SEO opportunism.
NOBODY takes the redpill and then goes back. Nobody.
SEO opportunism.
NOBODY takes the redpill and then goes back. Nobody.
> acquire views identical to the average person
> claim to have been radicalized like ISIS
> MFW my once lefty grendiaurd reading parents are now leaning to the alt-right
Locking the door after the horse has bolted somewhat, gurnuiad.
My only regret is that somehow that Molo Yoirsckororokovitchstein twat is being related to it all.
It is kind of interesting he says "anti-SJW" videos were part of his... well, he wasn't radicalized in the least, but let's say pulled to the center.
Sup Forums has had a big impact on that. We named most of those campus warriors.
It supports the idea this place is having an effect.
>sam harris is the gateway drug
>who conveniently happens to be a favored punching bag of media islamophiles
sure makes me think, anonymous
>be me
>browse Sup Forums because I'm an edgy cunt
>see news article claiming milo fags are worse than isis
You probably spat your tea out knowing britbongs, enjoy your soggy biscuits crumpet muncher
>• The author was not paid a fee for this piece
He does it for free
>my wife didn't approve of my youtube videos
Made up bullshit. They're just going all out until they get shut down.
let's face it: Milo brought home a lot of fags that were feeling at unease with islamization. That's a fact. Of course we can hate him, but you can't be not-anonymous and rant about redpills if you're not (at least two between) colored, gay, jew or a woman.
It's just too easy for them to nazi-brand you. Once you have a swastika on your forehead you might as well say that the 2+2 = 4, the 99% of people will just not listen.
t. Not Milo
F-full scale islamophobia? Phew, that was a close one
Number of people killed by the altright: zero
Number of people killed by ISIS: More than zero
The alt right must be stopped.
ausralia is the king of shitposting
This is eye-opening, for all the wrong reasons:
About a week before the US election, I heard one of these YouTubers use the phrase “red-pilled” – a term from the film The Matrix – in reference to people being awakened to the truth about the world and SJWs. Suddenly I thought: “This is exactly like a cult. What am I doing? I’m turning into an arsehole.”
I unsubscribed and unfollowed from everything, and told myself outright: “You’re becoming a racist. What you’re doing is turning you into a terrible, hateful person.”
Literally rejecting "the red pill" to live in the happy fantasy of liberalism working.
>be highschooler me
>edgy faggot
>makes holocaust and Hitler jokes for fun
>moves on to racist jokes
>searched "do nigger lives really matter?"
>finds The Daily Stormer
>turned into a fascist in weeks
Well, I guess the article might not be all made up.
>The truth almost made me take the redpill
>but I choose to continue being a bluepilled "liberal" faggot
Not gonna lie, former liberal here. This is fucking hilarious watching the Guardian crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this newspaper get the nuclear codes.
>(((The Author was not paid for this piece)))
Archived version?
>"She was taken aback: “Isn’t that a bit … rightwing?” "
speaking the truth makes you a nazi to these people.
> be me
> be communist
> go on Sup Forums anyway and enjoy uncensored discussion on taboo topics
> still be communist
>On one occasion I even, I am ashamed to admit, very diplomatically expressed negative sentiments on Islam to my wife. Nothing “overtly racist”, just some of the “innocuous” type of things the YouTubers had presented: “Islam isn’t compatible with western civilisation.”
>She was taken aback: “Isn’t that a bit … rightwing?”
this article is full of gold
>Made up
>by user
Turns out the Guardian is now publishing under the Sup Forums model.
Ok I read the link and this a trolling masterpiece. Confess Sup Forums, you did it.
>It's gonna be a though conversashun with ma wifeyyy
sam harris is hero we deserve, but not the one it needs right now. so we'll hunt him. because he can take it.
>I justified it: “Well, I’m more a left-leaning centrist. PC culture has gone too far, we should be able to discuss these things without shutting down the conversation by calling people racist, or bigots.”
>The indoctrination was complete.
He's a totally disingenous prick who'd be preaching social justice if that's what happened to be controversial at the moment since he does all this entirely for attention, but I think he does more good than harm.
Appeals to teenagers and it's good to have at least some voices directed at them which go against the liberal consensus.
>“Isn’t that a bit … rightwing?”
Wow just wow
damn mods who worldfiltered cu ck into KEK my rage is burningggg
If the writer knew anything about Sam Harris/true "islamophobia"....
Links Sam Harris to Milo Yian when Sam Harris literally has explicitly spoken out against Milo Yian...
what the fuck has happened to the guardian?
