Is South Park blue- pilled? I used to think it was pretty red- pilled with all of the PC culture and Caitlyn Jenner bashing, but they've also been portraying Trump in a very negative light.
Is South Park blue- pilled...
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They make fun of everybody, and this season they've got Trump in their sights. It's fine.
If they do it consistently for three next three seasons... now that'd be a problem.
It's a business, normies eat that shit up, and those normies fill their wallets.
SP is famous for bashing everything but saying on the fence, never coming to a true conclusion about real world issues.
Just don't watch South Park. Whether it's right, or wrong, or blue-pilled, or redpilled, each episode is total mess, and just terrible.
They shit in everyone in pop culture. No need to call the Trump™ Secret Police yet.
They literally had a scene where Trump is raped to death by a main character. That goes a bit further than making fun of everyone.
entertainment industry faggots virtue signal so they can brag to celebrities they worship just like other normies. they dont know what the fuck they're doing, they just do whatever is popular.
>They make fun of everybody
Wrong. They didn't make fun of Hillary. They literally made one joke about her being dumb in a debate by listening to her adviser. Meanwhile we get nonstop Trump jokes, absolutely nothing about her lying about her health, her collapsing at a rally, her wanting open borders, fucking everything.
Seriously, the debate scene would have been a million times better if Garrison kept interrupting her to ask if she'd open a jar of pickles for him because she's soooo healthy.
So was this Trump himself, or Garrison's representation of him, or the Canadian Trump? I might have seen this, but I don't remember.
Canadian Trump
Nah, they're still good. Not redpilled but good.
Not really bluepilled, just a little too in love with their own views. If they were bluepilled they would have gone on and on about racism or sexism or some shit.
Instead, they kind of called us all nostalgiafags. While some Reaganite Boomers have that logic, I feel like most of Trump's younger crowd wants him because he seems so different from everyone else: Obama, Bush, Clinton(s), Reagan, etc.
But I'm glad they took nostagiafags down a peg. Fuck the 90s, fuck TFA, and fuck reboots.
It's a satire.
>also been portraying Trump in a very negative light
Because there's a postive side of Trump ?
This is major Kek to ground control
Me thinks it's this mechanism: Amazing atheist - tons of logical arguments agaist god, you listen with your immature mind - wow this guy makes so much sense. Then he starts shilling for socialism and some drones don not notice the swith.
Because trump has the fucking intelligence of a 3 year old with downs. How is it that he's so easy to make fun of?
Jesus we elected this orange fuck instead of any other republican nominee.
Yeah but it was Garrison Trump raping Canadian Trump.
Has actual Donald Trump ever appeared in the show?
Yeah yeah, stop being so insecure about your Iq lil dummy.
Why even reply to an obvious troll post?
I thought this was pretty redpilled.
Stuff SP could easily make fun ofTrump for:
>His orangeish face and his hair
>His business failings
>The sexist/bigot/racist allegations
>His lack of experience as a politician
Stuff SP could make fun of Hilary for:
>Her collapsing and general health issues
>Her lying about said health issues as well as a ton of other stuff
>Wikileaks showing the DNC absolutely picked her over Bernie from the beginning
>The long list of people dying mysteriously weeks before testifying against her
(seriously this would have been in an old south park ep)
>Her "fight for women" stuff given she attacked Bill's accused rape victims so much
>her "Fight for gays" given how much she campaigned against them like 6 years ago
>Saudi/Qatar/Israel/other connections and the Clinton foundation
There's a ton of material on either sides, possibly more on Hilary's but all they choose is "She's a bit dumb" as their one anti hilary joke. It's pretty biased at this point
Yeah it's pretty sad to see so many comedy outlets to go for the low hanging fruit. It's kind of funny because you can't even make fun of Trump because he is such a parody of himself
the snook in her snizz?
Don't expect much from a normie edgelord show.
They don't understand Trump at all. So they just do normie versions of Trump where he's literally Hitler, but also was running to lose because he was a democratic plant.
They're just edgy cucks desu. Always have been. Always will be
No matter what they intended, literally every commercial break on Comedy Central leading up to the election had "Trump's" appeal to the american people to not elect him because he doesn't know anything about anything. For the record, they also had that unfunny Daily Show negro spouting political opinions about Trump. Every break without fail.
Because unlike you NEETs who have 24 hours a day to follow the election, most people don't.
Trump was constantly in the media. His face was constantly being shown. Trump dominated the media presence this election cycles, so, naturally, South Park, a show that aims to make fun of pop culture, rips on him far more than Hillary.
