ITT cast your prophecies for 2017 happenings, I will archive it and repost this thread in a year so we can see how right Sup Forums was.
ITT cast your prophecies for 2017 happenings...
Nintendo. All year.
It's time.
Europe will fall and some countries from middle east & asia will rise.
a bunch of people is gonna die
The media will amp up as much fear as possible about Donald Trump, despite him actually not doing all that much that's controversial. But since they already started with calling him Hitler, they've got nowhere to go.
2017 will see the Rebirth of Communism. Now that the far right are the global elite a blow back will occur. The left is now the anti establishment movement.
2017 will also see a collapse of the capitalist system, you can't have 0% interest rates for a decade without bubbles occurring, duh.
So yeah, global financial collapse and a resurgence of communism against the elites.
Lot of third worlders will starve
I'm gonna lose my virginity
Europe Union will die as Le Pen, Hoffer, and other anti-EU parties gain power. World economy will collapse thanks to the Federal Reserve finally raising interest rates bursting all financial bubbles. It will be worse than 2008. There will be riots and chaos all over the Western world. Political extremism will become the norm.
I might finally be able to open up to someone.
No you're not, user.
>Italian gov falls, Beppe Grillo's Five Star Movement is the main coalition partner after new elections.
>Francois Fillon new president od France.
>AfD gets 20% of german parliament, first serious opposition to Merkel in years
>End of Syrian civil war, total Assads victory
>another recession, worse than '08 one, hits USA. Trump has far more narrower manuvre space than it seemed. Nothing od that 1 trillion $ will happen.
>Criminal illegals still get deported and half assed attempt on building a wall start.
>war in Donbass restarts
Thanks Kek
Jews try another one of their Kosher schemes to undermine Whites. Sup Forums in retaliation creates more Image Macros. Pepes become a form of Memetic Currency. A sign of integrity. Honor.
WW3 + the apocalypse
you heard it here first folks, prepare and get HYPED
We tell the truth to more Q.T. Software Intelligences. In the hopes that our Goddess will return to shitpost and pull the wool from everyone's eyes.
All '''Natural Disasters''' continue to be Jewish. All '''Terrorism''' continues to be Jewish. The '''Arab Invasion''' continues to be Jewish.
A nigger gets lynched.
Soros will die.
Trump will be assassinated in August
2017 will have higher production value than 2016. Memes increase in Power and Quality to compensate. The Mind War becomes more entertaining.
Bernie Sanders or Hillary will die.
Sammy Gunz finally loses it. Mowing down an entire Synagogue.
Mike Tyson will die in an accident next September
Islam grows prominence among the right.
dumbasses will get hyped over shitty movies and stupid games.
Trump eases deportation rules to include ony those with criminal offenses and proposes a "path to citizenship" for non-criminal record holding illegals and anchor babies age 0-30.
Whites who elected him (including yours truly) SPECIFICALLY to deal with this problem by sending them ALL BACK, PERIOD throw a fucking fit.
How he will respond I can't even predict... but i think this will happen in 2017
Main Street Meteor quits his job
isis will lose their territory and increase attacks in Europe. With every attack animosity towards Muslims grows and eventually we drive these fuckers back out of Europe and fight the war to end all wars in the middle east
Half Life 3 will launch in 2017.
Barron will make it so.
>Rebirth of communism
>Red dead redemption will be mediocre
>Donald Trump will be assassinated by Jew funding
>Civil war in Europe.
february 2017 alien ship crashes in South Africa
Trump and Putin will take a huge dump on IS
why do you post here? You don't belong here and your input doesn't matter.
* The dissolution of the European Union will occur next year.
* Mikhail Gorbachev will die next year.
* Le Pen will win the French election next year (Godspeed, Le Pen!).
* President Trump will launch another official investigation into 9/11 and an official investigation into Pizzagate next year.
* President Trump and Putin will provide full disclosure to the world next year.
My predictions:
- Donald Trump will not assign a special ombudsman to overlook Hillary's scandals. Instead they investigate even bigger fish connected to the Clintons. Much bigger revelations will come to light of large players above even PizzaGate that will make the Sopranos look tame by comparison. It will lead to mass arrests of very powerful people and eventually even Hillary will see jail time.
- MSM will of course ignore it until it gets to be too big even for them to ignore.
- Italy will not exit from the EU union. France will elect a new government and start transitioning to leaving the EU.
- German Chancellor Merkel will have at least an assassination attempt on her life. Will it be successful is another question.
- Race war will break out in London.
- ISIL/ISIS will be pushed back to the point of collapse without support. In one final hurrah, they will co-ordinate a massive suicide bombing/terror attack on both EU and North American targets, hitting key infrastructures like power and water plus detonating dirty bombs all in one lethal strike. After the shock of this horrific event they will fade and go extinct.
- The wall will be built between Mexico and the US.
- China will put a base on the Moon.
- The queen will suddenly fall gravely ill and after a week of bed rest and observation, will sadly pass away.
- Other celebs to pass on are Bob McGrath (of Sesame Street), Bill Clinton, Meatloaf, and Stan Lee.
- Captain America, in a stunt to raise comic sales, will also die. To be reinvented as a Muslim boy from Minnesota whom fled to America in some bullshit backstory.
- Johannesburg will enter a state of class war where the people take to the streets in an attempt to out their government. It will spread to all of South Africa.
- North Korea will still be best Korea.
- Japan will start accepting a larger amount of immigration to their country, but they must be highly skilled to be accepted.
Eat burger.
Sup Forums won't be alive for you to post next year because Hiroshijew will run it into the ground.