Now that the right is mainstream, how long until Sup Forums becomes leftist?

Now that the right is mainstream, how long until Sup Forums becomes leftist?


We aren't going to magically switch positions.

Sup Forums has always been Libertarian.

i thought we were social democrat

I don't think it will, necessarily. People like to pat themselves on the back for the "counterculture" insight and take it as gospel, but I think there's a lot more at play than that.

I'll give it six months.

Expect libertarianism to become prominent again and to see a decline in Nazi roleplaying.

Sup Forums isn't right, it's traditional nationalism

This. I'm a right-leaning, nationalistic libertarian.

KEK hates the left

While we are contrarians there's another factor, we don't have a filter, therefore we naturally gravitate towards telling the truth about niggers, mudslimes and Jews. So we can't truly become leftist until we censor our own thoughts like the rest of the normies.

This, Sup Forums is just a contrarian, meme really should die.

libertarian = weeb open borders fuck da police = leftist


Mimikyu is cute! Cute!


Sup Forums has always been mostly of the classic liberal and libertarian makes

Both of which are right wing as fuck


You can be libertarian and nationalist

In fact, libertarian nations need ethnic homogeneity to experience the best outcome

Anarchy is borderless

I'm for open border the day they cut any form of welfare, and taxes.

Until then, being a minefield-fortified bunker is fine for me.

personally I'm already criticizing Trump every day, it's great, always winds everyone up

Most likely never

Soon user.
Just give it a year or so.

how would a "libertarian nation" enforce ethnic homogeneity? It's like you think you can completely modify the meaning of words at your own will and people have to abide to that.

Who carea about ethnic homogenifjea?

The 50's were perfect, and they were full of immigrants.

Yeah man give it a year or two and I'll totally start hating my people and want nonwhites to flood the west.


Not possible. Nice strawman, though.

We're not 12 year olds looking for an opposite fucking opinion to adopt.

We're trying to keep our world from being globalized and fucked by people who think less of you than they do they shit they scrap off their shoe.

I'm not right or left
I'm with Jesus

>Retarded Japanese wants his dead political system to become major again.

I'll give it a month.

When the left starts hating black people and Jews.

This is the best pepe I've seen in a long time.

the left is so completely insane that'll it be long time until we're reddit

hopefully never. civil libertarian is the way to go.

Once they go after the porn

>YFW 4chiz was leftist until all this SJW overreach bullshit

Grab Earth by the pussy, Mr President!

I could use a little more leftists ideology because wall I ever experienc is Sup Forums. Problem is a lot of shit said by them is retarded.

Been voting FN for my whole life, but this time I am considering voting for Fillon instead. He is the closest thing to the true right France ever had, while Marine turned the FN into some socialist circle-jerk.Marxine Le Pen has become some ugly mix between the Mouth of Sauron, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.
Fuck the leftards and their social justice bullshit, their healthcare and 35 hours a week. It's time to do real right wing politics. Besides, we can't let a woman have the nuclear codes!

The new left is center right, libs doubled down on buzzwords and rioting, we're gonna use it to shift people even further right.

no matter what you think, FN = no EU, Fillon = EU