Plus, whether Trumpkins like to admit it or not, Trump is 1000 times easier to write jokes about than Hillary. I guarantee you every late night host and comedian was secretly hoping Trump would win. They all remember how easy it was to rip on Bush, compared to Obama.
>he has a cute wife
>you dont
An aging coal burner and his wife's son. Yea i'll take a pass.
I'm sure your life is far better than based Parker
Having a black dick inside of you automatically makes you a 0/ 10
>the day memes overpowered reality
Truly a glorious time to be a Sup Forumsack
And an ex wife's son
The episode where Garrison invents IT
>times new roman
Good edit you got there m8
What race is she? His son looks Black, but she doesn't look like a nigger at all.
It's easy to make fun of King Nigger. Make fun of how girly and wimpy he acts & looks. Make fun of the way Obama speaks. Make fun of his wimpy throw. Make fun of how Obama bows down to world leaders the world over, but they all treat him like shit. Make fun of how China and Philipines were treating Obama like trash.
What the fuck is there no to make fun about?
He's the quintessential image of the pseudo-intellectual high-cultured Liberal. There's plenty of things to make fun of, it's just South Park, and the rest of the media are a bunch of faggot cucks who worship niggers & queers.
i just wish they would be funny instead of this social commentary shit
It's easy to make fun of King Nigger. Make fun of how girly and wimpy he acts & looks. Make fun of the way Obama speaks. Make fun of his wimpy throw. Make fun of how Obama bows down to world leaders the world over, but they all treat him like shit. Make fun of how China and Philipines were treating Obama like trash.
What the fuck is there not to make fun about?
Obama's the quintessential image of the pseudo-intellectual high-cultured Liberal. There's plenty of things to make fun of, it's just South Park, and the rest of the media are a bunch of faggot cucks who worship niggers & queers.
south park fucking sucks these days.
'member when it was just the kids doing funny things?
>Life is strange reaction image
Opinion discarded, shit taste in vidya and media confirmed
They fucked up and underestimated him twice. First they thought he'd never make it past the primaries so they did Canadian Trump. Then he did and they had to make Garrison into Trump. Then they thought he'd lose the election and fucked up that episode. Now they are fucked with a main character LARPing as Trump. They're not going to be able to write their way out of it now without just pretending it never happened next season and making a real Trump character. They can't keep Garrison as POTUS for 8 years.
And that why this recount is happening now.
let me put it to you this way. trey is raising is stripper wife's black son and matt is an oil driller
any other questions?
Oh yeah, but they made Trump a Canadian and killed him so at this point they'll be introducing a third Trump parody and they just come off as tryhards with that many different parodies. I think the writers took a gamble and lost and now they are pissed.
>They make fun of everybody,
IMO this is even worse than political correctness. They pander to everybody and play everything safe yet still manage to be preachy as hell. If you're going to be self-righteous at least have a fucking opinion.
Stopped watching about 5 years ago (should've stopped earlier) after the show changed from a normal cartoon to commentary on current events. Couldn't stand one more "real life happening reenacted sarcastically by south park characters with news and culture references where there used to be comedy" episode.
don't care if they don't like trump
don't expect them to
glad they haven't just gone with the normie narrative
but they could have done trump and the campaign a lot better
you could tell from the start of the trump story they didn't think he would win
and now they've had to have a dark week because they just hadn't written anything funny enough for now that trump has won
South Park is bluepilled as fuck. They've really shown their true colours lately and I've lost all respect for them. They're not even funny any more.
they make current news comedy.
that is all.
>negative light
Trump shill. South Park rips on everybody.
>Couldn't stand one more "real life happening reenacted sarcastically by south park characters with news and culture references where there used to be comedy" episode.
Very true. The show was much more giving when they just took actual issues and combined them with films and such. Member Proper Condom Use? Member how they mixed the issue of sexual education and Mad Max? Member?
Somebody paid them shill bucks and they have to put out lib content or risk an suicided. I'm pretty sure lots of people are stuck in this position right now.
Trump's a piece of shit
Meme all you like, but if you genuinely believe he is a great candidate for presidency you are straight up brainwashed
The fact that he was better than Clinton isn't good enough
Sadly, it seems like south park sold their souls to the hillary foundation. I had hoped they would've stayed neutral through the election and at least shit equally on both candidates, but it got very obvious quickly that they were in bed with hillary.
I will just ignore this season and pretend it didn't happen.
What's the deal with the danish people this season, btw? Everyone is blonde, blue eyed and stupid as fuck. It seems a bit anti white.
>not recognizing a classic Trump tweet
It will be "bluepilled" if the general public is "redpilled"
And it will be "redpilled" when the public is "bluepilled"
This is the way these shows work
is that you skankhunt42?
