your agency and personal responsibility! Wtf, I hate religion AND cigarrettes now!

But who's to say the Christians that force women to have unwanted pregnancies aren't the ones who are going to hell? Maybe God puts the soul in the baby when it's born.

Funny how the west becomes decadent and cucked once they start to abandon Christianity, Hmm

>daily reminder atheism has killed more people than all religions combined

Mao - 80 million
Stalin - 30 million
Pol Pot - 7 million

The ancient semitic norm of "That which is born shall be raised" was spread by the abrahamic religions. Before that, abandoning unwanted infants was ecpected

>please read the sticky

He says while spouting atheism on a Christian board


Not my perfect version though.
That's never been tried.
Nat Soc on the other hand..


t. child who thinks war & struggle are not an inherent part of the human condition, and life is some "garden of eden" fairytale where conflict doesn't continually take place in the arena of battle that is life

Christians live in the real world, not your make believe la-la-land of rainbows and lolipops. We understand human nature and that life is struggle and conflict. We underatand the neccesity of war, and at times genocide. God is there to guide us in struggle and to aid us in victory over sin to be with him.

>Unseen Warfare:

I think a better "now" example would be a numale honestly. That's like comparing an medieval man to a modern jester in that current pic.

You two bang bang I love shooting down Jews. Jews spread a culture of atheism to Christians then go to Temple Saturday. God I can't wait for the second coming of Hitler.

now put it on koran

Christianity has yet to cause cancer among millions of people.
What it does is enable people to commit horrific atrocities in the name of greater good. This is what all rigid ideologies with claim to absolute truth do. Only way to prevent this is by using debate to show retarded ideas for what they are. Preventing debate is usually what blasphemy and hate speech are all about desu famalam.

Found the racist.

It's only had tens to hundreds of thousands of years head start.

I'm cool with that, as long as they put the same label on the Quran.

ITT we mock atheists whose entire personality is being an atheist


Christians have killed the right people who deserved to be killed. God commanded his people to kill many times, genocide is a part of our faith. Never forget that. Christianity isn't a softly cuddly meme Christian of effeminates. It's a religion of hardened men willing to fight and struggle against Satan and his servents.

Catholicism put an end to the demonic rituals of human sacrifice of the Aztecs. A Catholic army today would do the same in purging the neo-Aztec cartels by slaughtering them like Amalek tribes.


> implying you die from heart attack when reading bible too much

Who have Christians killed who didn't deserve it?

Deus Vult, infidel.

thing is, communism, atheism and islam killed too much, christianity and national socialism not enough.

communism klilled 80 million people in less than 60 years

Non believers such as pagans, scientists, reformists, translators, gays. Basically anyone who didn't subscribe to the church.
Jesus too but that's more on God rather than the religion.

Fags deserved it and still deserve to be killed

didn't kill enough.

So tell me smartass, if ideologies and religions killed so many people how come none of them are in jail?

No. Literally nobody went on a crusade in the name of atheism. Atheism as a partner idea to Communism, maybe, but an atheist with actual principles (myself) is infinitely superior to some piece of shit Marxist.


Just curious

Religion never killed anyone, crazy people who didn't understand what they read killed people.
Thou shalt not kill isn't really a difficult sentence to understand for most.

Funny how white nationalists subscribe to a kike's scheme to part silly people from their land and money. It's in the bible, folks. I can't imagine how much jewed family estates Paul squandered on wine and whores. Equating paganism or atheism with cuddly impotence is a mistake. Keep on sucking on jewish zombie cock, you degenerates.

Check mate atheists.

That's just literally not true

Atheists/non-Christians killed 100 million in 100 years by communism and 3 million a year with abortions

>Based on anything other than falacies


Religion didn't kill anyone, people did.

Dysentery killed more people than religion.

Your move OP.

People who don't religiously follow the teachings of Xygrosytocillamen-Mk II have committed all the murders ever.
Really makes you think.

>nobody went on a crusade in the name of atheism.
Stalin and Lenin literally did until they found out it was pointless. It also happe ed here during the civil war

Nice get praise kek


great post, I'm sure find a lot of happiness in being a stuck up militant atheist.

Spot the kike.

We should try to eradicate both?

Because religion

Communist killed more people than religion.