Literally "Morpheus offered both and I took the blue pill"
>someone almost convinced me of the truth but then I remembered I'm a lefty liberal and rejected their facts
i hope this is shitposting
the name of the tour is ironic because he is a harmless gai boi but the lefties accuse him of the usual string of words,he is only dangerous in their eyes
Shame there's no comments on this one. Shitposting CIF is a blast
>that picture of King Faggot standing in front of gay right wing twinks
Who is this article trying to fool? Really?
They know it's not one of us, it's too well written, it doesn't curse, and it doesn't spell out a rude acostic with the first letters of each line.
You expect at least the latter as a sign of authenticity.
>what the fuck has happened to the guardian?
All out clickbait as the end draws near
wow, sam harris is fucking based
i remember i bought his book The End of Faith years ago and was struck by his insight and clarity
and the best thing is, harris has balls. he will debate anyone and he stands by his words
woah woah woah woah woah
When the fuck did Sam Harris become part of the alt right?
Which begs the question...why are you still here then?
Oh my Christ in heaven, this is really frightening. Half the staff on The Guardian went to Oxbridge, for fuck's sake. They were given what is supposedly the best education the Western world can provide. They should have developed a sense of irony and a capacity for historical cultural self-distantiation equal to Jonathan Swift's or Vladimir Nabokov's before they were out of their teens. AND THEY PUBLISH SOMETHING LIKE THIS AT THE END OF FUCKING NOVEMBER, at the very opposite end of the year from April Fool's Day.
It reads like the sort of clunky newsreel from the 50s about "reefer madness" or "the lurking pederast menace" that liberals fall about laughing at on Channel 4 at their dinner parties for refugee-crisis volunteers AND THEY DON'T EVEN NOTICE THAT THIS IS HOW THEY FUCKING SOUND NOW.
"It was one evening when I noticed my wife surreptitiously nibbling at a string bean before Grandmama had finished saying grace that I suddenly realized to my horror that I HAD MARRIED A COMMUNIST FROM OUTER SPACE. I beat her unconscious immediately and bound her hand and foot in the cellar before proceeding post haste to the local police station. I then committed myself to the local mental asylum for a prolonged course of electric shock treatment in case I had been infected."
Jesus Christ, the Guardian needs to be shut down right now for their own fucking good.
think if he had only joined a religion like christianity or islam
not an icky cult, like someone that doesn't confuse a religion for a race
>Liberal cuck gets redpilled
>Tries to redpill wife
>Accuses him of being racist
>Threatens to not let him watch jamal fuck her anymore
>Makes him publicly reject facts on the internet to save marriage
I read the guardian I wouldn't be seen dead paying for it and thus sustaining it..and the only two reasons I read it for free is to a/ keep my enemies closer and b/ shit post all over their message boards.
>Jesus Christ, the Guardian needs to be shut down right now for their own fucking good.
It will be, they are literally begging for money.
the media just hate him, because he's critical of islam
just like the splc added maajid nawaz to their list of anti-muslim extremists for bullshit
it's just an underhanded way to attack critics
You're an ignorant racist! Islamophobe!
>milo is skinnyfat
i thought he was at least legit thin.
>She was taken aback: “Isn’t that a bit … rightwing?”
Wife denied him pussy. Cuck got in line.
Women are the downfall of western civilization. Femanons, what are you going to do about your gender being so fucking garbage?
Oh look here comes the flood of "I was a former wrongthinker racist sexist etc but now Im cured" articles
Wow the shallow fake sympathy and renewed calls for conformity really made me think
I think what he is trying to say is that the "alt-right" almost made him into a critical thinker.
>No Douglas Murray
>No Hitchens
> No Robert Spencer
>Started as liberal, but no Maher.
I call bullshit
Under8'd 8s bro
Oy vey I nearly changed my mind on something!
No, but seriously, I thought there were limits to how far even The Guardian would retreat into their Islington numale bubble - but this is just, like, Scientology-level brainfuckedness.
Apparently there really are adults who think "oh God I must be mentally ill" if they find the idea even entering their minds that the Western world might have a bit of a problem with Islam. And apparently there are hundreds of thousands of other adults who can read about stuff like that and not collapse in spasms of laughter.
happens in Italy as well, sadly our gov gibsdemdat because they need the propaganda.
