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Why is no one talking about the Italian Referendum in December???
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Just voted yes. How did I do lads
What do Italians think of Italian-Americans ?
fuck you
Italians are not cucks I hope the best for my people
>choosing the pro-eu option
Checks out
Because we are being invaded by State-funded, Chinese venture capitalists who are buying up our future and leaving us refugees in our own country.
OK lets talk about it.
talk to me bitch
What do you think of Mighty Khan Orban, slayer of refugees?
holy fuck you spaghetti niggers better leave
You Rigatoni's better vote out of the EU or we'll send the Emu's there
>implying you have any control over them
You are alive simply because they allow it
Vote No!
20% corrupt
80% based
Maybe, if you grease my pockets?
Vote NO or you'll end up like pic related
I can't wait until the Tower of Babel falls in Brussels
Fight back. Sink boats.
Going to vote NO this sunday. It's going to be glorious. If we can meme 5STAR movement into government (friends with farage) we can make a mighty union between France, Italy, UK, RU, and US. Best kebab remover coalition ever.
I thought it was about regionalism or something.
Kek will decide for me
even = yes
odd = no
is the meme true, is australia really full of niggers? and what about mudshits?
why do americans pronounce is "belloni" or baloni. why are they so retarded
Australia has abbo's that are worse than niggers but fewer in number.
are you sure burgerfriend? Abbos are degenerate, primitive sacks of shit but they don't have murderous rapey intentions like niggers. I think niggers are far worse then abo apes
Cuck.While he us at work i bet the nigger fucks his waifu and when he discovers his son is black either he believes in the son really being his either he will still raise him .
Wasn't there a law in France about not being able to get DNA tests for your wife's son or something?
Is* at work.
>1 year of prison and 15000 euro fine
Italy is ded
I suppose I was thinking 'worse' as in 'less human'. There is potential for niggers to become productive members of society but abbos are completely worthless. Aussiebros, abbos or niggers?
What is it about? Giving Südtirol back, or will they just import more niggers to staion them south of Brenner to take the rest of Tyrol? Italfags think we don't know, but we do.
Either people have cognitive dissonance or they don't care about anything, i'm starting to hoard because no one listen to anyone else but themselves, no real goal
For the non italian speakers: if YES wins "ius soli law" (anchor babies for amerifats) will be unlocked. It's a law pushed by our left that if passed (and it will with the new Senate) will give automatically citizenship to ONE FUCKING MILLION of immigrants. And we're just talking about the ones that are currently in Italy. Without taking the future "refugees" that will flood us next year
There is a reason if the YES is getting shilled left and right on the tv and now even on fucking youtube banners
>automatically citizenship to ONE FUCKING MILLION of immigrants.
Jesus Christ. What a fucking nightmare. Are Italians at least motivated to go out and vote?
I actually know the names of the cuck and the bbc whore. I think we should ask them some questions.
I too was always under the impression that abos were worse than niggers, yet, somehow don't understand how to use guns.
I would also like to know which of the two the aussie hates more.
Italy is over my friend. Everywhere is America.
true. I think only an original aussie shitpost can clear this up. OP?
They don't know how bad it is, but the average voter will vote NO just to spite that cuck of Renzi and taste his supporter's tears.
YES is a gigantic scam, constituional judges and law experts are all supporting NO. There will be no exit from EU tho
Better, more informed and sourced version on the reasons to vote NO
I have a grandmother whose parents emigrated from Abruzzo in the 1920s. .
Other than that I'm fully white. But I support you italobros!
My guess is that someone chosen byGerman will replace Renzi in a technic government
Would it be hard for an European to get an Italian passport when they leave the EU?
>No, you are the immigrants, Oliver
True redpill choice in this referendum is to go full napoletano and ask for welfare pretending to be blind
Because Italy is and always will be irrelevant.
You can do that already, no probs
>the average voter will vote NO just to spite that cuck of Renzi and taste his supporter's tears.
I think the western world is run on this ideal nowadays.
