A new low for the left and a high point for the right.
A new low for the left and a high point for the right.
They did this because TWUMP NOT MY PWESIDENT
It's easy, if it's a private building with student paying fees out of their own pockets, they should do whatever they want. They should be allowed to fly the LGBT flag instead if it makes them happy.
But they should cut all public funding including government backed student loans for that college. Let them put their money where their mouth is.
Why do atheists hate their country so much they want to remove the flag?
I don't get it.
Then no more gibs for them and let's see how that works out for them.
Patriots have just as much right to hold a rally on public land and i agree they should have all state funding cut immediately as well as every state agency refusing to hire graduates from that university.
why do christians believe a Jewish magician got nailed to a plank and then died and then came back again? life is full of mysteries i suppose
The answer to your question is visible, but as a thinking person you can't believe it. You think that just because you have logic and reason, that everyone else must, and they have to be logical too.
But they even tell you that they want to tear down society. And America. And the government. That is the goal. They don't hide it. Many of them even flaunt it, e.g., "DISMANTLE THE PATRIARCHY".
Removing our patriotic symbols is necessary to achieving a takedown. People will fight for their flags, their country. Unless you get them all believing that flags mean nothing. And then move the goalposts to 'that flag is offensive'.
Colleges are merely communism factories now. The radicals of the 60s became professors. They knew what they were doing. Every day its a strategic war on America.
Why do they hate their country so much? Because it exists. Communism.
>That liberal being protected by the Vets that's protesting against them
That's a real demonstration of a peaceful protest. The left would cause vandalism, violence, and they would not protect anybody that's against them.
becuase we saw it happen
Isn't that where T.Puff lives?
4-8 years of nationalism vs globalism headlines
This fucking presidency is going for be great
The faggot college communities and cities ruin MA. The colleges used to be good but they're fucking shit now
A couple of my friends went to Hampshire and I went to party there a couple times. It's your typical NE liberal arts college packed to the brim smug, hipster backwash. Lots of easy pussy, though. Female art students are the easiest lay on the planet. And of course my friends graduated and have gotten jobs totally unrelated to their degrees (film and fine art). Schools like Hampshire are a complete joke,
>muh jooz
Or how about this:
>Kalam Cosmological Argument
>Anthropic Principle
>no evidence for multiverses
>Fulfilled predictions in the scriptures
>implying that nothing can explode
Which violates the Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy; Quantum physics cannot explain the creation of matter from nothing
>implying that sentient, complex life can evolve from algae/bacteria (or that life can come from a lack of life)
Let's face it; Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.
Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.
Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006:
>atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit
>corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"
Cut to today:
>Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchen (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
>r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are other atheist leaders)
>"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory
>liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit
And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad
All vets are inherently racist upholders of imperialism & white supremacy. Signing up for the military is a nod to murder. They should all be charged with murder or intent to murder/conspiracy to commit murder IMO.
HAHA that fucking cuck on 0:47
So you're 2000 years old? What's your secret?
Sorry to burst your bubbles
Why do people of white European descent continue to follow the rantings of a sandpeople death cult?
We all know the population was cucked by their leaders long ago and forced to believe in it but that doesn't mean we can't right the ship now.
Twinkies and Murica ?
why are veterans such crybabies?
Because when you see feminists and nu-male cucks tarnishing the symbol of your country after you sacrificed life and limb to preserve it, you tend to get a bit fired up
Not that most liberals would understand that since they're more concerned with going native and beating up anyone who disagrees with them.
Patriotism the world can take note of.
so they go out and fight and die to protect people's freedom of speech, then get butt hurt when people use that freedom of speech
what a bunch of dumbasses
As someone pointed out, this is because of the 60's. All the drug addled war protesting faggots that peddled free love and spread aids with their degeneracy became the teachers of the current year. That's why post secondary schools are mostly nothing other than indoctrination camps.
Not for some areas though. To my knowledge many engineering programs and hard STEM fields still don't give a fuck. Hard to protest lame shit when you're studying to become an actual doctor.
They're not butthurt, they're protesting as they're allowed to - peacefully.
If you've never watched a friend roll into an airplane with a flag draped over his casket, you would never understand.
It's not about politics, it's about showing a modicum of respect.
Veterans, like most right wing people, believe that some things are sacred.
Because the Old World religions of our ancestors became weak and degenerate, leaving a desire for mystery cults that led to the single most politically agressive European people adopting Christianity because of its global appeal and promise of a world where justice exists and evil is punished in death even if not in life. Then it spread because Latins are a persuasive people. So unless you want to reform Roman Paganism to a level that even Cato the Censor would approve of, im not going to drop Christianity.
freedom of speech isn't going around and bashing people who you disagree with tho senpai, that is literally the opposite of it
So you don't like that they get freedom of speech as well? Just how fuckin' retarded are you? Are you high on chromosomes?
This post is truth, read it.
Why do people lump all Atheists together?
I'm an Atheist and think it's stupid to remove the flag.
>If you've never watched a friend roll into an airplane with a flag draped over his casket, you would never understand.
you haven't either faggot
when's the last time canada was involved in a war? 1852?
Removing the nation's flag from an institution that receives government funding is not defendable under "free speech". You don't bite the hand that feeds you.
These cocksuckers should lose all government funding and grants over this. Wanna remove the flag? Fine, but don't expect Uncle Sam to keep funding your brainwashing projects.
we need a petition or illicit some sort of ramification for these race traitors.
Im atheist and i can guarantee my life styles hold greater religious practices than yours.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You're a pathetic cunt. Not only did we get a Presidential citation for K-bar in the early years of the war in trashcanistan we held the shittiest part in Afghanistan with a tiny force, and had to bail you cunts out all the time because you rolled around in humvees.