Don't give it more clicks
He is a flaboyant Jewish faggot he will say anything for money and to be on tv
Oh look here comes the flood of "I was a former wrongthinker SJW libtard etc but now Im cured" articles
Wow the shallow fake sympathy and renewed calls for conformity really made me think
In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:
“‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
For this people’s heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.’[a]
16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.
18 “Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 20 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. 23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”
>"How the internet almost fooled me into hating my wife's arab boyfriend" the article
Impossible to bury ones head in the sand. Eventually, we all have to come up for air. And the air is now filled with aerosolized redpills.
Milo's "logo" on youtube looks like a man on his elbows and knees waiting for dick
>"I was a former wrongthinker SJW libtard etc but now Im cured" articles
What articles are those? The MSM and all major institutions of the West are solidly progressive. Liberals are Big Brother, the "alt-right" is the resistance.
the author kinda dances all around the issue, even touches on it briefly right up until the finish line, where he runs it all back and screams NEVERMIND, I'M STILL A GOOD LIBERAL NOT RACESIT
things are bad enough that the silent majority is finally deciding they want to speak up, but find they can't without being denounced as either SJW or Alt-right
the only difference is the center-right tend to do so quietly, and the center-left tend to do so loudly with lots of back patting
What did he mean by this?
Every single Hitchens faggot I know is a total libtard.
>almost Islamophobic
perish the thought
Right, but not politically. Hitchens was pro Iraq war
So is the culture.
>Liberals are Big Brother
Conservatives literally instituted the Patriot act. Also: muh degeneracy, muh gay marriage, muh women's suffrage, muh Christianity, muh sexual revolution
>alt-right is the resistance
Keep telling yourself that.
god damn im starting to love straya
have you warned obama about the conservative joe biden
where the fuck are these dailyKOS tier retarded leftist coming from?
Sup Forums hasn't been this bad since Chanology
As opposed to what, figuratively? Fucking trisomy 21 victims like you shouldn't even be alive.
>So is the culture.
Nope. The junk pushed by Hollywood is because Hollywood is liberal.
>>Liberals are Big Brother
>Conservatives literally instituted the Patriot act. Also: muh degeneracy, muh gay marriage, muh women's suffrage, muh Christianity, muh sexual revolution
Bush is a liberal too, just not as progressive. He was a huge open-borders guy. Obama also renewed and expanded it. Also: muh bigotry, muh gay rights, muh feminism, muh secularism, muh body muh choice
>>alt-right is the resistance
>Keep telling yourself that.
I will because it's true. You literally have no argument. I don't even like the term, but it was forced by he liberal media.
Not once I've seen any of these media whores win an argument against Sam Harris on the issue of Islam. Not fucking once.
Yet they keep talking about him like he is the antimuhammed. You'd think they would be able to articulate why when he is standing in front of them and able to respond.
If this was a normal world I would be amazed that the realization "maybe I'm wrong about this" doesn't hit them. The brainwashing is so blatant.
>authored by "anonymous"
Establishment media are now worse than anything published or broadcast in the Soviet Union at any point in its history.
I like that desperate attempt at the end to throw the reader off the scent of the Jew:
>the author wasn't compensated for this article
>"oy vey they will never suspect"
This is the bullshit that passes for journalism in The Current Year™.
I was an editor at my university's student paper in the Nineties, and among our standards and practices was that every article or editorial, as well as most cited sources, had to be published under the true identity of its author or attribution unless exposure would cause serious and unneccessary ramification, like loss of employment or violent victimization. Any reporter or editor who brought me bullshit like this would've been fucking fired.
>alt-right is a bigger threat to our children than ISIS.
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
You weren't born a frog, are you a britbong?
leftovers from the campaign efforts of one of the supporters of the patriot act
>he literally got to the scene with morpheus on the couch, and refused the redpill at the last moment
numales, everybody
He was invited?
> taking the redpill
> going back to accept mainstream brainwashing
so basically Cypher?
where did you go reddit don't you want to play more
>it's better to see your child crushed to death by a truck than have them engage in wrongthink
What do liberals mean by this?
He didn't realize the ALT in the 'alt-right' meant being opposed to the liberal establishment as a whole, including neo-Cohens like the Bushes, so he ran away in embarrassment.
Liberals live in their own fantasy world. Truly the most insulated and delusional people in the world. Sad!
Healthy young bullprepper goes to YouTube, gets pumped full of redpills, doesn't feel good and changes - ALT-RIGHT. Many such cases!
Nazism is not racist
the filthy "alt right" scumlords are