Will this happen during our lifetimes? The russian professor is Igor Panarin
Will this happen during our lifetimes? The russian professor is Igor Panarin
Does he explained why he thinks it will break apart or did he just drew lines in a map?
>will be part of mexico
Every american in the country knows this will never ever happen
>Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas joining up with New England Yankee faggots instead of fellow Dixie bros
>Southern States will be part of a third World Shithole
>Northern States will go to the Syrupniggers
That's a pretty retarded map. In a full schism, states wouldn't hold together like that. If there were a breakup, then it would make more sense to use ethno-cultural divisions as the starting point and then work from there.
Even if the US dissolves, no US territory will fall under the sovereignty of a foreign nation. Even a small chunk of the US has more wealth and military power than most of the world.
>Russian intellectuals
>all those states below new york going with those liberal cunts
will never happen
Rookie mistake is partitioning America based on state lines
>left coast
Well that's atypical to say the least.
kek what shit, what not just independent new counties?
and why the fuck would Illinois and Michigan join up with Montana? and why would California take Idaho and Arizona? tennissie, west vergina and Kentucky goes with New York and Vermont?
this guy has no how America works at all.
Not to be that guy.....but whoever made this doesnt know shit about America.
>Russian professors
Seriously tho the guy that made this is fucking retarded and has no idea what America is actually like.
Typical post-socialist academia. Russian professors are only good for math.
That's stupid.
This is more accurate initially at least until Yankeedom and the Left Coast get rolled over by the combined forces of the New Confederacy and Western Interior and El Norte gets pushed back to Mexico.
>Russian professors are only good for math
Nah, its just the case of media blowing out of proportions importance of one fool. Most Russian professors do not in fact believe this.
Why would we accept non Europeans into the EU?
Someone has been playing too much Kaiserreich
Sheer idiocy.
>and then joining Mexico with them...
Only by force, then... we'll get our retribution, it's only a manner of time
I wonder if the cucked americans will even fight
Mr. President, we must not allow a random-dumbass-talks-out-of-his-ass gap!
Most of such far-fetched predictions are bullshit.
I think you should know that.
>A country named "el norte"
>The far west stretches all the way into Alaska even though there is no real reason and would only be a problem
>The left coast might as well be named Chile 2.0
>Implying Mexico will split before any attempt on third empire happen
Most likely map would be this.
Basically, the coasts and the Mexican areas shaved off, except for three points of contact with the sea in Jefferson, the French coast, and Maine.
Isn't this a John Titor prediction? I'm almost positive I remember him saying the US would split into five factions each led by their own leader after a civil war. Then again this was back in 2000 and my memory isn't what it used to be.
I foresee the USA to become something like this in a few decades.
>Green = New Mexico/Mexico
Due to the gigantic Mexican population, this area of the USA will no longer identify with American ideals, and instead cater to Mexican ones. This country will probably stay independent for a bit before becoming part of Mexico.
>Pink = People's States of America
A country led by progressives and social justice warriors, due to lack of responsible or capable leadership, intellectuals and workers, the country quickly descends into third world conditions. High minimum wage costs as well as massive amounts of welfare have bankrupted the country and all large businesses have moved out. Used to be part of the same country as New Mexico, before the Mexicans became their own nation.
Dark Blue = United States of America
The only real first world area left in the USA, based roughly on where the large concentrations of whites live. This area was not very organized until tons of refugees from the People's States arrived, and tried to turn the US into the PS. From then on the US started to defend its border and stopped letting non-whites in. Several factions fight for dominance here, some more extreme than others.
Yellow = New England
Mostly a first world country, contains the most refugees from the PS and harbors most of the former political elite. This country considers itself the true heir of the USA and wants to reunite the various countries, but simply lacks the power do so. Is very divided inbetween the native, stable, New England population, the old corrupt elite, and PS and Africana refugees.
Red = Africana
This country is led by pseudo-intellectual African-Americans like Sharpton, Jackson, and various BLM organizers. This country is much like South Africa and most of it lives in extreme poverty, gang violence, rape and murder are everyday occurances. This zone is now black-only, and all whites have fled for their lives.
Light Blue = Nuevo Cuba
Hispanic micro-nation.
I can believe the New Africa/Africana concept, but surely the USA would push for corridors to the oceans.
>they still think a USA collapse into civil war wouldn't start WWIII and destroy the world
maximum kek
West Virginia has the most highly defensible terrain of any state in the US. I can't imagine numales from New England taking that state. West Virginia has a very large veteran population too.
>go to china
top fucking lel.
Those taro niggers hate the chinks more than anything
It can't split, whoever wins the war out of the 2 or however many factions gets the country.
patrice wasn't too far off imo
I wish this would happen. Then the entire east coast, new england etc would be white man's land and USA would be the saved. Or at least the east.
> clinton areas include FL, GA, SC for some reason
Don't make us go to war with you again Spics, we beat you the first time with just Texas and TN.
>inb4 French flag
I'm on vacation, but I'm from Nashville, home of Davy Crockett, we'll go down there again and fuck up your army and drug cartels like your govt. never could.
And then maybe rape your women just b/c why not.
South Carolina is more likely to go with the Texas Republic than go with the Atlantic imo. Though that's dependent on when this form of split took place.
>Canada has an invitation to join
I don't want no goddamn snow mexicans in my union.
Oh look some Russian fantasized a map.
Total bullshit man, even toddlers should be able to see as much.
>Red Gold and green
Wew lad
>having a future after the UK kills a large portion of its funding and the uncuckening of the west causes everybody to go through with their own #leave, despite the kicking and screaming of their old establishments who've been having a party for the past few decades
>modern Russia
>having the power to annex any part of America
>having the power annex the southern United States
>having the power to annex any part of America
I could see a Chinese invasion causing some major problems, but the US military would still kick its ass in the end, and the POC wouldn't live to regret the dumbest mistake that it ever made.
make tennessee and sc blue
make nm green
make idaho yellow and you got yourself a war map
also colorado = green
Boone county reporting in.
Defensible indeed m8s
source please
>will join the EU
Oh you just try it you cock-faced spic. Every single southerner here is just waiting for a fucking excuse to shoot your shit-stained asses running amok in our country. Those states in blue would be the hardest fight you ever fought, and when we're done fucking you up maybe we'll cleansr the great blemish on this earth that is Mexico and go farther south.
You may have the cartel to help you out, since it's the only reason your retarded country has any money, but we have the unbridled spirit of millions of americans, and the spirit of millioms before us, and we'll steamroll you damn taco-niggers like we've done it before.
A professor made this? They just let anyone go up in front of the kids these days don't they? This is the shittiest prediction for a split I've ever seen.
>Igor Panarin
He is just another FSB shit-storm artist like Dugin. Just ignore him.
You're fucking crazy if you think Texas would split along those lines
Hail to the Grandfatherland, these hills preserve and protect.
i miss patrice :(
Holy shit! I used to play Fortress America as a kid, too!
>That philly, NYC, Baltimore, and DC wouldn't form a giant megacity1. The Midwest stops at Ohio, pa would be half Appalachian and the other half would be megacity1
>All those midwest states under Canadian influence
Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and Missouri alone have more people than the entirety of Canada. And that region probably has a higher GDP added up.
What the fuck does alabama have in common with new mexico?
America is already divided into self-governing subunits, they're called "states".
fuck niggers, mexicans, californians and NYC
>Texas Republic
>Texas isn't even half the size of it
Russians are drunks.
>that flag
>this subject
>Implying the Mexicans will be able to take land passed The Great Wall of America
WV here. we would sooner die than fall in with the northers filth. Appalachia would become an area of its own.
probably something along these lines,