Truly this is the master race ..
How do we preserve this?
Truly this is the master race ..
How do we preserve this?
>master race
>not anglo
Found the piece of shit aryan, go back to your country
What so master-racy about this one?
He looks like a degenerate with low IQ.
If Nordics are the master race, why did Scandinavians lag behind Romans, Greeks etc. in history?
If they're master race, why is Sweden in the state it is today?
Inb4 "they were manipulated / jewed"
OK, then why are they so weak to let themselves be jewed?
Why don't Hungarians let themselves be jewed? Or Slovaks?
>master race
>this Nietzsche meme is still up
Mediterraneans are the true master race desu.Enjoy sunshine brothers.
Nietzsche never used in this sense, and he was a pure-blooded Polish nobleman in any case.
>If Nordics are the master race, why did Scandinavians lag behind Romans, Greeks etc. in history?
OP is retarded with muh master race. That being said, environmental determinism plays a role in what you're talking about. Roman and Greeks had much better environments in which to develop. E.g. in temperate climates food is more abundant, you don't have to work as hard to produce it, and have more time for other shit. In countries with very significant seasonal differences, you have harvests at certain times which must be done, and so on.
Romans and Greeks were Nordic when they were great.
All whites have been infected with the multicult virus.
So why were Scandinavians ancestors so dumb to settle in Scandinavia instead of fertile lush lands of Mediterranean?
>tfw übermensch
feels good tbqh
Legit tbqh, but you didn't post a great example.
Do you have any genetic evidence for this because I highly doubt you do.
>Why don't Hungarians let themselves be jewed?
we prefer stealing from our own
If they are master race, why they didn't produced even remotely as much great architecture and art, as french and italians for example? Its not about the size of a population, since even Netherlands did produced far more great stuff.
>mulatto swede
>romans and greeks were nordic
He's talking out of his ass. He's retarded
Shut up Mario, how many times are you gonna get butthurt over the same thing over and over.
Lads look at the OP pic, this is bait.
Brits don't post this kind of aryanism bollocks anyways, it's always insecure swedes.
As long as Nordicists have to realize that Mediterraneans created their civilization and modern definitions of art, philosophy and science
h-holy shit! this paints a completly new picture for me!!
*smack lips*
Is that why you're leeching off Germany?
Nordicist are hilariously deluded. At least the negroes claims of wewuzhood are somehow not completely baseless
Not bait you retarded cunt. Nords are superior.
Why are you D&C'ing so much? Just forget it, only retarded tweleve-year olds are nordicists, just ignore them
>muh memes
If you are white and not of full Nordic phenotype then don't breed because your mongrel bastard blood would soil the purity of the white race.
Germanic people's, after trashing Rome, pretty much came to adopt its legacy in many respects
>stating facts but let me answer with memes because muh welfare shitskin
Have you ever heared about Erasmus ?
Destroy hyper individualism that is in society today. Everyone can choose to be whatever that want to identify as now and this will 100% lead to the destruction of the west and whites
>implying i want to be lumped in with pic related
Me and you belong to different races thank God
>muh memes episode 2
>i don't like it therefore memes
Be proud of your accomplishment Sven Cuckoldsson
>ignoring population size
>not realizing that large populations create civilizations
>not realizing that Europe was not heavily populated during that time
>pretending that Mediterranean people were not white
>not understanding population migration
>pretending that anyone who says they were lighter skinned are Nazis and "Nordicists"
I actually consider myself a Nordicist, "master race" is a meme but Nordics are the superior race because of their mix of above average(not necessarily highest) qualities, like intelligence, height, physical resilience, combined with an EXCELLENT(classicaly at least) culture that places great importance on the virtues most important for both self development and community growth. The cultural component is often ignored.
Admittedly, Mediterraneans got it together faster than Nordics. I don't think this says anything about Nordic INDIVIDUALS.
Jews don't go to Hungary because there aren't any shekels there
Wish I hadn't
>implying your images don't get passed around here by shills and you're retarded enough to first believe them, then download them, in the thought that it is valid evidence for and arguement and subject that is proposterous from the start, so much, so, that noone actually gives a shit, unless they are autistic, which, (You) are.
>low beard line
Let's keep the thread open.
*smacks lips*
tfw OP pic looks exactly like me
Still today some 20 % of men in Rome have Germanic Y-dna.
This is game you don't want to play
Keep showing your ancient statues Mario
>muh memes
Why is there a patch of Germanic DNA in the steppe?