No reason to. If NO wins it just means that status quo will be kept. The same laws of last year and two years ago. Replacement of Renzi would be an EU golpe with no excuses and as much as i loathe that cuck, he has to finish his mandate.
If that doesn't happen the antiEU parties will win in a landslide everywhere and crash EU with no survivors
Godspeed, Pizza-bros.
Take these digits.
Hi guys, did you know that by voting Si, Italy becomes a better place?
I thought italobros were longtime done. No matter, "Third Rome stands. And there will be no fourth".
A technic government will fuck us for 6 months, if Yes wins we're fucked for the next 30 years
Basically all voters are deciding depending on who supports Yes or no. Most of them probably dont even know what this referendum is about, nor can write their complete name
Why don't you return to Monarchy, Italia?
Excuse me Fish man, log hut, stick boats mongol rape babies, take your hate to your own neighborhood! You got more problems to fix. And get a DNA test so you can wipe out that chink blood if you start a family.
It's hard to find good kings right now
I prefer Abos to niggers. With abos you can have a good yarn, plus they can't fight for shit
Why? Is this guy bad?
Italy was fine with Veltroni D'alema
>Good yarn
Fucking what?
A rich, diverse and culturally vibrant society. Just like Sweden
Have someone seen Islam Italia? I tought it was gonna be propaganda pro Islam instead it was very subversive.
The eternal jew is already planting the seed of doubt in the sheltered younger generation of muslim girls.
Meanwhile America did that 150 years ago, and now 40% of their population is black/mestizo
>Gad Lerner
Fucking jew.
>Made by (((Gad Lerner)))
You can start. I know next to nothing about it.
I lost
Didn't watch it, but just wait for the "Non c'è più religione" movie to come out
>gad lerner
Yes but even jews are starting to be more afraid of muslims than of white supremacists. In the next 25 years Islam communities in western countries will be targeted and diveded by jewish tricks.
The options are 2: if we vote no we can go on like always and try with the next regular election to btfo Renzi, but of the yes wins we'll probably start the next race war, cause almost 80% of Italians hate niggers. But when the race war ends italianity will be restored and our country will be great for sure, only with an hard cost of lifes. Is a win/win matchup
Pretty much, my parents are going to vote NO only because Renzi tell us to vote SI.
They barely have an idea of what this referendum is about
What do you mean with subversive, and what's islam italia?
We'll never start the race war, we need a terrorist attack for that, I think french people would be eager to start one though
What's the gun situation over there?
>my parents are going to vote NO only because Renzi tell us to vote SI
looks like a 100% legit pretext since Renzi have literally no idea of what he doing
an absolute shame, we can't even shoot trespassers without going through a mountain of shit
Very strict laws, but you can always get one illegally
I've seen the second episode yesterday and it was literally "jewish tricks 101" applied to Islam.
>not enough diveristy
>shame their religion
>push feminism down girls throats
>promote gay muslims
Italy is too apathetic. Not necessarily cucked, just none of them give a shit about anything, so nothing will change.
If No wins, then sure, nothing is going to change
If Yes wins we're really fucked
you know they are going to fuck up
What the referendum actually means (ita):
>Marco Travaglio - Perchè No Tutte le bugie del Referendum -
>Perché NO Tutte le bugie del Referendum (di Marco Travaglio) - Estratto a Di Martedì 21 giu 2016
tl;dr for everyone else:
>Reduce senate members from 315 to 100
This makes corruption easier. It's more easy to bribe 51 senators than 158 and much cheaper. The original law writers decided it would be 315 in order to make corruption harder and prevent the creation of a echo-chamber.
>Senate has no more decisional power and works only as adviser.
This effectively gives full power to the Chamber of Deputies, therefore to the currently ruling party (Renzi's), since the Senate becomes pretty much useless.
>Increase of signatures from 50'000 to 150'000 required for Citizens' Initiative law proposal.
This blatantly reduces the power of taxpayers, it's already hard enough as it is now to find 50'000 signatures, figures 150'000.
Should I vote yes or no?
I know many who will vote yes because they say, we would save a lot of money
by getting rid of the senators.