Reminder that Nazis = Losers

Reminder that Nazis = Losers

But we just won an election according to MSM and Leftists. So it's a draw.


Did pretty well considering the circumstances (fighting against the capitalist west and the communist east simultaneously.)

Doesn't count, the Nazis lost, and they lost bigly.

>did pretty well
They did pretty well because you say so. They lasted 5 years. Wow. And at point they controlled almost entire continent.

The Nazis won the Spanish Civil War.

Far more Italians fought than Germans, and there was plenty of Germans in international brigades.

>say might is right
>lose in a fight
>hate the jews
>your politics help the jews retain the holy land they had always wanted
>thousand year german reich
>germany has sharia police teams within the century

Is there any more JUST political movement than national socialism?


>be revolutionary Catalonia
>get killed by other communists before you can get killed by Nationalists

Parlamentarians in ECW.

>Lost bigly
>Murdered 27 million Russians and many million other europeans
>Had jews imprisoned and took their belongings

Nazis accomplished a lot

lost or changed venues?

You are stupid. Jews would have gotten their "Holy land" even without nazis but they would do so after robbing Germany even further.

Jews already started mass migrating to palestine in 1905 decades before ww2

27 million Russians or """Russians"""?

That doesn't mean that their troops weren't spread thin, or that they had all of the epuipment they needed.

That's like saying Muslim radicals accomplished a lot because they blew up WTC. You don't get points for damage like in your video games.

Proper allocation of resources and concentration of troops are things where they were inferior compared to Soviets for example.

But 11 million east germans were killed after the world war... i mean, oy vey! remember the 6 gorillion?

b..but muh KDA

Hitler making the Masonic 'M' hand sign with his left hand, because he was a Crisis Actor puppet of the bankers.

Proper allocation of resources and troop concentration is hard when A: You dont have all the resources necesarry to fully arm your troops, B: Have a supply line that was overstretched C: Dont have the troops necesarry to do proper allocation of them.

>Hitler was a crisis actor
I've heard it all now.

That is actually the West Coast rap sign

>that they had all of the epuipment they needed

>factories cant keep up with supply demand
>transport planes downed due to lack of spare parts
>meanwhile Italian and Romanian industry is spewing out Fiats and other irrelevant shit
>refuse again and again to give them designs of weapons and vehicles because muh master engineering for master race only
>Soviets routinely use Italian and Romanian divisions as focal points on their attacks because they are stuck with shit equipment
>literally collapsing and maintaining a childs dont-play-with-my-toys mentality
>eventually change your mind at late '44
>its too late
>70 years later bitch about "lack of resources" and how Italians ruined everything

sorry I don't watch wrestling.

You are stupid. You don't know what the word "retain" means.