What's with the massive influx of lefty/pol/ threads from Reddit lately? They weren't really a thing earlier this month, but now they're stubbornly consistent.
What's with the massive influx of lefty/pol/ threads from Reddit lately? They weren't really a thing earlier this month...
r/socialism is currently raiding
could probably go there right now and see the threads for it
A better question is, why would they raid us and provide such lousy poorly defended arguments. I thought the left was smarter than that. I'm just a lowly infantry man and I have an easy time picking them apart.
Knee-jerk reaction to the fact that they didn't vote and did nothing to stop Trump from getting power. I wouldn't worry about it, the left has been caught with their pants down and are trying to make up for lost time.
That and lefty/pol/ is ded board
Some are smart, but most people are just brainwashed. All left people have in common though that they cannot defend their flawed ideology against good debaters or intelligent thinkers. Their ideology is inherently flawed and thats why you are a fucking nazi, bigot, fascist.
This isnt your safespace faggot.
Sup Forums was a leftist board. And it shall be one once more.
That's because Hill lost and they blame us for allowing Kek to ass fuck them. Just post dead commies and "peaceful" shitskins and they'll soon fuck off back to their rat nests
If you lurk various boards and forums about conspiracy like I do, you will find that with this recount, Soros is funding a whole new batch of CTR type shills. You can actually see the increase in anti trump sentiment on r/politics correlates to the when soros started funding these recounts through Jill.
I wish them the best of luck but I don't think they'll be very successful.
it isn't yours either, nigger. Asking questions is key to understanding the world around us. If we were to just 'take it all in,' so to say, then we would all be retarded socialists like you.
>why are they invading muh safe space XD
Not gonna lie, former white person here. This is fucking hilarious watching civilization crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this race get the nuclear codes!!!!
Do you not have another election to rig in the favor of the Green tyrant party Switzerland?
inb4 Swedecuck.
They are trying to subvert Sup Forums.
I'm wondering why is OP's flag USA, OP's image is in English, but the image title is in Italian? WTF is going on? Che cazzo stai facendo, finocchio?
Sup Forums let reddit in last year
they never left.
I wish leftists would discuss the current fall of their ideology more on here. I wonder how they feel, slowly realising they're on the wrong side of history.
Bourgeoisie scum think they're the socialist left now, and are playing internet revolutionary from their bedrooms and Apple iPads.
it is what happens when you save files without changing the name, user. What did you expect?
by the way, pol was never left leaning, to the faggot who said it was. You fucking clearly have no idea what you're talking about lol
Sup Forums is accessible to everyone.
if you've noticed, those threads are all strawman threads made by Sup Forumsacks so we can shit on everything left-wing. also, to all the left wing morons that yell "omg Sup Forums is not your safe space fuck off", how came we are so evil but your threads and post never get deleted, you don't get banned from our "safe space", we don't have a downvote button, you can say whatever. none of those things apply to leftist forums, so fuck off.
Because all the leftist cunts decided they would come here and educate us after Trump got elected.
The soros meeting lead to a massive increase in funding for the online trolls, they are making the threads here posting on reddit, youtube, twitter etc.
You are seeing them making Nazi threads here, the black threads etc etc. Same on reddit and alt right youtube comments and facebook / twitter. The best way to take down your enemy is to do so from withint, to make the media see this place as a racist hate community rather than what it actually is.
This is how the globalists fight back.
To be fair, that would describe the followers of just about any popular ideology. You just tend not to notice it in yourself.
Sup Forums belongs to Sup Forums
what is your point my friend What sort of shit are you trying to spew my way with your retarded ass
>giving any sort of platform to commie fucks
As soon as they're able to capture Sup Forums do you think they'll give us the same "open mindedness"?
Pick your side already.
sure, makes sense, but with only one post by OP, it makes it seem like a slide thread.
it probably is.
Communism is a great system. But only my communism.
Change nuclear codes to upper hand.
Guys. guys, I know what to do....LETS RAID R/SOCIALISM , WE HAVE THE NUMBERS FAGS
There has not been a good raid in a while.. Can we do it? Gee I dunno. I have a few reddit alts I can try my hand at.
something like,Hitler was right, natsoc is best socialism....or or even better, Who else here wants to go on a helicopter ride? My commie grandpa said they are fun
I think if we seriously, and not with obvious shitposting, push the idea that natsoc is great, we could do this. Start a thread and link it here we can discuss it there.
leftist are perfectly aware that right-wingers love to make everyone know that they're good people so leftist always exploit that weakness. leftists can bitch how you won't let them into your ''safe space'' but at the same time they ban everyone that disagrees with them from their own safe spaces. by "safe spaces" i mean different institutions. first they beg right-wingers to let them in, after that happens the destroy the institution from the inside (just look at government and academia), change it's course and and than act even more brutal than their right-wing predecessor.
>Sup Forums was a leftist board.
Hahahaha. Why do commies have such a boner for rewriting history?
You've just described the rise of socialism in like most countries.
I remember when i was a young left wing 16-24 year old.
There's also that /leftypol/ screenshot but I don't have it saved
We should embrace them with open arms and take them on a nice scenic helicoptor ride in chile
But Sup Forums was always a board for poor national-socialist workers trying to free themselves from judeo-bourgeois tyranny ;*)
lot of fucking commies have flooded Sup Forums lately, guess they got bored with "protesting
Reddit really doesn't understand what they did, did they?
I guess these leftist are going to try an proselytize to the rest of us but are going to get JUST when they receive push back.
No, because only leftists have a low self-esteem and connect their ideology to their emotions. You can only debate with people who are able to detach themselves from their ideology. Most leftists cant. Try to argue with feminists once. I think you are trolling anyway so fuck you.
that's true, but not all ideologies are equally right/wrong, some ideologies are just better than the rest. also, modern leftists (progressives/sjws) are pic related, you can't argue with those types.
don't worry. i always try my best to capitalize them with logic and rational thinking
You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into, i dunno who said that but it's fucking true.
Why do gypsies have such a boner for pickpocketing?
>because only leftists have a low self-esteem and connect their ideology to their emotions.
Ted Kaczynski didn't seem to think it was worth arguing with any other types either, hence moving to the mountains and mailing bombs
Just mention that Stalinism is the only successful form of communism and then watch them literally tear themselves apart.
just because he went into isolation and decided to mail bombs all over the country doesn't mean he wasn't right about modern leftists.
Not my implication
Although his writings were about a different era of academic/political leftism, which has been adopted by many on the left, but is not (in my opinion) an accurate portrayal of the academic left of today.
his overview of the left is now more relevant than ever. everything he wrote back in 1995 is still true today, every single thing.