US foreskins for the jewish overlord

Daily Reminder that all americans have frankenstein unnatural dicks because their parents were brainwashed by doctorbergs who scammed 50 bucks for a useless surgery.

Other urls found in this thread:

>never had phimosis dick
>never had smegma problems
>never had a dick infection
>get more pleasure from sex
I'm cut and I'm glad I'm cut
Uncut dicks look even more nasty, anyways

Phimosis is uncommon and can be easily fixed without surgery. The rest is just too retarded for words. You were mutilated, you will never experience sex with all your nerve endings.

Let the defense mechanism kicks in.
None wants to believe there is something wrong with their dicks.

Nah ah its not for Jewish overlords its for Oprah's moisturizer cream.


My dick is uncut, despite my dad's being cut. He hated his parents so he decided against it.

>You were mutilated, you will never experience sex with all your nerve endings.
how come I hear about people who had to have their foreskin removed for legitimate medical emergency reasons, and they say they've had better sex since then?
fuck off toothpaste
>I don't have an actual argument so I'll just call him a jew
glad to know you're a retard who has no legitimate argument, dumb serb

Literally no one gets smegma if they just fucking shower. What are you, secretly French?

Better how? How does having callouses on your dick make sex better? How does having a less sensitive dick make sex better? You are not making sense.

Where are these statements, show me proof of men claiming the sensation is better and the science to back it up.

read up on restoration, friend. No need to accept it.

>Uncut dicks look even more nasty, anyways

If you're not a woman or a gay man this shouldn't ever be something that you are using as justification.

But I won't make you feel too bad about this. I'm sure it's a frustrating topic for cut goy to deal with.

I'd rather have a 'mutilated' cock than an eggroll cock.

>Was circumcised because my parents never could've known any better (pre-Internet, Jew doctors)
>I will be the one who breaks the cycle

Feels okay. Wish I could be just one more generation down the line, but what is parenthood besides trying to give your children better than you ever had? At least I know, and I can stop my descendants from suffering

Why do people care about their dick this much

Any other non-cutlets incorporate foreskin play into their sex life?

Sometimes I have my gf keep my dick head intentionally covered by the foreskin for the entirety of the blowjob right until I'm about to cum. It's fucking bliss, a feel cutlets will never know or understand.

Why do people care about the mutilation of their fellow man for the profit of the jews? Are you serious? The ONLY reason American men get circumcised is so jews can make fancy skin cremes for wealthy women. It's just business to them, while many of these procedures go wrong and leave men mutilated for life. There's no benefits to it for the one being cut.

Hell, callous-dick hurts women unless your dick is tiny and doesn't hit the cervix.

>tfw nearly entire country is uncut
>I (and most of the males before me) am cut because family has a history of overly tight foreskin


I'm cut but at least the others get a choice.

Why do you uncut fags make these threads everyday?

God bless you user. Leave your sons dick as God created it.

>Why do you uncut fags make these threads everyday?

It's literally torturous for cut Sup Forums goys to have to mentally justify why Jewish people robbing them of extra sensitivity in their dicks is a good thing.

Why do you want to make us feel bad? It wasnt our choice to be mutilated

That's the whole point of this. So people will let their sons have the choice of being cut or not. Too many kike-lovers keep yelling "Being cut is great! I love being mutilated! And I'm going to do it to my son too!" which is just immoral, but through kikery, legal to do.

Sorry bro this is one of those times when I actually go easy on the bants because I'm sure it's a really fucking shitty to have to mentally process, but you asked the question so I answered.

>glad to know you're a retard who has no legitimate argument, dumb serb

What argument do you need when it comes to mutilating your genitals in order to prevent some diseases that can be avoided by regular washing?

I guess we should start removing our teeth just so we don't have to deal with cavity.

There is no argument in favor of strapping infants down and cutting off the skin of their genitals for no genuine reason without even administering anesthesia. It shouldn't even be thinkable. It's one of many reasons the holocaust's biggest tragedies was that it wasn't enough.

He is not a whole man, he will never understand, but he will still defend his scarred knob until he dies.



Good goy. I am SUPREMELY HAPPY that I have an uncut dick. It is a FACT that people with uncut dicks get more pleasure from sex because uncut dicks have more nerves. Also, I NEVER get smegma because I have a FUCKING SHOWER ONCE A DAY. Seriously, it is NOT HARD to have a shower, you fucking nigger. Also, circumcision is connected to autism:


im not cut and my dick doesnt look like a earthworm, the glans if slightly covered literally none of those things worry me also
>get more pleasure

Why do americans feel the need to project their deformities and shitty hygene practices onto the rest of the world?

more nerves means you're more susceptible to premature ejaculation faggot.

How long do you spend specifically washing your dick and are you able to retract the skin all the way back to thoroughly clean it? I was cut at a young age but not at birth and remember getting that stinky smegma shit but couldn't clean all of it because it couldn't retract foreskin far enough without hurting. It also took too long to properly clean in the shower.