Figo is Iberian, not strictly roman.
Still he is manly as fuck unlike you blond sissibois. I have troubles distinguishing nordic females from men, i can't honestly tell which one of you has a snatch
I actually kinda look like this
>master race
>wildlings that crawled in caves while we romans was kangz
i do apologise for my butthurt countrymen
But what about the present day? Is Italy still so great?
Figo looks literally aesthetic as hell, not even an insult desu
>implying modern Italy or France have any claim on Rome
>mfw the girl is spanish and not a nord
the answer is no
>muh unsourced png's
Kek. Why is the amazing atheist in there?
>literally no resemblance
That greek guy has high cheekbones unlike the cuck
Because people who propogate these theories are retarded.
>says the one posting fake maps from
For some reason nordics are always dominating these lists
Mario which is it?
>muh Sup Forums texts
I'm actually well read on the subject, modern Italy is in almost no way whatsoever connected to Rome, hence why you've been consistently mediocre for centuries.
Stay mad mongrel.
nord niggers BTFO
I never posted any maps, you're imagining things, just like you imagined your heritage.
Because according to nordic wewuz scholars the epitome of beauty is being tall and with long blond hair.
This ideal of beauty is perfectly incarnated both morally and physically by The Amazing Atheist.
Dude looks manly af, the furrowed brow of a philosopher combined with the strong jaw of a warrior. Truly, us Meds are the European master race.
No, the Amazing Atheist is an American mongrel retard who sticks bananas in his ass.
Not in any way shape or form is he nordic, you're grasping at straws.
>I'm actually well read on the subject, modern Italy is in almost no way whatsoever connected to Rome, hence why you've been consistently mediocre for centuries.
Plenty of time to educate yourself on your betters in that cozy little cuckshed of yours while the somali bull does business innit?
TAA was molested as a child and was abused by pretty much everyone surrounding him, from the school to his own parents. How are you surprised that he turned out like such a trainwreck?
We may have those qualities, but anglos, italians and russians have ambition which we completely lack.
We just eat, sleep, fuck, die
The only reason we've been doing so well lately is because we are under American protection
It's ridiculous funny if we remember that every kind of Western beauty standart started in Greco-Roman civilization
I don't come to Sup Forums to get educated. If you seriously unironnicaly see anything here and take it as fact, then you're retarded.
Which, you actually are.
Not to mention that American culture encourages and applauds people like this to degenerate like this.
>Truly, us Meds are the European master race.
>Best race
>Best climate
Makes me sad to see how low we've fallen these days desu.
I am enjoying your denial. Saltier than Abdil's cum
Why are you cuck to the nordics? We are not like them allthough we are germanic too.
The only one in denial here is you, you're projecting.
Easy there Mohammed
I'm listening
>I'm actually well read on the subject
low bait, but you can't deny it
>Meanwhile, in Italy
What happened to you, Greece? You used to be based. Bring back the colonels, cancel your denbts and get your life back on track.
>more memes
It's actually hilarious that you think I care. It's really hilarious that you think you have any arguement, at, all. It's especially funny since I stated from the start of the thread that this whole discussion is proposterous.
I'm laughing so much that my sides are gone.
Unlike some people here I read books, not Sup Forums memes and greentexts.
I find this way more attractive than this . Is it because I am also Dinaric-Mediterranean mustard race?
Oy vey.
Bro you're the one posting chinese cartoons depicting little girl to accompany your claims of manhood and civilization
Yes it's because you're a hairy wetback. Also where does USA fit into this, you're probably a mongrel.
Nordic niggers (herein reffered to as 'boat niggers') have never won a single inch of territory without help.
The Anglo Saxon expansion into Britain (called "england") was entirely funded and defended by Rome.
Boat niggers only know how to do two things: Steal and rape.
They are the worst fighters in the history of mankind, do not know any tactics, and their technology consisted of boats, and axes and alcohol.
The real conquers are the greeks who built western society, the Celts and gual who have fought every single white war since ancient time and also upheld western society since rome fell, the chinks up until recently with commuchina, the Polish who never let go of Christs word, and the Slavs, who no matter how many bombs you drop on them never let go of their Culture.
Go back to your bull and prep him for your wife, you filthy boat niggers.
We have to get out of the EU ...but there's no one willing to do it so we're fucked for a long time.Hoping for a quick default at least desu,maybe then something changes.
>to accompany your claims of manhood and civilization
>still imagining things