I'm not saying America doesn't shoulder the majority of the burden, because they do. But other countries lost people too, and you shouldn't be such a raging cunt about it.
>not my pwesident!!!
Get fucking invaded by us army then faggots
Because our propaganda artists in schools teach them america represents genocide, slavery, war, racism, and now sexism i guess
Fucking Hampshire, they're more cucked than UMass.
>They say it's offensive.
These people need to actually move to Leafnadia (like they kept threatening to) if they hate this country so much.
>they should cut all public funding including government backed student loans for that college. Let them put their money where their mouth is.
This. If you live off of American shekels, you'll fly our fucking flag. There is no negotiation.
I cant remember the last time I saw a crowd of Americans waiving flags and singing patriotic American songs
Fuck Trump, God Bless America
What does this have to do with Atheists? I love my country, and I love my national banner.
Pathetic all around left and right kys
America you're still a fucking circus
I must agree though not being able to pridly wave your country's flag is horrific
Why are you so fat?
>Veterans come out of the woodwork to display Made in China flags.
>None of them care about how the government is being used by corporations to infringe on the rights of local populations.
I assume they're going to drive directly to Dakota's to help stop the pipeline?
Typical conservatives. Wrap themselves in the flag while burning the constitution.
Sweden and UK-tier cuckery
How do you know those are chinese flags???????!
i hate commies so fucking god damn much
>He doesn't know
>Laughing sweatshop workers.jpeg
Seriously though, this makes for a 'feel good' photo opt. But when it comes to actually taking a stand for what's right. I doubt any of the people in OP will be there.
It's all a big conspiracy for big corporations to take over the USA the real patriots are the communists throwing IEDs and trespassing to take down a pipeline being built by a private company.
Thank you based quads for correcting the triptard.
Praise Kek!
Commies will get what's coming to them
Apperently what happened was that when Trump won they lowered it to half staff. (It was only a coincidence goy we were mouring the dead!)
Then some faggot took it all the way down and burnt and now the college is trying to get out of raising another one by saying they are temporarily not flying a flag till they can "figure things out" in the meantime we need "to fight islamaphobic racism sexism ect".
Bunch of commies if you ask me.
this 100%
Seriously so much this.
Oh boy, this lie again.
I'm guessing you're one of those folk who thinks everything looks like an assault rifle from an Helicopter.
Castro was just the beginning. All commies will fall.
I went to college in 2006 but I feel bad for people going to college now. It used to be parties, meeting new people, being lazy and not giving a shit about much going on.
Now, all colleges are liberal hell holes with delusional spoiled retards trying to fight for some cause that doesn't exist. The colleges pander to these people and even employ liberal staff today.
I don't get how this happened.
>Can't refute
>Better use a normalfag meme as damage control
Like clockwork.
Get to fuck 46%
>Can't refute
>Nothing to refute
Way to go my brothers and sisters in arms!
Actually, they're utilizing their freedom of speech to protest something that they find indefensible.
You wouldn't recognize it because the only time you've held a flag was moments before setting on fire, you liberal cunt.
>they say it's offensive
yeah, to gommies who hate your country and people
bring back tarring and feathering, or ducking stools
>you haven't either faggot
mocking dead soldiers, classy
Hahahahahahahahahaha, yeah try to steal the election from Trump and these veterans are showing up by the hundreds of thousands with guns.
The only thing cops would possibly throw at protesters is tear gas or flash bangs neither of which can blow off an arm.
if they don't want the flag anymore, there are plenty of other countries they can go, no flag, no passport, no citizenship
why not take them to venezuala?
How does it feel to be a faggot?
I wish more canookistani citizens were half as respectable as you.
I'm going to call you a maple syrup loving faggot now. Just know I'm doing it out of tradition and not because I hate you.
>I don't get how this happened.
read "why johnny can't think" by robert whittaker
can usually be found on cripchans /pdfs/
>commie anarchist bozos push for violence
>deny any of their own violence
The problem is they think most people are as dumb as they are
How does it feel to be an ant?
I killed for corporate america and ran up your debt, so you better respect me
a fucking leaf
Is it all old guys?
meanwhile they die in droves in the va hospital because they government doesn't give a shit
>I made your gas prices the cheapest in the developed world and made surplus armor and ammo cheap and plentiful
Commie leaf pls go
I feel for the guys that were drafted but not the volunteers
Go fuck yourself. Many if not most soldiers are patriots. I do agree that they often participate in pointless wars, but they don't do it for corporate America.
If there was a legitimate threat to America or Canada, the military would lay down their lives trying to save you pathetic Toronto liberal faggots.
Typical redneck white trash soldiers to get triggered by intelligent discussion and activism among the educated elite. I just feel sorry for them.
We respect it when we are the ones to fuck our own shit up. When a dirty foreigner does it it just looks sad. You are cucked on every social economic level imaginable.
It's ok, you'll always be an obese burger to me kek.
There are actually a lot of based Canadians, but to be honest we mostly hide our power levels like ninjas because of how cucked our nation is in general.
fuck off, there is no threat, and all we ever get is the bill.
Why do NEETs always LARP as taxpayers?
>He thinks this is 30 years ago and the police only have tear gas and flash bangs
>Using water cannons on crowds when it's below freezing
>Implying the propane tanks the police detonated because they were 'hazards' weren't turned into IEDs.
So much truth
If you go to a college campus and hear what their professors are teaching them, you will be see
Muh cloth!
God, what's with statists and commies and their love of symbols of their own oppression?
You can tell the quality of a man by how easily he jokes about the sacrifice of others.
We're lucky that people like you aren't in power.
>Western Massachusetts
Sweden, go back to prepping the bull.