If you fuck a lot (clearly you don't) it's best to be cut if you don't want giving your ladies hpv, cervical cancer and stds.

cut causes autism? nordscience is cuckscience. You're an ausfag... virtually no kid except for muslims and jews are cut these days. why the fuck is autism rampant among the secular kids who are uncut?

I reckon you fags think getting a 3yr old girl's ears pierced is child mutilation because she is 'traumatised' by the pain for a few days.

I cannot believe that people think Canadians are worse posters than Aussies. I got my dick cut at age 25 and I get more pleasure now than ever. Uncuts BTFO

I get a thousand times more pleasure than cutfags. Cutfags BTFO!

>what is hygeine

>because it couldn't retract foreskin far enough without hurting.

yeah, same, then i got older and it worked just fine... its impossible for example to move back a baby's foreskin as its so tight, it takes time to grow and stretch properly...

In first world countrie, unlike USA, we shower and wash our peepee so there are no hygenic problems you dirty nigger

>be amerifat
>needs lube to masturbate
>needs lube anyway



In denial burgers every time. I've never had any problems with my superior uncut meat. It is a fact that cut lose pleasure too so you're talking shit there.

You're mutilated and grateful for it. Fucking disgusting

Holocaust did not happen

>Unironically defending Jewish practices on Sup Forums


they've been researching how to surgically jewify the goyim for hundreds of years

Maybe because they already had a medical problem with their dick making sex suck? How can anyone be this retarded

If you can show me a case where man with a perfectly functioning uncut penis, theres nothing at all wrong with his dick, gets cut, and then says sex is better Ill believe you. But that will never happen.

I find uncut to be attractive. All dicks look weird soft, but hard uncut usually looks a lot better

>get more pleasure from sex


KIKE'D fags ACTUALLY believe this

I'd rather my dick not look like a fucking ant eater and "you dont experience the nerve endings" it's not like I could possibly know the difference, fuckvyou get your dick a shape up stop being fags wahh everythings jewish wahh wahh stfu go out and do something about the jews then u fucking fags

I'll be doing the same.

When I was younger and didnt have many napkins to fap into, I would pull up my skin from my dick and have it form a pouch around my dicks head. This way if I came I would catch it with my skin. I called this my skin pouch.

This is a sign you should not breed

I participate hoping that somehow all of this discussion will lead to more cut adults learning and choosing to leave their sons as they are

>>get more pleasure from sex
It's scientifically wrong, because you have way less nerves and they are less sensible.

>how come I hear about people who had to have their foreskin removed for legitimate medical emergency reasons, and they say they've had better sex since then?
You don't.
It's scientifically false.

It's amazing how far they will go to defend having a perfectly normal functioning piece of their sexual organ removed against their will without anesthesia.

Why wont you sacrifice your foreskin to the volcano demon, goyim?

I don't know man, it's not so much about dicks as it is about mass mutilations of non-consenting citizens.

Cutfags, talk to us!

Why are you all so passive to mutilation? Why do you deny or bury your heads in the sand when these threads cone up? Widespread gential mutilation of babies seems like huge topic of discussion to me. Especially when it's in a first world country, the land of the free guise am I right?

You don't even come here and show disgust for the practice, you turn your heads you fucking cowards. I have a theory that this is why most Americans seem more neurotic than other countries, because they have this awful thing that happened to them and simply will not face it l, coupled with the fact that this trauma is proven to affect the brain also.

Break the chain.
Don't do it to your offspring.

I am a jew and I still will say this: "kill yourself you stupid ass nigger loving waste of human semen"

Most Americans simply have no idea what a foreskin is so they're indifferent to mass genital mutilation. They never even stop and think about it; they perceive normal, unmutilated dicks to be abnormal.

Daily reminder that your foreskins are harvested to be sold to the jewish owned cosmetics industry to be made in to face creams for wrinkly old ladies.

I'm serious

>more nerves means you're more susceptible to premature ejaculation faggot.
Then if you are, you can cut your dick if you want.
If you are not, you get 100% the pleasure.

9 Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. 10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. 11 You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. 12 For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring. 13 Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. 14 Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”

>I'd rather my dick not look like a fucking ant eater
Hey man, if people WANT to cut their OWN dick, I'm all for it, IDGAF, it's your dick.

I have big issues when you cut dicks of non-consenting newborns.

It's not permitted for muslims to mutilate newborn girls for religious reasons. Therefore it shouldn't be permitted for Christians to mutilate newborn boys for religious reasons.

>Why are you all so passive to mutilation
I never understand that.
Why isn't there millions of americans suing (like they're used to) for money because they got mutilated without their consent?

Suing the hospital, the city, the country, Obama and his dog.

