>strong leader
>made Cuba great
>against globalism
>pointed nuclear missiles against USA
>had no problem in letting people flee with boats and vote Trump
Was he /ourguy/ ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy shit he looks like Trudeau from that angle
And he makes his exit promptly after he got to spend a couple weeks laughing his ass off at his old nemesis going full retard and shooting itself in the foot, having lived to a ripe old age despite hundreds assassination attempts, the fall of Communism, and the collective birthday wishes of thousands of frustrated CIA officials. While leaving a stable succession, a rather high approal rating amongst the cuban people and an enduring historical legacy.
Tl;dr: He won the game of life.
Fucking hell, Fidel. Fucking hell.
>our guy
I want the atheist redditors to leave.
well he is /ourguy/ at least
Judtin Casdro:DDDD
Can't be our guy when we killed him.
>against globalism
toppest of laughs.
Fuck it, I love Castro. I'm rightwing but I still fucking hate American/western imperialism, which is mostly for the benefit of (((them))) anyway. Castro opposed it and he was a nationalist for his people. That makes him good in my book.
The US bungled up a big opportunity by failing to bring him into their influence and pushing him away to Khrushchev.
He was essentially a nationalist fighting a corrupt regime, he took on the "communist" label later to get more Soviet backing.
Can somebody redpill me about UN positive statistics on Cuba? Are they self reported by every country, do they actually hold countries to the same standards when verifying education levels?
>Castro opposed it and he was a nationalist for his people
he was a ruthless dictator who sent people out to be killed by firing squad for speaking out against his rule...
are you all this cucked?
i can tell you that the UN was banned from going there because they reported on the horrible conditions which castro didnt like
pic related, hospitals in cuba during castro's rule
>a rather high approal rating amongst the cuban people
you are really uneducated, aren't you? do you know why the US was full of cuban exiles celebrating his death?
because hes a ruthless fucking dictator
Communism? God-tier? What a faggot
>All of the font is the same minus the communist one and libertarian one
>obvious recolor
We're reaching incompetence levels that shouldn't even be possible
>flooded my state with cubans
Fuck you, you spaghetti shitting fuck.
>against globalism
You're not very up to speed on the idea of the Communist International are you.
Good arguments, very convincing.
>Fights against jewish American elitist pedo rings
>Is labelled an "evil dictator"
We should gather up the pizza pedos and have them all put in front of a firing squad too
>we should gather up the pizza pedos and have them all put in front of a firing squad too
nah, death is an easy escape
regardless of what the US labeled him, he still killed innocent cubans for having a different political view
Implying its not murican propaganda
>nah, death is an easy escape
Stop thinking in terms of punishment and start thinking in terms of waste disposal
i never said it wasn't, i'm well aware of the propaganda they were pushing. such as the planned terrorist attack that they would execute on their own citizens so they could blame it on cuba and go to war with them
but my point is that clearly, world leaders and people on Sup Forums forget very easily or really are as cucked as the canadian prime minister
id rather put them in the prisons they love to keep building, they will likely die in there if they are lucky
>helps to destroy the jewnited cuckstates
>not based