Pastaniggers are white though.
Did you ever see the ending with his crazy friend? His entire story is getting revenge for the assassination of JFK. Only good part of that game.
that looks awful
I really like it when sjw ridden games fails.
Is he the bad guy? He looks fucking deranged.
Only slavs should have the right to make games
Everyone else is sjw trash
>I really like it when sjw ridden games fails.
It did? How did it sold compared to the previous Mafias?
Records sales, but critics say the game is shit, and it has bugs everywhere.
>Records sales
It sold 4.5m in the first week, but to retailers. 2k didn't publish numbers for the actual sales, but if steam is any indication about 300k people have it.
It's selling fine. Not sure about console numbers but PC has sold 2.6m+
Gamers are manchildren consumers. More news at 11.
But seriously how fucking stupid do you have to be to buy a mafia game where the protagonist is a nigger?
This, watched a video of it.
please don't pay for this Sup Forums
Horrible graphics holy shit.
I can't run this game
Not even worth the bandwidth
Lot of people pre ordering shit.
This tbqh
The nigger is on the cover, its a bit hard to miss. Pre ordering is no excuse.
KEK please tell me this is an actual screenshot
Mafia is made by a Czechoslovakian company.
kekd heartily
Why are there always video game threads posted in Sup Forums? You have a board specially for this, please stop make by fucking video game threads in Sup Forums.
Fucking children.
>low specular skin mat
>skins textured like dry, cracking dirt
The face shines, and has pores and creases, not fucking matte sharp cracking like that.
Here is the best part of the game by the way.
>hasn't figured out doing what you want is life's only red pills
Fucking kek
Kill yourselves
>no fun allowed ever
go back to watching ramzpaul and getting mad at women on the internet
>hadn't figured out that playing video games and keeping your brain clouded wiTh nonsense distracts you from "redpills"
fucking kek
no it was sold to americans
Why? I'm 3D character designer at, not a NEET.
discard the "at" I was gonna say where but I value my job, even if it's at a liberal shithole.
When did I say you couldn't have fun? I just said this isn't the right board to discuss video games when there's a board dedicated just for that purpose. Making fucking video game threads here you slide threads that's content related to this board that shouldn't have been slid, just because you're a selfish faggot that doesn't know how to follow rules, just like a fucking NIGGER.
I specifically avoided buying Mafia 3 because of the forced negroidation.
Mafia 3 is not getting a shekel out of me, and neither is Watch Dogs 2
What's with the recent surge of ugly as fuck niggers in entertainment?
First was the Star Wars nig who looks like a fucking caveman.
Then they chose a crack addict looking black woman to play Hermione in that new Harry Potter play.
Mafia 3 has this ogre as the main character.
It's like they're trying to make the ugliest motherfuckers somehow appealing to the general public or something.
Also I'm not going to buy this or even going to pirate it.
Mafia is supposed to be about that old mobster culture, not "Thug wars 3, a guy who returns from Vietnam and joins a gang and does regular nigger stuff."
>tfw they will ruin Bully 2 somehow
It'll be either a nigger or an arab as main character.