I have a theory as to why you fuckers have such ugly mouths. You are all limp wristed gays and suck on smelly infected smegma dick to the point that you get infections that rot your teeth. Can you prove this wrong?

>bible quote
Fuck off religious fanatic.

Sorry. God has spoken
Have fun burning in Hell with your weird heretical dick. I got both of my son's cut because they are being raised as Christians and circumcision is a vital part of eternal salvation

Because it's fucking humiliating to come into a thread like this where instead of people actually discussing it and how to stop genital mutilation all we get is a bunch of shitposts about our dicks. We can't help our parents being uninformed, and it's too late to go back now.

Because children are the property of the parents and circumcision is a vital part of Christianity.
I had both my son's circumscribed and they will have their sons cut.
Only people who don't get cut are fedora fags and euros and both of those groups are go I g extinct.

Wrong. Circumcision is a vital part of Judaism not Christianity. Christianity =/= Judaism.

More males in America are waking up to this (((scam))). I'm cut, nothing I can do about it. No reason to be salty toward my parents. They were told that it could cause health issues if not done. I didn't have my son cut, even after the pediatrician said there would be a higher risk of genital cancer. She was trying to fear monger my wife.

I simply said, regardless if you believe in God or evolution, why would either one of mechanisms allow an organ to be so susceptible to life threating disease? Wouldn't god make man more resilient in the area of spreading his genetic makup? Wouldn't evolution solve these defects over time if it was in fact an issue?

Jews are Christian forerunners . Without Jews there would be no eternal salvation which is why my church supports the IDF.

>Because children are the property of the parents
I disagree with that.

>circumcision is a vital part of Christianity
The pope disagree with that. Only Americans do it.
Also, I am against forcing a religion onto an underage person. But that's just my opinion.

>I had both my son's circumscribed and
>they will have their sons cut.
Or maybe they will hate you for it and will turn out to be super fags and will die of super aids.
You don't know the future.

You sound like a preaching old man, just stupid and full of propaganda because he's afraid to think and realize he was wrong his all life.

>Only people who don't get cut
Like... the whole non-muslim non-jewish non-american world?

i thought they weave special yamaka's with goy foreskin

>even after the pediatrician said there would be a higher risk of genital cancer
Why did ever said that?
He surely knows it's untrue. I don't understand, is there an agenda?

Actually circumcision is booming in China. With the face fedora are decreasing as a portion of the world, as are euros, soon we will be a planet of people with normal dicks.

Yes. (((They))) use the foreskin for skin health products. More Foreskin more shekels

Why are anti-cut fags so emotional and butthurt about it? Apart from the widespread propaganda and faggot shaming there is little statistical difference between cut and uncut.

See in my mind I like being cut even though it wasn't my decision. Cut or no cut who gives a fuck, it's family choice. It's pro choice. Are you against abortion?

I can only say you're retarded then. I actually have a memory of what it used to be like.


>Actually circumcision is booming in China.
No it's not.

And "WELL THEY DO IT TOO" is not an argument.

If you fail to get your son cut he will burn in Hell.

THERE IS PLENTY OF STUDIES. PIC RELATED. Women preferred uncut 8 out of a scale of 10 and cut at a 2.

I don't know about the conspiracy and all, but you believe your own pediatrician would have got some money if he convinced you and your wife to mutilate your son?


Wow user you're so full of fear

Actually that is outdated. There are 100 million Chinese Christians and growing as more people reject the nihilism of atheism
Pic related. Atheists will be effectively extinct.

not like u gonna stop it n I mean it does look better

>Is there a direct correlation between civilization and circumcision?

Religious fanatic, all your opinions are irrelevant.

Nah cunt i'm serious

> Foreskins are used to make high-end skin creams. The skin products contain fibroblasts grown on the foreskin and harvested from it. One foreskin can be used for decades to produce fancy face cream like the SkinMedica products hawked on Oprah.


America is so uncucked but so cucked all at the same time. This country makes no sense

I'm curious to know who's doing the circumcising in Balkans kek. surely there aren't that many shiptar in Slovenia

>said the meth mouth American


Honestly, I believe most doctors don't know any better. They simply read some medical (((papers))) showing skewed statistics. So they recommend what they're told.

wtf south korea?


Pseudofucking science used for anti-cut shaming. By that logic you should put more condoms and other paraphernalia to help 'pleasure' her more.

Clearly you neets don't fuck a lot of different pussy. Truthfully women don't care as long as you fuck her right and she wants you.

Unless you have a clear mechanical issue with your dick as a result of cutting (very subjective), those who 'feel' victimised should learn how to use your tool better.

In this faggot pussy world penis and erectile dysfunction is 99% caused by mental issues and estrogen fuelled diet/lifestyle.

At least my beliefs won't be extinct in 30 years.
If you fedora were so smart why can't you propagate your beliefs? Seems pretty retarded that you super intelligent people can't even keep your religion alive.