She was literally a stripper he started banging which tore apart his previous marriage and who then cucked him into paying for Jordans for her half breed son all while going out in public with him constantly flaunting her bbc Kobe's name on her arm.
It's a fucking cartoon.
Go fondle his balls some more faggot. Take a joke. Hillary got made fun of on the previous seasons.
>The fact that he was better than Clinton isn't good enough
Considering that Clinton was the only other major party candidate, it actually was.
You can thank the founders for the fucktarded system of government they invented that mathematically guarantees a two party system for that.
>that ankle tattoo
Never date anyone with an ankle tattoo. It always ends terribly.
they are contrarian hipsters. that said this is a very different stance from there message during the bush years. liberal salt is so much bigger now, they might have walled themselves off from the mother load.
Trumps easy to take the piss out of, just look/Listen to him
They're libertarians.
Also lol for thinking "Trump = Red Pilled".
He's a con man whose idol is Putin. He's going to do everything to enrich himself as President.
When? I don't recall
It's always been jewpilled
I like South Park but Trump himself has been more entertaining this year than they have.
I didn't expect to agree with them but I thought they'd be funny. Memberberries are fucking shit. Their presidential stuff is boring. The one good thing is that Cartmans new relationship is kinda funny sometimes. The men and women being turned against each other thing showed promise but it was mostly dropped apparently so they could say star wars a few more times because that wasn't already a tired argument before the show started up again or anything.
They're pandering to reddit. It's so obvious.
> LOOK, We're so hip we know about SpaceX!
> Trump is so stupid huh guys?
> Star Wars guys!
I'd actually watch the rest of this season if they did something actually funny like Cartman rallying people around as Hitler.
They don't seem to understand why people would vote for Trump and it's pretty annoying.
i thought that was he gonna be the gentlemans club thing two rapists together to form a club
Also the troll thing is fucking garbage. They should have done one episode on that like 5 years ago. Probably the worst season they've ever done.
>They're libertarians.
They're libertarians in the "libertarianism == legal weed" sense, not in the "abolish almost the entire government and hope society only collapses into peaceful serfdom and not a brutal dystopia where the mafia becomes the defacto government until a charismatic strongman can seize power and install a dictatorship."
Though to be fair that's 95% of "libertarians"
hmm where have I heard that before
They're contrarians.
No matter what they'll always take down the "winning" side. I remember when Obama won and they couldn't help putting Obama supporters on blast.
yeah, they make fun of everyone, except when they got cucked by muslims and censored muhammad.
fuck southpark
SJWs SUCK IT! Watch:
>south park
It's true, you stupid hot dog stand.
that's your own faggot interpretation. they lampoon others arrogance, they arent side taking faggots like you
>and now they've had to have a dark week because they just hadn't written anything funny enough for now that trump has won
the last week of november has been a dark one since 2013
>why can't a show do the exact same thing for 20 years
worked out great for the simpsons
at least south park tries to reinvent itself. It's not like they have anything to lose at this point.
But yeah they missed the ball completely this season. Still had a few laughs though
depending on how they finish the member berries storyline and geralds deal, i might quit watching. what they did about gun control at the end of last season was another strike against them
>If you're going to be self-righteous at least have a fucking opinion.
They've been making their opinion of the two-party system pretty clear for about 12 years now.
Not taking part in your false dichotomy isn't playing everything safe.
the last time south park made me legitimately laugh out loud was medicinal fried chicken. downhill since there
They generally try to attack every side, but they have always hated Republicans.
no it isn't you starry night sky with a british flag
>Matt Stone: I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals.
I don't know. The South Park Denmark seems like a mix of Denmark and norway. Copenhagen as capital, and one episode showed Norwegian fjords.
I remember even in the earlier seasons they promoted underage sex and racial equality. It's a show for PC edgelords. Dropped it at season 5.
They do play everything safe though. Every "gay little speech" (as they called it) can be summed up as "I learned something today... both strawmen we made were wrong, the truth is somewhere in the middle which coincidentally is the status quo." They are the epitome of no-opinion centrists, despite the edgy persona.
>The South Park Denmark seems like a mix of Denmark and norway. Copenhagen as capital, and one episode showed Norwegian fjords
Rewatched that episode (s20e04), he says at the begining that the Trolls lived in the frozen lands of Scandinavia. Norway isn't part of denmark in the South Park universe
>how dare someone have a moderate opinion
>not in the "abolish almost the entire government and hope society only collapses into peaceful serfdom and not a brutal dystopia where the mafia becomes the defacto government until a charismatic strongman can seize power and install a dictatorship."
ok reddit. whats next, "common sense" gun control?